In the richest nation in the world

Already stated

The "criminal warmongering ruling class" caused it?
What does that mean exactly?
Thats not what i said. However, it is a good way to describe our war mongers in washington

Already stated

The "criminal warmongering ruling class" caused it?
What does that mean exactly?
It means exactly what it means.

The ruling class in the USA is a criminal enterprise, much like the Mafia.

Okay, I get that conspiracy theory...but I can't connect the's all a bit to trivial. How did "we" cause homeless Vets to be homeless? I'm thinking you'll be able to articulate an explanation?
They probably wouldnt have an illness if washington didnt send them overseas to kill a bunch of people over nothing. They probably could have had a career if they didnt have their arm blown off from a war over nothing.
You see where i am going with this?

Okay, I kinda figured that was the case.
BUT grown adults executed a contract agreement. That said...I find it hard to accept any should
Don't get me wrong...nobody respects our military men and women more than I do...BUT there's cans of worms that should never be opened. This is one of them.
You signed the agreement, you knew the risks, you're accountable...PERIOD!
Don't put that shit on me or anybody else..that's total bullshit.
The voters vote in the war mongers. They continue to vote them in.
The voters like war too.
Most homeless people are that way because of bad life choices. Many because they chose to be that way rather than take responsibility for their own well being.

Anyway, it is not my responsibility to give a damn about them. Under Trump unemployment is low and the economy is greatly improving. If they don't chose to work then fuck 'em.
Where did you get those leet stats?

You should care. It might not be your city, but the cost of homelessness is radiates outward in different ways. From a utilitarian perspective, the functional ones are untapped economic resources. The ones that are veterans are owed a debt by you to support them in their post service life.
To state the obvious, homelessness is a complex and intractable problem. It is caused largely by mental illness and substance abuse, but also by laziness and poor life decisions, and simple bad luck. Many good people end up out on the streets for reasons that are not their fault, not the least of which is a shortage of "affordable" housing - quite severe in some locales.

It is easy to say, "somebody" ought to do "something," or that "we spend a ton on money on [whatever], but can't provide housing for those who need it."

But "we" do not live in a socialist utopia. No government has formally assumed the responsibility to provide housing for those who need it, and certainly the U.S. Federal Government is prohibited from doing so, under the Constitution. Furthermore, we live in a society where masses of people do the least possible amount of work, hoping to exploit The System at every turn, and as quickly as some government or other entity would assume the obligation of universal housing, the need for it would explode.

What is the solution? Be specific. If you know the solution, let other people know, because it sure as hell isn't obvious.

The solution is actually quite simple.

Get rid of the bureaucracy and get rid of government. The more powerful and centralized our government becomes, the more fascistic and the more DC plays to the interests of powerful corporations and monied interests, the more those who have no voice will suffer.

Freedom Is the Cure for the Homelessness Problem (and Everything Else!) in America
Want To Get Rid of the Homeless, etc.? - LewRockwell

The Government’s War on Affordable Housing
The Government’s War on Affordable Housing
It's not just government. Why do people focus that way? Centralized wealth and power in the private sector is as bad if not worse since they do not answer to anyone and they can strong arm without needing a political or public support.
The "criminal warmongering ruling class" caused it?
What does that mean exactly?
Thats not what i said. However, it is a good way to describe our war mongers in washington

The "criminal warmongering ruling class" caused it?
What does that mean exactly?
It means exactly what it means.

The ruling class in the USA is a criminal enterprise, much like the Mafia.

Okay, I get that conspiracy theory...but I can't connect the's all a bit to trivial. How did "we" cause homeless Vets to be homeless? I'm thinking you'll be able to articulate an explanation?
They probably wouldnt have an illness if washington didnt send them overseas to kill a bunch of people over nothing. They probably could have had a career if they didnt have their arm blown off from a war over nothing.
You see where i am going with this?

