Zone1 If we worship One God...

that idea doesn't oppose it at all.

All it says is what we call the big bang was a massive transformation of matter and / or energy from one state to another

Since we cannot know what was in the nanosecond before the big bang this explanation is as valid as any other.
Correct. Valid, but useless.
We used to hear more about the concept of eternal increase in joy and posterity 40 years ago. Our responsibility, if we make to the highest degree of the Celestial Kingdom is to Father our eternal children in our own universe that we originate or organize. We won’t know how until we get there and have a lot more learning to do.
The rest of Christendom think we will spend immortality on cloud’s strumming harps forever. Talk about hell.
I’ve wondered if the Holy Ghost in our universe will get to have a body eventually.

It’s funny that Ding questioned if we believe God could cause that spark of pop a particle and create and organize this universe. Of course we do. We just believe there are other Gods of other universes who were also Celestial in their worlds. That we are a members of a large family.
Yes, you and I are both members of the same church. You might be active yet for me I am not going to church on Sundays. But I never recant the church. Not on your life.
From God himself to His prophets. You want to believe in your unproven theoretical prophets, that’s your free moral agency. But don’t force it on the rest of us to believe. They are only theories by their observations. We have our observations and the right to reject your prophets trying to unload a pile of horse manure that something comes from nothing.
Here’s your challenge. To realize our universe isn’t everything. There are other universes and just space with lots of energy in it with no form of matter outside our universe. With that energy in whatever unknown form somehow caused our universe. You know there are other theories other than the Big Bang.
Well the big bang was caused by God.
Faith is having complete trust in something or someone. I have complete trust in the evidence that shows the universe began ~14 billion years ago and that it was not created from pre-existing matter or energy.
You have compete trust in man? Man who comes up with incomplete theorems so they can receive profits from government grants? Like the fake Covid vaccine?
You have compete trust in man? Man who comes up with incomplete theorems so they can receive profits from government grants? Like the fake Covid vaccine?
What did I say?

I have complete trust in the evidence that shows the universe began ~14 billion years ago and that it was not created from pre-existing matter or energy.
When Joseph Campbell was on TV, I did my best to watch every show he presented. I want to say now, when he lived, he was brilliant. And today he knows GOD since they have met.
Nice. I was reading Masks of God and Hero with a Thousand faces before his tv show with Moyers. Gifts for xmas (1983?). I know many people who know Joseph Campbell from tv and the web. Many are lost in how they understand Campbell's discussions of myth as metaphor, and blah, blah, blah...(my 'blahs' being from the Sanskrit).

Campbell spoke about his beliefs. And I believe you lost the way on what he says he saw any 'god' as being. It's like his ideas on Heaven not being Eternal. Eternity not being like Heaven. Especially if Heaven is forever more. Time, there is no beginning or end with Eternity. blah, blah, blah...(again, my 'blahs' being from the Sanskrit).
We believe we and all matter has always existed. As Einstein said matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Just altered from matter to energy and back. If you believe God was Alone forever before making matter, how sad. Energy or intelligence has always existed. The greatest of all intelligences figured out how to form matter out of the lesser energy. From then, don’t know when and how everything took place. It did and here we are in a universe with our Father of our spirit and intelligences. all we know is as man is now, God once was. How many generations of universes with Gods is unknown. Just that families are forever.

“Eternity isn't some later time. Eternity isn't even a long time. Eternity has nothing to do with time. Eternity is that dimension of here and now that all thinking in temporal terms cuts off.... the experience of eternity right here and now, in all things, whether thought of as good or as evil, is the function of life.” - JC

God? God exists? Where, in the mind? Okay.
What did I say?

