In Two Words....What Is The Most Important Issue?


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
Not a poll.....I don't want to limit anyone's answer. Just asking USMB members to state what their most important issue is. The issue that you think should occupy the headline in today's newspaper...and for days or weeks moving forward. What is your lead story?
Without a doubt, the environment, global climate change, water shortage, etc.

If we don't address that very aggressively, the rest doesn't matter.
To substantiate my two words:

1) One third of the involuntarily uninsured are high school dropouts. The solution is not to reward them with free healthcare. The solution is to get them an accessible decent education.

2) Low wage jobs are low skilled jobs. There is a lot of competition between low skilled laborers for low skilled jobs while the pool of highly skilled workers is shrinking. The solution is not to raise wages for low skilled jobs. The solution is to educate our workforce for highly skilled jobs; the jobs of tomorrow, not their daddies' jobs.

3) Both parties are plagued with voters who have zero critical thinking skills.

A great many of our nation's ill can be solved with a better education system.
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