
  1. deanrd

    Air Force sent crews to Trump resort in Scotland up to 40 times

    Air Force sent crews to Trump resort in Scotland up to 40 times The reports come as Vice President Pence is dealing with ongoing criticism over his stay at a Trump property in Doonbeg, Ireland, earlier this month, roughly 180 miles from Dublin, where he was participating in a series of...
  2. G

    Do Liberals Want to Become Sanctuary Cities to Enlarge Their Power?

    Illegals can't vote. However, they show up in census. So any cities with more illegal immigrants will have disproportionately higher voting power. Citizenship question will not be added to census for now, Supreme Court rules Is this why many liberal wants to be sanctuary cities? I've heard...
  3. Chuz Life

    Question for Dimz

    If (as you claim) the wall will do little to nothing to stop the flow of drugs and illegals from entering the country. . . How do you expect mere laws with no physical barriers at all to keep guns out of the hands of criminals on the streets? You have some splaining to do!
  4. deanrd

    A novel idea for the USMB: Fact checking the cost of illegal immigrants.

    A novel idea for the USMB: Fact checking the cost of illegal immigrants. Cost of Illegal Immigrants - I know Republicans think that fact checkers are liars. Because reality facts just don’t jive with right wing facts. What’s nice about this article, is that it not only debunks...
  5. G

    How Immigrants Hide in US? From economic points of view, if an employer makes $25 an hour and pays $16 an hour, then the illegal immigrants bring something to the economy. No wonder many wants to turn a blind eyes. Immigrants...
  6. J

    CDZ Why is the Trump Administration allowing an ongoing invasion of our borders?

    SEE: Separated at the Border From Their Parents: In Six Weeks, 1,995 Children June 15, 2018 ”WASHINGTON — The Trump administration said on Friday that it had separated 1,995 children from parents facing criminal prosecution for unlawfully crossing the border over a six-week period that ended...
  7. justinacolmena

    Death to drug dealers!

    Trump's death penalty plan for drug dealers a 'step backwards' - CNN Trump's opioid plan to take three-pronged approach - CNNPolitics Trump Calls for Death Penalty for Drug Dealers in Opioid Plan Trump declares war on opioid abuse, calls for death penalty for traffickers, more access for...
  8. P@triot

    Abedin Emails Reveal Classified Info

    The Dumbocrat Party is the largest and most powerful organized crime syndicate in U.S. history. Every single one of them is involved in serious scandals. Every single one of them engages in criminal activity. New Huma Abedin Email Reveals the Staged Photo Op that Had Hillary Very Worried About...
  9. Cellblock2429

    How the Democrats Lost Their Way on Immigration

    In the past decade, liberals have avoided inconvenient truths about the issue. In 2005, a left-leaning blogger wrote, “Illegal immigration wreaks havoc economically, socially, and culturally; makes a mockery of the rule of law; and is disgraceful just on basic fairness grounds alone.” In 2006, a...
  10. American_Jihad

    The Treasonous Secession Of Climate Confederacy States

    What are we going to do to these moronic states, cut their federal funding and boycott them... THE TREASONOUS SECESSION OF CLIMATE CONFEDERACY STATES Prosecute Governor Brown for treason. June 7, 2017 Daniel Greenfield After President Trump rejected the Paris Climate treaty, which had...
  11. American_Jihad

    The next administration's immigration crisis

    Stop talking and do something... THE NEXT ADMINISTRATION’S IMMIGRATION CRISIS National security must be much more than a sound bite. February 8, 2016 Michael Cutler Immigration has finally emerged for the elections and the debates - particularly among the Republican candidates for the...
  12. American_Jihad


    Stop talking and do something... THE NEXT ADMINISTRATION’S IMMIGRATION CRISIS National security must be much more than a sound bite. February 8, 2016 Michael Cutler Immigration has finally emerged for the elections and the debates - particularly among the Republican candidates for the...
  13. J

    Illegal entrants suing States to get driver’s licenses!

    . See: Immigrants without legal status sue for Georgia driver’s licenses ”A group of immigrants who are living in Georgia without legal status filed suit against Georgia’s Department of Driver Services in federal court Monday, accusing the state agency of violating their constitutional rights...
  14. northpolarbear

    Enforcing peace when there shouldn't be like 911 is immoral & illegal

    Peace calls for the situation like 911 & enforcing peace when there shouldn't be one is immoral & illegal aside from peace meaning hatred or action. Enforcing peace when there shouldn't be like 911 is immoral & illegal. There is certainly no law against "not having peace" when there is a...
  15. northpolarbear

    Why do some cops don't study laws to the adequate level?

    Why do some cops don't study laws to the adequate level? “Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officer's life if necessary.” Cursing Out Police Is Perfectly Legal, But Cops Routinely Arrest People for It "Being...
  16. J

    Ben Carson on illegal immigration!

    See: Ben Carson supports citizenship for illegal aliens September 5, 2015 ”On Wednesday, Dr. Ben Carson said America’s borders must be sealed to protect against terrorism and told a prominent group of Latino elected officials that he also supports giving illegal immigrants a path to...
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