I'm beginning to really HATE the people lined up against Trump. Is that wrong???

Rambunctious, post: 17803412
It was a fun time with a BBQ at the farmers market....your definition of a good life is very different from mine. Trump supporters are the backbone of this nation and they are great company at any venue...

Great company with each other maybe.

BS. No backbone at all. A bunch of sobbers because no one 'cares' about their fears and laziness. Your only common trait: you can hear a dig whistle from two hoots and a holler away.

And you need an authoritarian, even a kleptocrat to get you something that you are too lazy to get for yourself.

Those with backbone do not spew hatred as the lifeblood of you movement behind such an ignorant crass unAmerican man.
And I'm beginning to feel HATE...
My guess is that you've been conditioned to look at things in a very binary, black & white, us vs. them way.

You're not obligated to hate those who dare to disagree with you. Hate is something you choose to do.

There will always be people who disagree with you. That's just a part of life we all have to accept.

You poor little minded snowflake.... do you really think you leftardz are loathed just because some of us Conservatives have opinions that differ from yours?

If you think that is so, I really have to wonder what you think our reaction to your actual policies, parades and agendas are?

This shit doesn't play out in a fucking vacuum, you know.

If all we ever have is a difference of opinions, no-one would have reason to hate on you tards at all.

It's not your libtarded "opinions" where anyone finds reason to hate on you. It's the ACTIONS you take and have been taking, that results in your (much deserved) retaliation.
I think you hate because you have been taught to hate. You've been taught to think on a very binary, simplistic, hyperbolic, reactionary level.

You've been conditioned to explode with anger and attack at the slightest perceived provocation, as we see here.

The Division Pimps have done their job well. They appreciate your obedience, no doubt.
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It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.

"...beginning to..." ?

However much you hate those people, just remember, they hate Trump 10x more. He's taking away their status that comes at the expense of everyone else.
And I'm beginning to feel HATE...
My guess is that you've been conditioned to look at things in a very binary, black & white, us vs. them way.

You're not obligated to hate those who dare to disagree with you. Hate is something you choose to do.

There will always be people who disagree with you. That's just a part of life we all have to accept.

These people are not just disagreeing with us.

They are demonizing us at every turn.

They are actively working to harm us constantly, and telling us we are Evul for having the gall to complain about it.

THey laugh and gloat at our pain.

Here is a room for of dems laughing at the idea of white males suffering so much that they are killing themselves more and hoping that we die off.

That is pretty black and white, Mac.
And I'm beginning to feel HATE...
My guess is that you've been conditioned to look at things in a very binary, black & white, us vs. them way.

You're not obligated to hate those who dare to disagree with you. Hate is something you choose to do.

There will always be people who disagree with you. That's just a part of life we all have to accept.

These people are not just disagreeing with us.

They are demonizing us at every turn.

They are actively working to harm us constantly, and telling us we are Evul for having the gall to complain about it.

THey laugh and gloat at our pain.

Here is a room for of dems laughing at the idea of white males suffering so much that they are killing themselves more and hoping that we die off.

That is pretty black and white, Mac.

two things as a take away

1- leftists love violence to further their agenda

2- in order for leftist ideology to prevail others must die

as history points out
And I'm beginning to feel HATE...
My guess is that you've been conditioned to look at things in a very binary, black & white, us vs. them way.

You're not obligated to hate those who dare to disagree with you. Hate is something you choose to do.

There will always be people who disagree with you. That's just a part of life we all have to accept.

These people are not just disagreeing with us.

They are demonizing us at every turn.

They are actively working to harm us constantly, and telling us we are Evul for having the gall to complain about it.

THey laugh and gloat at our pain.

Here is a room for of dems laughing at the idea of white males suffering so much that they are killing themselves more and hoping that we die off.

That is pretty black and white, Mac.

What you're saying, then, is that your hatred is justified.

My point is that you're still choosing to react in that way. You're not being forced, it's a decision you're making. There are ways to deal with people who disagree with you without feeling hatred for them.

Hatred can hurt you every bit as much as it can help you.
Dupes/red necks/rubes stick together...good people except for their politics and racism...
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.
The prime agency in promoting anti-Trump is the MSM. The people that believe the MSM i.e. GOP establishment, i.e. John McCain,et.al. (who ignorantly think the MSM likes them) never understood that the MSM propaganda has influenced these people. The Anti-Trump people don't know the MSM literally puts their money where their mouth is, i.e. see the following charts.
It seems that everyone, EVERYONE, in the establishment is lined up against Trump, and that includes both Democrats and Republicans, the media (including FOX News), the billionaires who really pull the strings, the deep state (CIA, NSA, FBI), the State Department, the bureaucracy at all the agencies, the courts, the universities, Hollywood, etc.

The only people behind Trump are the ordinary folks who voted for him, as proven at the BSA Jamboree and the Youngstown rally.

And I'm beginning to feel HATE because of Trump can't overcome all this opposition, we Americans will have lost our last, best chance of getting our country back.

Not at all.
And I'm beginning to feel HATE...
My guess is that you've been conditioned to look at things in a very binary, black & white, us vs. them way.

You're not obligated to hate those who dare to disagree with you. Hate is something you choose to do.

There will always be people who disagree with you. That's just a part of life we all have to accept.

These people are not just disagreeing with us.

They are demonizing us at every turn.

They are actively working to harm us constantly, and telling us we are Evul for having the gall to complain about it.

THey laugh and gloat at our pain.

Here is a room for of dems laughing at the idea of white males suffering so much that they are killing themselves more and hoping that we die off.

That is pretty black and white, Mac.

What you're saying, then, is that your hatred is justified.

My point is that you're still choosing to react in that way. You're not being forced, it's a decision you're making. There are ways to deal with people who disagree with you without feeling hatred for them.

Hatred can hurt you every bit as much as it can help you.

NOT hating some one that so obviously hates you and is so hostile to you and is constantly working to harm you and your people, is difficult and more difficult that longer it goes on.

You ever have someone laugh at the idea of you killing yourself Mac?
And I'm beginning to feel HATE...
My guess is that you've been conditioned to look at things in a very binary, black & white, us vs. them way.

You're not obligated to hate those who dare to disagree with you. Hate is something you choose to do.

There will always be people who disagree with you. That's just a part of life we all have to accept.

These people are not just disagreeing with us.

They are demonizing us at every turn.

They are actively working to harm us constantly, and telling us we are Evul for having the gall to complain about it.

THey laugh and gloat at our pain.

Here is a room for of dems laughing at the idea of white males suffering so much that they are killing themselves more and hoping that we die off.

That is pretty black and white, Mac.

What you're saying, then, is that your hatred is justified.

My point is that you're still choosing to react in that way. You're not being forced, it's a decision you're making. There are ways to deal with people who disagree with you without feeling hatred for them.

Hatred can hurt you every bit as much as it can help you.

NOT hating some one that so obviously hates you and is so hostile to you and is constantly working to harm you and your people, is difficult and more difficult that longer it goes on.

You ever have someone laugh at the idea of you killing yourself Mac?

I don't know. But if someone were to, my reaction would not be to hate them, but to wonder about their motivations for doing it. I'm just not a hateful person.

Seems to me that allowing emotion to control us typically leads to bad, counter-productive decisions.

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