If You Are White and You're Sure You're Not a Racist Please Answer This

Have you ever engaged in any of the behavior above and if so do you consider yourself a racist?

  • No I've never engaged in any of the behavior above therefore I am not a racist

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • No I've never engaged in any of the behavior above, just jokes, but I'm not a racist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes I've engaged in some of the behaviors above but I'm not a racist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes I've engagd in some or all of the behaviors above and I am a racist

    Votes: 3 30.0%

  • Total voters
Look at all the threads republicans have started on race. ....
Look at all the threads democrat hypocrites like you have started on race.
...I’m not against diversity programs like you.

Your policies hurt minorities and ignore the fact bias exists.
You just can’t stop yourself from lying every fucking time, pos.
How so?
The same way you always do. You fabricate positions, ascribe them to me, then argue with yourself while attempting to shamelessly and dishonestly misrepresent me. It is something only a no class little piece of shit would do. You do it all the time, of course.
It's Silly Boo Boo, that's his Schtick.
He can’t even say if he is for diversity programs or against them. It’s a very simple question. If he won’t answer I have to assume he’s against them.

Here, let’s try it with you. Are you for or against affirmative action? I bet you’ll have the balls to say but unkotare don’t.
And my answer would be, most white people are racist, because we are brought up in this society. Overcoming it has to be a conscious effort.

Obviously, there is a wide gap to the employer who shows preference to white employees, and the outright nutbag who burns a cross. Everyone agrees the latter is more egregious, but the former is a lot more common.

"Projection refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don't like about yourself and attributing them to someone else."
... I've used racial slurs ...
Because you ARE a racist, like so many democrat hypocrites.
I bet you’re one of those white guys who claims you don’t see color.
/----/ Of course, we see color, we just don't fixate on it.
Look at all the threads republicans have started on race. Of course you’re fixated on it it’s an election year.

This is how republicans get poor whites to vote for the party of the rich. God, gays, guns, racism.

Race is a big issue. It is certainly a weapon you libs use against us all the time.

POor whites vote for republicans because they know that you don't care if they get fucked.

Indeed, you actively support policies that you know fuck them, and you don't care about them getting fucked.

You saying "Wacism" does not change that.
What is Mitch McConnell doing to make poor white people in Kentucky’s lives better? No insurance, poverty wages, etc.

Nothing. Instead they con those poor white idiots with race, guns, abortion, gays. Wedge issues.

Mitch McConnell doesn't run Kentucky... And how does KENTUCKY pop up in your "multi culturally PURE" head?? Besides being the winner for not looking PAST skin colors, your tribe is the most expert organization on shotgunning stereotypes every time you speak.... You are MASTER BIGOTS about EVERYTHING diverse....
You do realize that the screed you wrote is all personal opinion right?
Not one word of mine is "personal opinion." Everything I said is linguistically and scientifically valid. Prove otherwise.

99% of what people call now as racism ISN'T. The word has become meaningless and is now just thrown about by idiots to silence anyone they don't agree with.
LOL no one is trying to silence you or anyone else. Again, for the hundredth time, this is about behavior that infringes upon the rights of others that has been legislated as harmful and therefore UNLAWFUL. This has been the case since 1964 yet because people such as yourself apparently don't believe that racist behavior is wrong let alone unlawful, these civil rights laws continue to be violated and the EEOC quote above outlines how and why as a few examples of racial discrimination.

Whether you accept it or not it is still only your opinion that 99% of racism is not actual racism or that the term is meaningless. The continued cases that the EEOC, HUD, and other agencies that have oversight over these civil rights laws have settled is proof that racism continues to be a problem.

You don't have to believe me, you can see the evidence for yourself all you have to do is request the agencies files.
A lot of people either have never seen a dictionary definition of racism or they create their own definitions. This is from one of the government agencies which oversees the enforcement of portions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (EEOC)
"Race discrimination involves treating someone (an applicant or employee) unfavorably because he/she is of a certain race or because of personal characteristics associated with race (such as hair texture, skin color, or certain facial features). Color discrimination involves treating someone unfavorably because of skin color complexion.​

It is unlawful to harass a person because of that person's race or color.​

Harassment can include, for example, racial slurs, offensive or derogatory remarks about a person's race or color, or the display of racially-offensive symbols. Although the law doesn't prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that are not very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or severe that it creates a hostile or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted)"​

The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer"​

So the above is a definition of racial discrimination specific to the workplace but it explains some types of behavior that can be viewed as racist.

Pretty succinct and acceptable definition of racism.. And as far as that goes -- I'm absolved.. BUT I do harbor doubts about black culture and its effects on life in those community and the country.. Feel that maybe more INTROSPECTION is needed compared to the amount of "investigating potential racists" of other colors...

That's because everything I think and do is focused on analyzing, defining, and fixing problems. And since (by the definition of some black activists) --- I'm a racist if I even ATTEMPT to analyze or define community issues outside of MY OWN .....
You do realize that the screed you wrote is all personal opinion right?
Not one word of mine is "personal opinion." Everything I said is linguistically and scientifically valid. Prove otherwise.

