In case you didn't know, ObamaCare does not kill jobs


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
■ Independent, nonpartisan experts project only a "small" or "minimal" impact on jobs, even before taking likely job gains in the health care and insurance industries into account.
■The House Republican leadership, in a report issued Jan. 6, badly misrepresents what the Congressional Budget Office has said about the law. In fact, CBO is among those saying the effect "will probably be small."
■The GOP also cites a study projecting a 1.6 million job loss — but fails to mention that the study refers to a hypothetical employer mandate that is not part of the new law.
■The same study cited by the GOP also predicts an offsetting gain of 890,000 jobs in hospitals, doctors’ offices and insurance companies — a factor not mentioned by the House leadership. : A ‘Job-Killing’ Law?
■ Independent, nonpartisan experts project only a "small" or "minimal" impact on jobs, even before taking likely job gains in the health care and insurance industries into account.
■The House Republican leadership, in a report issued Jan. 6, badly misrepresents what the Congressional Budget Office has said about the law. In fact, CBO is among those saying the effect "will probably be small."
■The GOP also cites a study projecting a 1.6 million job loss — but fails to mention that the study refers to a hypothetical employer mandate that is not part of the new law.
■The same study cited by the GOP also predicts an offsetting gain of 890,000 jobs in hospitals, doctors’ offices and insurance companies — a factor not mentioned by the House leadership. : A ‘Job-Killing’ Law?
I prefer my cheerleaders to wear skirts.

Economists tend to agree that the law could lead some employers to hire fewer low-wage workers, as the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has said.

Read more: Will health care law grow or kill new jobs? - Times Union
Obamacare will more than likely create new employment as more people and money come into the system.

IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance will bring on more new employment as more people pay their own way for a lot less money.
Obamacare will more than likely create new employment as more people and money come into the system.

IMPROVED Medicare Single Payer Insurance will bring on more new employment as more people pay their own way for a lot less money.

The CBO doesn't see it that way, Merrill. Sorry, but as the costs of this fiasco of a peice of legislation starts to become apparent the people of America are going to be shocked at how much more they have to pay for health care and how much less care they get for that money.

Wasn't the idea behind health care reform to lower the costs of health care?

Instead of doing that...the costs are going up. Nice work, Barry, Harry and Nancy!
■ Independent, nonpartisan experts project only a "small" or "minimal" impact on jobs, even before taking likely job gains in the health care and insurance industries into account.
■The House Republican leadership, in a report issued Jan. 6, badly misrepresents what the Congressional Budget Office has said about the law. In fact, CBO is among those saying the effect "will probably be small."
■The GOP also cites a study projecting a 1.6 million job loss — but fails to mention that the study refers to a hypothetical employer mandate that is not part of the new law.
■The same study cited by the GOP also predicts an offsetting gain of 890,000 jobs in hospitals, doctors’ offices and insurance companies — a factor not mentioned by the House leadership. : A ‘Job-Killing’ Law?

1. Shortly after Obamacare was signed into law, AT&T, Caterpillar, John Deere, Verizon, and several other big companies reported to investors- as required, that the law would take quite a bite out of future earnings. They were considering dropping employee health insurance. “…dumping the health care coverage they provide to their workers in exchange for paying penalty fees to the government.” AT&T, Verizon, others, thought about dropping health plans - May. 5, 2010

a. Makes sense, as the law would penalize the companies $2,000 per employee if they didn’t offer the insurance, as opposed to over $7,000 per worker for a comprehensive package. Former CBO director Holtz-Eakins this may be the start of a 35 million worker avalanche that will move into subsidized coverage, at a cost of over $1 trillion more to the total cost of Obamacare over the next ten years. Opinion: Resetting the 'Obamacare' baseline - Douglas Holtz-Eakin and James C. Capretta -

b. Despite all the talk of avoiding any disruption of the current system of employer-sponsored insurance, the legislation actually seems destined to accelerate the steady decline of that form of coverage….the statute creates several new incentives for employers to move away from providing coverage. Why the Health Reform Wars Have Only Just Begun

2. “A Virginia-based insurance company says “considerable uncertainties” created by the Democrats’ health care overhaul will force it to close its doors by the end of the year. The firm, nHealth, appears to be the first to claim that the new law has driven it out of business.” First victim of health care overhaul? - Sarah Kliff -

a. What would be better, more hospitals, or fewer hospitals? “"Physician Hospitals of America says that construction had to stop at 45 hospitals nationwide…"Section 6001 of the health care law effectively bans new physician-owned hospitals (POHs) from starting up, and it keeps existing ones from expanding." Obamacare Ends Construction of Doctor-Owned Hospitals | The Weekly Standard

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