Ike's GOP


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2009
The United States of America was founded on Liberal principals...

I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that today's Liberals have changed; they no longer share the Liberal ideals of our founding fathers...WRONG...

And...I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that the Republican Party HASN'T changed..WRONG...AGAIN...

Today's GOP was hijacked by the far right AND the far left.

The neoconservatives came from the far LEFT...yet they feel right at home with the far right theocrats...

There's an old saying..."Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together"

HERE is what the Republican Party USED to stand for...


Excerpt from:
Republican Party Platform of 1956
August 20, 1956

Our Government was created by the people for all the people, and it must serve no less a purpose.

The Republican Party was formed 100 years ago to preserve the Nation's devotion to these ideals.

On its Centennial, the Republican Party again calls to the minds of all Americans the great truth first spoken by Abraham Lincoln: "The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves in their separate and individual capacities. But in all that people can individually do as well for themselves, Government ought not to interfere."

Our great President Dwight D. Eisenhower has counseled us further: "In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative.

"We shall ever build anew, that our children and their children, without distinction because of race, creed or color, may know the blessings of our free land.

We are proud of and shall continue our far-reaching and sound advances in matters of basic human needs-expansion of social security-broadened coverage in unemployment insurance - improved housing- and better health protection for all our people. We are determined that our government remain warmly responsive to the urgent social and economic problems of our people.

"Under the Republican Administration, as our country has prospered, so have its people. This is as it should be, for as President Eisenhower said: "Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country...they are America."

The Eisenhower Administration has brought to our people the highest employment, the highest wages and the highest standard of living ever enjoyed by any nation. Today there are nearly 67 million men and women at work in the United States, 4 million more than in 1952. Wages have increased substantially over the past 3 1/2 years; but, more important, the American wage earner today can buy more than ever before for himself and his family because his pay check has not been eaten away by rising taxes and soaring prices.

The record of performance of the Republican Administration on behalf of our working men and women goes still further. The Federal minimum wage has been raised for more than 2 million workers. Social Security has been extended to an additional 10 million workers and the benefits raised for 6 1/2 million. The protection of unemployment insurance has been brought to 4 million additional workers. There have been increased workmen's compensation benefits for longshoremen and harbor workers, increased retirement benefits for railroad employees, and wage increases and improved welfare and pension plans for federal employees.

In addition, the Eisenhower Administration has enforced more vigorously and effectively than ever before, the laws which protect the working standards of our people.

Workers have benefited by the progress which has been made in carrying out the programs and principles set forth in the 1952 Republican platform. All workers have gained and unions have grown in strength and responsibility, and have increased their membership by 2 millions.

Furthermore, the process of free collective bargaining has been strengthened by the insistence of this Administration that labor and management settle their differences at the bargaining table without the intervention of the Government. This policy has brought to our country an unprecedented period of labor-management peace and understanding...

Republican action created the Department of Health, Education and Welfare as the first new Federal department in 40 years, to raise the continuing consideration of these problems for the first time to the highest council of Government, the President's Cabinet.... We have supported the distribution of free vaccine to protect millions of children against dreaded polio.

Republican leadership has enlarged Federal assistance for construction of hospitals, emphasizing low-cost care of chronic diseases and the special problems of older persons, and increased Federal aid for medical care of the needy.

We have asked the largest increase in research funds ever sought in one year to intensify attacks on cancer, mental illness, heart disease and other dread diseases."


Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater (R) Late Senator & Father of the Conservative movement
It is clearly NOT our fathers' Republican OR Democratic parties, folks.

You are aware, aren't you that Ike and NiXXon both believed that we needed (just as one example) a universal health care, system, right?

Doesn't sound like the Republican Party we have today.
The United States of America was founded on Liberal principals...

I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that today's Liberals have changed; they no longer share the Liberal ideals of our founding fathers...WRONG...

And...I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that the Republican Party HASN'T changed..WRONG...AGAIN...

Today's GOP was hijacked by the far right AND the far left.

The neoconservatives came from the far LEFT...yet they feel right at home with the far right theocrats...

There's an old saying..."Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together"

HERE is what the Republican Party USED to stand for...


Excerpt from:
Republican Party Platform of 1956
August 20, 1956

Our Government was created by the people for all the people, and it must serve no less a purpose.

The Republican Party was formed 100 years ago to preserve the Nation's devotion to these ideals.

On its Centennial, the Republican Party again calls to the minds of all Americans the great truth first spoken by Abraham Lincoln: "The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves in their separate and individual capacities. But in all that people can individually do as well for themselves, Government ought not to interfere."

Our great President Dwight D. Eisenhower has counseled us further: "In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative.

"We shall ever build anew, that our children and their children, without distinction because of race, creed or color, may know the blessings of our free land.

We are proud of and shall continue our far-reaching and sound advances in matters of basic human needs-expansion of social security-broadened coverage in unemployment insurance - improved housing- and better health protection for all our people. We are determined that our government remain warmly responsive to the urgent social and economic problems of our people.

"Under the Republican Administration, as our country has prospered, so have its people. This is as it should be, for as President Eisenhower said: "Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country...they are America."

The Eisenhower Administration has brought to our people the highest employment, the highest wages and the highest standard of living ever enjoyed by any nation. Today there are nearly 67 million men and women at work in the United States, 4 million more than in 1952. Wages have increased substantially over the past 3 1/2 years; but, more important, the American wage earner today can buy more than ever before for himself and his family because his pay check has not been eaten away by rising taxes and soaring prices.