Okay, I kinda figured that was the case.
BUT grown adults executed a contract agreement. That said...I find it hard to accept any should
Don't get me wrong...nobody respects our military men and women more than I do...BUT there's cans of worms that should never be opened. This is one of them.
You signed the agreement, you knew the risks, you're accountable...PERIOD!
Don't put that shit on me or anybody else..that's total bullshit.
The voters vote in the war mongers. They continue to vote them in.
The voters like war too.

I get that....but right or wrong it doesn't recruits should know this and be aware of the risks in engaging in a contract with the US military. Don't you think we deflect responsibility enough in this nation? I mean, it's kind of become our thing's always someone or something else's's actually pretty damn pathetic that we can't hold a grown man accountable for his own decisions and contract agreements.
Thats not what i said. However, it is a good way to describe our war mongers in washington

It means exactly what it means.

The ruling class in the USA is a criminal enterprise, much like the Mafia.

Okay, I get that conspiracy theory...but I can't connect the's all a bit to trivial. How did "we" cause homeless Vets to be homeless? I'm thinking you'll be able to articulate an explanation?
They probably wouldnt have an illness if washington didnt send them overseas to kill a bunch of people over nothing. They probably could have had a career if they didnt have their arm blown off from a war over nothing.
You see where i am going with this?

Okay, I kinda figured that was the case.
BUT grown adults executed a contract agreement. That said...I find it hard to accept any should
Don't get me wrong...nobody respects our military men and women more than I do...BUT there's cans of worms that should never be opened. This is one of them.
You signed the agreement, you knew the risks, you're accountable...PERIOD!
Don't put that shit on me or anybody else..that's total bullshit.
The voters vote in the war mongers. They continue to vote them in.
The voters like war too.

I get that....but right or wrong it doesn't recruits should know this and be aware of the risks in engaging in a contract with the US military. Don't you think we deflect responsibility enough in this nation? I mean, it's kind of become our thing's always someone or something else's's actually pretty damn pathetic that we can't hold a grown man accountable for his own decisions and contract agreements.
I think the military gets abused. They go to war and help other countries we shouldnt be involved with. When was the last war fought for the USA?
I understand they know what they are getting into, but then we just throw them in the street. Thats bullshit.
And i am sure they didnt sign up to go to war/missions over shit that doesnt even concern us. Some might but i would bet a lot dont.
To state the obvious, homelessness is a complex and intractable problem. It is caused largely by mental illness and substance abuse, but also by laziness and poor life decisions, and simple bad luck. Many good people end up out on the streets for reasons that are not their fault, not the least of which is a shortage of "affordable" housing - quite severe in some locales.

It is easy to say, "somebody" ought to do "something," or that "we spend a ton on money on [whatever], but can't provide housing for those who need it."

But "we" do not live in a socialist utopia. No government has formally assumed the responsibility to provide housing for those who need it, and certainly the U.S. Federal Government is prohibited from doing so, under the Constitution. Furthermore, we live in a society where masses of people do the least possible amount of work, hoping to exploit The System at every turn, and as quickly as some government or other entity would assume the obligation of universal housing, the need for it would explode.

What is the solution? Be specific. If you know the solution, let other people know, because it sure as hell isn't obvious.

The solution is actually quite simple.

Get rid of the bureaucracy and get rid of government. The more powerful and centralized our government becomes, the more fascistic and the more DC plays to the interests of powerful corporations and monied interests, the more those who have no voice will suffer.

Freedom Is the Cure for the Homelessness Problem (and Everything Else!) in America
Want To Get Rid of the Homeless, etc.? - LewRockwell

The Government’s War on Affordable Housing
The Government’s War on Affordable Housing
It's not just government. Why do people focus that way? Centralized wealth and power in the private sector is as bad if not worse since they do not answer to anyone and they can strong arm without needing a political or public support.
No. . .

No. . . it's pretty much just the government's fault. They have everyone in debt to the banks now and the banks are socialized. They don't really compete.

It was the government that gave them socialized money.

