
Poor little loser. One would think you'd get tired of being wrong all the time.

*slaps uneducated indiana's face and makes him cry. Then knocks him out for being a baby.
Haha...look, my fat, weak little moron friend. I can understand why you are crying right now. I get it. But, trust me, life will go on , long after we flush the orange turd.

Sorry . Attempting to project your weakness to others is just pathetic. Fat,weak, moronic. You've perfectly described yourself. Seems like you're the one crying here. Then again, you should be used to having your dreams flushed like the turd you are. Enjoy another 5 years of President Trump.
Ah, the teary-eyed, "I know you are, but what am I?" defense. As trump cultists go, you are quite the thin skinned little baby.

Poor uneducated, hopeless little troll. You're the one crying little baby. I've embarrassed you in multiple threads lately. Insecurity making you lash out. Pathetic really. Seek help.
Yes, get it all out of your system. Good on you on the declaration of victory. As i understand it, that always makes the trump cultists' pussies relax a bit. I would rather you soothe yourself than start cutting yourself.

Hey jackass, who's in theWhite House? Seems that declaring victory is just a fact there little crybaby. More lashing out due to insecurity and lack of education, as well of lack of balls. Slapping you around is just too easy.
1) Ukraine funding had already been determined and could not be withheld.
Irrelevant. The attempt and the implication are corruption all the same.

2) a 20 year treaty with the U.S. and Ukraine states that the U.S. and Ukraine will assist each other in investigations.
Also irrelevant, as Giuliani is not a government employee. Furthermore, it's easy to show that the investigation in question was not in any official interest, but rather for the purpose of personally benefitting Trump.

There is no proof in any of that.
The GOP Fox noise and Rush Limbaugh etc etc the Kochs adelsons Moons and Trump are the swamp. A disgrace. We'll see what the investigation turns up. The impeachment inquiry that is....
Brainwashed Dems when Fox is on;
bologna. It is only you GOP dupes that have to stay on the propaganda machine at all times. I watch Fox enough to know that primetime is a joke. Rush Limbaugh is always a joke. And you people believe it no matter what law enforcement and journalists say. All around the world except on your ridiculous media here in the US.
All around the world eh ??? So you are a global citizen ????? Are you an enemy to America ??? Do tell world citizen.
There is no proof in any of that.
It wasn't meant to be proof of anything. What a bizarre response.. It was a thorough debunking of your nonsensical claims that you made up out of thin air.

You made the statement: 'it's easy to show that the investigation in question was not in any official interest, but rather for the purpose of personally benefitting Trump. '
Well.....FF.....SHOW it then. Put up or shut up.
Hey jackass, who's in theWhite House?
Yes, exactly. Now make sure to state it 80 more times, as it is a fact that small children know, and like you are the third idiot on the couch on Springer. Again, better than you cutting yourself.

Poor deluded insecure moron. Projecting insecurity and now suicidal tendencies. See. I'm sitting here laughing at the fool you are. Having a meltdown as your latest BS gets completely exposed as the lie it is. Now clean up the drool around your feet and wipe the egg off your face. Apparently small children are much more intelligent than you. You must enjoy being made to look like the fool you are on a daily basis.
JONATHAN TURLEY: You Want Impeachment? Find A Quid To Go With The Pro Quo.

The testimony yesterday and release of the information on the complaint lacks a public corruption crime. You need a crime.

The transcript lacks a critical element needed for impeachment, evidence of a quid pro quo. Trump never connects the investigation with the roughly $400 million in military aid. He never suggests he will not send it.

There is nothing illegal in a president wanting an investigation into corruption, even by a political opponent. Trump never demanded a political charge, he only commented positively on the need for an investigation.

Trump briefly held back the aid to try to get other countries to pony up in support of Ukraine. In the call, Trump tells Zelensky, “We spend a lot of effort and a lot of time. Much more than the European countries are doing, and they should be helping you more than they are.” He speaks at length about the need for those countries to contribute, and Zelensky agrees.

Trump asks for access to a computer server and references Crowdstrike, a cybersecurity company related to the Russia hacking investigation. Former FBI director James Comey referenced Crowdstrike as one of the critical elements in the investigation, and that investigation is being reviewed by United States Attorney John Durham. A computer server and other information connected to the Russia hacking evidence would likely assist Durham in his investigation. The references to Barr in the transcript are on that basis.

Absent a clear quid pro quo, a Senate impeachment trial would be a grotesque scene for the crazed Democrats. The Trump team would certainly point out that the Obama administration directly used a secret court to investigate his political opponents on claims that were based on opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign. The trial would highlight the dubious money given to Hunter Biden by Chinese and Ukrainian interests while his father negotiated financial and political agreements.

Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire its corruption prosecutor to protect his son, and the family profiteered during his term in the White House. Nobody believes that the Chinese and Ukrainians searched the world for a financial or energy genius and came up with Hunter Biden. He was the son of the vice president, who reminded the Ukrainians that he would decide whether they received over a billion dollars in loans and support. Hunter Biden has stated that his father had knowledge of and spoke to him about the Ukraine dealings. That would be a painful Senate trial, culminated by Menendez, who likes to screw 15 year old Jamaican girls, voting as one of the jurors.
Well.....FF.....SHOW it then.