The record of performance of the Republican Administration on behalf of our working men and women goes still further. The Federal minimum wage has been raised for more than 2 million workers. Social Security has been extended to an additional 10 million workers and the benefits raised for 6 1/2 million. The protection of unemployment insurance has been brought to 4 million additional workers. There have been increased workmen's compensation benefits for longshoremen and harbor workers, increased retirement benefits for railroad employees, and wage increases and improved welfare and pension plans for federal employees.

In addition, the Eisenhower Administration has enforced more vigorously and effectively than ever before, the laws which protect the working standards of our people.

Workers have benefited by the progress which has been made in carrying out the programs and principles set forth in the 1952 Republican platform. All workers have gained and unions have grown in strength and responsibility, and have increased their membership by 2 millions.

Furthermore, the process of free collective bargaining has been strengthened by the insistence of this Administration that labor and management settle their differences at the bargaining table without the intervention of the Government. This policy has brought to our country an unprecedented period of labor-management peace and understanding...

Republican action created the Department of Health, Education and Welfare as the first new Federal department in 40 years, to raise the continuing consideration of these problems for the first time to the highest council of Government, the President's Cabinet.... We have supported the distribution of free vaccine to protect millions of children against dreaded polio.

Republican leadership has enlarged Federal assistance for construction of hospitals, emphasizing low-cost care of chronic diseases and the special problems of older persons, and increased Federal aid for medical care of the needy.

We have asked the largest increase in research funds ever sought in one year to intensify attacks on cancer, mental illness, heart disease and other dread diseases."


Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater (R) Late Senator & Father of the Conservative movement

The United States was formed by wealthy idealists who didn't want to pay their taxes.

The left is hardly liberal. Leftists try to impose their standard on everyone else every bit as much as anyone on the right does. I see VERY few on the left that can even define "liberal," much less be one.

You are incorrect about the GOP. The GOP has moved left. THAT is what's wrong with the GOP. Neocons and RINOs have moved left while leaving true conservatives out on the right. They were always there. They just stand out more since they've been left out on a limb. Claiming anyone moved right is merely subterfuge and rhetoric trying to convince others the left isn't moving left.

I was raised in a Democrat family by Democrats who were considered liberals. Now, people like you call us rightwingers. It isn't OUR values that have changed. They're still the same. People like you just pulled the rug out from under our feet on your leftward trip.
The United States of America was founded on Liberal principals...

I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that today's Liberals have changed; they no longer share the Liberal ideals of our founding fathers...WRONG...

And...I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that the Republican Party HASN'T changed..WRONG...AGAIN...

Today's GOP was hijacked by the far right AND the far left.

The neoconservatives came from the far LEFT...yet they feel right at home with the far right theocrats...

There's an old saying..."Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together"

HERE is what the Republican Party USED to stand for...


Excerpt from:
Republican Party Platform of 1956
August 20, 1956

Our Government was created by the people for all the people, and it must serve no less a purpose.

The Republican Party was formed 100 years ago to preserve the Nation's devotion to these ideals.

On its Centennial, the Republican Party again calls to the minds of all Americans the great truth first spoken by Abraham Lincoln: "The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves in their separate and individual capacities. But in all that people can individually do as well for themselves, Government ought not to interfere."

Our great President Dwight D. Eisenhower has counseled us further: "In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative.

"We shall ever build anew, that our children and their children, without distinction because of race, creed or color, may know the blessings of our free land.

We are proud of and shall continue our far-reaching and sound advances in matters of basic human needs-expansion of social security-broadened coverage in unemployment insurance - improved housing- and better health protection for all our people. We are determined that our government remain warmly responsive to the urgent social and economic problems of our people.

"Under the Republican Administration, as our country has prospered, so have its people. This is as it should be, for as President Eisenhower said: "Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country...they are America."

The Eisenhower Administration has brought to our people the highest employment, the highest wages and the highest standard of living ever enjoyed by any nation. Today there are nearly 67 million men and women at work in the United States, 4 million more than in 1952. Wages have increased substantially over the past 3 1/2 years; but, more important, the American wage earner today can buy more than ever before for himself and his family because his pay check has not been eaten away by rising taxes and soaring prices.

The record of performance of the Republican Administration on behalf of our working men and women goes still further. The Federal minimum wage has been raised for more than 2 million workers. Social Security has been extended to an additional 10 million workers and the benefits raised for 6 1/2 million. The protection of unemployment insurance has been brought to 4 million additional workers. There have been increased workmen's compensation benefits for longshoremen and harbor workers, increased retirement benefits for railroad employees, and wage increases and improved welfare and pension plans for federal employees.

In addition, the Eisenhower Administration has enforced more vigorously and effectively than ever before, the laws which protect the working standards of our people.

Workers have benefited by the progress which has been made in carrying out the programs and principles set forth in the 1952 Republican platform. All workers have gained and unions have grown in strength and responsibility, and have increased their membership by 2 millions.

Furthermore, the process of free collective bargaining has been strengthened by the insistence of this Administration that labor and management settle their differences at the bargaining table without the intervention of the Government. This policy has brought to our country an unprecedented period of labor-management peace and understanding...

