If you are a Latino in this country...


Gold Member
May 8, 2011
going forward, I would strongly suggest for your own safety that you stockpile as much weaponry and ammunition as you can get your hands on (legally or illegally) before herr drumph takes over, because at that point anyone who isn't white will most likely not be allowed to own firearms of any kind.

So stockpile whatever weapons you can, however you can, while you still can, because at some point in 2017, you can expect to have your door kicked in in the middle of the night by herr drumph's SS and you will be ripped from your screaming children's arms and hauled away into the night. Don't let that happen. Go out in a blaze of glory.

And whenever you leave your house, never go alone or unarmed. And be ready to defend yourself at all times.

Welcome to herr drumph's world of Making America Great Again.
Embracing the politics of fear like a boss!

Lonely in the bell-tower?
If Trump actually follows through on his pledge to drastically reduce the criminal illegal alien infestation in the U.S., American Latinos, blacks, and white workers can look forward to at least a 20%-40% rise in wages, and millions of teenagers will now have a shot at entry level and part time jobs here, so yes, it's only natural for the HillaryCrat vermin to call for armed resistance to this horrible prospect.
My wife is a "latino" has been all her 66 years. She voted for Trump. All the "latinos" she knows at work voted for Trump.

If you idiots only realized how stupid you make yourself look posting all this garbage. Seeing how you don't stop, I can only conclude that you are stupid.
If Trump actually follows through on his pledge to drastically reduce the criminal illegal alien infestation in the U.S., American Latinos, blacks, and white workers can look forward to at least a 20%-40% rise in wages, and millions of teenagers will now have a shot at entry level and part time jobs here, so yes, it's only natural for the HillaryCrat vermin to call for armed resistance to this horrible prospect.
These scum want the country to fail and all that that implies. Can you say enemy of the state?
And besides, many American Latinos are already armed, a necessity in most Latino communities due to the criminal illegal alien scourge and the gangster infestations they create, so we're way ahead of you on that.
If Trump actually follows through on his pledge to drastically reduce the criminal illegal alien infestation in the U.S., American Latinos, blacks, and white workers can look forward to at least a 20%-40% rise in wages, and millions of teenagers will now have a shot at entry level and part time jobs here, so yes, it's only natural for the HillaryCrat vermin to call for armed resistance to this horrible prospect.
These scum want the country to fail and all that that implies. Can you say enemy of the state?

Yes indeed, these Deportables like the OP poster are terrified of anything that smacks of patriotism and existential realities.
going forward, I would strongly suggest for your own safety that you stockpile as much weaponry and ammunition as you can get your hands on (legally or illegally) before herr drumph takes over, because at that point anyone who isn't white will most likely not be allowed to own firearms of any kind.

So stockpile whatever weapons you can, however you can, while you still can, because at some point in 2017, you can expect to have your door kicked in in the middle of the night by herr drumph's SS and you will be ripped from your screaming children's arms and hauled away into the night. Don't let that happen. Go out in a blaze of glory.

And whenever you leave your house, never go alone or unarmed. And be ready to defend yourself at all times.

Welcome to herr drumph's world of Making America Great Again.

OR....you could make the process easier on yourself and simply take you're own illegal ass back to that amazing country to the south that you came from...after all you fly that filthy flag here every chance you get, you refuse to learn the native language here, you reproduce like cockroaches and frankly we're sick and F-ing tired of holding your hand through life and you dragging legit American's down.
Is VOR one of the La Raza criminal vermin? He/she/it/ mutant certainly parrots the rhetoric.
Trump got 29% of the latino vote, more than Romney did at 27%.

Maybe the democrats need to understand why the 29% voted Trump. I mean this guy was talking about building a wall and deporting illegals and got more votes from latinos than Romney.
going forward, I would strongly suggest for your own safety that you stockpile as much weaponry and ammunition as you can get your hands on (legally or illegally) before herr drumph takes over, because at that point anyone who isn't white will most likely not be allowed to own firearms of any kind.

So stockpile whatever weapons you can, however you can, while you still can, because at some point in 2017, you can expect to have your door kicked in in the middle of the night by herr drumph's SS and you will be ripped from your screaming children's arms and hauled away into the night. Don't let that happen. Go out in a blaze of glory.

And whenever you leave your house, never go alone or unarmed. And be ready to defend yourself at all times.

Welcome to herr drumph's world of Making America Great Again.
People like you and your empty headed rhetoric is the reason thousands are "protesting" against an imaginary boogeyman
going forward, I would strongly suggest for your own safety that you stockpile as much weaponry and ammunition as you can get your hands on (legally or illegally) before herr drumph takes over, because at that point anyone who isn't white will most likely not be allowed to own firearms of any kind.

So stockpile whatever weapons you can, however you can, while you still can, because at some point in 2017, you can expect to have your door kicked in in the middle of the night by herr drumph's SS and you will be ripped from your screaming children's arms and hauled away into the night. Don't let that happen. Go out in a blaze of glory.

And whenever you leave your house, never go alone or unarmed. And be ready to defend yourself at all times.

Welcome to herr drumph's world of Making America Great Again.
Wow! Paranoid much?
Since you are speaking of those that entered illegally, I am quite certain their children could go back with them. Sad they put them in such a position to have to choose. If they had entered legally, their children wouldn't be facing that choice, now would they?
going forward, I would strongly suggest for your own safety that you stockpile as much weaponry and ammunition as you can get your hands on (legally or illegally) before herr drumph takes over, because at that point anyone who isn't white will most likely not be allowed to own firearms of any kind.

So stockpile whatever weapons you can, however you can, while you still can, because at some point in 2017, you can expect to have your door kicked in in the middle of the night by herr drumph's SS and you will be ripped from your screaming children's arms and hauled away into the night. Don't let that happen. Go out in a blaze of glory.

And whenever you leave your house, never go alone or unarmed. And be ready to defend yourself at all times.

Welcome to herr drumph's world of Making America Great Again.
It's interesting that the bigoted left assumes that every Hispanic in the U.S. is an illegal alien. It's dangerous when the angry bigoted left encourages illegal stockpiling of weapons and ammunition but typical of angry hysterical hypocritical freaking idiots. It should be noted that Trump probably employed more Hispanics in construction jobs in his long career than the whiny elitist jerk off left ever knew.
Trump got 29% of the latino vote, more than Romney did at 27%.

Maybe the democrats need to understand why the 29% voted Trump. I mean this guy was talking about building a wall and deporting illegals and got more votes from latinos than Romney.

Well, that translates into about half of the legal latino vote at least, and in case there are still those who don't know it, most hispanics born here and immigrated legally don't support criminal illegal immigration, and never have. That's a big Lie promoted by La Raza gangsters and their sugar daddy Democrats.

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