In the Spirit of Fairness, What Good Can You Say About the Opposite Parties Last President?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
While I think that Barack Obama screwed up on most issues during his term, I think he did handle the Liquidity shortage the banks had in 2009, with his QE program.

I also think Bush did well in organizing the war effort in Afghanistan, but screwed the pooch with his invasion of Iraq which over extended our regular foprces.

Anyone else?

Surely your parties opposite int he Oval Office did something right?
While I think that Barack Obama screwed up on most issues during his term, I think he did handle the Liquidity shortage the banks had in 2009, with his QE program.

I also think Bush did well in organizing the war effort in Afghanistan, but screwed the pooch with his invasion of Iraq which over extended our regular foprces.

Anyone else?

Surely your parties opposite int he Oval Office did something right?
Barry Obama WAS a smooth talker. I truly believe that's his ONLY redeeming quality.
There are a lot of half white gang members but you call them black. So Obama was black. He saved us from a depression and handed trump a record economy.
He basically ignored the pandemic.........and life went on........held Halloween parties right in the middle of it......

aka........the country didn't get fucked over it...........but that was then and not now......Had a R been in power the radical left terrorists would have been all over it.
While I think that Barack Obama screwed up on most issues during his term, I think he did handle the Liquidity shortage the banks had in 2009, with his QE program.

I also think Bush did well in organizing the war effort in Afghanistan, but screwed the pooch with his invasion of Iraq which over extended our regular foprces.

Anyone else?

Surely your parties opposite int he Oval Office did something right?

It is good that obama is no longer President.....
There are a lot of half white gang members but you call them black. So Obama was black. He saved us from a depression and handed trump a record economy.

He didn't do either of those things, and gave 1.5 billion dollars in cash to the worlds worst terrorist nation....who used that money to murder people all over the world, including our men and women fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.....he created the worst humanitarian crisis since World War 2 when he killed qadaffi in Libya, and kept the U.S. economy from recovering from the housing crisis created by his party..........we are lucky he didn't do more damage to the world and the U.S. before he left office.
I think that Dubya was a decent guy. He is just not too bright and just got led around by the nose by cheney. Weak, but decent. I still look at the Bush family as basically decent people. What came later in the republican party is indecent to the core.
I think that Dubya was a decent guy. He is just not too bright and just got led around by the nose by cheney. Weak, but decent. I still look at the Bush family as basically decent people. What came later in the republican party is indecent to the core.

You guys are so funny...the only good republican is the last one who isn't in office anymore who is only "good" so you can use them to attack the current Republican President....
There are a lot of half white gang members but you call them black. So Obama was black. He saved us from a depression and handed trump a record economy.

He didn't do either of those things, and gave 1.5 billion dollars in cash to the worlds worst terrorist nation....who used that money to murder people all over the world, including our men and women fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.....he created the worst humanitarian crisis since World War 2 when he killed qadaffi in Libya, and kept the U.S. economy from recovering from the housing crisis created by his party..........we are lucky he didn't do more damage to the world and the U.S. before he left office.
Yes he did and he gave Iran nothing. That money belonged to Iran. He didn't kill Gadhafi, that was a French and British mission and the housing crisis was created by the republican party. He left the U.S. strong and respected. Now you will repeat your racist drivel about him for the rest pf your life and you will be wrong for the rest of your life.
There are a lot of half white gang members but you call them black. So Obama was black. He saved us from a depression and handed trump a record economy.

He didn't do either of those things, and gave 1.5 billion dollars in cash to the worlds worst terrorist nation....who used that money to murder people all over the world, including our men and women fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.....he created the worst humanitarian crisis since World War 2 when he killed qadaffi in Libya, and kept the U.S. economy from recovering from the housing crisis created by his party..........we are lucky he didn't do more damage to the world and the U.S. before he left office.
Yes he did and he gave Iran nothing. That money belonged to Iran. He didn't kill Gadhafi, that was a French and British mission and the housing crisis was created by the republican party. He left the U.S. strong and respected. Now you will repeat your racist drivel about him for the rest pf your life and you will be wrong for the rest of your life.

You don't give the leading state sponsor of terrorism 1.5 billion dollars........ever. obama okayed killing him, it wouldn't have happened without his say so and it created the worst refugee crisis since World War 2...and the housing crisis was created by the clinton administration who threatened banks with federal law suits if they didn't give out bad loans to people who couldn't pay them back....and the democrats protected that policy and refused to fix it.

Race has nothing to do with my criticism of obama.....he was an anti-American are the one fixated on race.
There are a lot of half white gang members but you call them black. So Obama was black. He saved us from a depression and handed trump a record economy.

He didn't do either of those things, and gave 1.5 billion dollars in cash to the worlds worst terrorist nation....who used that money to murder people all over the world, including our men and women fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.....he created the worst humanitarian crisis since World War 2 when he killed qadaffi in Libya, and kept the U.S. economy from recovering from the housing crisis created by his party..........we are lucky he didn't do more damage to the world and the U.S. before he left office.
Yes he did and he gave Iran nothing. That money belonged to Iran. He didn't kill Gadhafi, that was a French and British mission and the housing crisis was created by the republican party. He left the U.S. strong and respected. Now you will repeat your racist drivel about him for the rest pf your life and you will be wrong for the rest of your life.
He paid a ransom for hostages he didn't have the balls to demand back during his illegal treaty negotiations....
I would say that OBAMA giving the order to get Osama bin Laden was excellent.

He had been criticised by Hillary and McCain for saying he would go into any country to get him and DID NOT need permission from that country to do so.

As it turned out Osama was living in Pakistan, very close to the Pakistan Intelligence Services. Pakistan knew where Osama was living and probably helped him get lodging at that house. A call from the White House to Pakistan and Osama would have been moved, so the Navy Seals went in without notification and killed the terrorist.

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