Republican action created the Department of Health, Education and Welfare as the first new Federal department in 40 years, to raise the continuing consideration of these problems for the first time to the highest council of Government, the President's Cabinet.... We have supported the distribution of free vaccine to protect millions of children against dreaded polio.

Republican leadership has enlarged Federal assistance for construction of hospitals, emphasizing low-cost care of chronic diseases and the special problems of older persons, and increased Federal aid for medical care of the needy.

We have asked the largest increase in research funds ever sought in one year to intensify attacks on cancer, mental illness, heart disease and other dread diseases."


Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater (R) Late Senator & Father of the Conservative movement

The United States was formed by wealthy idealists who didn't want to pay their taxes.

The left is hardly liberal. Leftists try to impose their standard on everyone else every bit as much as anyone on the right does. I see VERY few on the left that can even define "liberal," much less be one.

You are incorrect about the GOP. The GOP has moved left. THAT is what's wrong with the GOP. Neocons and RINOs have moved left while leaving true conservatives out on the right. They were always there. They just stand out more since they've been left out on a limb. Claiming anyone moved right is merely subterfuge and rhetoric trying to convince others the left isn't moving left.

I was raised in a Democrat family by Democrats who were considered liberals. Now, people like you call us rightwingers. It isn't OUR values that have changed. They're still the same. People like you just pulled the rug out from under our feet on your leftward trip.

Nice speech Gunny, too bad the 1956 GOP Party Platform proves you are off a little...180 degrees...

One consistent characteristic of the dogmatic right wing mind... everyone else is the "OTHER" ...neocon, RINO, etc...
Well Gunny, just keep talking like that. Yes, we would like Senators Snow, Collins, and McCain on the Dem side of the aisle.

And I am sure that you think that it is such an improvement to have an obese drugged out radio jock as the chief spokesman and stratigest for your party. Much better than some worn out old General turned politician such as Eisenhower. You Rushpublicans are amazing. And an incredible boon for the Democratic Party.
Rocks, Gunny's right. Your ilk are not liberals either. Liberals are for freedom for all, well, true liberals. Liberals are also for the dream of peace, but not the fantasy of peace by force the left has. There are so many other points ...

Just as true conservatives just want the government out of their lives and economic stability, but many who claim them now want to push all sorts of laws on people.

Republicans and Democrats use to follow these ideals to some extent, but now, they both suck serious ass.
The United States of America was founded on Liberal principals...

I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that today's Liberals have changed; they no longer share the Liberal ideals of our founding fathers...WRONG...

And...I continue to hear over and over the argument from the right that the Republican Party HASN'T changed..WRONG...AGAIN...

Today's GOP was hijacked by the far right AND the far left.

The neoconservatives came from the far LEFT...yet they feel right at home with the far right theocrats...

There's an old saying..."Robins and Blue Jays don't nest together"

HERE is what the Republican Party USED to stand for...


Excerpt from:
Republican Party Platform of 1956
August 20, 1956

Our Government was created by the people for all the people, and it must serve no less a purpose.

The Republican Party was formed 100 years ago to preserve the Nation's devotion to these ideals.

On its Centennial, the Republican Party again calls to the minds of all Americans the great truth first spoken by Abraham Lincoln: "The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves in their separate and individual capacities. But in all that people can individually do as well for themselves, Government ought not to interfere."

Our great President Dwight D. Eisenhower has counseled us further: "In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative.

"We shall ever build anew, that our children and their children, without distinction because of race, creed or color, may know the blessings of our free land.

We are proud of and shall continue our far-reaching and sound advances in matters of basic human needs-expansion of social security-broadened coverage in unemployment insurance - improved housing- and better health protection for all our people. We are determined that our government remain warmly responsive to the urgent social and economic problems of our people.

"Under the Republican Administration, as our country has prospered, so have its people. This is as it should be, for as President Eisenhower said: "Labor is the United States. The men and women, who with their minds, their hearts and hands, create the wealth that is shared in this country...they are America."

The Eisenhower Administration has brought to our people the highest employment, the highest wages and the highest standard of living ever enjoyed by any nation. Today there are nearly 67 million men and women at work in the United States, 4 million more than in 1952. Wages have increased substantially over the past 3 1/2 years; but, more important, the American wage earner today can buy more than ever before for himself and his family because his pay check has not been eaten away by rising taxes and soaring prices.

The record of performance of the Republican Administration on behalf of our working men and women goes still further. The Federal minimum wage has been raised for more than 2 million workers. Social Security has been extended to an additional 10 million workers and the benefits raised for 6 1/2 million. The protection of unemployment insurance has been brought to 4 million additional workers. There have been increased workmen's compensation benefits for longshoremen and harbor workers, increased retirement benefits for railroad employees, and wage increases and improved welfare and pension plans for federal employees.

In addition, the Eisenhower Administration has enforced more vigorously and effectively than ever before, the laws which protect the working standards of our people.

Workers have benefited by the progress which has been made in carrying out the programs and principles set forth in the 1952 Republican platform. All workers have gained and unions have grown in strength and responsibility, and have increased their membership by 2 millions.

Furthermore, the process of free collective bargaining has been strengthened by the insistence of this Administration that labor and management settle their differences at the bargaining table without the intervention of the Government. This policy has brought to our country an unprecedented period of labor-management peace and understanding...