All their risk was socialized. They can take risks at societies expense. The money, the very dollars and credit we use has been socialized thanks to the FED.

If they make a gain, it is private. But if a bank goes bust, well, the owner of the bank is bailed out.

Poor folks are never bailed out, only the rich are. Banks are bailed out, giant manufacturers are bailed out, insurance corporations are bailed out. . . .

But the poor? Fuck them.

Nope, you are wrong, it's just the government, owned by the rich, working for the rich.



Most homeless people are that way because of bad life choices. Many because they chose to be that way rather than take responsibility for their own well being.

Anyway, it is not my responsibility to give a damn about them. Under Trump unemployment is low and the economy is greatly improving. If they don't chose to work then fuck 'em.
Where did you get those leet stats?

You should care. It might not be your city, but the cost of homelessness is radiates outward in different ways. From a utilitarian perspective, the functional ones are untapped economic resources. The ones that are veterans are owed a debt by you to support them in their post service life.

Go be poor some place else.

I don't have the link because I am too lazy today to look it up but there was an article not too long ago that said most homeless are that way because they chose to be. Most of them are simply anti social or simply crazy. Many are druggies that chose drugs over security.

Anyway, with Trump's improving economy and the lowest unemployment in decades then if you don't have a job then it is your own damn fault.
Already stated

The "criminal warmongering ruling class" caused it?
What does that mean exactly?
It means exactly what it means.

The ruling class in the USA is a criminal enterprise, much like the Mafia.

Okay, I get that conspiracy theory...but I can't connect the's all a bit to trivial. How did "we" cause homeless Vets to be homeless? I'm thinking you'll be able to articulate an explanation? much proof do you require?

No...I don't need proof.
I'm just asking how we caused it...I can't wrap my head around that statement at all.
Well for one, their instance on spending trillions on war and associated things.
To state the obvious, homelessness is a complex and intractable problem. It is caused largely by mental illness and substance abuse, but also by laziness and poor life decisions, and simple bad luck. Many good people end up out on the streets for reasons that are not their fault, not the least of which is a shortage of "affordable" housing - quite severe in some locales.

It is easy to say, "somebody" ought to do "something," or that "we spend a ton on money on [whatever], but can't provide housing for those who need it."

But "we" do not live in a socialist utopia. No government has formally assumed the responsibility to provide housing for those who need it, and certainly the U.S. Federal Government is prohibited from doing so, under the Constitution. Furthermore, we live in a society where masses of people do the least possible amount of work, hoping to exploit The System at every turn, and as quickly as some government or other entity would assume the obligation of universal housing, the need for it would explode.

What is the solution? Be specific. If you know the solution, let other people know, because it sure as hell isn't obvious.

The solution is actually quite simple.

Get rid of the bureaucracy and get rid of government. The more powerful and centralized our government becomes, the more fascistic and the more DC plays to the interests of powerful corporations and monied interests, the more those who have no voice will suffer.

Freedom Is the Cure for the Homelessness Problem (and Everything Else!) in America
Want To Get Rid of the Homeless, etc.? - LewRockwell

The Government’s War on Affordable Housing
The Government’s War on Affordable Housing
It's not just government. Why do people focus that way? Centralized wealth and power in the private sector is as bad if not worse since they do not answer to anyone and they can strong arm without needing a political or public support.
No. . .

No. . . it's pretty much just the government's fault. They have everyone in debt to the banks now and the banks are socialized. They don't really compete.

It was the government that gave them socialized money.

All their risk was socialized. They can take risks at societies expense. The money, the very dollars and credit we use has been socialized thanks to the FED.

If they make a gain, it is private. But if a bank goes bust, well, the owner of the bank is bailed out.

Poor folks are never bailed out, only the rich are. Banks are bailed out, giant manufacturers are bailed out, insurance corporations are bailed out. . . .

But the poor? Fuck them.

Nope, you are wrong, it's just the government, owned by the rich, working for the rich.



