If the walking dead was remade this year


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
Would it include crowds of brainwashed trumplings approaching the zombies to try and talk to them because they think it's a hoax?

Will the next zombie movie take this into account, and will it be less frightening and believable if it doesn't?

I was just wondering.
I dunno, winger, but at the rate you're going, you're gonna be paying these asshats royalties to justify your very existence. Heh heh.

What. You think these products have an on/off switch for nothing? Pft.
Would it include crowds of brainwashed trumplings approaching the zombies to try and talk to them because they think it's a hoax?

Will the next zombie movie take this into account, and will it be less frightening and believable if it doesn't?

I was just wondering.
I'm sorry, aren't we like in Season 31 now?
Would it include crowds of brainwashed trumplings approaching the zombies to try and talk to them because they think it's a hoax?

Will the next zombie movie take this into account, and will it be less frightening and believable if it doesn't?

I was just wondering.

The zombies would be the woke crowd.
The zombies wouldn't be allowed to eat blacks, transgenders or illegal aliens. Only white males.
Would it include crowds of brainwashed trumplings approaching the zombies to try and talk to them because they think it's a hoax?

Will the next zombie movie take this into account, and will it be less frightening and believable if it doesn't?

I was just wondering.

Actually, when I read the title, my first thought was about 1,000 Joe Bidens and his worthless POS press secretary Jen Psaki wondering around like the clueless idiot in there. Oh yes, let's not be "non diverse"....about 500 Kamala Harris' would round things out.
Actually, when I read the title, my first thought was about 1,000 Joe Bidens and his worthless POS press secretary Jen Psaki wondering around like the clueless idiot in there. Oh yes, let's not be "non diverse"....about 500 Kamala Harris' would round things out.
I'm amazed at how badly this joke triggered you conservative types.

It's hilarious.
Would it include crowds of brainwashed trumplings approaching the zombies to try and talk to them because they think it's a hoax?

Will the next zombie movie take this into account, and will it be less frightening and believable if it doesn't?

I was just wondering.
Kind of weak for a conspiracy theory.

Shouldn't it be more complicated...maybe some action scenes or something?
That would be a really boring movie.

The Walking Dead got boring when it got politically correct. Transwoman playing a dude. Making all the women the fighters. The men doing to cooking and babysitting.
They even had Daryl making a friendship bracelet for Carol. Gay guy drama. A woman names "Alpha" and HUGE dude named Beta.

If the whisperers had been in the first 3 seasons, rick and the gang would've killed them off in like 3 episodes. Not two years.

No wonder Rick got the hell out of there.
I think I could handle Walking Dead zombies. If they're like the ones in I Am Legend I'm fucked though.

Classic canon Romero Zombies are more difficult to deal with in some situations than so-called fast zombies of the "I am Legend" or "28 Days Later Variety" who aren't true zombies in the sense that they aren't returned from the dead, but humans infected with a virus.

In the Max Brooks novel, "World War Z" (not the abominable Brad Pitt movie that had nothing in common with the book except the title), when the military tried to confront a horde of several million zombies coming from New York City at the upstate town of Yonkers, they found that conventional artillery and air to ground munitions had negligible affect on the undead hordes because a zombie will get on moving to its objective even if dismembered or even set afire. They feel no pain, no fear, and they will keep moving with the horde until they reach the objective, their dinner - you.

On the other hand, fast-zombies can be dealt with at long range with conventional weapons because once they are dead, they are dead. You can even kill them by isolating them from a food source because, as has been pointed out:

"He's telling me he'll never bake bread, farm crops, raise livestock. He's telling me he's futureless. And eventually he'll tell me how long the infected take to starve to death."

-- Major Henry West "28 Days Later"

Even the "I Am Legend" zombies (who were vampires in the original 1954 novel) can be killed easier than a Romero Zombie because they are organic beings that require all their metabolic systems to be healthy to survive. They need to breath, and pump blood, and have functioning endocrine, digestive, and nervous systems to be of any threat to us. Chemical weapons would be very effective on those types of zombies.
The Walking Dead got boring when it got politically correct. Transwoman playing a dude. Making all the women the fighters. The men doing to cooking and babysitting.
They even had Daryl making a friendship bracelet for Carol. Gay guy drama. A woman names "Alpha" and HUGE dude named Beta.

If the whisperers had been in the first 3 seasons, rick and the gang would've killed them off in like 3 episodes. Not two years.

No wonder Rick got the hell out of there.
Lol, I've got no idea what you're talking about. I mean the homophobia comes through loud and clear but I didn't know the show was still on.

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