Republican action created the Department of Health, Education and Welfare as the first new Federal department in 40 years, to raise the continuing consideration of these problems for the first time to the highest council of Government, the President's Cabinet.... We have supported the distribution of free vaccine to protect millions of children against dreaded polio.

Republican leadership has enlarged Federal assistance for construction of hospitals, emphasizing low-cost care of chronic diseases and the special problems of older persons, and increased Federal aid for medical care of the needy.

We have asked the largest increase in research funds ever sought in one year to intensify attacks on cancer, mental illness, heart disease and other dread diseases."


Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater (R) Late Senator & Father of the Conservative movement

The United States was formed by wealthy idealists who didn't want to pay their taxes.

The left is hardly liberal. Leftists try to impose their standard on everyone else every bit as much as anyone on the right does. I see VERY few on the left that can even define "liberal," much less be one.

You are incorrect about the GOP. The GOP has moved left. THAT is what's wrong with the GOP. Neocons and RINOs have moved left while leaving true conservatives out on the right. They were always there. They just stand out more since they've been left out on a limb. Claiming anyone moved right is merely subterfuge and rhetoric trying to convince others the left isn't moving left.

I was raised in a Democrat family by Democrats who were considered liberals. Now, people like you call us rightwingers. It isn't OUR values that have changed. They're still the same. People like you just pulled the rug out from under our feet on your leftward trip.

Nice speech Gunny, too bad the 1956 GOP Party Platform proves you are off a little...180 degrees...

One consistent characteristic of the dogmatic right wing mind... everyone else is the "OTHER" ...neocon, RINO, etc...

Why do you think Ike was an ideological Republican? I find nothing to support this contention. I bring this up because you are discussing what the ideology of the party is or should be.

Bringing up what the leader of the party thought over 50 years ago, when that leader couldn't even decide whether he was a Dem or a Repub, hardly seems relevant. Don't bother saying this was "the party platform" not what Ike thought. That would beyond naive if you were to make that argument.

There has, for the last 60 years at least been an internal war in the Repub party between the so called "Rockefeller" Repubs and the more conservative wing of the Repubs. A snapshot of where that war was at any moment isn't too useful to describe where the Repubs should be.
Bringing up what the leader of the party thought over 50 years ago, when that leader couldn't even decide whether he was a Dem or a Repub, hardly seems relevant. Don't bother saying this was "the party platform" not what Ike thought. That would beyond naive if you were to make that argument.

There has, for the last 60 years at least been an internal war in the Repub party between the so called "Rockefeller" Repubs and the more conservative wing of the Repubs. A snapshot of where that war was at any moment isn't too useful to describe where the Repubs should be.

And for most of those 60 years, William F. Buckley Jr fought a losing battle. He told his son Christopher: “You know, I’ve spent my entire life time separating the Right from the kooks.”

Well, it is not naive to say the "Party" platform reflects more than Ike's views...actually, it would be naive to make that claim...

The POINT of my thread is that the GOP has moved to the far right since Eisenhower; a very popular two term president ...

Many Goldwater conservatives have been the most critical of the party's far right changes ... John Dean makes a strong case that authoritarians have taken over the party.

IMO, the GOP is right were they belong today... out of power and busy "separating the Right from the kooks."

I could vote for an Eisenhower Republican, but not for any of the current KOOKS like Sarah "empty vessel" Palin...
Bringing up what the leader of the party thought over 50 years ago, when that leader couldn't even decide whether he was a Dem or a Repub, hardly seems relevant. Don't bother saying this was "the party platform" not what Ike thought. That would beyond naive if you were to make that argument.

There has, for the last 60 years at least been an internal war in the Repub party between the so called "Rockefeller" Repubs and the more conservative wing of the Repubs. A snapshot of where that war was at any moment isn't too useful to describe where the Repubs should be.

And for most of those 60 years, William F. Buckley Jr fought a losing battle. He told his son Christopher: “You know, I’ve spent my entire life time separating the Right from the kooks.”

Well, it is not naive to say the "Party" platform reflects more than Ike's views...actually, it would be naive to make that claim...

The POINT of my thread is that the GOP has moved to the far right since Eisenhower; a very popular two term president ...

Many Goldwater conservatives have been the most critical of the party's far right changes ... John Dean makes a strong case that authoritarians have taken over the party.

IMO, the GOP is right were they belong today... out of power and busy "separating the Right from the kooks."

I could vote for an Eisenhower Republican, but not for any of the current KOOKS like Sarah "empty vessel" Palin...

You look very foolish claiming that the incumbent and popular president doesn't shape and inform almost every position of the party's platform in the year he is running for re-election. But, I guess you are happy with that.

Keep quoting miscreants like John Dean.

I have the feeling that we would never be happy voting for the same people for president. There are at least 55 million people who think like I do (probably more like 58 or 59 counting the 3+ million that stayed home this past election who voted in the 2004 election).

At any rate, the Repubs are just as hopelessly lost and irretrievably broken as the Dems were in 2002. We see how that worked out, right?
Bringing up what the leader of the party thought over 50 years ago, when that leader couldn't even decide whether he was a Dem or a Repub, hardly seems relevant. Don't bother saying this was "the party platform" not what Ike thought. That would beyond naive if you were to make that argument.

