Inconvenient Truths / Facts / Stats Liberal Illegal Immigration Advocates Try To Ignore


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
There are over 20 MILLION illegals in the United States
- The United States knows nothing about approximately 11 MILLION of them
--- Most of them are committing a FELONY by using forged US Government Documents / using fake SS#s
Approximately 1500 Illegals enter the United States through our 'secure' borders EVERY DAY.


Processed: 1,088,300 passengers and pedestrians entering the US (PER DAY)
- 340,444 incoming international air passengers and crew
- 55,709 passengers and crew on arriving ship/boat
- 691,549 incoming land travelers

283,664 incoming privately owned vehicles
78,137 truck, rail, and sea containers
$6.5 billion worth of imported goods

Conducted 851 apprehensions between U.S. ports of entry (PER DAY)
-- That is illegals attempting to cross illegally into the US

Arrested 21 wanted criminals at U.S. ports of entry(PER DAY)

Encountered 592 inadmissible persons at U.S. ports of entry (PER DAY)

Identified 1,607 individuals with suspected national security concerns (PER DAY)

• Intercepted 12 fraudulent documents (PER DAY)

• Discovered 352 pests at U.S. ports of entry and 4,370 materials for quarantine - plant, meat, animal byproduct, and soil

Seized: 5,863 pounds of narcotics; disrupted 222 pounds of narcotics (PER DAY)

$265,205 undeclared or illicit currency (PER DAY)

$3.3 million worth of products with Intellectual Property Rights violations (PER DAY)

All of this is on a typical day, every day…now imagine what get’s through illegally across our porous border…as mentioned earlier, it was reported that approximately 1500 illegals cross into the United States EVERY DAY...the ones NOT caught.

...but according to Chuck, Nancy, Democrats, and snowflakes that is not a crisis.

I bet there is convoys of trucks with illegal everything in the middle of the desert heading to the US...


(2005 - 2014)

The Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) is a violent criminal gang operating both in the United States and abroad—namely Central America. MS-13 was formed on the streets of Los Angeles, CA, in the 1980s by refugees who were fleeing civil conflict in El Salvador. It became a transnational gang as MS-13 members who were deported from the United States to Central America helped establish gang ties and spread U.S. gang culture abroad.

MS-13’s motto is "kill, rape and control"

Experts report that the growth of MS-13 in the United States is related to draconian policies in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador that pushed many gang members out of Central America.

*** The United States Government gives MILLIONS to Guatemala ever year. In 2017, for example, the State Department gave them $257,347,600

Since fiscal year 2012 U.S. Border Patrol apprehended 159 unaccompanied alien children with confirmed or suspected gang affiliations. Of the 159 children, 56 were suspected or confirmed to be affiliated with MS-13

MS-13 also exploits human smuggling organizations to bring unaccompanied minors to the United States, said Angel M. Melendez, a Special Agent in Charge for ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations in New York, during a House committee hearing in 2017.

"Illicit pathways go hand-in-hand with MS-13 increasing its membership," Melendez said. "Once these children are smuggled into the United States, they become prime targets for enlistment into the gang."

Over a 10-year period (2005-2014) ICE arrested approximately 4,000 MS-13 members, leaders, and associates. This represents about 13 percent of all gang members they arrested nationwide (31,000) during that period.

- 92 percent of the MS-13 affiliated aliens arrested were illegal aliens. Of those, 16 percent had entered illegally at least twice. (Imagine the number of those in the US never caught entering)

- Just over half of the MS-13 affiliated aliens ICE arrested were citizens of El Salvador. Among the others, 16 percent were Hondurans, 14 percent were Mexicans, and 8 percent were Guatemalans.

- While MS-13 affiliated aliens made up 13 percent of all the arrests, they accounted for 35 percent of the murderers arrested by ICE.

Fact Sheet: MS-13 Arrests by ICE: 2005-2014

Consider along with all these statistics of how ICE has protected the United States from the extremely violent murderous illegals MS-13...and this does not include all of the crime they have protected the US from, just violent gangs / MS-13...THIS IS THE SAME ICE DEMOCRATS AND LEFT WING NUT JOBS DEMAND BE ELIMINATED.

In 2005 the FBI has consistently estimated the domestic size of the gang to be around 10,000
In 2008 the FBI removed from its website the reference to the size of MS-13 and stopped publicly reporting it.

In May 2017 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Suffolk County (NY) police commissioner estimated that since 2016, 38% of murders in the county were attributable to MS-13.

There are over 20 MILLION illegals in the United States
So you decided to start your "factual" topic with a lie, eh? :lol:

As for the rest, those numbers are from AIRPORTS and other ports of entry, not just the southern border.
Nancy and Chucky would rather ramble on about the Statue of Liberty than actually address the facts or even listen to a US Intel, Homeland Security, or Border Patrol Briefing to hear the facts and find out what's really going on at the border and in this country.
In the last two years, [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records – including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes and 4,000 violent killings.

In the last year alone,
ICE agents arrested more than 6,600 convicted murderers and convicted sex offenders who were in the United States illegally.

Of that total, 4,975 of the illegal aliens arrested were convicted sex offenders. The other 1,641 illegal aliens had been convicted of homicide. Another 1,913 illegal aliens that were arrested by ICE had pending sex offense charges against them, while 387 illegal aliens had pending murder charges against them.

For each one of these crimes, there are at least one or more American and legal immigrant victims.

Chucky and Nancy call this a 'Manufactured Crisis'.

Drug overdoses in 2017 killed an unprecedented
72,287 U.S. residents, nearly three times the number of individuals killed by global terrorism. Nearly 50,000 of those deadly overdoses were caused by either heroin or fentanyl.

And it is not just Americans suffering at the hands of an open border. Mexican drug cartels have profited billions from America’s open border through the drug trade and human trafficking, increasing their power in Mexico.

Since 2009, there have been more than
250,000 homicides in Mexico and at least 30,000 disappearances. In 2017, there were 26,573 murders, 1,275 kidnappings, and 5,357 extortion cases in Mexico, marking the bloodiest year in the country in 20 years, despite these figures not capturing the scope of the cartel violence occurring in Mexico.

Migrant women suffer the most from the human trafficking at the border, as federal immigration officials say about 1-in-3 are sexually assaulted or raped during their efforts to reach the U.S.

Last year in Texas area ranches, alone,
at least 217 migrants were found dead after attempting to illegally cross into the country. Across the entire southern border, nearly 360 migrants died trying to cross illegally, an increase of 12 percent over the year before.

Fact Check: Real Crisis, Real Victims -- Human Costs of an Open Border

'Manufactured Crisis'?


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