99% of what people call now as racism ISN'T. The word has become meaningless and is now just thrown about by idiots to silence anyone they don't agree with.
LOL no one is trying to silence you or anyone else. Again, for the hundredth time, this is about behavior that infringes upon the rights of others that has been legislated as harmful and therefore UNLAWFUL. This has been the case since 1964 yet because people such as yourself apparently don't believe that racist behavior is wrong let alone unlawful, these civil rights laws continue to be violated and the EEOC quote above outlines how and why as a few examples of racial discrimination.

Whether you accept it or not it is still only your opinion that 99% of racism is not actual racism or that the term is meaningless. The continued cases that the EEOC, HUD, and other agencies that have oversight over these civil rights laws have settled is proof that racism continues to be a problem.

You don't have to believe me, you can see the evidence for yourself all you have to do is request the agencies files.

agencies consist of agents which according to the indomitable Daniel of New Hampshire are persons
or entities that act in behalf of other persons or entities. He knew how invariably full of "TRUTH" are the writings and pronouncements of such "agents"----being one himself----a LAWYER
gawd help us
If I'm a racist for trying to change things for the better in black lives, does that mean all this focus of blacks on "hater white outreach" is racist also??? Everyone knows group bias and hate exist.. But the dedicated haters are already marginalized...

Oh, and I laugh at D.L. Hugely "black jokes"..,.
And my answer would be, most black people are racist, because we are brought up in this society. Overcoming it has to be a conscious effort.

Obviously, there is a wide gap to the employer who shows preference to black employees, and the outright nutbag who burns. Everyone agrees the latter is more egregious, but the former is a lot more common
Listen, just because 99.999999% of black voted for Obama because he was black does not mean they are racists. That just means they usually agree about pretty much everything else as well.
And my answer would be, most black people are racist, because we are brought up in this society. Overcoming it has to be a conscious effort.

Obviously, there is a wide gap to the employer who shows preference to black employees, and the outright nutbag who burns. Everyone agrees the latter is more egregious, but the former is a lot more common
Listen, just because 99.999999% of black voted for Obama because he was black does not mean they are racists. That just means they usually agree about pretty much everything else as well.
....blacks eat/shit/dream/think/etc RACE RACE RACE
OBAMA is a racist/etc--I've linked this many times before
.....they voted on RACE--they hate whitey/the white man/America/cops
I'm not racist I'm just proud to be white. I also happen to think white is the superior race. Taking income, IQ, incarceration rates etc into account, I'm right.

White pride, baby.
Whether you accept it or not it is still only your opinion that 99% of racism is not actual racism or that the term is meaningless. The continued cases that the EEOC, HUD, and other agencies that have oversight over these civil rights laws have settled is proof that racism continues to be a problem.

Technical issue.. Racists and racism are 2 different things.. Racists is a personal indictment tossed to an individual... Racism (in particular systemic types) is an "establishment" accusation.. I think we ALL KNOW a racist when we meet them and get to know them... But I do think that "racism" is used all too conveniently to describe SYSTEMIC issues that affect ALL races... And there is underlying reform needed that can only be made effectively when the problem is NOT a Black problem or Yellow, Brown, Red, White problem...
/----/ Of course, we see color, we just don't fixate on it.
That's the truth ....

Damn Leftist are OBSESSED with skin color .....

The very opposite of what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. message was.

Racist Idiots ..... ALL of them !!!
Well that's one of the privileges of being white, you don't have to think about color or racial differences unless you choose to do so.

When I was growing up the only racism I was aware of was what I read about in books. That's how I found out to my horror about slavery and white society's opinion of black people. And although I remember the Watts Riots I was too young to understand what they were about and the only impact that I could remember them having me was my parents discussing whether or not it was safe to let me go to my music teacher's house for my Saturday morning piano lessons, although my grandmothers house was right up the street from where they had the military tanks.

What you all see as an obsession is actually part of my profession.
My white privilege... I am not seeing it.

My first job I was 11 years old. I took over my older brothers paper route. I did this route for about 3 years. My parents made me save all but $1.00 per week I got to spend. I bought my first bicycle with this money.
By 13 I also mowed two lawns in the summer, and shoveled their snow in the winter.
At 15, there was a auto body garage down the street. After bugging the owner several times if he needed any help, he finally hired me to do clean up work after school. I did a good job, he also had some rental properties he owned so I started helping him doing some painting/minor repairs etc.
At 17 I started working at Captain D's restaurant after school my senior year to save money.
I was born in a trailer court.
When I was 4 my father got on at a GM plant. This changed a lot for us, we moved into a house but it was still only 2 bedrooms. We lived there until I was in the 3rd grade. I slept in the same bedroom with two brothers.
We then moved to a 3 bedroom house...which was awesome.

I am now 55 years old. The longest period I have been unemployed was 6 weeks since I was 11 years old. I have worked for every single thing I have.
And you suspect that I have not worked for everything I have? Or just suspect I don't have anything?
You ever discuss anything else?
I've never seen any other race do this. Sad. She has so much more potential, but she likes wallowing in da mud
What are you doing here if you consider this wallowing in the mud? And how do you measure success since you think I'm wasting my potential?

You come to the race and race relations forum and then complain when the topic under discussion is the EEOC's definition of racial discrimination?

I would have thought that someone from the alleged "superior" race would be more adept at putting one and one together and coming up with two. Or 10.

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