The department of justice had opened no such inquiry or investigation. Neither had congress. The meetings were then conducted privately with a non-government employee who serves as trump's personal lawyer and was not gathering ot storing information in any official government capacity. And this information was concerning trump's possible opponent in the 2020 election.

Well that was easy. See, the problem here're a moron. You throw these little hissy fits and don't think things through.

The department of justice had opened no such inquiry or investigation. Neither had congress. The meetings were then conducted privately with a non-government employee who serves as trump's personal lawyer and was not gathering ot storing information in any official government capacity. And this information was concerning trump's possible opponent in the 2020 election.

Well that was easy. See, the problem here're a moron. You throw these little hissy fits and don't think things through.

The "non-government employee" was asked by the State gather the information. Wrong again "Mr. Simpleton."
10 Reasons Democrats' Impeachment Argument Is Falling Apart

Virtually none of their original claims remain...

Schiff’s use of invented dialogue, a trick he tried again in a subsequent congressional hearing — of a president manipulating U.S. foreign policy to wrest personal favors from foreign leaders. But as more evidence comes to surface, that picture is quickly fading.

1. No quid pro quo. At no point does Trump threaten to withhold anything.

2. Ukrainians weren’t pressured. Even President Volodymyr Zelensky defended Trump, saying he felt no pressure.

3. Timeline. Politico’s Ken Vogel reported that the Ukrainian delegation hadn’t even been made aware aid was held up until a month after the Trump call. It’s hard to see they could feel they’re being “extorted,” as Democrats keep saying, if they weren’t even aware of the pressure supposedly being applied.

4. No Illicit Favors.

5. Whistleblower Complaint Lacks Credibility. At least three key details in the complaint have since been shown to be false. As the document is itself a product of hearsay — the self-described whistleblower admits at the beginning of his report that he never witnessed anything.

6. Fake News, Bad Polls. The media outlets driving the story have thrown into question their credibility after a series of major mistakes.

7. Adam Schiff. Two weeks before Congress was notified of an intelligence community whistleblower report, Adam Schiff was already tweeting out the thrust of the accusation: How was Schiff made aware of this report before Congress? Who in the intelligence community was Schiff in contact with? Did he have any role in helping engineer the report’s entry into Congress? These are questions Americans deserve having answered before they can fairly consider the merits of impeaching President Trump.

8. Origins. The Federalist reported late Friday that the intelligence community adjusted rules related to whistleblower complaints so that hearsay evidence could now be accepted. Whereas historically a whistleblower actually has to witness the conduct to file a report about it, a month before this report was sent to Congress, the intelligence community dropped this long-standing requirement and the “whistleblower” was subsequently able to file his report. A spokesman for the DNI refused comment to the Federalist for why the change was made.

9. Rudy. Giuliani first communicated with his Ukrainian counterparts more than a year before Biden entered the race.

10. Coverup? The White House released the report and a transcript of the call. It’s hard to see how the White House is guilty of a coverup when they’ve already released the primary documents.

I don't think Trump denies that he withheld the aid. First he claimed it was because Ukraine was too corrupt to have the money, then he claimed it was because he wanted other countries to pay their fair share. I don't know what he is claiming today but it's all a bunch of crap. He was trying to extort dirt on a political opponent from a foreign government.

And it was actually a two-fer. He could withhold the money while waiting for the dirt and at the same time help his good buddy Vlad by weakening Ukraine.

Even a moron like Trump knows that people can see the truth. It's why he's been rage tweeting for two days.

I don't think Trump denies that he withheld the aid. First he claimed it was because Ukraine was too corrupt to have the money, then he claimed it was because he wanted other countries to pay their fair share. I don't know what he is claiming today but it's all a bunch of crap. He was trying to extort dirt on a political opponent from a foreign government.

And it was actually a two-fer. He could withhold the money while waiting for the dirt and at the same time help his good buddy Vlad by weakening Ukraine.

Even a moron like Trump knows that people can see the truth. It's why he's been rage tweeting for two days.
First you people claim Trump is an idiot, a nincompoop, a dummy not deserving of office, and what ever imature name calling y'all could come up with, but on the other hand when he deals with Ukraine he was this evil smart calculating cunning figure that the nation must beware of. All depends on the political flavor of the day that decides what might be ordered up on that day eh ??

I don't think Trump denies that he withheld the aid. First he claimed it was because Ukraine was too corrupt to have the money, then he claimed it was because he wanted other countries to pay their fair share. I don't know what he is claiming today but it's all a bunch of crap. He was trying to extort dirt on a political opponent from a foreign government.

And it was actually a two-fer. He could withhold the money while waiting for the dirt and at the same time help his good buddy Vlad by weakening Ukraine.

Even a moron like Trump knows that people can see the truth. It's why he's been rage tweeting for two days.
First you people claim Trump is an idiot, a nincompoop, a dummy...
And yet, he whipped their asses!

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