

Obamacare use to be republicancare in the early 1990's! If it is failing then it is only because it is inferior to single payer or universal healthcare that is used worldwide.
Trumpbots better invest in lipbalm .. they're gong to be REAL busy kissing TOW ASSES at a time for the next 120 days.
First things first: Kasich supports Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion, a newfangled Democrat idea that has put 670,000 able-bodied, working-age Ohioans on welfare at a cost of $7.5 billion in new federal spending.

Trump's Chumps crucified Kasich for doing the same thing.

Is your gal Hillary planning to repeal Obama's fascist care, G-Tard?
Comprehension fail. Red herring fail.

Trump's Chumps are hypocrites. They crucified Kasich for accepting the Medicaid expansion, but I don't hear them attacking Pence for doing the same thing.

Just like last night when Trump said it was okay Pence voted for the war but not okay Hillary did.

Raging hypocrisy.
Well I'm a Trump supporter...although I picked cruz first...and I hate obamacare.......and they could have denied it.....but they didnt....I have never got on anyone who did expand it.....but he went after kasich....when he did, he was competing with him....and Pence is not the President tial pick, just the vp.....the most worthless job in washington
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The Trumpbots don't care because there no more Trumpbots. Conservatives are back to supporting any candidate with an R on their jersey. Hell, they'd be all in for Jeb Bush if he'd won the nomination.
The Trumpbots don't care because there no more Trumpbots. Conservatives are back to supporting any candidate with an R on their jersey. Hell, they'd be all in for Jeb Bush if he'd won the nomination.

OMG talk about bots....carb can't even back up a anyone who breaks you speech codes and get pissed because he isn't THE number one reason I support him

Some mexivcc a ns are racist
No more Muslims in the country
Shit like this made you guys go batty....and instead of being destroyed he got stronger.....

Trump is great because he is destroying the tools to keep social Marxists in power.......down with speech codes!!!!!!!!!!
Comprehension fail. Red herring fail.

Trump's Chumps are hypocrites. They crucified Kasich for accepting the Medicaid expansion, but I don't hear them attacking Pence for doing the same thing.

Just like last night when Trump said it was okay Pence voted for the war but not okay Hillary did.

Raging hypocrisy.

Ohh, lying! Well, you are a democrat.

Trump said that Hillary voted for the war AND THEN ATTACKED BUSH for going to war. Pence did not attack Bush for doing what he voted for,
Obamacare use to be republicancare in the early 1990's!

No, it was not.

If it is failing then it is only because it is inferior to single payer or universal healthcare that is used worldwide.

It's failing because it was designed to fail.
Trump's Chumps are hypocrites. They crucified Kasich for accepting the Medicaid expansion, but I don't hear them attacking Pence for doing the same thing.

Just like last night when Trump said it was okay Pence voted for the war but not okay Hillary did.

Raging hypocrisy.

Yep, a few months back I pointed out in another thread all the things Republicans were hammering Kasich for as evidence of his "RINO credentials" and then compared him to Trump who had just as many.

The irony is that Kasich would have destroyed Hillary in November, while Trump is very unlikely to win.
Trump's Chumps crucified Kasich for doing the same thing.

Is your gal Hillary planning to repeal Obama's fascist care, G-Tard?
Comprehension fail. Red herring fail.

Trump's Chumps are hypocrites. They crucified Kasich for accepting the Medicaid expansion, but I don't hear them attacking Pence for doing the same thing.

Just like last night when Trump said it was okay Pence voted for the war but not okay Hillary did.

Raging hypocrisy.

Pence might not have understood the feds were paying for the expansion.
Yep, a few months back I pointed out in another thread all the things Republicans were hammering Kasich for as evidence of his "RINO credentials" and then compared him to Trump who had just as many.

The irony is that Kasich would have destroyed Hillary in November, while Trump is very unlikely to win.


Terrorist attack.

BLM murders of the police.

Hillary above the law ruling.

Obama's race war.

Hillary has zero chance in November.
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