If you want to blame Whitey, at least blame the right one. Here he is.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
LBJ's policies destroyed the Black family and laid the groundwork for multi-generational poverty, violence and Fatherless homes.

I wish I could give two thumbs up
Shouldn't you also blame Lincoln for freeing the blacks and setting them up for abuse by whites that want to not only destroy their family unit but annihilate their presence in the US...??
Shouldn't you also blame Lincoln for freeing the blacks and setting them up for abuse by whites that want to not only destroy their family unit but annihilate their presence in the US...??
Yeah, white Democrats.
LBJ's policies destroyed the Black family and laid the groundwork for multi-generational poverty, violence and Fatherless homes.

Hi, MM. I am fairly certain that a citizen with ordinary common sense who has regularly witnessed children experiencing POVERTY, recognizes POVERTY is a form of Child Abuse And Maltreatment.

Sadly, many common sense Americans, for whatever reasons, decline to speak up, demanding our Nation's ELECTED problem solvers take meaningful ACTION to prevent American kids and teens from suffering, THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, our Nation's highest rate of potential life scarring Child Neglect, Abuse and Maltreatment that Medical Doctors and Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victim Oprah Winfrey are passionately beefing about.

Early Brain Child Development SCIENTIST, Dr. Bruce D. Perry MD, PhD, spills the beans to Childhood Trauma (ACEs) victim Oprah Winfrey, offering SCIENTIFIC medical research explaining why children who grow up witnessing or experiencing violence, chaos, uncertainty, inconsistentcy or neglect are more vulnerable, having much HIGHER RATES of risk for mental health problems, much higher rates of risk for doing poorly in school or just functioning in the world:

"Black Children Have The Highest Abuse Rates," by BlackVoiceNews


Kendrick Lamar Talks About His Depression and Suic!d@l Thoughts - part 2 MTV:

American (Children) Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our Nation's CHILD CARE Public Health Crisis; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations


Peace ♥ EndHate
LBJ's policies destroyed the Black family and laid the groundwork for multi-generational poverty, violence and Fatherless homes.

BULLSHIT! This is white racist garbage. Blacks lived at 55.1 percent poverty before LBJ's policies. Whites had been practicing the most violent campaign perhaps in world history on blacks for nearly 200 years before LBJ. And fatherless homes is another white racist meme that ignore white divorce which leave women raising children alone. Some bullshit from somebody white in a blog is not fact. If we are wanting to talk about which whites to hold accountable, we start with the so-called founding fathers.
LBJ's policies destroyed the Black family and laid the groundwork for multi-generational poverty, violence and Fatherless homes.

BULLSHIT! This is white racist garbage. Blacks lived at 55.1 percent poverty before LBJ's policies. Whites had been practicing the most violent campaign perhaps in world history on blacks for nearly 200 years before LBJ. And fatherless homes is another white racist meme that ignore white divorce which leave women raising children alone. Some bullshit from somebody white in a blog is not fact. If we are wanting to talk about which whites to hold accountable, we start with the so-called founding fathers.
There comes a moment when people stop thinking about what happened to them and they start thinking about what they are going to make happen

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