There has, for the last 60 years at least been an internal war in the Repub party between the so called "Rockefeller" Repubs and the more conservative wing of the Repubs. A snapshot of where that war was at any moment isn't too useful to describe where the Repubs should be.

And for most of those 60 years, William F. Buckley Jr fought a losing battle. He told his son Christopher: “You know, I’ve spent my entire life time separating the Right from the kooks.”

Well, it is not naive to say the "Party" platform reflects more than Ike's views...actually, it would be naive to make that claim...

The POINT of my thread is that the GOP has moved to the far right since Eisenhower; a very popular two term president ...

Many Goldwater conservatives have been the most critical of the party's far right changes ... John Dean makes a strong case that authoritarians have taken over the party.

IMO, the GOP is right were they belong today... out of power and busy "separating the Right from the kooks."

I could vote for an Eisenhower Republican, but not for any of the current KOOKS like Sarah "empty vessel" Palin...

You look very foolish claiming that the incumbent and popular president doesn't shape and inform almost every position of the party's platform in the year he is running for re-election. But, I guess you are happy with that.

Keep quoting miscreants like John Dean.

I have the feeling that we would never be happy voting for the same people for president. There are at least 55 million people who think like I do (probably more like 58 or 59 counting the 3+ million that stayed home this past election who voted in the 2004 election).

At any rate, the Repubs are just as hopelessly lost and irretrievably broken as the Dems were in 2002. We see how that worked out, right?

Hey, have it your way...the 100 year old GOP was controlled by someone that just joined the party 4 years earlier...I guess you are happy with that.

John Dean is a vicious or depraved person, a villain? WOW... just because he told the truth? What does that make Robert Altemeyer who has done the most extensive research on authoritarianism in history?

IF the GOP runs Sarah "empty vessel" Palin in 2012...I can tell you how THAT will work out.
And for most of those 60 years, William F. Buckley Jr fought a losing battle. He told his son Christopher: “You know, I’ve spent my entire life time separating the Right from the kooks.”

Well, it is not naive to say the "Party" platform reflects more than Ike's views...actually, it would be naive to make that claim...

The POINT of my thread is that the GOP has moved to the far right since Eisenhower; a very popular two term president ...

Many Goldwater conservatives have been the most critical of the party's far right changes ... John Dean makes a strong case that authoritarians have taken over the party.

IMO, the GOP is right were they belong today... out of power and busy "separating the Right from the kooks."

I could vote for an Eisenhower Republican, but not for any of the current KOOKS like Sarah "empty vessel" Palin...

You look very foolish claiming that the incumbent and popular president doesn't shape and inform almost every position of the party's platform in the year he is running for re-election. But, I guess you are happy with that.

Keep quoting miscreants like John Dean.

I have the feeling that we would never be happy voting for the same people for president. There are at least 55 million people who think like I do (probably more like 58 or 59 counting the 3+ million that stayed home this past election who voted in the 2004 election).

At any rate, the Repubs are just as hopelessly lost and irretrievably broken as the Dems were in 2002. We see how that worked out, right?

Hey, have it your way...the 100 year old GOP was controlled by someone that just joined the party 4 years earlier...I guess you are happy with that.

John Dean is a vicious or depraved person, a villain? WOW... just because he told the truth? What does that make Robert Altemeyer who has done the most extensive research on authoritarianism in history?

IF the GOP runs Sarah "empty vessel" Palin in 2012...I can tell you how THAT will work out.

It's completely off-topic to discuss the short-comings of John Dean. The list is lengthy, but it's a topic for another thread.

What did I say that suggests to you that I'm happy with it? Fact is fact.

Why are you so scared of Sarah Palin? Nobody is talking about her, but you bring her up. That tells me you fear her. Interesting.
You look very foolish claiming that the incumbent and popular president doesn't shape and inform almost every position of the party's platform in the year he is running for re-election. But, I guess you are happy with that.

Keep quoting miscreants like John Dean.

I have the feeling that we would never be happy voting for the same people for president. There are at least 55 million people who think like I do (probably more like 58 or 59 counting the 3+ million that stayed home this past election who voted in the 2004 election).

At any rate, the Repubs are just as hopelessly lost and irretrievably broken as the Dems were in 2002. We see how that worked out, right?

Hey, have it your way...the 100 year old GOP was controlled by someone that just joined the party 4 years earlier...I guess you are happy with that.

John Dean is a vicious or depraved person, a villain? WOW... just because he told the truth? What does that make Robert Altemeyer who has done the most extensive research on authoritarianism in history?

IF the GOP runs Sarah "empty vessel" Palin in 2012...I can tell you how THAT will work out.

It's completely off-topic to discuss the short-comings of John Dean. The list is lengthy, but it's a topic for another thread.

What did I say that suggests to you that I'm happy with it? Fact is fact.

Why are you so scared of Sarah Palin? Nobody is talking about her, but you bring her up. That tells me you fear her. Interesting.

Fear...please don't project right wing personality traits on me...I fear her so much, I pray the GOP selects her as their standard bearer in 2012...

It will make Reagan - Mondale look like a DRAW...

But maybe President Obama in his second term can appoint her Ambassador to the country of Africa.... oh, that's right, Africa is a CONTINENT...

Maybe Official Putin rearing his head coast watcher...

