Illegals released into the US are testing positive for Covid at 18-25% rate, and Biden doesn't care

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
This is what the left wants.

WASHINGTON — More than 18 percent of migrant families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minors who recently crossed the U.S. border tested positive for Covid on leaving Border Patrol custody over the past two to three weeks, according to a document prepared this week for a Thursday briefing with President Joe Biden.

Some flights scheduled to deport migrants had more than 25 percent of passengers test positive before departure, leading Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove those migrants from the flights for quarantine in the U.S., according to the document.

The Department of Homeland Security document does not give precise dates or say how many migrants were tested.

Migrants are not tested for Covid in Border Patrol custody unless they show symptoms, but all are tested when they leave Border Patrol custody, according to DHS officials. Immigrants who are allowed to stay in the U.S. to claim asylum are given tests when they are transferred to ICE, Health and Human Services or non-governmental organizations. Deportees who are scheduled to be put on planes out of the U.S. are tested for Covid and other infectious diseases by ICE.

As of Wednesday, more than 15,000 migrants were in Border Patrol custody, according to Customs and Border Protection data obtained by NBC News.
Illegals aka future Dem voters are more important than Americans killed by infected illegals. Or drunk illegals, or rapist illegals or any of the other illegals on Americans crime. Assholes like Biden don't give two shits about how many Americans are killed and raped by illegals.
They are natural conservatives though. They are a people of struggle, and triumph. The future scientists, engineers, and leaders of this nation. As such, their covid virus only empowers us.
This is what the left wants.

WASHINGTON — More than 18 percent of migrant families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minors who recently crossed the U.S. border tested positive for Covid on leaving Border Patrol custody over the past two to three weeks, according to a document prepared this week for a Thursday briefing with President Joe Biden.

Some flights scheduled to deport migrants had more than 25 percent of passengers test positive before departure, leading Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove those migrants from the flights for quarantine in the U.S., according to the document.

The Department of Homeland Security document does not give precise dates or say how many migrants were tested.

Migrants are not tested for Covid in Border Patrol custody unless they show symptoms, but all are tested when they leave Border Patrol custody, according to DHS officials. Immigrants who are allowed to stay in the U.S. to claim asylum are given tests when they are transferred to ICE, Health and Human Services or non-governmental organizations. Deportees who are scheduled to be put on planes out of the U.S. are tested for Covid and other infectious diseases by ICE.

As of Wednesday, more than 15,000 migrants were in Border Patrol custody, according to Customs and Border Protection data obtained by NBC News.
They are expendable..
This is what the left wants.

WASHINGTON — More than 18 percent of migrant families and 20 percent of unaccompanied minors who recently crossed the U.S. border tested positive for Covid on leaving Border Patrol custody over the past two to three weeks, according to a document prepared this week for a Thursday briefing with President Joe Biden.

Some flights scheduled to deport migrants had more than 25 percent of passengers test positive before departure, leading Immigration and Customs Enforcement to remove those migrants from the flights for quarantine in the U.S., according to the document.

The Department of Homeland Security document does not give precise dates or say how many migrants were tested.

Migrants are not tested for Covid in Border Patrol custody unless they show symptoms, but all are tested when they leave Border Patrol custody, according to DHS officials. Immigrants who are allowed to stay in the U.S. to claim asylum are given tests when they are transferred to ICE, Health and Human Services or non-governmental organizations. Deportees who are scheduled to be put on planes out of the U.S. are tested for Covid and other infectious diseases by ICE.

As of Wednesday, more than 15,000 migrants were in Border Patrol custody, according to Customs and Border Protection data obtained by NBC News.

It seems even the left wing media is starting to understand, "hey, maybe we don't WANT to be like Central America and see their influence in our system".

When NBC covers this issue for what it is, that spells trouble. The problem is, how many GOP Establishment representatives do you hear from on this issue?

China is winning. They know that it can be achieved without firing a shot.
It seems even the left wing media is starting to understand, "hey, maybe we don't WANT to be like Central America and see their influence in our system".

When NBC covers this issue for what it is, that spells trouble. The problem is, how many GOP Establishment representatives do you hear from on this issue?

China is winning. They know that it can be achieved without firing a shot.
Did you read the entire article?

And you have no evidence, unless right wing propaganda is your source, to prove China engaged in bioterrorism.
Pedo Joe is spreading tens of thousands of China flu infested illegals around the USA Killing Americans.
Who said anything about terror? Your border alone is more than enough assistance to China.
"My border alone"? Maybe you ought to learn how to write clearly. And, in your comment about China it was easy to infer your words strongly suggested bioterrorism.
Can you infer a reason for developing gain of function viruses if not for bio-terrorism?
Who else developed the covid virus but China?
As I said, the left doesn't care about this. We have one lefty who showed up on this thread to troll instead of addressing the topic.

This is why I tell leftists to go fuck themselves when they talk about what I should or shouldn't do to "stay safe" from Covid. They don't give a fuck. If this didn't convince you, Barack Obama partying, unmasked and in close proximity, with 400 of his closest "friends" while they laugh at the masked, locked-down suckers, should do it.
The Democrat supported Illegal filth coming into Florida is what is causing our hing infection rate.

Instead of the Democrat assholes taking responsiblity for fucking up this country the dishonest sonofabiches try to put the blame on others.
As I said, the left doesn't care about this. We have one lefty who showed up on this thread to troll instead of addressing the topic.

This is why I tell leftists to go fuck themselves when they talk about what I should or shouldn't do to "stay safe" from Covid. They don't give a fuck. If this didn't convince you, Barack Obama partying, unmasked and in close proximity, with 400 of his closest "friends" while they laugh at the masked, locked-down suckers, should do it.
I do what I want and yet I do not brag or bitch about it on USMB, why would I? I could not give a shit what you do either..See how that works? Yet, look who start threads so whiners can whine...

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