So true!!!

However I would add that not only are the poor fucked, so is the middle class.
The "criminal warmongering ruling class" caused it?
What does that mean exactly?
Thats not what i said. However, it is a good way to describe our war mongers in washington

The "criminal warmongering ruling class" caused it?
What does that mean exactly?
It means exactly what it means.

The ruling class in the USA is a criminal enterprise, much like the Mafia.

Okay, I get that conspiracy theory...but I can't connect the's all a bit to trivial. How did "we" cause homeless Vets to be homeless? I'm thinking you'll be able to articulate an explanation?
They probably wouldnt have an illness if washington didnt send them overseas to kill a bunch of people over nothing. They probably could have had a career if they didnt have their arm blown off from a war over nothing.
You see where i am going with this?
------------------------------------------------------------------------ probably gonna hear it but ALL these vets signed up voluntarily to be soldiers and then vets . And their sickness , i assume PTSD is not seen in previous generation SHELLSHOCKED soldiers and vets to the degree that it is seen nowadays . I think that a diagnosis of PTSD is pretty easy to get and is worth some money [i think] .

It's the biggest bunch of bullshit ever concocted.
Why shouldn't every ER Doctor, nurse, EMT, Oncologist etc etc that has spent their entire careers watching people and innocent children die in their arms qualify for a lifetime of PTSD payouts?
----------------------------------------------------------------------- i think that your words right above are pretty well said BLoser .
Okay, I get that conspiracy theory...but I can't connect the's all a bit to trivial. How did "we" cause homeless Vets to be homeless? I'm thinking you'll be able to articulate an explanation?
They probably wouldnt have an illness if washington didnt send them overseas to kill a bunch of people over nothing. They probably could have had a career if they didnt have their arm blown off from a war over nothing.
You see where i am going with this?

Okay, I kinda figured that was the case.
BUT grown adults executed a contract agreement. That said...I find it hard to accept any should
Don't get me wrong...nobody respects our military men and women more than I do...BUT there's cans of worms that should never be opened. This is one of them.
You signed the agreement, you knew the risks, you're accountable...PERIOD!
Don't put that shit on me or anybody else..that's total bullshit.
The voters vote in the war mongers. They continue to vote them in.
The voters like war too.

I get that....but right or wrong it doesn't recruits should know this and be aware of the risks in engaging in a contract with the US military. Don't you think we deflect responsibility enough in this nation? I mean, it's kind of become our thing's always someone or something else's's actually pretty damn pathetic that we can't hold a grown man accountable for his own decisions and contract agreements.
I think the military gets abused. They go to war and help other countries we shouldnt be involved with. When was the last war fought for the USA?
I understand they know what they are getting into, but then we just throw them in the street. Thats bullshit.
And i am sure they didnt sign up to go to war/missions over shit that doesnt even concern us. Some might but i would bet a lot dont.
------------------------------------ they signed up for money , paychecks , training , dental care and health care [see juan mccain] TNHarley .
The "criminal warmongering ruling class" caused it?
What does that mean exactly?
It means exactly what it means.

The ruling class in the USA is a criminal enterprise, much like the Mafia.

Okay, I get that conspiracy theory...but I can't connect the's all a bit to trivial. How did "we" cause homeless Vets to be homeless? I'm thinking you'll be able to articulate an explanation? much proof do you require?

No...I don't need proof.
I'm just asking how we caused it...I can't wrap my head around that statement at all.
Well for one, their instance on spending trillions on war and associated things.

How does spending on military and or war "force" Vets into homelessness?
The "criminal warmongering ruling class" caused it?
What does that mean exactly?
Thats not what i said. However, it is a good way to describe our war mongers in washington

The "criminal warmongering ruling class" caused it?
What does that mean exactly?
It means exactly what it means.

The ruling class in the USA is a criminal enterprise, much like the Mafia.

