If the Left is Going After Those who have Vaccine hesitancy, Why are they ignoring...

The black community?

Of all races, the black community has the highest. Given the history of gov't testing on them a long time ago, I guess I can understand why some might choose to think it still resonates today.

But regardless.. where are the Democrats and media? Come on, aren't all of these black folk just a bunch of supposed Dumb radicals who are getting misinformation from their Facebooks? Lay into them Joe... tell them all how dumb and evil they all are. Why aren't you...

Oh wait, you're a racist identity politics guy that's why, and you have no standards. And the same goes for the leftists who bash any Conservative who won't get vaccinated but refuse to call out the black race in America.

Be consistent, or be exposed.

You racist. HA HA HA HA HA

I'm kidding.
The black community?

Of all races, the black community has the highest. Given the history of gov't testing on them a long time ago, I guess I can understand why some might choose to think it still resonates today.

But regardless.. where are the Democrats and media? Come on, aren't all of these black folk just a bunch of supposed Dumb radicals who are getting misinformation from their Facebooks? Lay into them Joe... tell them all how dumb and evil they all are. Why aren't you...

Oh wait, you're a racist identity politics guy that's why, and you have no standards. And the same goes for the leftists who bash any Conservative who won't get vaccinated but refuse to call out the black race in America.

Be consistent, or be exposed.
are blacks watching fox news? Where are the blacks getting their vaccine hesitancy from?

are blacks watching fox news? Where are the blacks getting their vaccine hesitancy from?


you tell me. Either way... They must be brainwashed Republicans from Facebook.. because that's all the Joe Biden is focusing on.
Link to what, fuck face? Aren't you capable of using google to answer your own questions.

Stupid, lazy and conservative is no way to go through life, son. If you want something, find it yourself.
whats wrong douche bag? cant supply a link to your LIES? i didn't think you could...
i figured i'd call you out on your lie...thats all
ang you can stick google up your smelly.....
Fair question I think.

Most of the hesitancy is in red states where the dumbest of the dumb live....you'd want to target the most people.

Additionally, there have been ads targeting ethnic minorities featuring John Legend among others.
polly want a cracker?
The excuse is there is no vaccine, which prevents Covid disease. There is a genetic therapy treatment drug that changes peoples genetic make-up. Along with a protein spike, this drug causes heart problems, strokes, miscarriages and infertility among other life threatening problems. In other words, the Covid 19 disease is a biological warfare weapon that is intended to make people sick and to take so-called "vaccines" that will kill as intended. The "vaccine'' is killing tens of thousands and fully ''vaccinated" people are developing Covid 19 symptoms and blaming the un-vaccinated. Isn't that a hillariously stupid premise?

It crosses the blood/brain barrier too.

But I'm sure Pfizer is on the up-and-up. I mean, look at the great news on Chantix this morning...

Oh wait
Link to what, fuck face? Aren't you capable of using google to answer your own questions.

Stupid, lazy and conservative is no way to go through life, son. If you want something, find it yourself.

Times are tough for a Canadian liberal these days, eh?
are blacks watching fox news? Where are the blacks getting their vaccine hesitancy from?


Actually that guy looks totally unhealthy. Vaccines not a terrible bet for him, but sadly, probably won't even help that much.

Covid really, really hates obesity
Everyone in the black community is already calling out members of their community to get the vaccine. Given that white people are the ones who forced them to into medical experimentation, we're hardly in the position to be believed by those who are fearful for that reason.

What's the excuse that Republicans have for not getting vaccinated?
Wrong Dipshit. The Chinese commie virus forced them.
The excuse is there is no vaccine, which prevents Covid disease. There is a genetic therapy treatment drug that changes peoples genetic make-up. Along with a protein spike, this drug causes heart problems, strokes, miscarriages and infertility among other life threatening problems. In other words, the Covid 19 disease is a biological warfare weapon that is intended to make people sick and to take so-called "vaccines" that will kill as intended. The "vaccine'' is killing tens of thousands and fully ''vaccinated" people are developing Covid 19 symptoms and blaming the un-vaccinated. Isn't that a hillariously stupid premise?

The vaccines are not a "genetic therapy treatment drug", nor does it change people's DNA.

The vaccine does NOT cause ANY of the conditions you outlined.
who says they are not? you?...you are just parroting the scum demonRATS......polly want a cracker?

The number of people getting sick and dying in the red states. Not happening here.

I believe the OP presents a false premise of the situation since just a couple of days ago it was reported that CDC data shows that recent vaccinations are reaching larger shares of Hispanic, Asian, and Black populations compared to overall vaccinations.


The vaccines are not a "genetic therapy treatment drug", nor does it change people's DNA.

The vaccine does NOT cause ANY of the conditions you outlined.

The number of people getting sick and dying in the red states. Not happening here.

polly want a cracker?
what a good little sheep you are for repeating the LIES of the scum demonRATS
The black community?

Of all races, the black community has the highest. Given the history of gov't testing on them a long time ago, I guess I can understand why some might choose to think it still resonates today.

But regardless.. where are the Democrats and media? Come on, aren't all of these black folk just a bunch of supposed Dumb radicals who are getting misinformation from their Facebooks? Lay into them Joe... tell them all how dumb and evil they all are. Why aren't you...

Oh wait, you're a racist identity politics guy that's why, and you have no standards. And the same goes for the leftists who bash any Conservative who won't get vaccinated but refuse to call out the black race in America.

Be consistent, or be exposed.
Neo blood libel, eh?
The black community?

Of all races, the black community has the highest. Given the history of gov't testing on them a long time ago, I guess I can understand why some might choose to think it still resonates today.

But regardless.. where are the Democrats and media? Come on, aren't all of these black folk just a bunch of supposed Dumb radicals who are getting misinformation from their Facebooks? Lay into them Joe... tell them all how dumb and evil they all are. Why aren't you...

Oh wait, you're a racist identity politics guy that's why, and you have no standards. And the same goes for the leftists who bash any Conservative who won't get vaccinated but refuse to call out the black race in America.

Be consistent, or be exposed.

You here just to gaslight? You're full of shit.

""President announces ‘Shots at the Shop’ initiative to get Black community vaccinated​

‘Barbers and stylists key advocates for vaccination,’ Biden says""​

""‘All Hands on Deck’: When Vaccinating Black People Is a Communal Effort​

In the face of limited transportation, patchy internet service and threadbare medical care, community leaders in Alabama and Mississippi are trying to shrink the racial disparities in vaccine access.""

No one is ignoring the black community. Nice try though

Yes they were, and are.

The homeless are another demographic not given a fair shake when it comes to vaccinations.

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