If_____, then how come________?


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
If the Occutards are against corporate corruption, then how come they aren't complaining about Solyndra, MF Global, and Barney Frank?

If the N.O.W. want women to get the respect they deserve, then how come they don't help defend Palin and Bachmann from nasty and sexist attacks?

If the N.A.A.C.P. fights for the advancement of colored people, why don't they help defend against racist remarks leveled at Herman Cain, and Alan West?

If Code Pink believes that war is bad, then how come they are not burning Obama in effigy like they did Bush?

Actually, I know the answers to these questions, the answer is that they are all frauds, tools and useful idiots for the Democrat Party.
Because your "ifs" are wrong.

The OWS folks are not so much against corporate corruption as much as they're pissed THEY aren't being bailed out. I don't think anyone should ever be bailed out.

NOW does't wan't women to get respect, they want women to receive special privileges through government directed rules and laws. To NOW, only progressive women help their cause. I believe in equal justice...but that's me.

The NAACP doesn't fight for the advancement of Blacks, they fight for handouts directed towards Blacks. Ironic as hell that such efforts have the exact opposite effect of 'advancement'. I'm against handouts for anyone, equality for all...crazy, I know.

Lastly, Code Pink doesn't believe war is bad, they believe anyone who isn't a Progressives is bad. Otherwise, they would be burning Obama in effigy. Personally, I'll be the first one to the front if we're invaded. Other countries should not be our problem.

Well, that's my take. Enjoy...
Because your "ifs" are wrong.

The OWS folks are not so much against corporate corruption as much as they're pissed THEY aren't being bailed out. I don't think anyone should ever be bailed out.

Well, they claim to be against it.

NOW does't wan't women to get respect, they want women to receive special privileges through government directed rules and laws. To NOW, only progressive women help their cause. I believe in equal justice...but that's me.

I think I see a pattern here.

The NAACP doesn't fight for the advancement of Blacks, they fight for handouts directed towards Blacks. Ironic as hell that such efforts have the exact opposite effect of 'advancement'. I'm against handouts for anyone, equality for all...crazy, I know.

Lastly, Code Pink doesn't believe war is bad, they believe anyone who isn't a Progressives is bad. Otherwise, they would be burning Obama in effigy. Personally, I'll be the first one to the front if we're invaded. Other countries should not be our problem.

Well, that's my take. Enjoy...

You take and my take are the same.
Blah, blah, blah.... How do you KNOW that they aren't against them? Oh yeah.. because you made the shit up. You made the shit up, because you need something else to bitch about. You need something else to bitch about because OTHER people make shit up... and you believe it.
Blah, blah, blah.... How do you KNOW that they aren't against them? Oh yeah.. because you made the shit up. You made the shit up, because you need something else to bitch about. You need something else to bitch about because OTHER people make shit up... and you believe it.

Zzzzzzz.......Wait what? Did you say something? Oh I see, you didn't......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........
You need to quit watching FOX and reading conservative propaganda and actually go down there and talk to some of them. It's great, you get the real story and a chance to think for yourself. Not many people want to think for themselves.:(
You need to quit watching FOX and reading conservative propaganda and actually go down there and talk to some of them. It's great, you get the real story and a chance to think for yourself. Not many people want to think for themselves.:(

I don't watch Fox but I agree that people don't like to think for themselves. Most of the people who don't like to think for themselves are occupying.

there is no need to talk to them. They are on the news expressing their opinions and wants, and they also hold up signs. So yeah, I know what they want even if they themselves don't.
The hypocrisy train runs both ways, on the right it is usually traceable to allowing the religious theocracy nuts into your big corporate tent.
If the Occutards are against corporate corruption, then how come they aren't complaining about Solyndra, MF Global, and Barney Frank?

They are. It's a long list.

If the N.O.W. want women to get the respect they deserve, then how come they don't help defend Palin and Bachmann from nasty and sexist attacks?

Because those attacks, while nasty, AREN'T sexist.

If the N.A.A.C.P. fights for the advancement of colored people, why don't they help defend against racist remarks leveled at Herman Cain, and Alan West?

Because those remarks AREN'T racist.

If Code Pink believes that war is bad, then how come they are not burning Obama in effigy like they did Bush?

Obama deserves a few frowns for his foreign policy, but not burning in effigy. He's continued the Bush wars too long. That's bad, but not on the same scale as starting them in the first place.

Care to rethink your conclusion now?

Umm, perhaps I should say, care to START thinking, instead of letting others do it for you?

I don't watch Fox

Perhaps not literally, but you are certainly regurgitating right-wing talking points without either exploring things for yourself or thinking for yourself, wherever it is that you encounter those talking points.
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Blah, blah, blah.... How do you KNOW that they aren't against them? Oh yeah.. because you made the shit up. You made the shit up, because you need something else to bitch about. You need something else to bitch about because OTHER people make shit up... and you believe it.

If they didn't have faux rage, they'd have nothing .....

P.S. Plain and Bachmann weren't criticized becaus they were women....they are criticized because they aren't fit for the office of the president....

Yet more pathetic rightwingnut nonsense
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Blah, blah, blah.... How do you KNOW that they aren't against them? Oh yeah.. because you made the shit up. You made the shit up, because you need something else to bitch about. You need something else to bitch about because OTHER people make shit up... and you believe it.

If they didn't have faux rage, they'd have nothing .....

Just like Obamas accomplishments.
...and actually go down there and talk to some of them. It's great, you get the real story and a chance to think for yourself. Not many people want to think for themselves.:(

Speaking for myself, I spent several hours on more than one occasion at the OWS protests in Los Angeles. Thought I might find a fellow limited government Libertarian or perhaps a Ron Paul supporter. None to be found. LOTS of people calling themselves "Global Socialists" and more signs than I could count calling for forgiveness of student loans...aka, another bailout.
Had to resurrect this thread to add another example of left wing hypocrisy:

If criticising Bush's handling of the 9-11 disaster was patriotic, then how come criticising Obama's handling of the Lybian Embasy murder is undermining national security?

Of course we all know the answer don't we? Liberal hypocrisy.
Blah, blah, blah.... How do you KNOW that they aren't against them? Oh yeah.. because you made the shit up. You made the shit up, because you need something else to bitch about. You need something else to bitch about because OTHER people make shit up... and you believe it.

If they didn't have faux rage, they'd have nothing .....

P.S. Plain and Bachmann weren't criticized becaus they were women....they are criticized because they aren't fit for the office of the president....

Yet more pathetic rightwingnut nonsense

And what about the hit piece that was orchestrated against Hillary in 08 by the Messiah during the primaries?
If the left is allowed to spin obama out of the "You didn't build that" speech, then how come the right isn't allowed to spin Romney out of the "47%" speech?

There's no reason to spin what Romney said, 47% of voters will vote for Maobama no matter what he does or says, so there is no reason for Romney to expend resources to try to change their mind. Simple and factual.
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