If You Support Democrats Do You Support Whatever They Do No Matter What?

Do you think the Democrats can do anything with my full support

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Apparently Democrat supporters are on board no matter how low they go.

So my question is this:

Do you think is okay for them to pay protesters to scream at hearings, make false claims of sexual assault, or do anything it takes to stop Trump's government regardless how illegal or unethical Democrats act? This includes the nomination of judges or any other activity.

Do you think that it's okay for Democrats to plot the overthrow of the Trump Administration regardless of how unethical they become? Do you think it's okay for Democrats to break the law in this pursuit as well?
I'm anti billionaire so it's irrelevant. You're pro billionaire if you're a Republican. You cant bitch about how billionaires are spending their money/free speech if you voted for them to be subsidized in the first place. This is the result. Soros is a deified job creator that we must bow to so he continues using his money here in the Republican system.
That's a fallacy. Democrats are for the rich and the poor.......they take from the middle-class and give crumbs to the poor....the rest they give to themselves and their rich Hollywood friends.
See the tax bill. The GOP subsidizes the upper class and ultra upper class in a misguided hope to get them to spend all their riches here. It's pretty heckin stupid. Sensible regulation that protects the consumer and working class and progressive tax are the way to go. We should tax the ultra rich heavily not to take their money but to enforce that those that are winning by far the best in the country be paying back into the systems at a rate that shows it. Tax evasion should be punished hard. White collar crimes that hurt the working class should be as well. Regulation is a good thing if it protects consumers and workers from taking on excessive damages. They cant spend money on efficient goods if they have to pay for excessive health care costs or legal fees.
America should provide free legal fees and healthcare for all.
/——/ Free pizza and beer for everyone but the Dems get Pizza Hut and store brand beer at the food shelter while Republicans get Brooklyn pizza and craft beer delivered to their home. Only then can we have equality.
Apparently Democrat supporters are on board no matter how low they go.

So my question is this:

Do you think is okay for them to pay protesters to scream at hearings, make false claims of sexual assault, or do anything it takes to stop Trump's government regardless how illegal or unethical Democrats act? This includes the nomination of judges or any other activity.

Do you think that it's okay for Democrats to plot the overthrow of the Trump Administration regardless of how unethical they become? Do you think it's okay for Democrats to break the law in this pursuit as well?

Apparently, irony escapes conservatives who blindly follow anything trump wants.
Says the Hillary and Obama supporter who blindly followed the Democrat Party over a cliff.
Apparently Democrat supporters are on board no matter how low they go.

So my question is this:

Do you think is okay for them to pay protesters to scream at hearings, make false claims of sexual assault, or do anything it takes to stop Trump's government regardless how illegal or unethical Democrats act? This includes the nomination of judges or any other activity.

Do you think that it's okay for Democrats to plot the overthrow of the Trump Administration regardless of how unethical they become? Do you think it's okay for Democrats to break the law in this pursuit as well?
I'm anti billionaire so it's irrelevant. You're pro billionaire if you're a Republican. You cant bitch about how billionaires are spending their money/free speech if you voted for them to be subsidized in the first place. This is the result. Soros is a deified job creator that we must bow to so he continues using his money here in the Republican system.
That's a fallacy. Democrats are for the rich and the poor.......they take from the middle-class and give crumbs to the poor....the rest they give to themselves and their rich Hollywood friends.
See the tax bill. The GOP subsidizes the upper class and ultra upper class in a misguided hope to get them to spend all their riches here. It's pretty heckin stupid. Sensible regulation that protects the consumer and working class and progressive tax are the way to go. We should tax the ultra rich heavily not to take their money but to enforce that those that are winning by far the best in the country be paying back into the systems at a rate that shows it. Tax evasion should be punished hard. White collar crimes that hurt the working class should be as well. Regulation is a good thing if it protects consumers and workers from taking on excessive damages. They cant spend money on efficient goods if they have to pay for excessive health care costs or legal fees.

This is OT, but I'm going to say that I am not a slave of the government. I have the right to sell my labor at whatever rate I wish; to include making a shit ton of money from it. I should not be punished for my successes. Nor should others be rewarded for their failures. The idea that the government "owns" me or my labor aka income and thus can take it, and as much as it wants, anytime it wants, is flat out disgusting and completely counter to America's history of respect for individuals - privacy, liberty, and justice as well.
You guys support the Republicans no matter what they do, so why would the Democrats be any different
Have you heard of the TEA Party. Many republicans left the party because the TEA party gave them a new home.

Have you heard of Donald Trump? Many Republicans are throwing away their supposed beliefs and following him in lock step no matter what he does.

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