"I'm gonna kill you!"


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
They need to get used to it..... not saying its right, but when you govern against the will of the people these things are going to happen.

I personally think some of it is BS. :eusa_liar:
If "said lawmaker" can garner some simpathy for getting calls they dont like, its all the better for him/her. :hmpf:
I personally think it is wrong for ANYONE to say they are going to KILL SOMEONE, for ANY REASON.

It is wrong....it is SICKO SICK sick sick. Anyone who thinks they need to kill their representative if they don't vote precisely as they want.

People like this need to get a grip...and seek psychological HELP.
Agreed, but I think they are just a bit thin skinned these days, and also exagerating the fact too.... just my opinion though.
Agreed, but I think they are just a bit thin skinned these days, and also exagerating the fact too.... just my opinion though.

oh, no doubt political posturing could be taking place, but regardless.....throwing out...''I am going to kill you'' is simply NOT ACCEPTABLE and no one should be threatening others in this manner.

Vote the SOB out of office, campaign against them and their positions, BUT to say to the Representative that they are going to kill them is the voice of someone very sick in the head...incapable of dealing with the roller coaster of life in general imho.

It is a symptom of general public anger. For every call made by a crazy, there are thousands of solid citizens who are also angry, but would never do such a thing. So you can look at this as a sort of temperature gauge. And, when people are under economic stress, they are more likely to crack and do nutty things like beat their wife, or this sort of stuff.

Most everyone I know was affected by the downturn. I personally lost some money. I didn't lose the farm, so to speak, but I was affected. It is a widespread severe recession that has affected millions. Apparently some people are cracking. But much more are just very angry and will lash out at the ballot box.
They need to get used to it..... not saying its right, but when you govern against the will of the people these things are going to happen.

I personally think some of it is BS. :eusa_liar:
If "said lawmaker" can garner some simpathy for getting calls they dont like, its all the better for him/her. :hmpf:

I disagree, in a democracy or constitutional republic, there will always be disagreement, and the purpose of civilization or a civilized people is to work out the issues and not threaten. We do not live in a nation that abuses the law, we live in a nation that is ruled by law. Anarchism isn't the way. Nothing has been done to these people to warrant the craziness - unless one considers the talking heads spewing a new sort of hatred against government and our elected officials.

I have this book, but darn the price sure has gone through the roof. See library.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Law-Disagreement-Jeremy-Waldron/dp/0199243034/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8]Amazon.com: Law and Disagreement (9780199243037): Jeremy Waldron: Books[/ame]
Does anyone remember the hatred that was spewed at Bush for 8 solid years. Hell, there was even a movie about an assasination of him... GOOD GAWD, get a grip!

There is never a good reason to threaten someone with bodily harm, but I believe the latest threats are far and few between. All elected officials have gotten them, not just the lefty pussies. They are just trying to get some sympathy and it isnt working with me.
Actually, the only real violence I have seen is from the left. (i.e. a guy getting his finger bit off, SEIU members beating up a black man, a rock thrown thru a Republicans window... etc etc....)

Give me a break
It is a symptom of general public anger. For every call made by a crazy, there are thousands of solid citizens who are also angry, but would never do such a thing. So you can look at this as a sort of temperature gauge. And, when people are under economic stress, they are more likely to crack and do nutty things like beat their wife, or this sort of stuff.

Most everyone I know was affected by the downturn. I personally lost some money. I didn't lose the farm, so to speak, but I was affected. It is a widespread severe recession that has affected millions. Apparently some people are cracking. But much more are just very angry and will lash out at the ballot box.

Seems to me that the lashing out is against people that are actually trying to alleviate the pain. And I don't excuse this kind of thing at all. No matter what side it comes from, people who do this should be tracked down, have their houses and all their property searched, then be relieved of any weopons they own for the duration of their life. Too damned many Tim McVeighs out there.
Does anyone remember the hatred that was spewed at Bush for 8 solid years. Hell, there was even a movie about an assasination of him... GOOD GAWD, get a grip!

There is never a good reason to threaten someone with bodily harm, but I believe the latest threats are far and few between. All elected officials have gotten them, not just the lefty pussies. They are just trying to get some sympathy and it isnt working with me.
Actually, the only real violence I have seen is from the left. (i.e. a guy getting his finger bit off, SEIU members beating up a black man, a rock thrown thru a Republicans window... etc etc....)

