If You Want to Get Booed at a Trump Rally, Bring a Pocket Constitution


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Riling the rubes..priceless!!!

We all know what happened next: Trump spent several days in a protracted public feud with the Khan family, attempting to smear their names and faith while many, though definitely not all, of his fellow Republicans looked on in horror, if not exactly shame. It’s hard to think of a worse look for any presidential candidate—let alone the nominee of a party known for shows of solidarity with the military—than attacking the parents of a fallen U.S soldier.

The Constitution-themed stunt—and, yes, that’s what it was—was so clever because its success relied simply on the Trump-loving crowd reacting exactly how everyone expected they would. In that way, the angry Trump fans aren’t really any different than the man they were shouting to defend: easy to provoke.

If You Want to Get Booed at a Trump Rally, Bring a Pocket Constitution  
Riling the rubes..priceless!!!

We all know what happened next: Trump spent several days in a protracted public feud with the Khan family, attempting to smear their names and faith while many, though definitely not all, of his fellow Republicans looked on in horror, if not exactly shame. It’s hard to think of a worse look for any presidential candidate—let alone the nominee of a party known for shows of solidarity with the military—than attacking the parents of a fallen U.S soldier.

The Constitution-themed stunt—and, yes, that’s what it was—was so clever because its success relied simply on the Trump-loving crowd reacting exactly how everyone expected they would. In that way, the angry Trump fans aren’t really any different than the man they were shouting to defend: easy to provoke.

If You Want to Get Booed at a Trump Rally, Bring a Pocket Constitution

I carry one by default.

What was the constitutional issue that caused Khan to wave his about anyway?
Showing up at a trump rally with a sign that says America is Already Great get's you attacked by trump supporters as well. Don't tell them America is Great!

Even just four years ago if you said to any Republican, "you know in four years if you go to a GOP rally with a sign that says America Is Great you will be assaulted, the sign torn up, and your candidate will demand you leave the building", they would have rolled on the ground laughing at you.

But here we are.

Trump supporters are nothing more than a cesspool of dirty inbred white trash , fuck them and their Orange Messiah ...

Gonna be real fun watching all those mayonnaise monkeys have a full on meltdown when the election is over..

I thought the Repukes were all for the Constitution ??? Just like everything else only when it suits them huh??

Just look at the complete racial makeup of all of Trump's rallies what does that tell you ?? If your a person of color it is pure motivation to vote Clinton, come hell or high water..:beer:
Celebrating a muslim carrying around the US constitution even though sharia law contradicts the constitution. This is how far down the tubes the democrats have gone. World war 2 would have been lost had they had today's democrats as part of the war effort.
Riling the rubes..priceless!!!

We all know what happened next: Trump spent several days in a protracted public feud with the Khan family, attempting to smear their names and faith while many, though definitely not all, of his fellow Republicans looked on in horror, if not exactly shame. It’s hard to think of a worse look for any presidential candidate—let alone the nominee of a party known for shows of solidarity with the military—than attacking the parents of a fallen U.S soldier.

The Constitution-themed stunt—and, yes, that’s what it was—was so clever because its success relied simply on the Trump-loving crowd reacting exactly how everyone expected they would. In that way, the angry Trump fans aren’t really any different than the man they were shouting to defend: easy to provoke.

If You Want to Get Booed at a Trump Rally, Bring a Pocket Constitution

I carry one by default.

What was the constitutional issue that caused Khan to wave his about anyway?
Banning a religion.

Do keep up.
Republicans booing the constitution. Well, they want to change it to discriminate. Of course they are going to boo it.
Riling the rubes..priceless!!!

We all know what happened next: Trump spent several days in a protracted public feud with the Khan family, attempting to smear their names and faith while many, though definitely not all, of his fellow Republicans looked on in horror, if not exactly shame. It’s hard to think of a worse look for any presidential candidate—let alone the nominee of a party known for shows of solidarity with the military—than attacking the parents of a fallen U.S soldier.

The Constitution-themed stunt—and, yes, that’s what it was—was so clever because its success relied simply on the Trump-loving crowd reacting exactly how everyone expected they would. In that way, the angry Trump fans aren’t really any different than the man they were shouting to defend: easy to provoke.

If You Want to Get Booed at a Trump Rally, Bring a Pocket Constitution

I carry one by default.

What was the constitutional issue that caused Khan to wave his about anyway?

He claimed it wasn't constitutional to restrict who gets into the country via immigration.

Problem is, US law clearly gives the President the power to do just that.

It's yet another liberal lie to mindless minions that follow their Democrat masters.

Next time one of those idiots is holding a pocket constitution, ask them to open it up to the section that says the government has no power to enforce immigration controls.
Trump supporters are nothing more than a cesspool of dirty inbred white trash , fuck them and their Orange Messiah ...

Gonna be real fun watching all those mayonnaise monkeys have a full on meltdown when the election is over..

I thought the Repukes were all for the Constitution ??? Just like everything else only when it suits them huh??

