If You Like Your School Lunch, You Can Keep It

"The ideal for us is a civil service cultured and self-sufficient enough to act with sense and vigor, and yet so intimately connected with the popular thought, by means of elections and constant public counsel, as to find arbitrariness or class spirit quite out of the question."
-The Study of Administration by Woodrow Wilson

i can absolutely see how you'd have a problem with that, PC.

1. Obviously you haven't studied the French Revolution, and the concept of 'the general will,' either.

2. If you did, you would realize that you've just supported what I posted.
a. “Progressives looked to insulate administrators not only from the chief executive, but from politics altogether. It is the Progressives' desire to free bureaucratic agencies from the confines of politics and the law that allows us to trace the origins of the administrative state to their political thought. The idea of separating politics and administration--of grounding a significant portion of government not on the basis of popular consent but on expertise--was a fundamental aim of American Progressivism and explains the Progressives' fierce assault on the Founders' separation-of-powers constitutionalism.” The Birth of the Administrative State Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government

Wilson and the Progressives despised the Constitution...in fact he wrote that it could be discarded.

3. A conservative former NY Senator commented about said administrative state:

....the creation of more and more bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law! Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.
James L. Buckley, “Freedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State”
i see. you have fallen into the trap of accepting the opinions of some people as fact again.

you really should stop letting other people do your thinking for you. try doing some on your own. you may enjoy it.

see, if you had your own thoughts, you'd be able to post a quote from one of wilson's works and then you'd be able to give us your own evaluation.

you can't do that. you allow yourself to be lead around like a calf with a brass ring.

I see you have fallen into the contortion of putting both of your feet into your mouth.
The circus has a spot for you!
you need to understand that just because someone was published it does not make every word they wrote true and factual.

I respect your right to be stupid.
"The ideal for us is a civil service cultured and self-sufficient enough to act with sense and vigor, and yet so intimately connected with the popular thought, by means of elections and constant public counsel, as to find arbitrariness or class spirit quite out of the question."
-The Study of Administration by Woodrow Wilson

i can absolutely see how you'd have a problem with that, PC.

1. Obviously you haven't studied the French Revolution, and the concept of 'the general will,' either.

2. If you did, you would realize that you've just supported what I posted.
a. “Progressives looked to insulate administrators not only from the chief executive, but from politics altogether. It is the Progressives' desire to free bureaucratic agencies from the confines of politics and the law that allows us to trace the origins of the administrative state to their political thought. The idea of separating politics and administration--of grounding a significant portion of government not on the basis of popular consent but on expertise--was a fundamental aim of American Progressivism and explains the Progressives' fierce assault on the Founders' separation-of-powers constitutionalism.” The Birth of the Administrative State Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government

Wilson and the Progressives despised the Constitution...in fact he wrote that it could be discarded.

3. A conservative former NY Senator commented about said administrative state:

....the creation of more and more bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law! Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.
James L. Buckley, “Freedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State”
i see. you have fallen into the trap of accepting the opinions of some people as fact again.

you really should stop letting other people do your thinking for you. try doing some on your own. you may enjoy it.

see, if you had your own thoughts, you'd be able to post a quote from one of wilson's works and then you'd be able to give us your own evaluation.

you can't do that. you allow yourself to be lead around like a calf with a brass ring.

I see you have fallen into the contortion of putting both of your feet into your mouth.
The circus has a spot for you!
you need to understand that just because someone was published it does not make every word they wrote true and factual.

I respect your right to be stupid.
and i respect your right to ctrl+c and ctrl+v without understanding what it is you've copied and pasted.

i really hope that someday you gain the ability to discern opinion from fact and tell the difference between a good source and a bad.

on topic, who should run the government's school lunch program if not the government?
I enjoy the fact that you can get salads at schools now...

We could get them all throughout my schooling years. We could substitute our fruit or dessert for salad. Not a lot of people did it though. I would whenever we had pear halves for fruit or cherry cobbler for dessert. A lot of this "Oh Michelle Obama is a dictator" stuff really is nonsense. It has more to do with your local school system's budget/policies than what Michelle has dictated to schools.

