I'm Confused

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Why are the democrats whining and complaining when they're the ones who stole the election? What are they so worried about? (Other than the fact that if justice were truly served the ones responsible for this would be thrown in prison.)

Why are the democrats whining and complaining when they're the ones who stole the election? What are they so worried about? (Other than the fact that if justice were truly served the ones responsible for this would be thrown in prison.)

I could tell by your opening sentence, you are indeed confused.:auiqs.jpg:
When you steal what you did not earn you are still expected to perform.
They are failing...
Biden and Democrats are demonstrating exactly why they did not actually win.

Yes, but that still doesn't explain why they're worried about the integrity of elections when we're the ones who should be worried.
Why are the democrats whining and complaining when they're the ones who stole the election? What are they so worried about? (Other than the fact that if justice were truly served the ones responsible for this would be thrown in prison.)

Hey you almost figured out the election wasnt stolen. But since you are a dumbfuck,you'll stay confused.
Why are the democrats whining and complaining when they're the ones who stole the election? What are they so worried about? (Other than the fact that if justice were truly served the ones responsible for this would be thrown in prison.)

The hard left doesn't care that the nation is floundering, it's what they want. I feel they fall into two categories:
1. The gullible that actually believe the Marxists have only their best interest in mind.
2. The corrupt Marxists that want to push this nation into becoming Marxist, with an idea that as they are at the forefront of the Marxist movement, they will be amongst the "party" elite, ruling the little people.
The second category doesn't remember that once in power, the new Marxist government, eliminates much of those that promoted their Marxist revolution, ensuring only the "pure" Marxists would be among the politburo elite.
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Why are the democrats whining and complaining when they're the ones who stole the election? What are they so worried about? (Other than the fact that if justice were truly served the ones responsible for this would be thrown in prison.)

Right-wingers have nothing but right-wing fantasy instead of any "gospel Truth".
Why are the democrats whining and complaining when they're the ones who stole the election? What are they so worried about? (Other than the fact that if justice were truly served the ones responsible for this would be thrown in prison.)

Hi Wifey... Let me translate your question in Left speak and see if it helps you understand...

Why are republicans whining and complaining when they're the ones who colluded with Russia to win the election? What are they so worried about? (Other than the fact that if justice were truly served the ones responsible for this would be thrown in prison.)

See what I did there? ;)
Why are the democrats whining and complaining when they're the ones who stole the election? What are they so worried about? (Other than the fact that if justice were truly served the ones responsible for this would be thrown in prison.)

Their platform relies on garnering at least 85% of the PoC vote but most middle class voters don't vote Democrat anymore because the party has moved so far left. So if PoC continue to garner middle class status as they should then naturally they may lose some of their vote and if only 70% of PoC vote blue then they will indeed have a tough time in elections. Additionally many are leaving blue states for red states and hence blue states are losing congressional seats and red states are gaining them. Just my 2 cents.
Hi Wifey... Let me translate your question in Left speak and see if it helps you understand...

Why are republicans whining and complaining when they're the ones who colluded with Russia to win the election? What are they so worried about? (Other than the fact that if justice were truly served the ones responsible for this would be thrown in prison.)

See what I did there? ;)

I think you're mixing Trump up with Hillary Clinton.
Biden has 26% support among independents, down like 30 points in 9 months.

The left wing commies on this board have not figured out how to spin that yet.

Lefties, have your puppet masters told you how to spin this yet?
Their platform relies on garnering at least 85% of the PoC vote but most middle class voters don't vote Democrat anymore because the party has moved so far left. So if PoC continue to garner middle class status as they should then naturally they may lose some of their vote and if only 70% of PoC vote blue then they will indeed have a tough time in elections. Additionally many are leaving blue states for red states and hence blue states are losing congressional seats and red states are gaining them. Just my 2 cents.

I'm sorry, I'm having a little trouble understanding what you mean due to my learning disabilities. Mind rephrasing that?
RSBN? LoL - Lame even for you Doc's wife ;)

  • Overall, we rate Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) right biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, right-wing propaganda, the use of poor sources, and failed fact checks.

You leftists are SO hypocritical! (No offense Slade) You major in conspiracy theories. :rolleyes:
Biden is down to 22% approval with independents they should be afraid....
Joe never got close to 81 million votes and the elected dems know it....
22? I love it when you bungholes pull numbers outta your butts. :D

The most recent Gallup poll, published on Friday, showed President Biden currently has a 34 per cent approval rating among Independents

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