Impeachment Backfiring: SECOND Democrat Leaves The Party In 24 Hours

So the number is from what I understand up to 2 leaving the party, 10 writing an official letter saying they want nothing to do with impeachment and just want a censure, and another 5-6 wanting to vote down impeachment entirely.

By my count that is 18 Democrats so far that want to jump The Nasty Nancy Pelosi Propaganda Train.
State Senator John Yudichak of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania said that he will be switching his registration to become an Independent. He will caucus with the Republican majority.

Oh, a State Senator? You guys are desperate.

Trump is getting impeached.. Deal with it.

Yes he is but he will not be Convicted or Removed and will most likely win a second term, so enjoy!
I think if The Dems vote for impeachment in The House, it qualifies Trump for a Third Term.
State Senator John Yudichak of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania said that he will be switching his registration to become an Independent. He will caucus with the Republican majority.

Yudichak has criticized an increasingly liberal Democratic caucus that has led to this decision.

Due to issues that he finds important, Yudichak believes there is a better home in the Republican caucus.

Yudichak’s announcement comes less than 24 hours since we learned that New Jersey Democratic Congressman Jeff Van Drew has also made a decision that speaks volumes.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s a huge deal for Pennsylvania. With his switch, any hope of the Rats taking the State Senate in 2020 went up in smoke.
Hopefully more will jump ship.
I am hearing Democrats got lit up when they went home this weekend, and more are considering leaving the party and becoming independents or Republicans.
State Senator John Yudichak of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania said that he will be switching his registration to become an Independent. He will caucus with the Republican majority.

Oh, a State Senator? You guys are desperate.

Trump is getting impeached.. Deal with it.

Yes he is but he will not be Convicted or Removed and will most likely win a second term, so enjoy!
I think if The Dems vote for impeachment in The House, it qualifies Trump for a Third Term.

Full Article at the provided link:

House Democrat Explains Why He Opposes Impeachment

Well, it looks like at least two House Democrats aren’t on the impeachment train. While no Republican representatives voted in favor of the impeachment inquiry, there were two Democrats who dissented. Recently, one of them explained why. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ) sat down with USA Today to discuss, among other topics, the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump’s dealings with the Ukrainian government.

The congressman expressed a sentiment that more and more Americans seem to share: Trump’s behavior in relation to Ukraine and potential investigations into former Vice President Joe Biden’s son might not have been handled perfectly, but his overall conduct does not rise to the level of impeachment. As the inquiry proceeds in Congress, it is becoming more apparent that a declining number of Americans still support an attempt to remove Trump from office.

“While he considers the president’s actions on Ukraine ‘unsavory,’ the congressman said he has yet to learn of anything that would persuade him Trump did something to warrant removal from office,” USA Today’s Ledyard King wrote. “No president has ever been removed from office, Van Drew, 66, points out. And to have a ‘small, elite group’ of lawmakers do so when an election is less than a year away seems to him to be not only unfathomable but un-American.”
State Senator John Yudichak of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania said that he will be switching his registration to become an Independent. He will caucus with the Republican majority.

Oh, a State Senator? You guys are desperate.

Trump is getting impeached.. Deal with it.

Yes he is but he will not be Convicted or Removed and will most likely win a second term, so enjoy!
I think if The Dems vote for impeachment in The House, it qualifies Trump for a Third Term.

If you read the laws and regs, The Term Limits are "two full terms" Cut his 1st term a few months short, and he is still on The Ballot, and will win re-election, and then qualifies for a 3rd term.
State Senator John Yudichak of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania said that he will be switching his registration to become an Independent. He will caucus with the Republican majority.

Oh, a State Senator? You guys are desperate.

Trump is getting impeached.. Deal with it.

Yes he is but he will not be Convicted or Removed and will most likely win a second term, so enjoy!
I think if The Dems vote for impeachment in The House, it qualifies Trump for a Third Term.

If you read the laws and regs, The Term Limits are "two full terms" Cut his 1st term a few months short, and he is still on The Ballot, and will win re-election, and then qualifies for a 3rd term.

No, because he has not been convicted or removed and will finish his first term in office, just like Clinton finished his second term in office...
Oh, a State Senator? You guys are desperate.

Trump is getting impeached.. Deal with it.

Yes he is but he will not be Convicted or Removed and will most likely win a second term, so enjoy!
I think if The Dems vote for impeachment in The House, it qualifies Trump for a Third Term.

If you read the laws and regs, The Term Limits are "two full terms" Cut his 1st term a few months short, and he is still on The Ballot, and will win re-election, and then qualifies for a 3rd term.

No, because he has not been convicted or removed and will finish his first term in office, just like Clinton finished his second term in office...
Nah, I think they might look at his popularity, remove him from office, and then let him be elected again, so he is eligible for a 3rd term.

And he can run on a platform of Term Limits for Congress, and Banning Secret Hearings, and things like that. The American People hate rigged games and cheaters.
State Senator John Yudichak of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania said that he will be switching his registration to become an Independent. He will caucus with the Republican majority.

Yudichak has criticized an increasingly liberal Democratic caucus that has led to this decision.

Due to issues that he finds important, Yudichak believes there is a better home in the Republican caucus.

Yudichak’s announcement comes less than 24 hours since we learned that New Jersey Democratic Congressman Jeff Van Drew has also made a decision that speaks volumes.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s a huge deal for Pennsylvania. With his switch, any hope of the Rats taking the State Senate in 2020 went up in smoke.
The Smart Rats Jump From The Sinking Ship First.
2020 Election is going to be more fun than 2016!

