Impeachment Obsession


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Trial of ex-pres. to begin despite slim chances of conviction and serious objections to its legitimacy
Trial of ex-pres. to begin despite slim chances of conviction and serious objections to its legitimacy


President Trump was accused of criminal abuse of power by coercing the Ukraine Prime Minister to help investigate Hunter Biden's connection to a criminal Ukrainian energy company owner and other potential crimes.

President Trump invoked a mutual-agreement Treaty between Ukraine & the US to investigate potential crimes.

Released FBI documents show the FBI withheld documents proving that President Trumpwas justified in invoking the treaty and calling for the investigation of Hunter Biden. These documents proved President Trump's innocence and would have stopped the Democrats' Impoeachment...which is why the FBI withheld the documents.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised the American people she would NOT allow the Impeachment to go forward UNLESS THEIR WAS IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE OF CRIMES COMMITTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND UNLESS THERE WAS BI-PARTISANSHIP.
- Pelosi LIED...there was admittedly by Democrats NEVER any evidence or partisanship.

Speaker Pelosi declared the Impeachment had to be conducted quickly because President Trump posed such an immediate threat to the US he had to be removed from office ASAP. Pelosi completely undermined the Democrats Impeachment / destroyed their false narrative by refusing to hand over the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for weeks while trying to force Head of the US Senate Mitch McConnell to run the Senate Impeachment hearings according to HER rules.

- Democrat Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intel Committee, was caught committing perjury as well as illegally attempting to submit personally-authored false evidence as legitimate evidence.

- The Impeachment hearings proved the Democrats had ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO 1st-hand-account witnesses, which was eventually admitted by the Democrats. They even argued that none of that was needed to Impeach a president....which was also an admission that Speaker Pelosi had lied. She DID allow a partisan Impeachment based on no crime, evidence, or witnesses to go forward.

- A witness from the State Department testified that Joe Biden had lied when he claimed to never have met withany Burisma representatives, which was a stupid thing to do since at tha ttime there was a photo on the Internet of Joe Biden playing golf with his son, Hunter, and 2 Burisma employees. The State Department witness testified that ther Burisma Reps showed up in DC wanting to meet with Joe, using Hunter's name as leverage to make the meeting happen. The State Department Rep stated the State Department had warned Joe Biden NOT to meet with the Burisma Reps because it would cause the appearance of a Conflict of Interest but that Biden had ignored them and met with the Burisma Reps anyway. The State Department Rep said if anyone needed to be investigated and should be on the stand testifying it should be Joe and Hunter Biden.

The Impeachment was a sham, exposed as a criminally, treasonous political partisan attempt to remove the President from office due to pure irrational political hatred. The Senate voted down the Impeachment...

...but the Democrats 'Impeachment Obsession' was not over.....

Trial of ex-pres. to begin despite slim chances of conviction and serious objections to its legitimacy
Trial of ex-pres. to begin despite slim chances of conviction and serious objections to its legitimacy


President Trump was accused of criminal abuse of power by coercing the Ukraine Prime Minister to help investigate Hunter Biden's connection to a criminal Ukrainian energy company owner and other potential crimes.

President Trump invoked a mutual-agreement Treaty between Ukraine & the US to investigate potential crimes.

Released FBI documents show the FBI withheld documents proving that President Trumpwas justified in invoking the treaty and calling for the investigation of Hunter Biden. These documents proved President Trump's innocence and would have stopped the Democrats' Impoeachment...which is why the FBI withheld the documents.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised the American people she would NOT allow the Impeachment to go forward UNLESS THEIR WAS IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE OF CRIMES COMMITTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND UNLESS THERE WAS BI-PARTISANSHIP.
- Pelosi LIED...there was admittedly by Democrats NEVER any evidence or partisanship.

Speaker Pelosi declared the Impeachment had to be conducted quickly because President Trump posed such an immediate threat to the US he had to be removed from office ASAP. Pelosi completely undermined the Democrats Impeachment / destroyed their false narrative by refusing to hand over the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for weeks while trying to force Head of the US Senate Mitch McConnell to run the Senate Impeachment hearings according to HER rules.

- Democrat Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intel Committee, was caught committing perjury as well as illegally attempting to submit personally-authored false evidence as legitimate evidence.

- The Impeachment hearings proved the Democrats had ZERO crime, ZERO evidence, and ZERO 1st-hand-account witnesses, which was eventually admitted by the Democrats. They even argued that none of that was needed to Impeach a president....which was also an admission that Speaker Pelosi had lied. She DID allow a partisan Impeachment based on no crime, evidence, or witnesses to go forward.