Wrong, dummy....Michelle is but ONE of the dictators.

Stay tuned....get the education that you've missed.

LOL. Ol' PoliticalShit is at it again. Well, nobody has interfered with my school lunch, an Irish coffee and a salad.

So, is the government telling the private schools what they must serve for lunch? Because, as far as I can tell, our public schools have always been a part of the government, and the government, local, state, and federal level, decide what is in the lunches.
1. Obviously you haven't studied the French Revolution, and the concept of 'the general will,' either.

2. If you did, you would realize that you've just supported what I posted.
a. “Progressives looked to insulate administrators not only from the chief executive, but from politics altogether. It is the Progressives' desire to free bureaucratic agencies from the confines of politics and the law that allows us to trace the origins of the administrative state to their political thought. The idea of separating politics and administration--of grounding a significant portion of government not on the basis of popular consent but on expertise--was a fundamental aim of American Progressivism and explains the Progressives' fierce assault on the Founders' separation-of-powers constitutionalism.” The Birth of the Administrative State Where It Came From and What It Means for Limited Government

Wilson and the Progressives despised the Constitution...in fact he wrote that it could be discarded.

3. A conservative former NY Senator commented about said administrative state:

....the creation of more and more bureaus and agencies endowed with ever broader responsibilities and discretion in defining the rules that govern our activities and our lives. And these rules have the full force of law! Congress has increased the number of rules whose infractions are criminalized, waiving the common law requirement that one knows he is breaking the law. Today, one can be jailed for violating a regulation that one had no reason to know even existed!

While the officials in these agencies are generally good people, they become focused on their particular portfolio of duties, that, often, they cannot see the consequences on other parts of society. Put this together with human nature, and one can see bullying, and misuse of power, especially when these individuals are immune to penalty, and supported by free and extensive legal representation: they have sovereign immunity in their positions.
James L. Buckley, “Freedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State”
i see. you have fallen into the trap of accepting the opinions of some people as fact again.

you really should stop letting other people do your thinking for you. try doing some on your own. you may enjoy it.

see, if you had your own thoughts, you'd be able to post a quote from one of wilson's works and then you'd be able to give us your own evaluation.

you can't do that. you allow yourself to be lead around like a calf with a brass ring.

I see you have fallen into the contortion of putting both of your feet into your mouth.
The circus has a spot for you!
you need to understand that just because someone was published it does not make every word they wrote true and factual.

I respect your right to be stupid.
and i respect your right to ctrl+c and ctrl+v without understanding what it is you've copied and pasted.

i really hope that someday you gain the ability to discern opinion from fact and tell the difference between a good source and a bad.

on topic, who should run the government's school lunch program if not the government?

I've buried you, you moron.

Even the quote you provided backed up my statement about progressives and the value they place on unelected administrators.

If you ideologues would stop bowing before your masters you might develop the ability to see through them.

You're just another one of the mindless drones that leftist 'education' system cranks out like cogs and sprockets. Unique, just like every other reliable Democrat voter.

I'm gonna leave the gun but take the cannoli.
Now, PoliticalShit, if you have to claim to have buried your opponent, the opposite is most likely to be true.

Original subject. Government provides lunches at school, government decides what is in those lunches.
but the gubbamint wasnt choosing the gubbamint school menu BEFORE they wanted it to be healthier
Last time I remember going to school was to get an education, not a meal.

These people like telling us what to do. That's the problem. Like we aren't smart enough to make our own choices. What kind of mind-numb worker drones do they think they're churning out of the education system???

Couldn't agree more.

6. Interesting that in item #5, we find this phrase about Liberalism...."... ,nourishing men from birth and protecting them from “perils”...

And nourishing, in the direct meaning, is what Michelle Obama decided to do for schools children.

Problem is kids, haven't been brow beaten as much a as many adults, and refuse to take the orders.

"Food fight: Cafeteria workers say kids don't want Michelle Obama's lunches, sales down in 49 states

School cafeteria workers, already frustrated that kids don't like menus ordered by Michelle Obama and the Agriculture Department, slapped as “offensive” the first lady's latest criticism that some school districts have given up and are just lazily serving junk food.

