I'm taking a stand against political correctness in my writing group...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...and I'm already making enemies.

The Education Officer has invited a "diversity discussion and panel" to talk to our writer's group and that has me alarmed.

You see, I've included all sorts of diversity in my science fiction book series, a mixed bag of characters which include people of all races, species, sexual orientations, sexual identities, and what not. Foolish me, I thought that was a good thing.

Apparently not.

When "white, straight, cis males" write anyone who isn't white, straight, cis and male, apparently we need special pointers from self-appointed guidance counselors so that we can avoid "offending" people.

Today, I made a big stink about it on the group's Facebook page, telling the group I'm not going to submit my work for approval by censors.

The Vice-President of the group told me to "give it a rest" and the Education Officer tried to shut down the debate as "destructive." So I know they're both against me, because they're trying to censor the discussion.

Tell me what you think. Is this a fight worth fighting? I think it is.
It's actually called a "workshop."

The political correctness people are going to work on us writers, because we're "broken" and they're the people to "fix" us.
The Education Officer pointed out this as something I said as offensive:

I described one of my characters as a "straight woman who experiments with lesbianism."

She said, that phrase might "offend" some in the LGBT community.

Imagine that.
The Education Officer pointed out this as something I said as offensive:

I described one of my characters as a "straight woman who experiments with lesbianism."

She said, that phrase might "offend" some in the LGBT community.

Imagine that.

Oh I don't doubt it at all...

I have one question... What the hell is an Education Officer? Sounds like busy work for someone's brother-in-law...
The Education Officer pointed out this as something I said as offensive:

I described one of my characters as a "straight woman who experiments with lesbianism."

She said, that phrase might "offend" some in the LGBT community.

Imagine that.

They are there to help you. If you don't want their help, then pack your shit and go. Why are you having a childish tantrum?
The Education Officer pointed out this as something I said as offensive:

I described one of my characters as a "straight woman who experiments with lesbianism."

She said, that phrase might "offend" some in the LGBT community.

Imagine that.

They are there to help you. If you don't want their help, then pack your shit and go. Why are you having a childish tantrum?
They want to "help" me the way a cop wants to "help" a suspect when he tells him it will go easier for him if he tells his side of the story.

Are you completely insulated from what's happening in the world?

The political correctness Nazis are taking over everything. They've taken over the universities, the law schools and the medical schools. They've taken over the writers' rooms in Hollywood and New York. Now, they're going after writers groups as unimportant as mine.

The reason they're winning is that not enough people are fighting them, because most people are cowards and don't want to make waves.

What's ironic here is that if I had a book full of nothing but straight, white, cis characters, these people would be no threat to me.

So, they're actually TARGETING the people who are TRYING to be inclusive.
The Education Officer pointed out this as something I said as offensive:

I described one of my characters as a "straight woman who experiments with lesbianism."

She said, that phrase might "offend" some in the LGBT community.

Imagine that.

They are there to help you. If you don't want their help, then pack your shit and go. Why are you having a childish tantrum?
They want to "help" me the way a cop wants to "help" a suspect when he tells him it will go easier for him if he tells his side of the story.

Are you completely insulated from what's happening in the world?

The political correctness Nazis are taking over everything. They've taken over the universities, the law schools and the medical schools. They've taken over the writers' rooms in Hollywood and New York. Now, they're going after writers groups as unimportant as mine.

The reason they're winning is that not enough people are fighting them, because most people are cowards and don't want to make waves.

What's ironic here is that if I had a book full of nothing but straight, white, cis characters, these people would be no threat to me.

So, they're actually TARGETING the people who are TRYING to be inclusive.

Did you go into your childish rant about Nazis with them too? I suspect you won't need to make a choice anyway. They will probably kick your crazy ass out of the program anyway. Grow up you big baby.
The Education Officer pointed out this as something I said as offensive:

I described one of my characters as a "straight woman who experiments with lesbianism."

She said, that phrase might "offend" some in the LGBT community.

Imagine that.

They are there to help you. If you don't want their help, then pack your shit and go. Why are you having a childish tantrum?
They want to "help" me the way a cop wants to "help" a suspect when he tells him it will go easier for him if he tells his side of the story.

Are you completely insulated from what's happening in the world?

The political correctness Nazis are taking over everything. They've taken over the universities, the law schools and the medical schools. They've taken over the writers' rooms in Hollywood and New York. Now, they're going after writers groups as unimportant as mine.