A Trifecta of Inadequacy

February 11, 2009


A couple of months ago, I wrote about the tired state of the Republican Party and how it desperately needs to blow past the disastrous Bush years and rediscover its core values. But months after being overwhelmingly rejected by the American people, the Republican Party remains unable to recapture its substance. Instead, we have only seen more pandering to the fanatics and dim bulbs, more of the same putrid ideas and more power-plays that evoke politics before country -- while the economy crashes and burns.

Weeks after the election, a Gallup Poll recorded that 67% of Republicans wanted Sarah Palin to be the party nominee in 2012. A recent Rasmussen poll found that 55% of GOP voters want their party to look more like Palin. (The fact that 43% of Republicans decry their party for becoming "too moderate" under Bush is utterly terrifying.) Yes, Sarah Palin -- the hockey mom who makes George W. Bush and Dan Quayle look like professors -- is the front-runner to lead this party. We're talking about the governor who couldn't identify the Bush Doctrine or recall a Supreme Court case besides Roe v Wade. The journalism major who couldn't name a newspaper she reads. The Vice Presidential candidate who repeatedly informed us that she does not know what a Vice President does!

But the constituency's fondness for the intellectually feeble doesn't end there. GOP officials are now seeking economic counsel from Joe the Plumber, the daft Ohioan McCain exalted as "an American hero" and "my role model" during his campaign. Yes, Joe the Plumber -- the alleged plumber without a plumbing license, who was recently in trouble for not paying his taxes and who has no discernible background or expertise in any field. The dreamer who was upset that Obama was going to disrupt his fantasy by increasing taxes on a business he wasn't even close to owning, even though Obama's tax plan would have left him better off in reality. The commentator who obtusely claimed that Obama's "ideology is completely different than what democracy stands for" and blathered on FOX News that a vote for Obama would bring the "death of Israel."

Even so, none of this is as disturbing as Rush Limbaugh's rapid ascent to "new leader" and "new face" of the Republican Party, as numerous journalists suggest. Just hours after Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) took an honorable stance and reprimanded Limbaugh for "throwing bricks," he was reduced to his knees in an embarrassing apology to mighty Rush. John McCain, who once upon a time criticized the fringe elements of his party, defended the talk radio host against those who dare to be critical of a conservative voice with a "wide viewing audience." Other prominent GOP officials have joined the rush to Limbaugh's defense, while he humiliates them further by bragging that Obama is "more frightened" of him than of the most powerful Republicans in Congress. Incredible.

It's no wonder Republicans refuse to play ball on President Obama's crucial stimulus package -- they're beholden to madcap who has broadcast his desire to see his president fail; they're searching for guidance in a thick-headed clown who continues to view Obama as a gay-marrying Muslim socialist from someplace foreign, and they're keen on ushering in as their new leader a former beauty queen who reminds us of Miss Teen South Carolina. Despite Obama's commitment to bipartisanship and repeated overtures to the GOP, we've watched them sit on the bleachers and sulk while their country sinks deeper into hot water. Obama has reminded the GOP that the reason they were crushed in November was that their ideas, which they still cling to, "have been tested, and they have failed." Maybe it's time to loosen the fist, take a hint and grow up.

So there's your Republican Party in a nutshell: controlled by Rush Limbaugh, seeking wisdom from Joe the Plumber and eager to extol Sarah Palin as their next commanding officer. How is this not sending chills of horror down more spines?

And to my conservative friends: this isn't about our philosophical differences -- we all want two respectable parties so they can keep each other in check. This is about holding both to certain minimal standards, which one of them clearly isn't fulfilling.

Sahil Kapur - | AlterNet

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Hey, have it your way...the 100 year old GOP was controlled by someone that just joined the party 4 years earlier...I guess you are happy with that.

John Dean is a vicious or depraved person, a villain? WOW... just because he told the truth? What does that make Robert Altemeyer who has done the most extensive research on authoritarianism in history?

IF the GOP runs Sarah "empty vessel" Palin in 2012...I can tell you how THAT will work out.

It's completely off-topic to discuss the short-comings of John Dean. The list is lengthy, but it's a topic for another thread.

What did I say that suggests to you that I'm happy with it? Fact is fact.

Why are you so scared of Sarah Palin? Nobody is talking about her, but you bring her up. That tells me you fear her. Interesting.

Fear...please don't project right wing personality traits on me...I fear her so much, I pray the GOP selects her as their standard bearer in 2012...

It will make Reagan - Mondale look like a DRAW...

But maybe President Obama in his second term can appoint her Ambassador to the country of Africa.... oh, that's right, Africa is a CONTINENT...

Maybe Official Putin rearing his head coast watcher...

A Trifecta of Inadequacy

February 11, 2009


A couple of months ago, I wrote about the tired state of the Republican Party and how it desperately needs to blow past the disastrous Bush years and rediscover its core values. But months after being overwhelmingly rejected by the American people, the Republican Party remains unable to recapture its substance. Instead, we have only seen more pandering to the fanatics and dim bulbs, more of the same putrid ideas and more power-plays that evoke politics before country -- while the economy crashes and burns.

