In Europe, the Defeat of Angela Merkel...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2013
Can't come quick enough.

Eminently predictably, Angela Merkel just got the first taste of her well-deserved comeuppance at the polls over the weekend. There will be more to come:

The ripple effects of the German voter rebellion against Merkel’s open-door immigration policy will rapidly be felt across the continent. It will not matter much that the Chancellor has tried to modify it after the fact, reaching out to Turkey and seeking ways to slow down the migration inflow, with NATO and the EU looking for joint solutions to strengthen the borders. If anything, the public rejection of Merkel’s policy has reinforced the sense that her leadership has failed to grasp fully the complexity of the nearly thirty-year-old European Union—especially the enduring strength of the national identity politics of its newer members and the ultimate insularity of state interests in the United Kingdom, France, and Spain. Today, regardless of how Germany ultimately adjusts its immigration policy, the amount of damage done to the EU’s cohesion by Merkel’s initial open door policy will endure. It has already reinforced an increasingly nationalized approach to managing immigration by individual member states, while feeding the European public opinion’s growing anti-Brussels sentiment.

The anti-Merkel vote in Germany also casts in a different light the early decision by Viktor Orban of Hungary to build a fence across his country’s border, and, more recently, the refusal by France to take in more migrants, the ongoing resistance in Poland to the mandatory resettlement quota system advocated by the EU Commission, and the Macedonian government’s decision to close the country’s border completely. Likewise, the creeping de facto reintroduction of national border controls across the Schengen Zone is but the latest reaffirmation of what was once derided in Berlin, Vienna, and Brussels as the “Orbanization of Europe.” This was, in hindsight, at least on the border question, a prudent if clumsily executed effort to manage the flow so as to stay attuned to the public mood in the European Union and to preserve individual states’ absorption capacity. Whatever one thinks of Orban’s questionable economic and foreign policy priorities, he correctly anticipated the public’s resistance to the current wave of MENA

In Europe, the Defeat of Angela Merkel...
And hopefully when new leadership comes, it comes with the vision and the desire to see a culture and it's people worth saving.
Allowing barbarians to crash in the gate and loot the city was the end of the Roman Empire. This is just history repeating itself.

The Romans had a clever system in the 4th century where they allowed immigrants to fight for them in their military. The roman legions were more than half German, and they had allowed entire tribes of Germans immigrate and remain unassimilated, such as the Visigoths.

They felt that they were OK because of their walls, their big frontier rivers, the Rhine and Danube rivers, and a system of watch towers and fortresses that housed legions. But it mostly hinged on the big rivers to keep the Germans on the opposite side, and the Germans could counter attack any invading force as they started to cross.

Then in the winter of 406 AD the Rhine froze.


Doesnt matter. The Romans that had built the Empire had already died off and replaced by ethnic groups that had kept their vigor and then called themselves Romans. But they had no deep heart felt loyalty to Rome. It was just a good place to make money and have fun.

The Rome of Scipio, Lucius, Cicero and more had already died.

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