Okay, I get that conspiracy theory...but I can't connect the's all a bit to trivial. How did "we" cause homeless Vets to be homeless? I'm thinking you'll be able to articulate an explanation?
They probably wouldnt have an illness if washington didnt send them overseas to kill a bunch of people over nothing. They probably could have had a career if they didnt have their arm blown off from a war over nothing.
You see where i am going with this?
------------------------------------------------------------------------ probably gonna hear it but ALL these vets signed up voluntarily to be soldiers and then vets . And their sickness , i assume PTSD is not seen in previous generation SHELLSHOCKED soldiers and vets to the degree that it is seen nowadays . I think that a diagnosis of PTSD is pretty easy to get and is worth some money [i think] .

It's the biggest bunch of bullshit ever concocted.
Why shouldn't every ER Doctor, nurse, EMT, Oncologist etc etc that has spent their entire careers watching people and innocent children die in their arms qualify for a lifetime of PTSD payouts?
Not the same thing.

Those in the medical profession are trying to save people's lives. Those fighting useless wars take lives....often killing innocents, see horrendous death and destruction, and watch their buddies die...all for nothing, but enriching war profiteers and expanding the power and wealth of government.
It means exactly what it means.

The ruling class in the USA is a criminal enterprise, much like the Mafia.

Okay, I get that conspiracy theory...but I can't connect the's all a bit to trivial. How did "we" cause homeless Vets to be homeless? I'm thinking you'll be able to articulate an explanation? much proof do you require?

No...I don't need proof.
I'm just asking how we caused it...I can't wrap my head around that statement at all.
Well for one, their instance on spending trillions on war and associated things.

How does spending on military and or war "force" Vets into homelessness?
Never posted it did.
USA needs the best , most lethal military ever seen in recorded history , at least for my lifetime . Then you guys can do as you like , give 3 hots and a cot to everyone . Just a general comment to no one in particular .
To state the obvious, homelessness is a complex and intractable problem. It is caused largely by mental illness and substance abuse, but also by laziness and poor life decisions, and simple bad luck. Many good people end up out on the streets for reasons that are not their fault, not the least of which is a shortage of "affordable" housing - quite severe in some locales.

It is easy to say, "somebody" ought to do "something," or that "we spend a ton on money on [whatever], but can't provide housing for those who need it."

But "we" do not live in a socialist utopia. No government has formally assumed the responsibility to provide housing for those who need it, and certainly the U.S. Federal Government is prohibited from doing so, under the Constitution. Furthermore, we live in a society where masses of people do the least possible amount of work, hoping to exploit The System at every turn, and as quickly as some government or other entity would assume the obligation of universal housing, the need for it would explode.

What is the solution? Be specific. If you know the solution, let other people know, because it sure as hell isn't obvious.

The solution is actually quite simple.

Get rid of the bureaucracy and get rid of government. The more powerful and centralized our government becomes, the more fascistic and the more DC plays to the interests of powerful corporations and monied interests, the more those who have no voice will suffer.

Freedom Is the Cure for the Homelessness Problem (and Everything Else!) in America
Want To Get Rid of the Homeless, etc.? - LewRockwell

The Government’s War on Affordable Housing
The Government’s War on Affordable Housing
It's not just government. Why do people focus that way? Centralized wealth and power in the private sector is as bad if not worse since they do not answer to anyone and they can strong arm without needing a political or public support.
No. . .

No. . . it's pretty much just the government's fault. They have everyone in debt to the banks now and the banks are socialized. They don't really compete.

It was the government that gave them socialized money.

All their risk was socialized. They can take risks at societies expense. The money, the very dollars and credit we use has been socialized thanks to the FED.

If they make a gain, it is private. But if a bank goes bust, well, the owner of the bank is bailed out.

Poor folks are never bailed out, only the rich are. Banks are bailed out, giant manufacturers are bailed out, insurance corporations are bailed out. . . .

But the poor? Fuck them.

