
There was no Quit Pro Quo with Trump because: 1) Ukraine funding had already been determined and could not be withheld. 2) a 20 year treaty with the U.S. and Ukraine states that the U.S. and Ukraine will assist each other in investigations. Also, the transcripts show no evidence of Trump threatening to withhold anything. Democrats and Adam Schiff made it all up out of thin air.
Trump did withhold the payment and then called up and said I need a favor. That is not good, especially for him. He is an idiot spoiled rich kid who is nowhere near as smart as he thinks. In fact he is an idiot like everyone else who believes all his crap which came from Fox.
There was no Quit Pro Quo with Trump because: 1) Ukraine funding had already been determined and could not be withheld. 2) a 20 year treaty with the U.S. and Ukraine states that the U.S. and Ukraine will assist each other in investigations. Also, the transcripts show no evidence of Trump threatening to withhold anything. Democrats and Adam Schiff made it all up out of thin air.
They ran Russian Collusion against Trump, even though he committed no crime.
Now they are running Ukrainegate, even though Trump committed no crime.

They are never going to remove Trump from office without courtroom level evidence of crimes.

Even though it is destined to fail, Pelosi thinks the Dems House majority is more likely to survive the 2020 elections if she appeases the Far Left radicals who have been demanding Trump's impeachment since the won the 2018 election.

There is no avoiding that the House is going to pass articles of impeachment, that was certain as soon as Dems took the majority, the only question has been what would be the pretext.
Again Frankie your TDS limits your ability to make any sound judgment.
And you can't argue the facts because you don't know them, as a brainwashed GOP functional moron....asking the president of Ukraine for dirt on your political rival while withholding Aid in the face of Russian aggression is absolute unconstitutional illegal garbage. Not to mention half the other things he has done. I suppose you think the Trump campaign meeting with Russian agents over a hundred times without taking any notes is not a problem either.....
The only people that are brainwashed are GOP base voters who believe Trump turned around Obama's horrible economy and all kinds of other crap crooked Hillary crooked Obama crooked FBI the rich pay too much in taxes, Obama gave Iran newk's LOL how's that working out?. So misinformed it's ridiculous. That has to happen for the brainwashing definition.
Frankie, you're still living in a dream world TDS will make you see fake shit as real.
You are the conspiracy Nut Job. law enforcement around the world is against you. So are all respected journalists and media. Brainwashed idiocy.
Law enforcement around the world? lol
1. I don't give a flying fuck about law enforcement outside of U.S. jurisdiction
2. You are clueless to what law enforcement thinks
There was no Quit Pro Quo with Trump because: 1) Ukraine funding had already been determined and could not be withheld. 2) a 20 year treaty with the U.S. and Ukraine states that the U.S. and Ukraine will assist each other in investigations. Also, the transcripts show no evidence of Trump threatening to withhold anything. Democrats and Adam Schiff made it all up out of thin air.
Trump did withhold the payment and then called up and said I need a favor. That is not good, especially for him. He is an idiot spoiled rich kid who is nowhere near as smart as he thinks. In fact he is an idiot like everyone else who believes all his crap which came from Fox.
Poor Frank kay denial will not change facts
There was no Quit Pro Quo with Trump because: 1) Ukraine funding had already been determined and could not be withheld. 2) a 20 year treaty with the U.S. and Ukraine states that the U.S. and Ukraine will assist each other in investigations. Also, the transcripts show no evidence of Trump threatening to withhold anything. Democrats and Adam Schiff made it all up out of thin air.
They ran Russian Collusion against Trump, even though he committed no crime.
Now they are running Ukrainegate, even though Trump committed no crime.

They are never going to remove Trump from office without courtroom level evidence of crimes.

Even though it is destined to fail, Pelosi thinks the Dems House majority is more likely to survive the 2020 elections if she appeases the Far Left radicals who have been demanding Trump's impeachment since the won the 2018 election.

There is no avoiding that the House is going to pass articles of impeachment, that was certain as soon as Dems took the majority, the only question has been what would be the pretext.