.... new school lunch nutrition rules that have led to a drop in student participation in 49 states, according to the Agriculture Department.

.... under the new standards and warned that as kids turn their noses up and refuse to buy lunches, funds to pay for expensive new menus are drying up." Food fight Cafeteria workers say kids don t want Michelle Obama s lunches sales down in 49 states WashingtonExaminer.com

Sounds like they're talking about ObamaCare, doesn't it?
Now, PoliticalShit, if you have to claim to have buried your opponent, the opposite is most likely to be true.

Original subject. Government provides lunches at school, government decides what is in those lunches.

The explanation for your vulgarity is that I've hit a nerve.

That, and, of course, that you are simply a low-life.
How dare kids not conform to the view of the collectivists....after all they always know what's best....

What to do?

Hey....let's mandate stuff!

7. "As school children continue to protest Michelle Obama’s push for healthier lunches by dumping their full trays into garbage bins, the nation’s school boards are joining in to demand that the Obama administration let them off the hook of serving the costly and tasteless meals.
.... National School Lunch Week, theNational School Boards Association on Monday demanded that Washington address the “onerous requirements for federal school meal programs.”
How bad are the rules heralded by the first lady, who recently ripped Republicans for calling for the very program exceptions from the 2010 law sought by school administrators?

The survey of school leaders revealed:

— 83.7 percent of school districts saw an increase in plate waste.

— 81.8 percent had an increase in cost.

— 76.5 percent saw a decrease in participation by students.

— 75 percent of school leaders want an increase in federal funding for school districts to comply with the new standards.

— 60.3 percent want flexibility for school districts to improve their ability to provide good nutrition without harm to instruction, personnel, and other school district operations.

.... we must address the visible realities of complying with school nutrition requirements,”.... concerned with the unintended consequences of the current federal regulations..... rigid and unrealistic federal mandates undermine the ability of school districts to do what the law intends: prepare and serve nutritious food that enables America's public schoolchildren to grow, learn, and thrive,”

Yuck 83 of nation s schools report more lunches dumped by kids WashingtonExaminer.com

Liberalism/Progressivism: ..... rigid and unrealistic federal mandates.

So....if you like your school lunch, you can keep y.....

How dare kids not conform to the view of the collectivists....after all they always know what's best....

What to do?

Hey....let's mandate stuff!

7. "As school children continue to protest Michelle Obama’s push for healthier lunches by dumping their full trays into garbage bins, the nation’s school boards are joining in to demand that the Obama administration let them off the hook of serving the costly and tasteless meals.
.... National School Lunch Week, theNational School Boards Association on Monday demanded that Washington address the “onerous requirements for federal school meal programs.”
How bad are the rules heralded by the first lady, who recently ripped Republicans for calling for the very program exceptions from the 2010 law sought by school administrators?

The survey of school leaders revealed:

— 83.7 percent of school districts saw an increase in plate waste.

— 81.8 percent had an increase in cost.

— 76.5 percent saw a decrease in participation by students.

— 75 percent of school leaders want an increase in federal funding for school districts to comply with the new standards.

— 60.3 percent want flexibility for school districts to improve their ability to provide good nutrition without harm to instruction, personnel, and other school district operations.

.... we must address the visible realities of complying with school nutrition requirements,”.... concerned with the unintended consequences of the current federal regulations..... rigid and unrealistic federal mandates undermine the ability of school districts to do what the law intends: prepare and serve nutritious food that enables America's public schoolchildren to grow, learn, and thrive,”

Yuck 83 of nation s schools report more lunches dumped by kids WashingtonExaminer.com

Liberalism/Progressivism: ..... rigid and unrealistic federal mandates.

So....if you like your school lunch, you can keep y.....

school children always make the best choices.
I enjoy the fact that you can get salads at schools now...

We could get them all throughout my schooling years. We could substitute our fruit or dessert for salad. Not a lot of people did it though. I would whenever we had pear halves for fruit or cherry cobbler for dessert. A lot of this "Oh Michelle Obama is a dictator" stuff really is nonsense. It has more to do with your local school system's budget/policies than what Michelle has dictated to schools.

