In 10 minutes liberal heads will explode in unison

Despicable Gorsuch has a tendency to favor the interests of big corporations & special interests over regular folks
Liberals are outraged over Trump picking Neil Gorsuch, claiming he's an enemy of "women's rights." Abortion isn't a right, it's murder.
"Based on what I have read of his past rulings and statements, I believe that Judge Gorsuch's interpretation of the Constitution falls far outside of the mainstream and I question whether he will put the interests of working families in New Jersey and throughout the country before those of big corporations, or adequately protect the rights of women, minorities, and our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. Any Supreme Court nominee must possess a judicial philosophy and track record that promotes the equal rights of all people and shows an understanding of how the Court's decisions impact the lives of everyday Americans -- I will hold Judge Gorsuch and all future nominees to this fundamental standard."- Cory Booker
This is a crack up...Trump has these liberals running from one protest to another. Muslim ban protest in the morning and SCOTUS protest in the afternoon and then a good old fashion BLM rally for the evening...
Senator Merkley: "this is a stolen seat"

Trump can pick whoever he wants - unless it's Gorland (who's hearing is almost a year overdue) Democrats will filibuster till Republicans nuke.

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