Nope, you are wrong, it's just the government, owned by the rich, working for the rich.



I don't disagree with a lot of what you are saying but it's not just the government. Centralized wealth and power can work through the government or outside of it to influence markets, politics, or civilian life. I'm not absolving the government.
Okay, I get that conspiracy theory...but I can't connect the's all a bit to trivial. How did "we" cause homeless Vets to be homeless? I'm thinking you'll be able to articulate an explanation? much proof do you require?

No...I don't need proof.
I'm just asking how we caused it...I can't wrap my head around that statement at all.
Well for one, their instance on spending trillions on war and associated things.

How does spending on military and or war "force" Vets into homelessness?
Never posted it did.

Fair enough
Most homeless people are that way because of bad life choices. Many because they chose to be that way rather than take responsibility for their own well being.

Anyway, it is not my responsibility to give a damn about them. Under Trump unemployment is low and the economy is greatly improving. If they don't chose to work then fuck 'em.
Where did you get those leet stats?

You should care. It might not be your city, but the cost of homelessness is radiates outward in different ways. From a utilitarian perspective, the functional ones are untapped economic resources. The ones that are veterans are owed a debt by you to support them in their post service life.

Go be poor some place else.

I don't have the link because I am too lazy today to look it up but there was an article not too long ago that said most homeless are that way because they chose to be. Most of them are simply anti social or simply crazy. Many are druggies that chose drugs over security.

Anyway, with Trump's improving economy and the lowest unemployment in decades then if you don't have a job then it is your own damn fault.
You do not care about the veterans? Don't let the anti kneelers know or you'll be boycotted into 2019.
To state the obvious, homelessness is a complex and intractable problem. It is caused largely by mental illness and substance abuse, but also by laziness and poor life decisions, and simple bad luck. Many good people end up out on the streets for reasons that are not their fault, not the least of which is a shortage of "affordable" housing - quite severe in some locales.

It is easy to say, "somebody" ought to do "something," or that "we spend a ton on money on [whatever], but can't provide housing for those who need it."

But "we" do not live in a socialist utopia. No government has formally assumed the responsibility to provide housing for those who need it, and certainly the U.S. Federal Government is prohibited from doing so, under the Constitution. Furthermore, we live in a society where masses of people do the least possible amount of work, hoping to exploit The System at every turn, and as quickly as some government or other entity would assume the obligation of universal housing, the need for it would explode.

What is the solution? Be specific. If you know the solution, let other people know, because it sure as hell isn't obvious.

The solution is actually quite simple.

Get rid of the bureaucracy and get rid of government. The more powerful and centralized our government becomes, the more fascistic and the more DC plays to the interests of powerful corporations and monied interests, the more those who have no voice will suffer.

Freedom Is the Cure for the Homelessness Problem (and Everything Else!) in America
Want To Get Rid of the Homeless, etc.? - LewRockwell

The Government’s War on Affordable Housing
The Government’s War on Affordable Housing
It's not just government. Why do people focus that way? Centralized wealth and power in the private sector is as bad if not worse since they do not answer to anyone and they can strong arm without needing a political or public support.
No. . .

No. . . it's pretty much just the government's fault. They have everyone in debt to the banks now and the banks are socialized. They don't really compete.

It was the government that gave them socialized money.

All their risk was socialized. They can take risks at societies expense. The money, the very dollars and credit we use has been socialized thanks to the FED.

If they make a gain, it is private. But if a bank goes bust, well, the owner of the bank is bailed out.

Poor folks are never bailed out, only the rich are. Banks are bailed out, giant manufacturers are bailed out, insurance corporations are bailed out. . . .

But the poor? Fuck them.

Nope, you are wrong, it's just the government, owned by the rich, working for the rich.



I don't disagree with a lot of what you are saying but it's not just the government. Centralized wealth and power can work through the government or outside of it to influence markets, politics, or civilian life. I'm not absolving the government. can only occur with the government's approval, collusion, and protection.

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