I'll bet the next US Pres is a female dem

History tells us it ain't gonna happen. With the exception of FDR, who was a very popular President, no President has served more than 8 years. And it was very rare in the last 75 years one party occupied the Oval Office for more than 8 years. As a matter of fact, only once since 1948 has it happened.
That was because the sitting President was popular and the nation wanted to see the policies of that president continue. Hence in 1988 George Bush was elected.
Obama has nowhere NEAR the popularity needed to keep Democrats in Office for another term. Hillary? She was unceremoniously tossed to the curb like yesterday's garbage in 2008 for a charismatic fast talker. Why? Because she has the charisma of a brick. Lieawatha? She's a nutcase.
then bet me
If a Democrat woman is to win the nomination she'll have to be:

50% black
20% native American
30% "other"
Hispanic surnamed
missing at least one limb
born in a tin shack in Poverty (small town in some African nation)
hold or have held a law degree obtained through affirmative action finance/grading.

If a Consevative wins the nomination they'll have to be:

A male.
Hate Blacks
Hate Hispanics
Hate Gays
Hate affordable education
Hate affordable Health Care
Hate the EPA
Hate the Dept of Ed
Hate the Federal Govt
Hate Corporate responsibility and Liability
Hate the EEOC
Hate anyone that didn't get an unearned Law Degree through the old boy's network.
Given the Dems' field of female choices: Hillary or Fauxcohontas, the bet is an easy one to take. Hillary starts with huge negatives. And that's just among Democrats. Fauxcohontas, AKA Big Chief Shitting Bull is the favorite of the party's left. But in the general her shrillness, lack of real answers to the current stagnation, and overall far left leanings will doom her among normal voters.
then bet me something.

nothing you mention will mean jackshit
I bet you a post full of insults from Jake Starkey.
If a Democrat woman is to win the nomination she'll have to be:

50% black
20% native American
30% "other"
Hispanic surnamed
missing at least one limb
born in a tin shack in Poverty (small town in some African nation)
hold or have held a law degree obtained through affirmative action finance/grading.

If a Consevative wins the nomination they'll have to be:

A male.
Hate Blacks
Hate Hispanics
Hate Gays
Hate affordable education
Hate affordable Health Care
Hate the EPA
Hate the Dept of Ed
Hate the Federal Govt
Hate Corporate responsibility and Liability
Hate the EEOC
Hate anyone that didn't get an unearned Law Degree through the old boy's network.
Given the Dems' field of female choices: Hillary or Fauxcohontas, the bet is an easy one to take. Hillary starts with huge negatives. And that's just among Democrats. Fauxcohontas, AKA Big Chief Shitting Bull is the favorite of the party's left. But in the general her shrillness, lack of real answers to the current stagnation, and overall far left leanings will doom her among normal voters.
then bet me something.

nothing you mention will mean jackshit
I bet you a post full of insults from Jake Starkey.
Deal, but JS has to agree

The Democrats are desperately looking for black or Hispanic woman with an advanced degree in Gay and Lesbian Haiku now that the wind is out of the old white windbag they were counting on.
I almost feel sorry for them.
They were all "Ready For Hillary" until the Hill's book tour disaster. She told one lie after another and even the press isnt buying her bullshit.
So without Her Thighness what have they got? Warren, the fake Indian real Marxist with no management experience? Sanders, the real Commie with no management experience? Joe Biden, classic old white guy? O'Malley, a Dem governor who did so well MD now has a GOP governor?
Theyv'e got nothing. There is no talent there. They remind me exactly of the GOP in 2006.
The Democrats are desperately looking for black or Hispanic woman with an advanced degree in Gay and Lesbian Haiku now that the wind is out of the old white windbag they were counting on.
what would you like to bet?
Hey, a black or Hispanic woman with an advanced degree in Gay and Lesbian Haiku is a pretty tall order. What odds are you giving me?
Given the Dems' field of female choices: Hillary or Fauxcohontas, the bet is an easy one to take. Hillary starts with huge negatives. And that's just among Democrats. Fauxcohontas, AKA Big Chief Shitting Bull is the favorite of the party's left. But in the general her shrillness, lack of real answers to the current stagnation, and overall far left leanings will doom her among normal voters.
then bet me something.

nothing you mention will mean jackshit
I bet you a post full of insults from Jake Starkey.

Telling you that you are out of step with America is the truth.

Telling you no longer having much pull in the GOP is the truth.

Telling you Perry and Cruz have no chance for the nomination is the truth.

Telling you much of the far right TPM is sexist, racists, and homophobic is the truth.

I don't care if you find the truth insulting.
Last edited:
If a Democrat woman is to win the nomination she'll have to be:

50% black
20% native American
30% "other"
Hispanic surnamed
missing at least one limb
born in a tin shack in Poverty (small town in some African nation)
hold or have held a law degree obtained through affirmative action finance/grading.

Doesn't that describe Ted Cruz?
I will accept all bets as long as they are legal and within usmb rules.

Not picking who, just sex and party.

If I lose, I will take each bet in order, unless it's a ban bet, so in that case avi, sig, etc, bets are cancelled and I will never come back.

Not even as a sock.

I've lost bets here before so most know I will man the fuck up.

