In Two Words....What Is The Most Important Issue?

So far, all of you have offered problems which can be alleviated by two words which were already posted: "Legalize it".

China rising? China now supplies roughly $500m/yr of hemp products to the United States while the US government spends at least $20b/yr to wipe out ditchweed hemp. So the US spends $20.5b each year to buy from China the exact same resource that we destroy at home. Does anyone wonder why China is surpassing us?

Greenhouse Effect? The USDA reported in 1916 (almost 100 years ago) that one acre of Cannabis hemp can provide 4 times more paper per acre than trees. Legalize Cannabis Sativa again, use hemp for paper products, and leave the trees in the ground to clean the environment. Is that really so difficult to understand?

Education system. Your government has purposefully removed any mention of Cannabis' contribution to helping America win World War II because they don't want any positive information about this resource to reach the general voting public, because that would make the drug war look like a bunch of "government overreach". Highschool 4-H clubs during WWII were given school credits for growing hemp for the war. The government urged students to grow at least a half acre each, but preferably 2 acres per student. Legalize Cannabis Sativa again, end the big government drug war that was started over lies, and use the billions of dollars that we will save each year to improve our schools and make America independent and prosperous like we were during WWII. This might also help take care of the problem of American ignorance and stupidity.

End plutocracy. The global economy is based on energy- the power to mass produce and transport goods. Electricity and transportation fuel are currently based on fossil fuels, consolidating global profits mainly to the nations and the corporations with access to those fossil fuels. Electricity and transportation fuel can both be supplied by widespread production of Cannabis Sativa, leaving fossil fuels deep underground where they can't poison the world. And because Cannabis grows tall and fast in nearly every climate, global production of hemp will help reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Let's give this a try again, America:


We know it works because we won World War II and lost the drug war.
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Crime, Graduates.....local issues, of course.

Overall crime (all crimes both misdemeanor and felonies) is at its lowest since 1963. But hate crimes, such as the Las Vegas shooting and now the Oregon incident today, are up. Waaaay up....

"Since 2000, the number of hate groups has increased by 56 percent. This surge has been fueled by anger and fear over the nation’s ailing economy, an influx of non-white immigrants, and the diminishing white majority, as symbolized by the election of the nation’s first African-American president.

These factors also are feeding a powerful resurgence of the antigovernment “Patriot” movement, which in the 1990s led to a string of domestic terrorist plots, including the Oklahoma City bombing. The number of Patriot groups, including armed militias, skyrocketed following the election of President Obama in 2008 – rising 813 percent, from 149 groups in 2008 to an all-time high of 1,360 in 2012. The number fell to 1,096 in 2013.""" that it? I'll bump this to see if any others want to weigh in today.

I'll weigh in seriously, the issue that has occupied me since the death of my only sister, a disabled Vet, in a VA hospital in March, and now, with another relative having progressed from "routine surgery" to serious condition in VA care. As I await word, daily & nightly, of improvement, VA CARE & possible negligence is the primary issue haunting me. I blame no particular party, include the President in my questions. Perhaps other matters seem minor to me now. My sister did not die of old age however & I want answers.

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