If We Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans. THEN What ?

before Obama was president ... before Democrats controlled the Congress ... Republicans controlled the presidency and the Congress and they never even considered your massive delusions.
Yeah ? What year was that ?
Huh? You're not aware that Republicans controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress Between early January, 2003, through early January, 2007??

Wow. You are even more out of touch with reality than you first led on. :ack-1:
Laughing....so now the Supremcy Clause ISN'T about religion. Even your own pseudo-legal gibbish contradicts itself. Where the moment I challenge you to back your bullshit with actual rulings and actual quotes from the constittuional convention.......you flee.

So having failed utterly to show us anywhere that the Supremacy Clause is about religion, here's your next challenge....which of course you're going to fail just as spectacularly: show us any federal ruling that found that Islam is outlawed due to the Supremacy Clause.

So, kiddo....where's that ruling?
HA HA. Dopey post. See Post # 788. :biggrin:

Laughing...even Italy has rejected your bullshit. Completely and utterly. With Italy protecting the rights of Muslims to practice their religion. The only thing that Muslims don't get is State funding for their religion. That's it. Muslims build mosques. They practice their faith. They even have a government council set up to help facilitate Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italians do. No burned anything. No purged anything. The bug of your hate fantasy runs into the windshield of reality yet again.

Try again. This time with a tad less self delusion.
No, Muslims DON'T build mosques in Italy. There is only ONE official mosque in the whole country.

There's no such thing as an 'official' mosque. And I defy you to prove otherwise. You're literally just making this fantasy up as you go along, backed by nothing but your own desperate, Jihad Watch fueled hysteria.

Back in reality, there are 150 mosques in Italy. The last one was built in 2009, and there are others on the way. Muslims are the 2nd largest religious group in Italy, behind Catholics, with a full 1.5 million in the country. And that number is expected to double in the next 15 years.

And NONE of their mosques have been purged, contrary to your hate fantasy. NONE of their Korans have been burned, contrary to your hate fantasy. Muslims haven't been purged from the country, contrary to your hate fantasy. Italy protects the religious freedoms of Muslims, even creating a government council to facilitate the practice of Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italy do regarding Muslims has been done by Italians. Your own poster child has rejected your hapless bullshit as the useless idiocy it is. And here in the US, nothing you've demanded we do is going to be done. As you don't have the slighest clue what you're talking about.
As the article in Post # 788 said, there is only ONE official mosque in Italy.

The 'article'? That's a WordPress blog. And when you click on the source of the blog post, what do you get?

Italy Islam Not Recognized as a Religion Denied Religious Tax Status Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West

Pamela 'Obama's daddy is Malcom X' Gellar. Your source that there is only one 'official mosque' in Italy is Pam Gellar....quoting herself. Its like an Anti-Islamic circle jerk, with one idiot quoting another. And neither of them being able to back up a damn thing they're saying.

And it never occurred to you to check the source, did it? Not once. You just gobbled whatever Pam Gellar told you to think without thought or question. ANd from this useless basis, where you're merely a parrot of whatever anti-Islamic bigot that's doing you're thinking for you.....

...we're expected to accept you as a constitutional expert on the Supremacy Clause?

Shrugs.....you can't fix stupid.
You'r etrying very hard to make all this look invalid. Well sure. When you can't defeat the message, you attack the messenger. That has always been Islamists' methodology. So why should you be any different, right Mohammed ? (or whatever your real name is). :biggrin:

Laughing....so now the Supremcy Clause ISN'T about religion. Even your own pseudo-legal gibbish contradicts itself. Where the moment I challenge you to back your bullshit with actual rulings and actual quotes from the constittuional convention.......you flee.

So having failed utterly to show us anywhere that the Supremacy Clause is about religion, here's your next challenge....which of course you're going to fail just as spectacularly: show us any federal ruling that found that Islam is outlawed due to the Supremacy Clause.

So, kiddo....where's that ruling?
Post # 819, puppy. :laugh:
Laughing....so now the Supremcy Clause ISN'T about religion. Even your own pseudo-legal gibbish contradicts itself. Where the moment I challenge you to back your bullshit with actual rulings and actual quotes from the constittuional convention.......you flee.

So having failed utterly to show us anywhere that the Supremacy Clause is about religion, here's your next challenge....which of course you're going to fail just as spectacularly: show us any federal ruling that found that Islam is outlawed due to the Supremacy Clause.

