In All Fairness,If "Everything Confederate"Needs To Go,Then"Everything Yankee"Needs To Go Also.

what i am getting at is, why was it ok for northerns to treat blacks the way they did in the 40's/50's/60's/70's, but if southerners treated them the same way, they are evil SOB's?
If northern blacks treated were treated badly, then, yes, that was evil. You committed a fallacy of false comparison and false result
America allowed confederate symbolism to remain so as to not further humiliate the southern veterans of the rich man's war for slavery. All of them are long dead and it is time to sweep all that shit into the dust bin of history. The north benevolently allowed the south to maintain some dignity, reconstructed it's cities, built up it's infrastructure to keep pace with progress, educated it's citizens, provided the first real paycheck a southern man ever got and this is how the south thanks them. A southern man should get down on his knees everyday and thank heaven that the north did not enact the rather draconian punitive measures many wanted in the aftermath of their stupid war.
Everything Yankee needs to go? I guess you relate to these people:


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