I'm not interested in the bet, as bets on the web are a waste of time...

But the evidence provides that the powers that be, intend to sit a progressive Republican in the Presidency.
The reason I say so is that obamacare is not designed to be fully deployed until the next administration, US Debt will be unsustainable at that point and the Fed will raise interest rates, which the US Government will be unable to service that debt, causing the US government to fail.

The strategy is to set responsibility upon the collapse of the government upon the GOP, who will have strong majorities in the Legislature, while holding the Presidency.

So just as the idiots 'blame' the collapse of the financial markets on "Bush", because he was in office when the socialist house of cards collapsed, they will so blame the Republicans for crashing the government.

The problem of course will come as a hundred million losers find themselves with no subsidy checks and the cities turn Ferguson. And therein, the Left will seek to rise up and 'take over' the US Government.

Which is a great plan... except we're not French and will gut the Left where we find' em. And in short order, ya won't find anyone who ever so much as knew a Liberal.

Write it down... ya heard it here first.
If a Democrat woman is to win the nomination she'll have to be:

50% black
20% native American
30% "other"
Hispanic surnamed
missing at least one limb
born in a tin shack in Poverty (small town in some African nation)
hold or have held a law degree obtained through affirmative action finance/grading.

If a Consevative wins the nomination they'll have to be:

A male.
Hate Blacks
Hate Hispanics
Hate Gays
Hate affordable education
Hate affordable Health Care
Hate the EPA
Hate the Dept of Ed
Hate the Federal Govt
Hate Corporate responsibility and Liability
Hate the EEOC
Hate anyone that didn't get an unearned Law Degree through the old boy's network.

I will accept all bets as long as they are legal and within usmb rules.

Not picking who, just sex and party.

If I lose, I will take each bet in order, unless it's a ban bet, so in that case avi, sig, etc, bets are cancelled and I will never come back.

Not even as a sock.

I've lost bets here before so most know I will man the fuck up.

I'm not interested in the bet, as bets on the web are a waste of time...

But the evidence provides that the powers that be, intend to sit a progressive Republican in the Presidency.
The reason I say so is that obamacare is not designed to be fully deployed until the next administration, US Debt will be unsustainable at that point and the Fed will raise interest rates, which the US Government will be unable to service that debt, causing the US government to fail.

The strategy is to set responsibility upon the collapse of the government upon the GOP, who will have strong majorities in the Legislature, while holding the Presidency.

So just as the idiots 'blame' the collapse of the financial markets on "Bush", because he was in office when the socialist house of cards collapsed, they will so blame the Republicans for crashing the government.

The problem of course will come as a hundred million losers find themselves with no subsidy checks and the cities turn Ferguson. And therein, the Left will seek to rise up and 'take over' the US Government.

Which is a great plan... except we're not French and will gut the Left where we find' em. And in short order, ya won't find anyone who ever so much as knew a Liberal.

Write it down... ya heard it here first.
I will accept all bets as long as they are legal and within usmb rules.

Not picking who, just sex and party.

If I lose, I will take each bet in order, unless it's a ban bet, so in that case avi, sig, etc, bets are cancelled and I will never come back.

Not even as a sock.

I've lost bets here before so most know I will man the fuck up.

I'm not interested in the bet, as bets on the web are a waste of time...

But the evidence provides that the powers that be, intend to sit a progressive Republican in the Presidency.
The reason I say so is that obamacare is not designed to be fully deployed until the next administration, US Debt will be unsustainable at that point and the Fed will raise interest rates, which the US Government will be unable to service that debt, causing the US government to fail.

The strategy is to set responsibility upon the collapse of the government upon the GOP, who will have strong majorities in the Legislature, while holding the Presidency.

So just as the idiots 'blame' the collapse of the financial markets on "Bush", because he was in office when the socialist house of cards collapsed, they will so blame the Republicans for crashing the government.

The problem of course will come as a hundred million losers find themselves with no subsidy checks and the cities turn Ferguson. And therein, the Left will seek to rise up and 'take over' the US Government.

Which is a great plan... except we're not French and will gut the Left where we find' em. And in short order, ya won't find anyone who ever so much as knew a Liberal.

Write it down... ya heard it here first.


Jack Nicholson? Notable thespian, known for his extraordinary talent and deep insights into a wide range of distinct personalities?

I'll take it...
Well if you're picking a female to be president, of course it's going to be a democrat. Republicans won't allow a woman to run for President
Well if you're picking a female to be president, of course it's going to be a democrat. Republicans won't allow a woman to run for President


You people are helpless.

Had Sarah Palin not been saddled with McCain, she'd still be President and the US would still have a viable healthcare system and a thriving economy.
They've shown they'll
I will accept all bets as long as they are legal and within usmb rules.

Not picking who, just sex and party.

If I lose, I will take each bet in order, unless it's a ban bet, so in that case avi, sig, etc, bets are cancelled and I will never come back.

Not even as a sock.

I've lost bets here before so most know I will man the fuck up.
They've shown they'll vote skin color. No one should be surprised they'll vote reproductive organ.
Well if you're picking a female to be president, of course it's going to be a democrat. Republicans won't allow a woman to run for President

Unlike Democrats, I would vote for a female because she's qualified not because she has a vagina between her legs.

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