Illegal Citizens Could Sway Elections

Could non-citizens decide the November election - The Washington Post

So 6.3% voter fraud was estimated in 2008.

This is research by Old Dominion University.

Now, what do we want to do with this information?

Oh that's ridiculous. The Left has lost seats across every election strata, having abused the power of the Executive Branch, holding polls open for a full day or more beyond the legal threshold... election fraud was RAMPANT. 6.3% is just what is obvious.

And if the Illegals don't save'em, the Left is going to be PISSED!
he11 , a little off topic but the move is on to let illegals vote in local city elections , think it was new York . Moderate repub homeowners are going to get it and they deserve it
he11 , a little off topic but the move is on to let illegals vote in local city elections , think it was new York . Moderate repub homeowners are going to get it and they deserve it

What is it that they deserve, exactly?
well 'melloweise' was one of the voters doing fraud Moonglow . Think she voted for her sister and herself a couple of times , voted mrobama .
EXACTLEY ehh ??--- well they deserve gettingTaxed 'KEYS' . Take the moderate rinos money , ok with me , its a fitting punishment for moderates and 'rinos' !! He11 , these illegals need services , many lingual libraries , more multi lingual schooling , better food like Halal , healthcare , free dentists and he11 more future 'needy' young voters are being shipped and flown into the USA as I type !!
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When we get conclusions like "we find that this participation was large enough to plausibly account for Democratic victories in a few close elections" without extrapolation to actual numbers etc, we get a silly article.

And we get silly people yelling "the sky is falling."
Could non-citizens decide the November election - The Washington Post

So 6.3% voter fraud was estimated in 2008.

This is research by Old Dominion University.

Now, what do we want to do with this information?

Be more diligent in our registration process.
Leftist scream discrimination and disenfranchisement when asking for just an ID at the polling place. One needs ID for buying a pack of cigaret or a beer but not for voting?
So 6.3% voter fraud was estimated in 2008.

This is research by Old Dominion University.

Now, what do we want to do with this information?

Ignore it as complete horseshit. WHich it is.

How so?

The Bush administration spend millions trying to find voter fraud. They found all of 22 people who voted illegally, and most of them because of honest mistakes, not fraud.

Whenever a right winger squeals about "voter fraud', what they really mean is "The darkies are voting".
It's silly to have this discussion, but this is really angry white people pissing themselves they no longer have a monopoly on power.

7 papers 4 government inquiries 2 news investigations and 1 court ruling proving voter fraud is mostly a myth - The Washington Post

A two-year investigation by Iowa's Republican secretary of state found evidence of 117 possible fraudulent votes and led to just six - six! - criminal convictions.

In 2011 a Wisconsin task force found sufficient evidence to charge 20 people with fraudulent voting in the 2008 elections. Most of these were felons who were ineligible to vote.

Kansas' secretary of state examined 84 million votes cast in 22 states to look for duplicate registrants. In the end 14 cases were referred for prosecution, representing 0.00000017 percent of the votes cast.

The New York Times examined five years of Justice Department records and turned up only 26 convictions of fraud by individual voters. "Many of those charged by the Justice Department appear to have mistakenly filled out registration forms or misunderstood eligibility rules." And many of the cases were "linked to small vote-buying schemes in which candidates generally in sheriff’s or judge’s races paid voters for their support." Overall, the Times concluded that "the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections."
I read about that New York thing of wanting to give the right to vote to illegals, yup this country is officially in the crapper
Funny, just bring up the topic of voter fraud and the liberal moonbats start shouting at the top of their lungs and posting all kinds of bullshit suggesting it doesn't exist.

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