Just look at the complete racial makeup of all of Trump's rallies what does that tell you ?? If your a person of color it is pure motivation to vote Clinton, come hell or high water..:beer:
exactly what happened to those Bernie supporters at the convention? oh yeah, the hillary supporters stood in their way. Funny. again with the hypocrisy. You all can't keep out of it.
Figures. The GOP opted to abandon the constitution with the Trump nomination anyways.

Actually, both sides abandon the constitution at times. War, for example,needs to be declared by congress. When is the last time that's happened? 1941.
Riling the rubes..priceless!!!

We all know what happened next: Trump spent several days in a protracted public feud with the Khan family, attempting to smear their names and faith while many, though definitely not all, of his fellow Republicans looked on in horror, if not exactly shame. It’s hard to think of a worse look for any presidential candidate—let alone the nominee of a party known for shows of solidarity with the military—than attacking the parents of a fallen U.S soldier.

The Constitution-themed stunt—and, yes, that’s what it was—was so clever because its success relied simply on the Trump-loving crowd reacting exactly how everyone expected they would. In that way, the angry Trump fans aren’t really any different than the man they were shouting to defend: easy to provoke.

If You Want to Get Booed at a Trump Rally, Bring a Pocket Constitution

I carry one by default.

What was the constitutional issue that caused Khan to wave his about anyway?
Banning a religion.

Do keep up.

Who's banning a religion?
Riling the rubes..priceless!!!

We all know what happened next: Trump spent several days in a protracted public feud with the Khan family, attempting to smear their names and faith while many, though definitely not all, of his fellow Republicans looked on in horror, if not exactly shame. It’s hard to think of a worse look for any presidential candidate—let alone the nominee of a party known for shows of solidarity with the military—than attacking the parents of a fallen U.S soldier.

The Constitution-themed stunt—and, yes, that’s what it was—was so clever because its success relied simply on the Trump-loving crowd reacting exactly how everyone expected they would. In that way, the angry Trump fans aren’t really any different than the man they were shouting to defend: easy to provoke.

If You Want to Get Booed at a Trump Rally, Bring a Pocket Constitution

What do you need a pocket constitution for when Trump can just tell you what Article XII says?
Figures. The GOP opted to abandon the constitution with the Trump nomination anyways.

I always find it funny when people like Mr. Khan who want to do away with the Constitution wave it around.

This is what these democrats don't understand. Sharia law would be considered unconstitutional. It's like they have blinders on about certain subjects.

Oh, the democrats understand it far better than most conservatives. As the conservatives are arguing for religious laws to be placed above civil law. And once you've done that.....ANY religious law trumps civil law.

Including Sharia.
Figures. The GOP opted to abandon the constitution with the Trump nomination anyways.

I always find it funny when people like Mr. Khan who want to do away with the Constitution wave it around.

This is what these democrats don't understand. Sharia law would be considered unconstitutional. It's like they have blinders on about certain subjects.

You are assuming Muslims in America want Shariah Law running the government. I'm a Muslim and I don't want Shariah Law running America.

. Also many of you conservatives have no understanding of what Shariah law really is.

Shariah Law is not just a political system. It is also a guideline to how to live your life. For example Shariah Law says you have to pray 5 times days, fast Ramadan, give a percentage of your wealth to the needy, abstain from alcohol and pork etc.

You'll find Muslims have different interpretations of what Shariah law means to them and the rules that go along with it. Most Muslims either don't follow it at all or follow it very loosely.

Of course you have the small group of crazies who want to implement Shariah but that is such a small percentage compared to the the Muslims Americans who are just living their life trying to make a living like anyone else in this country.

Conservatives care more about Shariah Law than Muslims do.
Figures. The GOP opted to abandon the constitution with the Trump nomination anyways.

I always find it funny when people like Mr. Khan who want to do away with the Constitution wave it around.

This is what these democrats don't understand. Sharia law would be considered unconstitutional. It's like they have blinders on about certain subjects.

You are assuming Muslims in America want Shariah Law running the government. I'm a Muslim and I don't want Shariah Law running America.

. Also many of you conservatives have no understanding of what Shariah law really is.

Shariah Law is not just a political system. It is also a guideline to how to live your life. For example Shariah Law says you have to pray 5 times days, fast Ramadan, give a percentage of your wealth to the needy, abstain from alcohol and pork etc.

You'll find Muslims have different interpretations of what Shariah law means to them and the rules that go along with it. Most Muslims either don't follow it at all or follow it very loosely.

Of course you have the small group of crazies who want to implement Shariah but that is such a small percentage compared to the the Muslims Americans who are just living their life trying to make a living like anyone else in this country.

Conservatives care more about Shariah Law than Muslims do.

Thank you for posting this, conservatives generally live in a bizarro world where up is down.

Mitt Romney was a Mormon whom most evangelicals and other kristians supported vehemently. Mormons believe Jesus visited Alabama and they wear magic underwear. Yet the fake kristians wanted to elect him.

The Christian religion in the US is so f'd up you can't keep track of all the batty sects and their beliefs. Read up on the Westboro Baptist Church for starters.

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