The reason they're winning is that not enough people are fighting them, because most people are cowards and don't want to make waves.

What's ironic here is that if I had a book full of nothing but straight, white, cis characters, these people would be no threat to me.

So, they're actually TARGETING the people who are TRYING to be inclusive.

Did you go into your childish rant about Nazis with them too? I suspect you won't need to make a choice anyway. They will probably kick your crazy ass out of the program anyway. Grow up you big baby.
So you're taking a stand in favor of censorship.

I'm glad you've declared yourself so openly, now I know you're an enemy of America and everything it stands for.
The Education Officer pointed out this as something I said as offensive:

I described one of my characters as a "straight woman who experiments with lesbianism."

She said, that phrase might "offend" some in the LGBT community.

Imagine that.

They are there to help you. If you don't want their help, then pack your shit and go. Why are you having a childish tantrum?
They want to "help" me the way a cop wants to "help" a suspect when he tells him it will go easier for him if he tells his side of the story.

Are you completely insulated from what's happening in the world?

The political correctness Nazis are taking over everything. They've taken over the universities, the law schools and the medical schools. They've taken over the writers' rooms in Hollywood and New York. Now, they're going after writers groups as unimportant as mine.

The reason they're winning is that not enough people are fighting them, because most people are cowards and don't want to make waves.

What's ironic here is that if I had a book full of nothing but straight, white, cis characters, these people would be no threat to me.

So, they're actually TARGETING the people who are TRYING to be inclusive.

Did you go into your childish rant about Nazis with them too? I suspect you won't need to make a choice anyway. They will probably kick your crazy ass out of the program anyway. Grow up you big baby.
So you're taking a stand in favor of censorship.

I'm glad you've declared yourself so openly, now I know you're an enemy of America and everything it stands for.

What ever, BooBoo. Tell me more about the Nazis trying to help beginning authors.
The Education Officer pointed out this as something I said as offensive:

I described one of my characters as a "straight woman who experiments with lesbianism."

She said, that phrase might "offend" some in the LGBT community.

Imagine that.

They are there to help you. If you don't want their help, then pack your shit and go. Why are you having a childish tantrum?
They want to "help" me the way a cop wants to "help" a suspect when he tells him it will go easier for him if he tells his side of the story.

Are you completely insulated from what's happening in the world?

The political correctness Nazis are taking over everything. They've taken over the universities, the law schools and the medical schools. They've taken over the writers' rooms in Hollywood and New York. Now, they're going after writers groups as unimportant as mine.

The reason they're winning is that not enough people are fighting them, because most people are cowards and don't want to make waves.

What's ironic here is that if I had a book full of nothing but straight, white, cis characters, these people would be no threat to me.

So, they're actually TARGETING the people who are TRYING to be inclusive.

Did you go into your childish rant about Nazis with them too? I suspect you won't need to make a choice anyway. They will probably kick your crazy ass out of the program anyway. Grow up you big baby.
So you're taking a stand in favor of censorship.

I'm glad you've declared yourself so openly, now I know you're an enemy of America and everything it stands for.

What ever, BooBoo. Tell me more about the Nazis trying to help beginning authors.
You are an enemy.
They are there to help you. If you don't want their help, then pack your shit and go. Why are you having a childish tantrum?
They want to "help" me the way a cop wants to "help" a suspect when he tells him it will go easier for him if he tells his side of the story.

Are you completely insulated from what's happening in the world?

The political correctness Nazis are taking over everything. They've taken over the universities, the law schools and the medical schools. They've taken over the writers' rooms in Hollywood and New York. Now, they're going after writers groups as unimportant as mine.

The reason they're winning is that not enough people are fighting them, because most people are cowards and don't want to make waves.

What's ironic here is that if I had a book full of nothing but straight, white, cis characters, these people would be no threat to me.

So, they're actually TARGETING the people who are TRYING to be inclusive.

Did you go into your childish rant about Nazis with them too? I suspect you won't need to make a choice anyway. They will probably kick your crazy ass out of the program anyway. Grow up you big baby.
So you're taking a stand in favor of censorship.

I'm glad you've declared yourself so openly, now I know you're an enemy of America and everything it stands for.

What ever, BooBoo. Tell me more about the Nazis trying to help beginning authors.
You are an enemy.

Really? Do I get some sort of badge, or a certificate? I like to stick those to the refrigerator with those little magnets.
They want to "help" me the way a cop wants to "help" a suspect when he tells him it will go easier for him if he tells his side of the story.