So, kiddo....where's that ruling?
Post # 819, puppy. :laugh:

Laughing......and exactly as I thought, nothing. Not one ruling backing any of your bullshit. Not one mention anywhere of Islam being outlawed. Nothing in the constitutional convention linking the Supremacy Clause to Islam or any other religion, nor finding that Islam was outlawed under the Suprememcy Clause.

Just you citing yourself. And you don't know what you're talking about.

Try again, dip.
Laughing...even Italy has rejected your bullshit. Completely and utterly. With Italy protecting the rights of Muslims to practice their religion. The only thing that Muslims don't get is State funding for their religion. That's it. Muslims build mosques. They practice their faith. They even have a government council set up to help facilitate Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italians do. No burned anything. No purged anything. The bug of your hate fantasy runs into the windshield of reality yet again.

Try again. This time with a tad less self delusion.
No, Muslims DON'T build mosques in Italy. There is only ONE official mosque in the whole country.

There's no such thing as an 'official' mosque. And I defy you to prove otherwise. You're literally just making this fantasy up as you go along, backed by nothing but your own desperate, Jihad Watch fueled hysteria.

Back in reality, there are 150 mosques in Italy. The last one was built in 2009, and there are others on the way. Muslims are the 2nd largest religious group in Italy, behind Catholics, with a full 1.5 million in the country. And that number is expected to double in the next 15 years.

And NONE of their mosques have been purged, contrary to your hate fantasy. NONE of their Korans have been burned, contrary to your hate fantasy. Muslims haven't been purged from the country, contrary to your hate fantasy. Italy protects the religious freedoms of Muslims, even creating a government council to facilitate the practice of Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italy do regarding Muslims has been done by Italians. Your own poster child has rejected your hapless bullshit as the useless idiocy it is. And here in the US, nothing you've demanded we do is going to be done. As you don't have the slighest clue what you're talking about.
As the article in Post # 788 said, there is only ONE official mosque in Italy.

The 'article'? That's a WordPress blog. And when you click on the source of the blog post, what do you get?

Italy Islam Not Recognized as a Religion Denied Religious Tax Status Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West

Pamela 'Obama's daddy is Malcom X' Gellar. Your source that there is only one 'official mosque' in Italy is Pam Gellar....quoting herself. Its like an Anti-Islamic circle jerk, with one idiot quoting another. And neither of them being able to back up a damn thing they're saying.

And it never occurred to you to check the source, did it? Not once. You just gobbled whatever Pam Gellar told you to think without thought or question. ANd from this useless basis, where you're merely a parrot of whatever anti-Islamic bigot that's doing you're thinking for you.....

...we're expected to accept you as a constitutional expert on the Supremacy Clause?

Shrugs.....you can't fix stupid.
You'r etrying very hard to make all this look invalid.

Laughing.....I'm trying very hard to stop giggling. You'd be shocked how little effort it takes to shred your hapless bullshit. As no one takes anything you say seriously.

Italy isn't doing what you demand. The US isn't. No Western country is. No mosques are being destroyed. Islam isn't outlawed. No korans are burned.

Your demands are gloriously irrelevant to the real world. As always.
libs defending muslims again. yawn.
I guess you're just not bright enough to know we're defending the Constitution, not Muslims per se. :dunno:
No you're not. You're OPPOSING THE CONSTITUTION. Specifically, Article 6, Section 2 (the Supremacy Clause)

You're also opposing US Codes 2384 (Seditious Conspiracy) and 2385 (Overthrow of Govt)

You're also opposing scores of US laws (and US culture in general) such as > murder, many discrimination laws protecting women, pedophilia, rape, wife-beating, animal cruelty, torture/mutilation, discrimination against gays, free speech, freedom of religion, freedom to drink alcohol, freedom to hear/play music, freedom to drive a car, freedom to board a taxi with a dog (including blind people), freedom to wear ordinary clothes, requirements to show facial identification, etc, etc, etc, etc
What would be the effect of shutting Islam down in the US ? That is, by closing down all the mosques and eliminating all the Korans from libraries, schools, bookstores, and wherever they could be obtained.

Would Muslims regroup and finally choose a new name for their creed ? (one that doesn't mean "Submission") Would they finally reform their "religion" (if it could be called that), and change away from the stuff that's in the Koran ?

