Illegal entrants suing States to get driver’s licenses!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

See: Immigrants without legal status sue for Georgia driver’s licenses

”A group of immigrants who are living in Georgia without legal status filed suit against Georgia’s Department of Driver Services in federal court Monday, accusing the state agency of violating their constitutional rights by denying them driver’s licenses."

Now this is very special, “…violating their constitutional rights by denying them driver’s licenses.”

The fact is, each state has exclusive authority to create its own “privileges” which are exclusively for citizens of their own state. And driver’s licenses just happen to be one of those “privileges”.

It should also be noted that the 14th Amendment, by its very language, confirms each State may make distinctions between “citizens” and “persons” when regulating and enforcing its laws!

The 14th Amendment declares that “citizens” of the United States are guaranteed the “privileges or immunities” offered by the state in which they are located. But those who are not “citizens of the united States” and referred to as “persons“ (which would include those who have entered a State or the United States illegally), are not entitled to the “privileges or immunities“ which a state has created for its “citizens“.

The 14th Amendment only requires that “persons” may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without the benefit of the state’s codified due process of law being applied to them equally, as it is applied to all other “persons” within the state in question.

The lawsuit contends that because the federal government has given them work permits and Social Security numbers, they are legal residents. Georgia has decided to rejected this absurdity and will not issue driver’s licenses to illegal entrants living in their State.

This same crap is happening in other States around the country, e.g., see: Illegal immigrants sue Oregon over ballot measure denying licenses

November 30, 2015

”A group of illegal immigrants is suing the state of Oregon to overturn a voter-approved initiative that denied them driver’s licenses.”

And one of the mind numbing arguments these illegals entrants from Mexico and Central America are giving is, it makes it harder for them to take jobs away from American citizens without a driver’s license.

While millions and millions of America Citizens have been squeezed out of jobs by illegal entrants who work off the books, below the going wage and do not pay taxes on their earned wages, they have the audacity to now demand driver’s licenses so they can take more good paying jobs away from American citizens in the construction trades.


The surest way for Obama to accomplish his fundamental transformation of America is to flood America with the poverty stricken and destitute populations of other countries.
Although I am a card-carrying member of the Great Right Wing Conspiracy, I think it is stupid for States to deny driver's licenses to ANYONE LIVING WITHIN THEIR BORDERS.

The fact that they are even applying means that they are residing there, have a car, AND ARE DRIVING ON THE STATE'S ROADS. Without a license they cannot get liability insurance - WHICH IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF EVERYONE ELSE IN THE STATE! Denying them drivers' licenses is simply stupid.

If the states don't want these illegals in their state, they need to take that up with the Feds. But the best policy is to have everyone living and driving in the state registered and insured.

I have spoken.
I wonder why the RWNJ racists are so damn dumb that they actually believe a driver's license in a "privilege" and that it somehow takes jobs away from citizens.

I'll bet you can't figure out the biggest and best reason to push for driver's licenses for illegals. Go ahead. Try to figure it out.

Next they'll tell us illegals don't pay the exact same taxes citizen do. Oh wait - ^^ some people still believe that. Illegals do pay taxes. The difference is, they get nothing in return.

As for jobs, if we educated Americans, companies would not go out of the country for talent. Or do you actually believe Americans want to pick watermelons for less than minimum wage?

Educate yourself about what happened in Alabama.
Dear Luddly, sixty-two percent of households headed by illegal immigrants are receiving some form of public assistance (welfare, housing, food stamps), and that doesn't include FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION for their kids, the addition of which would bring that total up to approximately 90%. Nor does it include the fact that if an "Illegal" is injured, s/he will be brought to an American hospital, which is forbidden by law to deny them treatment.

"...they get nothing in return..."

You are clueless.
Fuck them. Fine their employer, take their children out of school and have their landlords do e-verify. That would help end this entitled bullshit.
Although I am a card-carrying member of the Great Right Wing Conspiracy, I think it is stupid for States to deny driver's licenses to ANYONE LIVING WITHIN THEIR BORDERS.

The fact that they are even applying means that they are residing there, have a car, AND ARE DRIVING ON THE STATE'S ROADS. Without a license they cannot get liability insurance - WHICH IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF EVERYONE ELSE IN THE STATE! Denying them drivers' licenses is simply stupid.

If the states don't want these illegals in their state, they need to take that up with the Feds. But the best policy is to have everyone living and driving in the state registered and insured.

I have spoken.

I dont see why they wouldnt arrest them when they showed up for the hearing if they're here illegally...:dunno:
Donald Trump on board with getting illegals their driver’s licenses!

Under Trump’s plan, after illegals entrants are deported to their own country, they can apply to their local DMV for their driver’s license! Problem solved.


The surest way for Obama to accomplish his fundamental transformation of America is to flood America with the poverty stricken and destitute populations of other countries.
Court has already nixed driver's licenses to illegal entrants

This crap has already been litigated and these illegals have been kicked out of court!

See: Lawsuit challenging Nebraska's denial of driver's licenses to immigrants thrown out

February 12, 2014

U.S. District Judge Laurie Smith Camp said she dismissed the case because Saldana’s lawyers didn’t provide sufficient evidence showing that the DMV has not consistently followed its policies when issuing licenses to individuals granted deferred action, as Saldana alleged.

The judge dismissed the case with prejudice, meaning it can’t be brought back to the court.”

Who is paying for these lawsuits?


