Im confised about our retaliation airstrike...

Indeed. Which is why we should leave. Why we should have never occupied the country. But they fact remains, they harbor terrorists.

Agreed. But the blowback is a result of decades of "nation building". We should leave them alone. And, if they fuck with us, destroy them.
Are you aware the Taliban was willing to hand over Bin Laden, if the US could provide proof of his guilt in 9/11? Dumbo W said fuck you and bombs away. Then tens of thousands of innocent women and children were murdered by our military.
Are you aware the Taliban was willing to hand over Bin Laden, if the US could provide proof of his guilt in 9/11? Dumbo W said fuck you and bombs away. Then tens of thousands of innocent women and children were murdered by our military.
Um, that was Clinton who turned down the offer of Bin Laden, Idiot.
Are you aware the Taliban was willing to hand over Bin Laden, if the US could provide proof of his guilt in 9/11? Dumbo W said fuck you and bombs away. Then tens of thousands of innocent women and children were murdered by our military.
Yep. I followed it as it went down. Their offer was entirely disingenuous. After repeated, persistent refusals to cooperate, when it became clear that the US was deadly serious, they offered a "compromise" - they claimed that they'd consider giving up Bin Laden, IF the US could provide proof (by whose estimation? theirs? Riiiiight). IF they could turn him over to a "neutral" third party (again, "neutral" by whose estimation?).

I didn't agree with Bush on much, but on this I did. They had plenty of time to cooperate. Their last minute plea was nothing more than stalling. Even then, if they were serious, they had ample opportunity to turn Bin Laden over unconditionally. They chose not to and paid the price.

I'm completely on board with the blowback concept, and yes, the west has been fucking with the middle east for over a hundred years. We should get out and let those people live how they want - as long as they agree to return the favor. Regardless of the history, a nation that attacks us (or offers safe harbor to those who do) is our enemy, and should expect severe retaliation.
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Yep. I followed it as it went down. Their offer was entirely disingenuous. After repeated, persistent refusals to cooperate, when it became clear that the US was deadly serious, they offered a "compromise" - they'd claimed that they'd consider giving up Bin Laden, IF the US could provide proof (by whose estimation? theirs? Riiiiight). IF they could turn him over to a "neutral" third party (again, "neutral" by whose estimation?).

I didn't agree with Bush on much, but on this I did. They had ample time to cooperate. Their last minute plea was nothing more than stalling. If they were serious, they had ample opportunity to turn Bin Laden over unconditionally. They chose not to and paid the price.

I'm completely on board with the blowback concept, and yes, the west has been fucking with the middle east for over a hundred years. We should get out and let those people live how they want - as long as they agree to return the favor. Regardless of the history, a nation that attacks us (or offers safe harbor to those who do) is our enemy, and should expect severe retaliation.

Had clinton turned him over a couple of decades ago, we may not even talking about the ME. Bush was an idiot for going into iraq. He should have used hussein as a hedge to iran.
They say he's an ISISk member but then they say they have no evidence he is linked in any way to the suicide bombings but that he was planning future attacks?

Well, you see Gramps, we just killed someone allied with yesterday's killing of our marines even though no one was actually there to do it or see it and we don't actually even know for sure that this was even the person(s) who were really even responsible, yet we know were planning more future missions much the same way that we know that the 2020 election was a surgically clean election totally aboveboard despite there being 100,000 things seemingly glaringly wrong with it that would make a Biden victory about as likely as a lightning strike at the bottom of the ocean, yet we know all claims of fraud were all totally baseless and were totally debunked right after the election even though no one can point out by who, when or how any of this even happened. :smoke:
1. The VIA left a week ago so we have had no real Intel in Afghanistan.

2. With no Intel, how did they find / single this guy out of approx 6,000 ISIS, AL Qaeda, and Taliban terrorists the Taliban recently released?

3. How do you know THIS was the guy?

Biden & his f*-ups needed a soft response and kill to stop the political hemorrhaging - he gave it to the people.

Biden hasn't moved this fast since someone yelled, "COVID" in the WH & he ran for the basement.

He and his admin have lied to us so often about all of this I find itdifficult to swallow - trust but verify.

BFW, you think 'this' is over? Yiu think the terrorists will not retaliate? Hmmmmm
How many drone strikes did your orange baboon god order? We don't know because that asswipe ordered the info to be withheld from the American public.

So how many people do you think greasestain Trump offed?
Joe Dufus is pissing his buddies off. He don't get no love from nobody. Ass kissing the Taliban didn't work out like h wanted, did it?

JUST IN - Taliban condemns U.S. drone strike against Islamic State militants. "It was a clear attack on Afghan territory," a group's spokesman says.

They say he's an ISISk member but then they say they have no evidence he is linked in any way to the suicide bombings but that he was planning future attacks?
And how did we drone strike him without any other casualties?

I want to say good job Biden but I am very suspicious that this person even exists.

It makes me sad to be at a point where I no longer trust my own governments word.

Well as more evidence comes out it turns out this was a token strike, not one meant to scare those parasites into abating their attacks.
Joe Dufus is pissing his buddies off. He don't get no love from nobody. Ass kissing the Taliban didn't work out like h wanted, did it?

JUST IN - Taliban condemns U.S. drone strike against Islamic State militants. "It was a clear attack on Afghan territory," a group's spokesman says.

Two words to the Taliban in reply:

Fuck you.
I feel the same pain the OP does about now being in a position that i simply can’t trust anything this admin says. specifically about this topic, due to their repeated lies and doubling down on the lies even after it being debunked

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