Could the United States be the leader in the world, whereby American Muslims would lead the way for the non-American Ummah and create a whole new pathway, with a fully edited/reformed Koran ? Before anyone jumps in to answer this, with a positive outlook, be advised. A word of caution. The current Koran, containing just about every vile thing known to man, and advocating these things (if not commanding them), is considered by Muslims to be the word of God (which cannot be changed, in their view). And in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.
This question is long the lines of: If we end world hunger, disease and crime, then what? We need to reevaluate islam.It is a crypto fascist hate group disguised as a religion. Islam is all about domination, not co-existence. As subtle as the sounds, no other religion or philosophy preaches extinction to anything that doesn't accept it's ideology. Just islam. And that should be alarming.
No, Muslims DON'T build mosques in Italy. There is only ONE official mosque in the whole country.

There's no such thing as an 'official' mosque. And I defy you to prove otherwise. You're literally just making this fantasy up as you go along, backed by nothing but your own desperate, Jihad Watch fueled hysteria.

Back in reality, there are 150 mosques in Italy. The last one was built in 2009, and there are others on the way. Muslims are the 2nd largest religious group in Italy, behind Catholics, with a full 1.5 million in the country. And that number is expected to double in the next 15 years.

And NONE of their mosques have been purged, contrary to your hate fantasy. NONE of their Korans have been burned, contrary to your hate fantasy. Muslims haven't been purged from the country, contrary to your hate fantasy. Italy protects the religious freedoms of Muslims, even creating a government council to facilitate the practice of Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italy do regarding Muslims has been done by Italians. Your own poster child has rejected your hapless bullshit as the useless idiocy it is. And here in the US, nothing you've demanded we do is going to be done. As you don't have the slighest clue what you're talking about.
As the article in Post # 788 said, there is only ONE official mosque in Italy.

The 'article'? That's a WordPress blog. And when you click on the source of the blog post, what do you get?

Italy Islam Not Recognized as a Religion Denied Religious Tax Status Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West

Pamela 'Obama's daddy is Malcom X' Gellar. Your source that there is only one 'official mosque' in Italy is Pam Gellar....quoting herself. Its like an Anti-Islamic circle jerk, with one idiot quoting another. And neither of them being able to back up a damn thing they're saying.

And it never occurred to you to check the source, did it? Not once. You just gobbled whatever Pam Gellar told you to think without thought or question. ANd from this useless basis, where you're merely a parrot of whatever anti-Islamic bigot that's doing you're thinking for you.....

...we're expected to accept you as a constitutional expert on the Supremacy Clause?

Shrugs.....you can't fix stupid.
You'r etrying very hard to make all this look invalid.

Laughing.....I'm trying very hard to stop giggling. You'd be shocked how little effort it takes to shred your hapless bullshit. As no one takes anything you say seriously.

Italy isn't doing what you demand. The US isn't. No Western country is. No mosques are being destroyed. Islam isn't outlawed. No korans are burned.

Your demands are gloriously irrelevant to the real world. As always.
All you're doing is pretending that what is happening in the real world isn't happening. You come in here and CREATE a world that you would prefer to have. Islamists do that all the time. Ho hum. 10-4, Mohammed. :laugh:
What would be the effect of shutting Islam down in the US ? That is, by closing down all the mosques and eliminating all the Korans from libraries, schools, bookstores, and wherever they could be obtained.

Would Muslims regroup and finally choose a new name for their creed ? (one that doesn't mean "Submission") Would they finally reform their "religion" (if it could be called that), and change away from the stuff that's in the Koran ?

Could the United States be the leader in the world, whereby American Muslims would lead the way for the non-American Ummah and create a whole new pathway, with a fully edited/reformed Koran ? Before anyone jumps in to answer this, with a positive outlook, be advised. A word of caution. The current Koran, containing just about every vile thing known to man, and advocating these things (if not commanding them), is considered by Muslims to be the word of God (which cannot be changed, in their view). And in 1400 years, not one word of the Koran has ever been changed.
This question is long the lines of: If we end world hunger, disease and crime, then what? We need to reevaluate islam.It is a crypto fascist hate group disguised as a religion. Islam is all about domination, not co-existence. As subtle as the sounds, no other religion or philosophy preaches extinction to anything that doesn't accept it's ideology. Just islam. And that should be alarming.
And the "religion" disguise has been going on since Mo the Pedophile started this whole abomination in 622 AD, and the only reason it has spread, and why a single mosque has ever been built is because they spread it with THE SWORD. They have killed 270 million people over the centuries and FORCED their kids to become Muslims.