Weeks after the election, a Gallup Poll recorded that 67% of Republicans wanted Sarah Palin to be the party nominee in 2012. A recent Rasmussen poll found that 55% of GOP voters want their party to look more like Palin. (The fact that 43% of Republicans decry their party for becoming "too moderate" under Bush is utterly terrifying.) Yes, Sarah Palin -- the hockey mom who makes George W. Bush and Dan Quayle look like professors -- is the front-runner to lead this party. We're talking about the governor who couldn't identify the Bush Doctrine or recall a Supreme Court case besides Roe v Wade. The journalism major who couldn't name a newspaper she reads. The Vice Presidential candidate who repeatedly informed us that she does not know what a Vice President does!

But the constituency's fondness for the intellectually feeble doesn't end there. GOP officials are now seeking economic counsel from Joe the Plumber, the daft Ohioan McCain exalted as "an American hero" and "my role model" during his campaign. Yes, Joe the Plumber -- the alleged plumber without a plumbing license, who was recently in trouble for not paying his taxes and who has no discernible background or expertise in any field. The dreamer who was upset that Obama was going to disrupt his fantasy by increasing taxes on a business he wasn't even close to owning, even though Obama's tax plan would have left him better off in reality. The commentator who obtusely claimed that Obama's "ideology is completely different than what democracy stands for" and blathered on FOX News that a vote for Obama would bring the "death of Israel."

Even so, none of this is as disturbing as Rush Limbaugh's rapid ascent to "new leader" and "new face" of the Republican Party, as numerous journalists suggest. Just hours after Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) took an honorable stance and reprimanded Limbaugh for "throwing bricks," he was reduced to his knees in an embarrassing apology to mighty Rush. John McCain, who once upon a time criticized the fringe elements of his party, defended the talk radio host against those who dare to be critical of a conservative voice with a "wide viewing audience." Other prominent GOP officials have joined the rush to Limbaugh's defense, while he humiliates them further by bragging that Obama is "more frightened" of him than of the most powerful Republicans in Congress. Incredible.

It's no wonder Republicans refuse to play ball on President Obama's crucial stimulus package -- they're beholden to madcap who has broadcast his desire to see his president fail; they're searching for guidance in a thick-headed clown who continues to view Obama as a gay-marrying Muslim socialist from someplace foreign, and they're keen on ushering in as their new leader a former beauty queen who reminds us of Miss Teen South Carolina. Despite Obama's commitment to bipartisanship and repeated overtures to the GOP, we've watched them sit on the bleachers and sulk while their country sinks deeper into hot water. Obama has reminded the GOP that the reason they were crushed in November was that their ideas, which they still cling to, "have been tested, and they have failed." Maybe it's time to loosen the fist, take a hint and grow up.

So there's your Republican Party in a nutshell: controlled by Rush Limbaugh, seeking wisdom from Joe the Plumber and eager to extol Sarah Palin as their next commanding officer. How is this not sending chills of horror down more spines?

And to my conservative friends: this isn't about our philosophical differences -- we all want two respectable parties so they can keep each other in check. This is about holding both to certain minimal standards, which one of them clearly isn't fulfilling.

Sahil Kapur - | AlterNet

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Always the same thing from you folks. :eusa_whistle:

"I don't fear her" But then you proceed to bring up Sarah Palin twice in the same thread that has nothing to do with her. Then you launch into some kind of ridicule attack on her.

But, no, you aren't worried, not you. That's pretty bizarre behavior. :cuckoo:
America was founded on the principles of classical liberalism certainly, but definitely not on the principles of todays definition of liberalism. The founders feared big government, they didn't promote it.
America was founded on the principles of classical liberalism certainly, but definitely not on the principles of todays definition of liberalism. The founders feared big government, they didn't promote it.

BIG government ... you mean like BIG prison systems, BIG capital punishment laws, BIG surveillance programs, BIG "Patriot" acts, BIG sweetheart bills written for Congressional votes by corporations???

Oh, THAT is not big government, that's just necessary SAFETY and market sense...

WHICH party initiated PAYGO, and WHICH party initiate the K Street Project?
America was founded on the principles of classical liberalism certainly, but definitely not on the principles of todays definition of liberalism. The founders feared big government, they didn't promote it.

BIG government ... you mean like BIG prison systems, BIG capital punishment laws, BIG surveillance programs, BIG "Patriot" acts, BIG sweetheart bills written for Congressional votes by corporations???

Oh, THAT is not big government, that's just necessary SAFETY and market sense...

WHICH party initiated PAYGO, and WHICH party initiate the K Street Project?

Neither did I say that America was founded on the principles of conservatism.
Here is the liberalism I subscribe to...


A Liberal Definition by John F. Kennedy:
Excerpts from his Acceptance Speech
Liberal Party Nomination

September 14, 1960

What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label "Liberal?" If by "Liberal" they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of "Liberal." But if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."

I want to take the opportunity to set forth my views on the proper relationship between the state and the citizen.

This is my political credo:

I believe in human dignity as the source of national purpose, in human liberty as the source of national action, in the human heart as the source of national compassion, and in the human mind as the source of our invention and our ideas. It is, I believe, the faith in our fellow citizens as individuals and as people that lies at the heart of the liberal faith. For liberalism is not so much a party creed or set of fixed platform promises as it is an attitude of mind and heart, a faith in man's ability through the experiences of his reason and judgment to increase for himself and his fellow men the amount of justice and freedom and brotherhood which all human life deserves.