I have complete trust in the evidence that shows the universe began ~14 billion years ago and that it was not created from pre-existing matter or energy.
Yep, complete trust in incomplete man with purposes to get financial filthy lucre. Then try to preach to others, mocking their sources and behaving badly. My statements are my own opinions and beliefs from the source God gave to mankind to know those things he wants us to know. He didn’t say not to learn and study. There’s nothing wrong with studying science. And, the theories could be right as long as they aren’t absurd like something comes from nothing.
There’s nothing wrong with Einstein saying matter has always existed in one form or another. Like it all was just energy at some point. Perhaps groups of infinite energy. And that energy was always intelligent as well. Enough to change into matter. The greatest of all intelligences did it and was able to help others do the same. And, it all started. How? Hasn’t been revealed. But it will come from a prophet of our God of our universe, not man.
Nice. I was reading Masks of God and Hero with a Thousand faces before his tv show with Moyers. Gifts for xmas (1983?). I know many people who know Joseph Campbell from tv and the web. Many are lost in how they understand Campbell's discussions of myth as metaphor, and blah, blah, blah...(my 'blahs' being from the Sanskrit).

Campbell spoke about his beliefs. And I believe you lost the way on what he says he saw any 'god' as being. It's like his ideas on Heaven not being Eternal. Eternity not being like Heaven. Especially if Heaven is forever more. Time, there is no beginning or end with Eternity. blah, blah, blah...(again, my 'blahs' being from the Sanskrit).
As you discuss Campbell, it shows he was an important figure. I saw his lectures many years ago as he then was getting old but still was alive. We can't cover him very well here. The forum lacks the patience to do such a deep dive. I believe when he died, he now met God. Is this disprovable?
It has to do mostly with who we care about. We care about the people of America. Democrats care about themselves.
This is not fake news Dante. As the Lt. Gov of Virginia, the esteemed Winsome Earle-Sears, she did not know she was a conservative until she read up more. She served us in the Marine Corps and now is on the road to more accomplishments.

What do Democrats stand for. More and more government at every increasing costs. Except they do not like cops.
We want Americans protected even at our own borders. We want them to have more blessed prosperity by holding down government costs. Cost that if the Americans realize is their costs, they want less of this from Democrats. Do you wonder why Biden is fading fast? Because of his Democrat principles.
Yep, complete trust in incomplete man with purposes to get financial filthy lucre. Then try to preach to others, mocking their sources and behaving badly. My statements are my own opinions and beliefs from the source God gave to mankind to know those things he wants us to know. He didn’t say not to learn and study. There’s nothing wrong with studying science. And, the theories could be right as long as they aren’t absurd like something comes from nothing.
There’s nothing wrong with Einstein saying matter has always existed in one form or another. Like it all was just energy at some point. Perhaps groups of infinite energy. And that energy was always intelligent as well. Enough to change into matter. The greatest of all intelligences did it and was able to help others do the same. And, it all started. How? Hasn’t been revealed. But it will come from a prophet of our God of our universe, not man.
That's not what I said. That's what you need to hear.
But the atheists have an enormous burden when claiming all of this something showed up from nothing and leave out the creator.
- would that include the false heavenly personifications of the desert religions.

we can discuss that. Will you explain more about your remark first?

that could require some time ...

face value, your exclusion of atheists and not including the desert religions for the interpretation of the creator seems somewhat disingenuous - as for others that do include the heavens for the existence of the universe and specifically - life.

Then they said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

- a more heavenly version of creation, life not humanity - than the same origin as that for all three desert religions.
that could require some time ...

face value, your exclusion of atheists and not including the desert religions for the interpretation of the creator seems somewhat disingenuous - as for others that do include the heavens for the existence of the universe and specifically - life.

- a more heavenly version of creation, life not humanity - than the same origin as that for all three desert religions.
Yes it would, indeed. It is the atheists doing the exluding. As to the desert religions, they do not appear to be atheists and those are the group I addressed.
I really am not fully capable of discussing the desert religion of the Jews much at all.
That’s what you are conveying. I’m hearing everything you are saying. Are you hearing what I and others are saying? The Word of God is saying?
No. It isn't. Again... that's how you need to see it. How many more times are we going to go around on this?

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