- A witness from the State Department testified that Joe Biden had lied when he claimed to never have met withany Burisma representatives, which was a stupid thing to do since at tha ttime there was a photo on the Internet of Joe Biden playing golf with his son, Hunter, and 2 Burisma employees. The State Department witness testified that ther Burisma Reps showed up in DC wanting to meet with Joe, using Hunter's name as leverage to make the meeting happen. The State Department Rep stated the State Department had warned Joe Biden NOT to meet with the Burisma Reps because it would cause the appearance of a Conflict of Interest but that Biden had ignored them and met with the Burisma Reps anyway. The State Department Rep said if anyone needed to be investigated and should be on the stand testifying it should be Joe and Hunter Biden.

The Impeachment was a sham, exposed as a criminally, treasonous political partisan attempt to remove the President from office due to pure irrational political hatred. The Senate voted down the Impeachment...

...but the Democrats 'Impeachment Obsession' was not over.....

Literally none of these are facts.

The claim Trump invoked some treaty is bullshit. He never invoked anything. He was just asking for a favor.
The first trial was based on nothing other than an embarrassing loss to Trump.

The second one has some valid issues BUT it still has zero chances of passing and Covid relief and other more pressing items should have been addressed first.
The 2nd / latest Democrat Impeachment was exposed as another politically partisan sham, an abuse of the US Constitution's tool of Impeachment for purely Democrat Party benefit before the Articles of Impeachment were even written, again thanks to Speaker Pelosi.

Criminal Incitement of an Insurrection Agfainst the United States.

The charge came after a riot at the US Capitol on 6 January in which members of Antifa, BLM, and Trump supporters broke into the US Capitol.

Antifa and BLM members used Twitter and facebook to coordinate and plan their actions that occured on 6 Jan.

Antifa and BLM members were inside the Capitol.

Witnesses have stated it was BLM and Antifa that initiated the violence and incited the people gathered at the Capitol.

Capitol Guards aided and abetted the violent rioters, moving barriers to give them access to the Capitol, standing down as violent rioters broke windows and entered the Captiol, and video shows Cpitol Police leading violent rioters to politicians' office and chambers.

These pieces of information have led to speculation that the entire Capitol Riot was an organized political theater, a set-up to allow Democrats to attempt to Impeach President Trump again and to villainize conservatives and Trump supporters, who they blamed for the 'Insurrection'.


1. The fake news media reported that a Capitol Guard was killed / murdered during the riot, that one of the rioters struck the policeman with a fire extinguisher. - THIS IS A LIE.
- The autopsy of the officer showed NO BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA.

- Despite all the video footage of the riot inside and outside the Capitol that has helped the FBI identify, round up, and arrest rioters, the FBIhas reportedly (by some) been unable to identify OR charge anyone with'murder'.

--- "Investigators are struggling to build a federal murder case regarding fallen U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, vexed by a lack of evidence that could prove someone caused his death as he defended the Capitol during last month's insurrection. Authorities have reviewed video and photographs that show Sicknick engaging with rioters amid the siege but have yet to identify a moment in which he suffered his fatal injuries. According to one law enforcement official, medical examiners did not find signs that the officer sustained any blunt force trauma, so investigators believe that early reports that he was fatally struck by a fire extinguisher are not true."

Democrats would have you believe the incited mob-mentality-driven Capitol RIOT was an attempted 'Insurrection' intended to overthrow the US government....except this would have been an 'UNARMED' 'Insurrection', which hardly qualifies as an 'Insurrection' and bears the earmarks of a mob-mentality-incited RIOT. 'Insurerectionists' have never been known to stop to take 'Selfies' in a capitol or pilfer podiums and other trinkets then flee.

The Democrats claim President Trump incited Insurrection' with his speech ythat day; however, transcripts of his speech prove President Trump urged people attending the event to 'WALK PEACEFULLY' down to the Capiton and to 'CHEER ON' politicians, destroying their original claim that the President somehow incited the violence through a call for violence.

Democrats have proven themselves to have used much more violent rhetoric and calls for violence than the President ever has. The GOP intend to prove by showing a video compilation during gthe Impeachment hearings of Democrats repeatedlyengaging in violent rhetoric, issuing threats to govt officials / USSC Justices, thereatening the President, and even the current VP calling for continued foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorist violence, which has already inflicted hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars in damages throughout Democrat-run communities across the country.