I believe also in the United States of America, in the promise that it contains and has contained throughout our history of producing a society so abundant and creative and so free and responsible that it cannot only fulfill the aspirations of its citizens, but serve equally well as a beacon for all mankind. I do not believe in a superstate. I see no magic in tax dollars which are sent to Washington and then returned. I abhor the waste and incompetence of large-scale federal bureaucracies in this administration as well as in others. I do not favor state compulsion when voluntary individual effort can do the job and do it well. But I believe in a government which acts, which exercises its full powers and full responsibilities. Government is an art and a precious obligation; and when it has a job to do, I believe it should do it. And this requires not only great ends but that we propose concrete means of achieving them.

Our responsibility is not discharged by announcement of virtuous ends. Our responsibility is to achieve these objectives with social invention, with political skill, and executive vigor. I believe for these reasons that liberalism is our best and only hope in the world today. For the liberal society is a free society, and it is at the same time and for that reason a strong society. Its strength is drawn from the will of free people committed to great ends and peacefully striving to meet them. Only liberalism, in short, can repair our national power, restore our national purpose, and liberate our national energies. And the only basic issue in the 1960 campaign is whether our government will fall in a conservative rut and die there, or whether we will move ahead in the liberal spirit of daring, of breaking new ground, of doing in our generation what Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman and Adlai Stevenson did in their time of influence and responsibility.

Our liberalism has its roots in our diverse origins. Most of us are descended from that segment of the American population which was once called an immigrant minority. Today, along with our children and grandchildren, we do not feel minor. We feel proud of our origins and we are not second to any group in our sense of national purpose. For many years New York represented the new frontier to all those who came from the ends of the earth to find new opportunity and new freedom, generations of men and women who fled from the despotism of the czars, the horrors of the Nazis, the tyranny of hunger, who came here to the new frontier in the State of New York. These men and women, a living cross section of American history, indeed, a cross section of the entire world's history of pain and hope, made of this city not only a new world of opportunity, but a new world of the spirit as well.

A Liberal Definition by JFK
That's fine, but JFK liberalism, if that's what you want to call it, differs from the classical liberalism of the founders of the United States.
Here is the liberalism I subscribe to...


A Liberal Definition by John F. Kennedy:
Excerpts from his Acceptance Speech
Liberal Party Nomination

September 14, 1960

What do our opponents mean when they apply to us the label "Liberal?" If by "Liberal" they mean, as they want people to believe, someone who is soft in his policies abroad, who is against local government, and who is unconcerned with the taxpayer's dollar, then the record of this party and its members demonstrate that we are not that kind of "Liberal." But if by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people -- their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties -- someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."

I want to take the opportunity to set forth my views on the proper relationship between the state and the citizen.

This is my political credo:

I believe in human dignity as the source of national purpose, in human liberty as the source of national action, in the human heart as the source of national compassion, and in the human mind as the source of our invention and our ideas. It is, I believe, the faith in our fellow citizens as individuals and as people that lies at the heart of the liberal faith. For liberalism is not so much a party creed or set of fixed platform promises as it is an attitude of mind and heart, a faith in man's ability through the experiences of his reason and judgment to increase for himself and his fellow men the amount of justice and freedom and brotherhood which all human life deserves.

I believe also in the United States of America, in the promise that it contains and has contained throughout our history of producing a society so abundant and creative and so free and responsible that it cannot only fulfill the aspirations of its citizens, but serve equally well as a beacon for all mankind. I do not believe in a superstate. I see no magic in tax dollars which are sent to Washington and then returned. I abhor the waste and incompetence of large-scale federal bureaucracies in this administration as well as in others. I do not favor state compulsion when voluntary individual effort can do the job and do it well. But I believe in a government which acts, which exercises its full powers and full responsibilities. Government is an art and a precious obligation; and when it has a job to do, I believe it should do it. And this requires not only great ends but that we propose concrete means of achieving them.

Our responsibility is not discharged by announcement of virtuous ends. Our responsibility is to achieve these objectives with social invention, with political skill, and executive vigor. I believe for these reasons that liberalism is our best and only hope in the world today. For the liberal society is a free society, and it is at the same time and for that reason a strong society. Its strength is drawn from the will of free people committed to great ends and peacefully striving to meet them. Only liberalism, in short, can repair our national power, restore our national purpose, and liberate our national energies. And the only basic issue in the 1960 campaign is whether our government will fall in a conservative rut and die there, or whether we will move ahead in the liberal spirit of daring, of breaking new ground, of doing in our generation what Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman and Adlai Stevenson did in their time of influence and responsibility.

Our liberalism has its roots in our diverse origins. Most of us are descended from that segment of the American population which was once called an immigrant minority. Today, along with our children and grandchildren, we do not feel minor. We feel proud of our origins and we are not second to any group in our sense of national purpose. For many years New York represented the new frontier to all those who came from the ends of the earth to find new opportunity and new freedom, generations of men and women who fled from the despotism of the czars, the horrors of the Nazis, the tyranny of hunger, who came here to the new frontier in the State of New York. These men and women, a living cross section of American history, indeed, a cross section of the entire world's history of pain and hope, made of this city not only a new world of opportunity, but a new world of the spirit as well.

A Liberal Definition by JFK

And then he said ask not what your country can do for you(like health care,college aid,social security,welfare and the list goe's on)
but what you can do for your country what did you forget that part and then he cut taxes....some how me thinks you do not understand Kennedy Democrats

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