Increase Police Pay, Don't defund Police, expand Phychological testing. Weed out bad Police.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
We need to increase the pay of Police, not defund police. This will attract a better pool of potential applicants. We also need to expand the Phychological testing to weed out mentally unqualified applicants. This must be done as soon as possible.
We need to increase the pay of Police, not defund police. This will attract a better pool of potential applicants. We also need to expand the Phychological testing to weed out mentally unqualified applicants. This must be done as soon as possible.

Canada pays their police too much, bankrupting jurisdictions. What do we get in return? Scumbag undercovers who lie and destroy lives without accountability. To the point that the E.U signed a trade agreement with us and basically ignore us.

Former French President mocked us for excessive police spending, stating publicly he could police the same endeavours for 1/10th the cost, and indeed he did.

Pay those in uniform what they are worth. They are taking the risks and dealing with legitimate crime. I've never had an issue with an officer in uniform doing their job.

Cut deep your covert apparatus, especially if they operate as Canada does which is to generate "business" for themselves and their low I.Q kids. In fact, go a step further and hold them and their superiors accountable.
We need to increase the pay of Police, not defund police. This will attract a better pool of potential applicants. We also need to expand the Phychological testing to weed out mentally unqualified applicants. This must be done as soon as possible.

This ship has no dock currently.
Meantime the summer of hyper 'Redrum' is fast approaching.
Be armed and Duck!, Sucker!!
We need to increase the pay of Police, not defund police. This will attract a better pool of potential applicants. We also need to expand the Phychological testing to weed out mentally unqualified applicants. This must be done as soon as possible.

This ship has no dock currently.
Meantime the summer of hyper 'Redrum' is fast approaching.
Be armed and Duck!, Sucker!!

And all along I thought this would be another Summer of Love.... :abgg2q.jpg:
In the grand scheme of things there are very few "bad cops". Even the ones you see on the news aren't bad, they just were in a situation that had a bad outcome, not by their own fault but because that's what police do, they deal with situations with a high probability of a bad outcome.

Sure you see bad stuff on the news, but remember that's out of THOUSANDS of interactions people have with police everyday across the country.

What we should be doing is telling people STOP BREAKING THE LAW, and not telling people we need to fix police. Hell if people who broke the law would atleast not resist arrest the amount of bad outcomes would dwindle down to just a few a year.

Don't blame the cops, blame the criminals doing criminal shit that put themselves infront of the cops in the first place.

Jesus Christ folks, when are we going to realize criminals are a bad thing, and if people didn't become criminals they wouldn't get arrested.

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