Wrong, dummy....Michelle is but ONE of the dictators.

Stay tuned....get the education that you've missed.

Multiple Dictators? LMAO!!!
I enjoy the fact that you can get salads at schools now...

We could get them all throughout my schooling years. We could substitute our fruit or dessert for salad. Not a lot of people did it though. I would whenever we had pear halves for fruit or cherry cobbler for dessert. A lot of this "Oh Michelle Obama is a dictator" stuff really is nonsense. It has more to do with your local school system's budget/policies than what Michelle has dictated to schools.

Wrong, dummy....Michelle is but ONE of the dictators.

Stay tuned....get the education that you've missed.

Can you list her dictatorial powers?

Dont you know that shes a Dictator who shares Dictator powers with other Dictators lmao. I know, I know you're saying "But CC Dictators dont share Dictatorship" dont worry about that tho....just pretend words dont mean things and you'll be fine
How dare kids not conform to the view of the collectivists....after all they always know what's best....

What to do?

Hey....let's mandate stuff!

7. "As school children continue to protest Michelle Obama’s push for healthier lunches by dumping their full trays into garbage bins, the nation’s school boards are joining in to demand that the Obama administration let them off the hook of serving the costly and tasteless meals.
.... National School Lunch Week, theNational School Boards Association on Monday demanded that Washington address the “onerous requirements for federal school meal programs.”
How bad are the rules heralded by the first lady, who recently ripped Republicans for calling for the very program exceptions from the 2010 law sought by school administrators?

The survey of school leaders revealed:

— 83.7 percent of school districts saw an increase in plate waste.

— 81.8 percent had an increase in cost.

— 76.5 percent saw a decrease in participation by students.

— 75 percent of school leaders want an increase in federal funding for school districts to comply with the new standards.

— 60.3 percent want flexibility for school districts to improve their ability to provide good nutrition without harm to instruction, personnel, and other school district operations.

.... we must address the visible realities of complying with school nutrition requirements,”.... concerned with the unintended consequences of the current federal regulations..... rigid and unrealistic federal mandates undermine the ability of school districts to do what the law intends: prepare and serve nutritious food that enables America's public schoolchildren to grow, learn, and thrive,”

Yuck 83 of nation s schools report more lunches dumped by kids WashingtonExaminer.com

Liberalism/Progressivism: ..... rigid and unrealistic federal mandates.

So....if you like your school lunch, you can keep y.....

school children always make the best choices.

I agree, Everyones seen Lord of the Flie
At least no fish on Fridays now..

We used to have Taco Salad made from god knows what
I always liked mystery meat day.

Remember those rectangle pizzas that the entire top of "cheese" would come off in one sheet *shudders*
Those rectangular pizzas were pretty bad, but chimichanga say was worth skipping brown bagging.
I enjoy the fact that you can get salads at schools now...

We could get them all throughout my schooling years. We could substitute our fruit or dessert for salad. Not a lot of people did it though. I would whenever we had pear halves for fruit or cherry cobbler for dessert. A lot of this "Oh Michelle Obama is a dictator" stuff really is nonsense. It has more to do with your local school system's budget/policies than what Michelle has dictated to schools.

Wrong, dummy....Michelle is but ONE of the dictators.

Stay tuned....get the education that you've missed.

Can you list her dictatorial powers?

Dont you know that shes a Dictator who shares Dictator powers with other Dictators lmao. I know, I know you're saying "But CC Dictators dont share Dictatorship" dont worry about that tho....just pretend words dont mean things and you'll be fine

"....just pretend words dont mean things...."
You seem to make a habit of putting both feet in your mouth.

These 'words' are in several of the posts....

"new school lunch nutrition rules'
“onerous requirements
the rules heralded by the first lady,
unintended consequences of the current federal regulations..
rigid and unrealistic federal mandates
menus ordered by Michelle Obama and the Agriculture Department,
the new standards

Sounds like they are dictated, huh?

Liberals: ruling over the collective.
Happy days!


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