Give me a break

There never was the level of death threats to our representatives or to President Bush as there are today against them and President Obama. And the latest threats are not few and far between.

The kind of thinking, whether from the left or the right, that violence is justified because your political group is out of power at the moment, is a cancer on the fabric of our society. No one, whatever your political views, should make excuses for it.

At present, it is the far right that is doing this, and the far right that in our history, that has done the most violence to our society. The limp wristed excuses made here by their tactic supporters are quite disheartening.

The Rise of Political Extremism and the Decline of Decency - US News and World Report

The Rise of Political Extremism and the Decline of Decency
John Avlon discusses his new book "Wingnuts"
By Jessica Rettig
Posted April 8, 2010
With Barack Obama's election in 2008, voters sent a clear message about their desire to break with the polarized, play-to-the-base politics of the Bush era, says journalist John Avlon. Yet, in his new book, Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe Is Hijacking America, he says that just over a year into Obama's presidency, partisanship is worse than ever, and the extremes of the political spectrum are gaining more and more power. A senior political columnist for The Daily Beast and previously chief speechwriter for former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Avlon argues that the cycle of hyperpartisanship needs to stop and that it's up to the nation's center majority to act. He recently chatted with U.S. News about the rise of the extremes and restoring decency in American politics. Excerpts:
Violence in American society to support a political agenda. The KKK and those in the South that made lynching people of color a weekend sport clear up into the '50s. The fruitcake, on the left that was mailing bombs. The people that have killed doctors and bombed abortion clinics.

There are many more that can be listed. McViegh was the worst, and certainly a real poster child for this kind of insanity, but it is out there, and your tactic support of it, along with so many others on the right, is very disturbing.
....There are many more that can be listed. McViegh was the worst, and certainly a real poster child for this kind of insanity, but it is out there, and your tactic support of it, along with so many others on the right, is very disturbing.

Odd how the right cannot face the fact their rhetoric is damaging the nation by inciting the nuts. McVeigh acted after Clinton's election, when the mood was the same as today. The plane into IRS nut, is in the same category, as is the holocaust shooter.
Does anyone remember the hatred that was spewed at Bush for 8 solid years. Hell, there was even a movie about an assasination of him... GOOD GAWD, get a grip!

There is never a good reason to threaten someone with bodily harm, but I believe the latest threats are far and few between. All elected officials have gotten them, not just the lefty pussies. They are just trying to get some sympathy and it isnt working with me.
Actually, the only real violence I have seen is from the left. (i.e. a guy getting his finger bit off, SEIU members beating up a black man, a rock thrown thru a Republicans window... etc etc....)

Give me a break

There never was the level of death threats to our representatives or to President Bush as there are today against them and President Obama. And the latest threats are not few and far between.

Here is the spin, designed for consumption by the gullible...you know, folks who believe in AGW, and any other drivel the slow of wit will swallow:

"Since Mr Obama took office, the rate of threats against the president has increased 400 per cent from the 3,000 a year or so under President George W. Bush, according to Ronald Kessler, author of In the President's Secret Service"
Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service - Telegraph

And the revelation:

"5803574The director of the Secret Service today disputed widely-reported claims that President Obama is receiving more death threats than previous presidents.

At a congressional hearing into the White House security breach that took place last week, when Tareq and Michaele Salahi "crashed" the White House state dinner, Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan said the current threat level against the president is normal.

"The threats right now ... is the same level as it has been for the previous two presidents at this point in their administrations," Sullivan said. Secret Service: Threats Against Obama No Higher than Normal - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
....There are many more that can be listed. McViegh was the worst, and certainly a real poster child for this kind of insanity, but it is out there, and your tactic support of it, along with so many others on the right, is very disturbing.

Odd how the right cannot face the fact their rhetoric is damaging the nation by inciting the nuts. McVeigh acted after Clinton's election, when the mood was the same as today. The plane into IRS nut, is in the same category, as is the holocaust shooter.

The self delusion on the left is astounding. Rocky is a moron, but you often evince some knowledge of history...

so let's see if we can pick a violent racist on the left, who is, in fact a hero to the left, unlike the McVeigh guy to the right.

How about the 'sainted' Margaret Sanger?

1. Margaret Sanger, liberal answer to Mother Theresa, their saint. Her genius was in combining racist-eugenics strategy with sexual pleasure and women’s liberation.