Are you completely insulated from what's happening in the world?

The political correctness Nazis are taking over everything. They've taken over the universities, the law schools and the medical schools. They've taken over the writers' rooms in Hollywood and New York. Now, they're going after writers groups as unimportant as mine.

The reason they're winning is that not enough people are fighting them, because most people are cowards and don't want to make waves.

What's ironic here is that if I had a book full of nothing but straight, white, cis characters, these people would be no threat to me.

So, they're actually TARGETING the people who are TRYING to be inclusive.

Did you go into your childish rant about Nazis with them too? I suspect you won't need to make a choice anyway. They will probably kick your crazy ass out of the program anyway. Grow up you big baby.
So you're taking a stand in favor of censorship.

I'm glad you've declared yourself so openly, now I know you're an enemy of America and everything it stands for.

What ever, BooBoo. Tell me more about the Nazis trying to help beginning authors.
You are an enemy.

Really? Do I get some sort of badge, or a certificate? I like to stick those to the refrigerator with those little magnets.
BULLDOG, on the day you people take over, there won't even be political forums anymore, you and your ilk will outlaw them.
When everything gets all quiet in class or whatever it is, your meetup, I mean, stand up and do this...

They won't say anything else to you, trust me. They'll leave you the fuck alone, gare awn teed.
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They want to "help" me the way a cop wants to "help" a suspect when he tells him it will go easier for him if he tells his side of the story.

Are you completely insulated from what's happening in the world?

The political correctness Nazis are taking over everything. They've taken over the universities, the law schools and the medical schools. They've taken over the writers' rooms in Hollywood and New York. Now, they're going after writers groups as unimportant as mine.

The reason they're winning is that not enough people are fighting them, because most people are cowards and don't want to make waves.

What's ironic here is that if I had a book full of nothing but straight, white, cis characters, these people would be no threat to me.

So, they're actually TARGETING the people who are TRYING to be inclusive.

Did you go into your childish rant about Nazis with them too? I suspect you won't need to make a choice anyway. They will probably kick your crazy ass out of the program anyway. Grow up you big baby.
So you're taking a stand in favor of censorship.

I'm glad you've declared yourself so openly, now I know you're an enemy of America and everything it stands for.

What ever, BooBoo. Tell me more about the Nazis trying to help beginning authors.
You are an enemy.

Really? Do I get some sort of badge, or a certificate? I like to stick those to the refrigerator with those little magnets.

You lost this argument like you do with most. Give it up.
...and I'm already making enemies.

The Education Officer has invited a "diversity discussion and panel" to talk to our writer's group and that has me alarmed.

You see, I've included all sorts of diversity in my science fiction book series, a mixed bag of characters which include people of all races, species, sexual orientations, sexual identities, and what not. Foolish me, I thought that was a good thing.

Apparently not.

When "white, straight, cis males" write anyone who isn't white, straight, cis and male, apparently we need special pointers from self-appointed guidance counselors so that we can avoid "offending" people.

Today, I made a big stink about it on the group's Facebook page, telling the group I'm not going to submit my work for approval by censors.

The Vice-President of the group told me to "give it a rest" and the Education Officer tried to shut down the debate as "destructive." So I know they're both against me, because they're trying to censor the discussion.

Tell me what you think. Is this a fight worth fighting? I think it is.

Face it, today, actual freedom of thought and honest candor and common sense have been literally suffocated under the blanket of progressive liberal fascism. The Left today are now like trying to live with the Borg. They want absolute control of how you take a shit and if you resist they will try to destroy you.
I have half a mind to attend this so-called "workshop" and when the time for questioning begins, raise my hand and ask:

"Who died and put you in charge of what people are allowed to write about LGBT and minorities?"
Did you go into your childish rant about Nazis with them too? I suspect you won't need to make a choice anyway. They will probably kick your crazy ass out of the program anyway. Grow up you big baby.
So you're taking a stand in favor of censorship.

I'm glad you've declared yourself so openly, now I know you're an enemy of America and everything it stands for.

What ever, BooBoo. Tell me more about the Nazis trying to help beginning authors.
You are an enemy.

Really? Do I get some sort of badge, or a certificate? I like to stick those to the refrigerator with those little magnets.
BULLDOG, on the day you people take over, there won't even be political forums anymore, you and your ilk will outlaw them.

You be sure and keep me updated on that, and good luck with your Nazi book club.

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