Increased sanctions against N Korea will have no effect, China, China China!


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So there have been new sanctions laid against Iran, N Korea and Russia. There is an isolated regime focusing on obtaining and possibly using an ICBM and they only exist as a nation because of China but the focus is elsewhere. I am not an expert on N Korea and I would be willing to bet my right arm none of these actions slow down or hinder their progress.

Without sanctions and actions against China, America and much of the world is in peril. To me, this will be most telling action (or non-action) that will define what is most important to politicians in the West. Personal benefit, lobbyist cash and concerns about "offending" a Communist state that offers you cheap sources of labour, or, the continued existence of Western humanity. The same can be stated of big business who have gone excessively into the Chinese labour trough without slowing down to understand the long term consequences for America.

I'm a free market guy and have no problem with fair trade based on skillset and individual nation specialties, but the race to the bottom which has allowed China to become a super power is outright disgusting. All while they threaten their own neighbours and terrorise their own citizens.
So there have been new sanctions laid against Iran, N Korea and Russia. There is an isolated regime focusing on obtaining and possibly using an ICBM and they only exist as a nation because of China but the focus is elsewhere. I am not an expert on N Korea and I would be willing to bet my right arm none of these actions slow down or hinder their progress.

Without sanctions and actions against China, America and much of the world is in peril. To me, this will be most telling action (or non-action) that will define what is most important to politicians in the West. Personal benefit, lobbyist cash and concerns about "offending" a Communist state that offers you cheap sources of labour, or, the continued existence of Western humanity. The same can be stated of big business who have gone excessively into the Chinese labour trough without slowing down to understand the long term consequences for America.

I'm a free market guy and have no problem with fair trade based on skillset and individual nation specialties, but the race to the bottom which has allowed China to become a super power is outright disgusting. All while they threaten their own neighbours and terrorise their own citizens.
China is the key to stop the Little Fat guy from starting a war and it would be to the best of the world that they would shoot the whole family. Something needs to be done and China is going have to be the bad guy in the matter.
So there have been new sanctions laid against Iran, N Korea and Russia. There is an isolated regime focusing on obtaining and possibly using an ICBM and they only exist as a nation because of China but the focus is elsewhere. I am not an expert on N Korea and I would be willing to bet my right arm none of these actions slow down or hinder their progress.

Without sanctions and actions against China, America and much of the world is in peril. To me, this will be most telling action (or non-action) that will define what is most important to politicians in the West. Personal benefit, lobbyist cash and concerns about "offending" a Communist state that offers you cheap sources of labour, or, the continued existence of Western humanity. The same can be stated of big business who have gone excessively into the Chinese labour trough without slowing down to understand the long term consequences for America.

I'm a free market guy and have no problem with fair trade based on skillset and individual nation specialties, but the race to the bottom which has allowed China to become a super power is outright disgusting. All while they threaten their own neighbours and terrorise their own citizens.
China is the key to stop the Little Fat guy from starting a war and it would be to the best of the world that they would shoot the whole family. Something needs to be done and China is going have to be the bad guy in the matter.
This is our problem, not China's. Why have a military if we don't use it? Sanctions are an irresolute and ineffective way to solve our problems. We can obliterate NoKo's missile sites within minutes. If those fanatics attack the South, nuke Pyongyang.
China finally co-operating on No. Korean sanctions...

China Says it Will Stop Importing North Korean Coal, Iron Ore and Fish
Monday 14th August, 2017 - China says it will stop importing North Korean coal, iron ore, fish and other goods in September as it implements UN sanctions.
The UN Security Council, including China, backed a new resolution last weekend imposing fresh sanctions on the rogue state in retaliation for its controversial nuclear programme. The sanctions aim to block $1bn worth of North Korean exports - about a third of its total exports. The Chinese government said the imports will stop on 5 September.

It came as US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Joseph Dunford said military options were being prepared against the North if diplomatic and economic sanctions failed. The office of South Korean President Moon Jae-in said Mr Dunford made the comments in a 50-minute meeting to discuss North Korean provocation. Last week, the US commander-in-chief Donald Trump said he was ready to unleash "fire and fury" if North Korea continued to threaten the United States.


Tensions have increased over fears North Korea is close to achieving its goal of putting the mainland US within range of a nuclear weapon. North Korea has threatened to fire intermediate missiles into waters off the coast of the US overseas territory of Guam. It plans to time its launch to coincide with annual drills involving US and South Korean forces, taking place later this month. The North's state news agency said about 3.5 million students and workers have volunteered to fight alongside the military to defend their country from the US.

China, meanwhile, has appointed a new special envoy for the North Korean issue. China is North Korea's closest ally, but it has been angered by its repeated missile and nuclear tests. President Xi has urged Washington and Pyongyang to avoid words or actions that could worsen the situation. President Trump has called for China to do more to stop the North's nuclear ambitions. The South Korean president called for a peaceful solution, saying that there must not be another war on the Korean Peninsula.

China Says it Will Stop Importing North Korean Coal Iron Ore and Fish

See also:

China Banning Coal, Iron, Seafood Imports From North Korea
Monday 14th August, 2017 - China announced Monday it is banning imports of coal, iron ore, seafood and other products from North Korea in line with new United Nations sanctions approved earlier this month.
Chinese leaders had pledged to fully enforce the sanctions, which China and the other members of the U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted in response to North Korean ballistic missile tests. The sanctions could block as much as $1 billion in North Korean exports. China's Commerce Ministry said the new trade ban will be fully in place by September 5.


U.S. President Donald Trump and other members of his administration have urged China to use its position as North Korea's most important ally to pressure the country to give up its nuclear weapons program.

China has said it complies with U.N. resolutions, and on Monday the Chinese foreign ministry reiterated calls for restraint and the need to find a political resolution to the situation.

China Banning Coal Iron Seafood Imports From North Korea
Here is the plan:

1. We goad NK into taking some military action.

2. We take out their nukes and ICBMs.

3. China moves into NK and removes Fat Boy.

4. Mission accomplished.

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