They are actually throwing Biden under the bus. He's going down anyway. All they have left is 'Pochontas' who is steadily rising in the polls against Biden. Democrats are obsessed with their own propaganda. I predict they will go down like a lead ballon in November. As we speak, Hillary is still being legally questioned about Bengazi, there are on-going investigations into FISA abuse by the Democrats, a legal investigation into Biden, ties from Soros to the Democrats and the Obama Whitehouse, etc. The establishment Democrat web of deceit knows no bounds. Remember, Hillary was supposed to win and, if she did, we'd never know the depth of corruption these career, leftist, Democrat politicians are capable of spinning.

They are excellent spinners, one only has to look at Adam Schiff and the TDS swill he tried to foist on the American people today. Not to mention Nancy Pelosi using the 'bully pulpit' of NARAL....(an infanticide group) to make outlandish claims against Trump.
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There was no Quit Pro Quo with Trump because: 1) Ukraine funding had already been determined and could not be withheld. 2) a 20 year treaty with the U.S. and Ukraine states that the U.S. and Ukraine will assist each other in investigations. Also, the transcripts show no evidence of Trump threatening to withhold anything. Democrats and Adam Schiff made it all up out of thin air.
Trump did withhold the payment and then called up and said I need a favor. That is not good, especially for him. He is an idiot spoiled rich kid who is nowhere near as smart as he thinks. In fact he is an idiot like everyone else who believes all his crap which came from Fox.

The ONLY 'proof' you have is a fucking NYT article that reads..."two senior administration officials said Monday.."

Trump Said to Have Frozen Aid to Ukraine Before Call With Its Leader

Don't you get it by now? What's wrong with you people? Didn't you even get a clue from the headline? "Trump Said to Have" Get it? No proof, only hearsay from hearsay but you TDSers are so warped with your Trump hatred you'll swallow any MSM 'ejaculate' they stick down your throat.
Trump sure is getting excellent legal advice from Giuliani!


What a rout...

Yes you are getting routed. Here and again in November 2020. Now wipe that foot deep egg off your face. It's just embarrassing.
Aww, poor little guy. Go ahead son, get it all out of your system. I can take it.

*pats lantern's head

Poor little loser. One would think you'd get tired of being wrong all the time.

*slaps uneducated indiana's face and makes him cry. Then knocks him out for being a baby.
Haha...look, my fat, weak little moron friend. I can understand why you are crying right now. I get it. But, trust me, life will go on , long after we flush the orange turd.

Sorry . Attempting to project your weakness to others is just pathetic. Fat,weak, moronic. You've perfectly described yourself. Seems like you're the one crying here. Then again, you should be used to having your dreams flushed like the turd you are. Enjoy another 5 years of President Trump.
And you can't argue the facts because you don't know them, as a brainwashed GOP functional moron....asking the president of Ukraine for dirt on your political rival while withholding Aid in the face of Russian aggression is absolute unconstitutional illegal garbage. Not to mention half the other things he has done. I suppose you think the Trump campaign meeting with Russian agents over a hundred times without taking any notes is not a problem either.....
The only people that are brainwashed are GOP base voters who believe Trump turned around Obama's horrible economy and all kinds of other crap crooked Hillary crooked Obama crooked FBI the rich pay too much in taxes, Obama gave Iran newk's LOL how's that working out?. So misinformed it's ridiculous. That has to happen for the brainwashing definition.
Frankie, you're still living in a dream world TDS will make you see fake shit as real.
You are the conspiracy Nut Job. law enforcement around the world is against you. So are all respected journalists and media. Brainwashed idiocy.
Law enforcement around the world? lol
1. I don't give a flying fuck about law enforcement outside of U.S. jurisdiction
2. You are clueless to what law enforcement thinks
Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty, brainwashed functional moron? Law enforcement has investigated all your phony scandals and found nothing but fantasy, dumbass. None of your scandals has ever made it to a courtroom, you are all a bunch of conspiracy nut jobs....
1) Ukraine funding had already been determined and could not be withheld.
Irrelevant. The attempt and the implication are corruption all the same.

2) a 20 year treaty with the U.S. and Ukraine states that the U.S. and Ukraine will assist each other in investigations.
Also irrelevant, as Giuliani is not a government employee. Furthermore, it's easy to show that the investigation in question was not in any official interest, but rather for the purpose of personally benefitting Trump.
Trump sure is getting excellent legal advice from Giuliani!