Most of the so-called :Muslims" living today are the descendants of those kids whose parents were killed (same thing happening with ISIS right now). Hell of a way for someone to call himself a "Muslim". In reality, there is no such thing as a "Muslim". It is a FALSE CONCEPT, with millions of people living a LIE.
There's no such thing as an 'official' mosque. And I defy you to prove otherwise. You're literally just making this fantasy up as you go along, backed by nothing but your own desperate, Jihad Watch fueled hysteria.

Back in reality, there are 150 mosques in Italy. The last one was built in 2009, and there are others on the way. Muslims are the 2nd largest religious group in Italy, behind Catholics, with a full 1.5 million in the country. And that number is expected to double in the next 15 years.

And NONE of their mosques have been purged, contrary to your hate fantasy. NONE of their Korans have been burned, contrary to your hate fantasy. Muslims haven't been purged from the country, contrary to your hate fantasy. Italy protects the religious freedoms of Muslims, even creating a government council to facilitate the practice of Islam in Italy.

Nothing you've demanded Italy do regarding Muslims has been done by Italians. Your own poster child has rejected your hapless bullshit as the useless idiocy it is. And here in the US, nothing you've demanded we do is going to be done. As you don't have the slighest clue what you're talking about.
As the article in Post # 788 said, there is only ONE official mosque in Italy.

The 'article'? That's a WordPress blog. And when you click on the source of the blog post, what do you get?

Italy Islam Not Recognized as a Religion Denied Religious Tax Status Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West

Pamela 'Obama's daddy is Malcom X' Gellar. Your source that there is only one 'official mosque' in Italy is Pam Gellar....quoting herself. Its like an Anti-Islamic circle jerk, with one idiot quoting another. And neither of them being able to back up a damn thing they're saying.

And it never occurred to you to check the source, did it? Not once. You just gobbled whatever Pam Gellar told you to think without thought or question. ANd from this useless basis, where you're merely a parrot of whatever anti-Islamic bigot that's doing you're thinking for you.....

...we're expected to accept you as a constitutional expert on the Supremacy Clause?

Shrugs.....you can't fix stupid.
You'r etrying very hard to make all this look invalid.

Laughing.....I'm trying very hard to stop giggling. You'd be shocked how little effort it takes to shred your hapless bullshit. As no one takes anything you say seriously.

Italy isn't doing what you demand. The US isn't. No Western country is. No mosques are being destroyed. Islam isn't outlawed. No korans are burned.

Your demands are gloriously irrelevant to the real world. As always.
All you're doing is pretending that what is happening in the real world isn't happening. You come in here and CREATE a world that you would prefer to have. Islamists do that all the time. Ho hum. 10-4, Mohammed. :laugh:
No, as a consequence of your mental illness, ignorance, hate, bigotry, and stupidity, you're advocating that the Constitution be amended to repeal the First Amendment so you can instigate a pogrom against Muslim Americans.

You're clearly diseased and delusional.
Laughing......and exactly as I thought, nothing. Not one ruling backing any of your bullshit. Not one mention anywhere of Islam being outlawed. Nothing in the constitutional convention linking the Supremacy Clause to Islam or any other religion, nor finding that Islam was outlawed under the Suprememcy Clause. Just you citing yourself. And you don't know what you're talking about. Try again, dip.
Already answered in Post # 833 (and various others) But keep on pretending, if that somehow makes you feel better.
:badgrin: :biggrin:

Oh. BTW. Great performance, Mohammed. :lmao:

:salute: :salute: :tank: :tank: :Boom2::alirulz: :terror: :terror: :terror: :terror: :terror:
No, as a consequence of your mental illness, ignorance, hate, bigotry, and stupidity, you're advocating that the Constitution be amended to repeal the First Amendment so you can instigate a pogrom against Muslim Americans. You're clearly diseased and delusional.

No, as a consequence of your mental illness, ignorance, hate, bigotry, and stupidity, you're advocating that the Constitution be amended, to repeal the Supremacy Clause, as well as US Codes 2384 and 2385, so you can instigate a program (Islam) against the American people.

You're clearly diseased and delusional.

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