The Democrats calling the Cap[itol riot an 'Insurrection' and blaming the President for it is laughable, especially consideirng the Democrats' own violent rhetporic inspired an attempted assassination of GOP politicians at a public park, an attack that resulted in R-Steve Scalise being shout and seriously wounded.
Joe Biden and his kids have nothing to do with Trump being tried today.
Actually Hunter does. The FBI had evidence of Hunter engaging in illegal activity in Ukraine and withheld it. The Democrats failure to complete the 1st Impeachment anyway has driven the Democrats to attempt a 2nd confessed politically partisan Impeachment attempt. It's all one huge 'Impeachment Obsession' for the Democrats.
Speaker Pelosi destroyed the Democrats' false narrative thatTrump again posed such a threat to the country that he had to be confessing whatthe Democrats were really doing.

BEFORE THE ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT WERE EVEN WRITTEN, Pelosappeared on a talk show and confessed the entire intent of this latest abuse f the Constitution was to eliminate President Trump as politicalthreat to the DEMOCRAT PARTY (not the US) in 2024 and beyond.

Pelosi admitted that the abuse of power, wasting of time, and wasting of tax dollars is all for politically partisan Democrat Party benefit.....which should be enough to remove Pelosi from her Speaker of the House position.

To add insult to injury, Pelosi is having CCP-espionage facilitator Eric Swalwell oversee the Impeachment. (I wonder if the CCP insisted their 'manchurian candidate' lead the impeachment or if Pelosi offered this move up to gain favor with them...)
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Still nothing on the cop pos that murdered the trespasser.
I am really looking forward to the show. I think its a shame that he gets a reprieve from his mates, albeit under duress, and maybe the impeachment process needs to be looked at. Any process dependant on the integrity of right wingers is likely to be defective.
I am really looking forward to the show. I think its a shame that he gets a reprieve from his mates, albeit under duress, and maybe the impeachment process needs to be looked at. Any process dependant on the integrity of right wingers is likely to be defective.

Of course you are.

it's what imbeciles do and enjoy.

Every family has at least one assclown who thinks pelosi and the Democrats are such "wonderful" people.
Democrats are doing this impeachment to help legitimize "the shadow president". Republicans should drag it out as long as possible. Maybe even let Trump testify if it means they can make Democrats testify. As long as this impeachment goes on, the shadow president will remain in the shadows.
I am really looking forward to the show. I think its a shame that he gets a reprieve from his mates, albeit under duress, and maybe the impeachment process needs to be looked at. Any process dependant on the integrity of right wingers is likely to be defective.
I love how you skipped right ovver the part where Pelosiadmitted on TV to the world that this Impeachment is a criminal sham designed to protect the Democratic party frpom President Trump in 2024 and beyond BECAUSE THEY CAN'T LEGITIMATELY BEAT HIM.
It's all a distraction. democrats have no clue as to how to run the these shows keep the Sheeple distracted as democrats fumble and plunder

At some point Democrats are going to have to finally let go of their Trump Obsession and move forward..wit hthe help of serious therapy, drugs, and the invention of a new 'bogey man'.

It's all a distraction. democrats have no clue as to how to run the these shows keep the Sheeple distracted as democrats fumble and plunder

At some point Democrats are going to have to finally let go of their Trump Obsession and move forward..wit hthe help of serious therapy, drugs, and the invention of a new 'bogey man'.


I don't think democrats as we think of them are in charge at all.
I think ALL Democrats in significant leadership positions are under the control of Globalists (or Chinese_) influence.

That or they are just possessed evil shells
It's all a distraction.

democrats have no clue as to how to run the these shows keep the Sheeple distracted as democrats fumble and plunder
Exactly. All democrats know is political theatre.

Our side has to DO SOMETHING.

The longer we are passive, the higher the cost ultimately.

Either way, this is headed towards oppression and a human catastrophe.

Have you seen this?
It is a documentary on the rise of Socialist Naziism in the 1930's

What is chilling is the incredible parallels it all has with events today. it's a stark warning of what's coming
If you watch it, much of what's happening today will become clear as the method of evil people

Freedom was NEVER free......and payment is overdue

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Obamacare will pay for itself.

Obamacare won't cost a dime.

Guam will FLIP OVER if we put any more troops on the island.

If you like your planb / doctor you can keep them.

I will not allow Impeachment to move forward without irrefutable evidence of crime and partisanship.

President Trump Incited an Insurrection at the Capitol.

This was not pre-planned / staged.

The Captiol Policeman was murderd from being hit with a fire extinguisher.

More troops than we have in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria are needed to turn DC into 'Baghdad' because of an immediate threat from Conservatives and Trump supporters...

...those troops are STILL needed.....

You can always tell when Democrats are lying - their lips move. :p

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