The surest way for Obama to accomplish his fundamental transformation of America is to flood America with the poverty stricken and destitute populations of other countries.
Although I am a card-carrying member of the Great Right Wing Conspiracy, I think it is stupid for States to deny driver's licenses to ANYONE LIVING WITHIN THEIR BORDERS.

The fact that they are even applying means that they are residing there, have a car, AND ARE DRIVING ON THE STATE'S ROADS. Without a license they cannot get liability insurance - WHICH IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF EVERYONE ELSE IN THE STATE! Denying them drivers' licenses is simply stupid.

If the states don't want these illegals in their state, they need to take that up with the Feds. But the best policy is to have everyone living and driving in the state registered and insured.

I have spoken.

Yeah..and they then use those licenses as ID to vote, thereby skewing and corrupting the system...Care to guess which party they vote for?
Let them drive with no license..then catch and deport as undesirable more catch and release.
We're going to start fixing this problem soon, though.
Although I am a card-carrying member of the Great Right Wing Conspiracy, I think it is stupid for States to deny driver's licenses to ANYONE LIVING WITHIN THEIR BORDERS.

That may be, but there is no Constitutional right to drive, so I fail to see how their lawsuit has any merit. Additionally, the people who filed it should now be picked up and deported since they are on record as being here illegally.
If you read the article , they are not "illegal immigrants " in the traditional sense . They have this weird non status . GA used to give people like this licenses

And you forgot to mention that the 14th provides due process for all persons .

The lawsuit says the plaintiffs — not named in the court papers because of “safety concerns” and “possible retaliation” — have been ordered deported and are seeking to have their removals suspended or whose home countries won’t accept them back. The federal government has issued them work permits and Social Security numbers, indicating they are legally present in the U.S. Historically, such people have been able to obtain driver’s licenses in Georgia, according to the lawsuit. But the state started rejecting them this summer, saying they are “not legally in the United States.”
"Illegal entrants suing States to get driver’s licenses!"

The immigrants were issued Federal work permits and social security numbers, clearly indicating that they're known to DHS and not 'undocumented'; as is the case with all persons in the United States, they are entitled to the fundamental rights of due process and equal protection of the law (see Plyler v. Doe).

If a state refuses to allow persons with work permits and social security numbers to avail themselves of state law – such as applying for a driver's license – then that's a potential violation of the 14th Amendment, where filing a lawsuit to seek relief is warranted and appropriate.
OP really misrepresented the story . Typical right wing propaganda .
"Illegal entrants suing States to get driver’s licenses!"

The immigrants were issued Federal work permits and social security numbers, clearly indicating that they're known to DHS and not 'undocumented'; as is the case with all persons in the United States, they are entitled to the fundamental rights of due process and equal protection of the law (see Plyler v. Doe).

If a state refuses to allow persons with work permits and social security numbers to avail themselves of state law – such as applying for a driver's license – then that's a potential violation of the 14th Amendment, where filing a lawsuit to seek relief is warranted and appropriate.

They bypassed immigration. They're here illegally. Everything after that is moot. They're going back, too. Brace yourself.
I wonder why the RWNJ racists are so damn dumb that they actually believe a driver's license in a "privilege" and that it somehow takes jobs away from citizens.

I'll bet you can't figure out the biggest and best reason to push for driver's licenses for illegals. Go ahead. Try to figure it out.

Next they'll tell us illegals don't pay the exact same taxes citizen do. Oh wait - ^^ some people still believe that. Illegals do pay taxes. The difference is, they get nothing in return.

As for jobs, if we educated Americans, companies would not go out of the country for talent. Or do you actually believe Americans want to pick watermelons for less than minimum wage?

Educate yourself about what happened in Alabama.

So we need 15,000,000 lettuce pickers?
If you read the article , they are not "illegal immigrants " in the traditional sense . They have this weird non status . GA used to give people like this licenses

And you forgot to mention that the 14th provides due process for all persons .

The lawsuit says the plaintiffs — not named in the court papers because of “safety concerns” and “possible retaliation” — have been ordered deported and are seeking to have their removals suspended or whose home countries won’t accept them back. The federal government has issued them work permits and Social Security numbers, indicating they are legally present in the U.S. Historically, such people have been able to obtain driver’s licenses in Georgia, according to the lawsuit. But the state started rejecting them this summer, saying they are “not legally in the United States.”

The 14th wasn't legally ratified anyway.

The south was denied legally elected representation when the 39th congress assembled, the northern states, who were the majority, voted to deny the southern states their seats in the senate. The same southern senators who had just voted to ratify the 13th amendment. All 22 of them were denied their seats...Not only that but the house did the same thing...They excluded all 58 southern members...

See, the south surrendered on april 9, 1865.

The southern states were restored and the "rebellion" declared over on June 30.

Dec 1865 the 13th is ratified and slavery ended. The southern states are fully functioning members of the union again...

Then the north/fed. government pulled a dirty trick on the usual.
Dirty trick? The south betrayed the country and killed 100,000s US troops . The leaders were lucky they weren't hung as traitors .

And why is "rebellion" in quotes ?
Although I am a card-carrying member of the Great Right Wing Conspiracy, I think it is stupid for States to deny driver's licenses to ANYONE LIVING WITHIN THEIR BORDERS.

That may be, but there is no Constitutional right to drive, so I fail to see how their lawsuit has any merit. Additionally, the people who filed it should now be picked up and deported since they are on record as being here illegally.
Agreed. They are free to come get their license as long as there's a bus out back ready to load them up and take them to the border.
So criminals who should not be here are suing for benefits that should not belong to criminals who do not beling here?

When they show up for the court hearing, arrest and deport them. Problem solved...


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