2. Sanger subscribed to almost every category of eugenics, aiming at banning the reproduction of the ‘unfit,’ and regulating same of everybody else. “More children from the fit, less from the unfit- that is the chief issue of birth control,” she claimed in her 1922 book “The Pivot of Civilization.” (p. 42)

3. In 1926, Sanger gave a speech at the KKK rally in Silver Lake, NJ. Sanger appointed her friend, Lothrop Stoddard, as a board member of the Birth Control League (the forerunner of Planned Parenthood). Stoddard, wrote “The Rising Tide of Color Against White Supremacy,” in which we find this statement: ‘Just as we isolate bacterial invasions, and starve out the bacteria, by limiting the area and amount of their food supply, so we can compel an inferior race to remain in its native habitat.’ Rosen, “Preaching Eugenics,” p. 216

4. “The Negro Project, instigated in 1939 by Margaret Sanger, was one of the first major undertakings of the new Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA)[which changed its name to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942]….Influenced strongly by both the eugenics movement and the progressive welfare programs of the New Deal era, the Negro Project was, from the start, largely indifferent to the needs of the black community and constructed in terms and with perceptions that today smack of racism. In her report, "Birth Control and the Negro," she made the point that “Negroes…still breed carelessly and disastrously," and, in a letter to Clarence Gamble in Dec. 1939, argu[ed] that: "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." MSPP > Newsletter

I've noticed that the lower President Obama goes in the polls, the more rabid you become in criticism of the right.
Now, behave yourself.
....There are many more that can be listed. McViegh was the worst, and certainly a real poster child for this kind of insanity, but it is out there, and your tactic support of it, along with so many others on the right, is very disturbing.

Odd how the right cannot face the fact their rhetoric is damaging the nation by inciting the nuts. McVeigh acted after Clinton's election, when the mood was the same as today. The plane into IRS nut, is in the same category, as is the holocaust shooter.

The self delusion on the left is astounding. Rocky is a moron, but you often evince some knowledge of history...

so let's see if we can pick a violent racist on the left, who is, in fact a hero to the left, unlike the McVeigh guy to the right.

How about the 'sainted' Margaret Sanger?

1. Margaret Sanger, liberal answer to Mother Theresa, their saint. Her genius was in combining racist-eugenics strategy with sexual pleasure and women’s liberation.

2. Sanger subscribed to almost every category of eugenics, aiming at banning the reproduction of the ‘unfit,’ and regulating same of everybody else. “More children from the fit, less from the unfit- that is the chief issue of birth control,” she claimed in her 1922 book “The Pivot of Civilization.” (p. 42)

3. In 1926, Sanger gave a speech at the KKK rally in Silver Lake, NJ. Sanger appointed her friend, Lothrop Stoddard, as a board member of the Birth Control League (the forerunner of Planned Parenthood). Stoddard, wrote “The Rising Tide of Color Against White Supremacy,” in which we find this statement: ‘Just as we isolate bacterial invasions, and starve out the bacteria, by limiting the area and amount of their food supply, so we can compel an inferior race to remain in its native habitat.’ Rosen, “Preaching Eugenics,” p. 216

4. “The Negro Project, instigated in 1939 by Margaret Sanger, was one of the first major undertakings of the new Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA)[which changed its name to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942]….Influenced strongly by both the eugenics movement and the progressive welfare programs of the New Deal era, the Negro Project was, from the start, largely indifferent to the needs of the black community and constructed in terms and with perceptions that today smack of racism. In her report, "Birth Control and the Negro," she made the point that “Negroes…still breed carelessly and disastrously," and, in a letter to Clarence Gamble in Dec. 1939, argu[ed] that: "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." MSPP > Newsletter

I've noticed that the lower President Obama goes in the polls, the more rabid you become in criticism of the right.
Now, behave yourself.

Ironically, the effective use of birth control has accomplished the opposite of Sanger's stated goals...
Politics in American today. And who said the absurd rhetoric had no effect?

"Exclusive: FBI details surge in death threats against lawmakers"

"I voted for you,” the caller said in a voice mail to Democratic Rep. Heath Shuler’s district office. “If you vote for that stimulus package, I’m gonna kill you. Simple as that.”"

Exclusive: FBI details surge in death threats against lawmakers - Erika Lovley - POLITICO.com

While there are a lot of people in this country that are upset with their representative--really the voting booth is the only way. Threats of violence or death threats are completely unacceptable.

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