What a rout...

Yes you are getting routed. Here and again in November 2020. Now wipe that foot deep egg off your face. It's just embarrassing.
Aww, poor little guy. Go ahead son, get it all out of your system. I can take it.

*pats lantern's head

Poor little loser. One would think you'd get tired of being wrong all the time.

*slaps uneducated indiana's face and makes him cry. Then knocks him out for being a baby.
Haha...look, my fat, weak little moron friend. I can understand why you are crying right now. I get it. But, trust me, life will go on , long after we flush the orange turd.

Sorry . Attempting to project your weakness to others is just pathetic. Fat,weak, moronic. You've perfectly described yourself. Seems like you're the one crying here. Then again, you should be used to having your dreams flushed like the turd you are. Enjoy another 5 years of President Trump.
Ah, the teary-eyed, "I know you are, but what am I?" defense. As trump cultists go, you are quite the thin skinned little baby.
There was no Quit Pro Quo with Trump because: 1) Ukraine funding had already been determined and could not be withheld. 2) a 20 year treaty with the U.S. and Ukraine states that the U.S. and Ukraine will assist each other in investigations. Also, the transcripts show no evidence of Trump threatening to withhold anything. Democrats and Adam Schiff made it all up out of thin air.
Trump did withhold the payment and then called up and said I need a favor. That is not good, especially for him. He is an idiot spoiled rich kid who is nowhere near as smart as he thinks. In fact he is an idiot like everyone else who believes all his crap which came from Fox.

The ONLY 'proof' you have is a fucking NYT article that reads..."two senior administration officials said Monday.."

Trump Said to Have Frozen Aid to Ukraine Before Call With Its Leader

Don't you get it by now? What's wrong with you people? Didn't you even get a clue from the headline? "Trump Said to Have" Get it? No proof, only hearsay from hearsay but you TDSers are so warped with your Trump hatred you'll swallow any MSM 'ejaculate' they stick down your throat.
Then they proved it, stupid. Duh. Read something not published by Rupert Murdoch.
Yes you are getting routed. Here and again in November 2020. Now wipe that foot deep egg off your face. It's just embarrassing.
Aww, poor little guy. Go ahead son, get it all out of your system. I can take it.

*pats lantern's head

Poor little loser. One would think you'd get tired of being wrong all the time.

*slaps uneducated indiana's face and makes him cry. Then knocks him out for being a baby.
Haha...look, my fat, weak little moron friend. I can understand why you are crying right now. I get it. But, trust me, life will go on , long after we flush the orange turd.

Sorry . Attempting to project your weakness to others is just pathetic. Fat,weak, moronic. You've perfectly described yourself. Seems like you're the one crying here. Then again, you should be used to having your dreams flushed like the turd you are. Enjoy another 5 years of President Trump.
Ah, the teary-eyed, "I know you are, but what am I?" defense. As trump cultists go, you are quite the thin skinned little baby.

Poor uneducated, hopeless little troll. You're the one crying little baby. I've embarrassed you in multiple threads lately. Insecurity making you lash out. Pathetic really. Seek help.
Aww, poor little guy. Go ahead son, get it all out of your system. I can take it.

*pats lantern's head

Poor little loser. One would think you'd get tired of being wrong all the time.

*slaps uneducated indiana's face and makes him cry. Then knocks him out for being a baby.
Haha...look, my fat, weak little moron friend. I can understand why you are crying right now. I get it. But, trust me, life will go on , long after we flush the orange turd.

Sorry . Attempting to project your weakness to others is just pathetic. Fat,weak, moronic. You've perfectly described yourself. Seems like you're the one crying here. Then again, you should be used to having your dreams flushed like the turd you are. Enjoy another 5 years of President Trump.
Ah, the teary-eyed, "I know you are, but what am I?" defense. As trump cultists go, you are quite the thin skinned little baby.

Poor uneducated, hopeless little troll. You're the one crying little baby. I've embarrassed you in multiple threads lately. Insecurity making you lash out. Pathetic really. Seek help.
Yes, get it all out of your system. Good on you on the declaration of victory. As i understand it, that always makes the trump cultists' pussies relax a bit. I would rather you soothe yourself than start cutting yourself.

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