In First 100 Days Biden’s Called for Spending $6,000,000,000,000


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Those rates were caused by factors that are not present today in the USA.
Those factors were caused by an idiotic corrupt dem---------and oh look we got another one. Hyperinflation is coming and despite Power using diarrhea out of both sides of his mouth----the feds are going to have jack up interest rates to try to control the inflation at some point. Biden and the chinese and the feds just can't keep printing money...
Joe Biden is the 6 Trillion Dollar Man


Those rates were caused by factors that are not present today in the USA.
Those factors were caused by an idiotic corrupt dem---------and oh look we got another one. Hyperinflation is coming and despite Power using diarrhea out of both sides of his mouth----the feds are going to have jack up interest rates to try to control the inflation at some point. Biden and the chinese and the feds just can't keep printing money...
Did a Republican just put the gold ownership limit into action via EO? Where is the oil shortage or embargo?
That’s Six Trillion with a T.

Divided by 100, Biden has asked America to spend $60,000,000,000 over and above ordinary spending — per day, over the course of his first 100 days.

Remember the 21% home loan rates of the Carter years? Get set for a reminder.

Here is a guide to Biden’s three big spending plans — worth about $6 trillion.
And yet no HC for all, no MW increase, no student loan debt forgiveness, no housing for the homeless...where is all that money going? Answer: to the wealthy once again.
That’s Six Trillion with a T.

Divided by 100, Biden has asked America to spend $60,000,000,000 over and above ordinary spending — per day, over the course of his first 100 days.

Remember the 21% home loan rates of the Carter years? Get set for a reminder.

Here is a guide to Biden’s three big spending plans — worth about $6 trillion.

I told you so, this clown isn't worried about getting re-elected so he's going berserk.
His handlers have one goal.
To destroy America.
Note the usual suspects who bitched about the deficit the last 4 years haven’t uttered a peep on the topic since January.

I remember it well. Every other thread was about how Trump added to the debt and deficit.

They sure don't want to condemn their boy Biden for doing the same thing. You won't find any of them on this thread trying to defend that incompetent stuttering fuck.

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