State Senator John Yudichak of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania said that he will be switching his registration to become an Independent. He will caucus with the Republican majority.

Yudichak has criticized an increasingly liberal Democratic caucus that has led to this decision.

Due to issues that he finds important, Yudichak believes there is a better home in the Republican caucus.

Yudichak’s announcement comes less than 24 hours since we learned that New Jersey Democratic Congressman Jeff Van Drew has also made a decision that speaks volumes.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s a huge deal for Pennsylvania. With his switch, any hope of the Rats taking the State Senate in 2020 went up in smoke.
The Smart Rats Jump From The Sinking Ship First.
For both political parties I'm not sure if this is good news or bad news. In terms of the political partisans, me thinks it will all depend if after the next election the seats goes to Democrats more liberal than those jumping to the GOP or to long time Republicans.
10 Little
9 Little
8 Little...............

But Chiefess Fauxahontas won't fall until the convention annoints Hillary.
Then, if she still tries to stand, there'll be this mysterious suicide.
Good riddance to bad rubbish. The republicans already love their criminal president they are welcome to all the turncoats as well.
yet the left keeps saying NO WE DIDN'T to all the evidence of crimes they have committed over the years. never knew that was a valid defense.
Well I guess there is something wrong with republicans for not trying to prosecute all the horrible crimes you think democrats committed? Or maybe democrats are just better at covering their asses? Or could it be that it's all a bunch of bullshit?
what do you think is happening now?
why do you HONESTLY think trump is being "impeached"? for saying "look into that" or because he IS wanting to "look into that"?
He was fucking with the election after coming into office under a cloud of suspicion for fucking with the election. Apparently he does not think he can win fair.
A Dem created faux suspicion. You left that part out. ;)
Good riddance to bad rubbish. The republicans already love their criminal president they are welcome to all the turncoats as well.
yet the left keeps saying NO WE DIDN'T to all the evidence of crimes they have committed over the years. never knew that was a valid defense.
Well I guess there is something wrong with republicans for not trying to prosecute all the horrible crimes you think democrats committed? Or maybe democrats are just better at covering their asses? Or could it be that it's all a bunch of bullshit?
what do you think is happening now?
why do you HONESTLY think trump is being "impeached"? for saying "look into that" or because he IS wanting to "look into that"?
He was fucking with the election after coming into office under a cloud of suspicion for fucking with the election. Apparently he does not think he can win fair.

Is that why Hillary was gave the questions to the debate before the debate?
It was not a debate, it was a primary town hall with Bernie vs Hillary, and Donna brazille implied she gave Bernie the questions that were going to be asked as well....
State Senator John Yudichak of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania said that he will be switching his registration to become an Independent. He will caucus with the Republican majority.

Oh, a State Senator? You guys are desperate.

Trump is getting impeached.. Deal with it.
Oh look at you cheering for this.

You are flat out sadistic.
yet the left keeps saying NO WE DIDN'T to all the evidence of crimes they have committed over the years. never knew that was a valid defense.
Well I guess there is something wrong with republicans for not trying to prosecute all the horrible crimes you think democrats committed? Or maybe democrats are just better at covering their asses? Or could it be that it's all a bunch of bullshit?
what do you think is happening now?
why do you HONESTLY think trump is being "impeached"? for saying "look into that" or because he IS wanting to "look into that"?
He was fucking with the election after coming into office under a cloud of suspicion for fucking with the election. Apparently he does not think he can win fair.

Is that why Hillary was gave the questions to the debate before the debate?
It was not a debate, it was a primary town hall with Bernie vs Hillary, and Donna brazille implied she gave Bernie the questions that were going to be asked as well....

No she didn't.

backfire ~ hate hoax ~

ooooopsie -

backfire ~ hate hoax ~

ooooopsie -
No one is buying your Propaganda. You DimTards outted yourself these last three years with an avalanche of lies and corruption.

Democrats in Red States Struggling to Defend Impeachment Back Home

House Democrats in red states who have come out in support of impeachment are having a rough time defending their decision back home.

Democrats who are back home for two weeks in districts that supported President Trump in 2016 are having to answer questions on impeachment – whether they like it or not.

At one town hall, Illinois, Rep. Sean Casten (D-IL) was confronted by a woman who “tore into” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), accusing them of “lying their little butts off,” according to a report by Politico.

She said the whistleblower complaint “looks like a bunch of 13-year-old girls gossiping.”

At another event, another constituent asked Casten why he was not condemning former Vice President Joe Biden’s actions. Trump has said Biden and his son Hunter Biden should be investigated for their actions in Ukraine. Biden pressured Ukraine to fire the chief prosecutor, who had opened a corruption investigation on a Ukrainian gas company that employed his son for over $50,000 a month. The Bidens have denied any wrongdoing.

Casten has told his constituents that there’s “no there thereon the Biden story,” and that a voter who asked him about Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 election was espousing a “deep-down-the-rabbit-hole, crazy conspiracy theory,” according to Politico.

Fox River Grove resident Steven Wood said he remains convinced that Trump did nothing wrong. He and his wife had a heated exchange with Casten, after the lawmaker called Trump’s immigration policies “racist” and his claims about Biden “crackpot conspiracy theories.”

Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI), another Democrat in a Republican-leaning district, has also been confronted at town halls back home.

According to a report from the Detroit News, Slotkin’s recent support of an impeachment inquiry has raised “a cacophony of applause, boos and mingled shouts of ‘Let her speak’ and ‘Fake news,'” at crowded gatherings.


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