If the comedian is turning Ukraine in a authoritarian state...what’s the point


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho

If the comedian is turning Ukraine in a authoritarian state...​

. . . Just imagine what a corrupt fake Scranton college instructor turned plagiarist who pimps his family out for foreign pay-to-play favors could do. . . .


. . ./ Just
. . . Just imagine what a corrupt fake Scranton college instructor turned plagiarist who pimps his family out for foreign pay-to-play favors could do. . . .

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. . ./ Just
Your a bit obsessed with Biden there...

If only Biden was getting charged with 91 felonies which some of he has pleaded guilty on TV...

Again the Far Right News can only promote propaganda which they are fed...

You have no credible evidence and the reason you have none is because there is none...
This US involvement in this is nothing more than dem pipe dreams of trump russia collusion
Do not worry .
The Mad Midget is well into his last chapter .
Dear Uncle P will soon have a man in charge that he can work easily with ---- somebody likely to come from the military which is close to open rebellion .
The Ukraine war is effectively over and whether MM gets to Miami or Hell , he is near his finishing line
Do not worry .
The Mad Midget is well into his last chapter .
Dear Uncle P will soon have a man in charge that he can work easily with ---- somebody likely to come from the military which is close to open rebellion .
The Ukraine war is effectively over and whether MM gets to Miami or Hell , he is near his finishing line
Thanks Comrade...

You can fuck off to Russia now... How many body bags of young Russians are you going to heap on top of each other for Putin folly...

Ukraine Independence supporters aren't even sending the up to date stuff yet and Russia is already failing... A generation of Russians are fleeing to other countries to get away from the madness...
This leaves ye to send poor Siberians who rather have independence..

This is what Russia is really like :

Russian break up could come quickier than ye think, people don't like to be run megalomaniac who gets their children killed on fools folly..

But you keep going Comrade, this is what you are getting paid to do..
Sorry Ukraine people, no elections for you.
No dEmOcRaCy, just WAR.
And all the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies cheer it all on.
Leader of the opposition agreed to it...

"Kira Rudik, a Ukrainian opposition leader, told The Independent that she also disagreed with elections..."

Ukraine is under attack by a Russia, it is that reason under martial law by agreement of the Mayor, Leader of the Opposition and Zellensky.

Only a pro Russian fool would run an election while at war and under martial law..
Thanks Comrade...

You can fuck off to Russia now... How many body bags of young Russians are you going to heap on top of each other for Putin folly...

Ukraine Independence supporters aren't even sending the up to date stuff yet and Russia is already failing... A generation of Russians are fleeing to other countries to get away from the madness...
This leaves ye to send poor Siberians who rather have independence..

This is what Russia is really like :

Russian break up could come quickier than ye think, people don't like to be run megalomaniac who gets their children killed on fools folly..

But you keep going Comrade, this is what you are getting paid to do..
Ukraine is a Russian sphere of influence. Money, military hardware, lives lost, people impoverished, people physically and psychologically affected, destruction to many areas....all for nothing. We lost the Twin Towers and three thousand lives and cried like children. We got mad spent more trillions, lost unalienable rights, had soldiers return home in caskets, disabilities, psyche issues for what? Ukraine has a comedian in charge laughing while his people suffer. There is more to that nation then we are officially told. We go to war for the sake of going to war at times.
Leader of the opposition agreed to it...

"Kira Rudik, a Ukrainian opposition leader, told The Independent that she also disagreed with elections..."

Ukraine is under attack by a Russia, it is that reason under martial law by agreement of the Mayor, Leader of the Opposition and Zellensky.

Only a pro Russian fool would run an election while at war and under martial law..
The Ukraine is a giant cesspool of corruption and you IDIOTS stand for it as OUR TREASURY is being drained there with absolutely NO ACCOUNTING for ANY of it at all.
Fuck Ukraine, fuck Russia, and fuck YOU!!!
This US involvement in this is nothing more than dem pipe dreams of trump russia collusion


Ukraine is under a nationwide long-term state of martial law.

They are at war.

An existential war that they did not start.

Best to stop the goddamned Russian barbarians in Ukraine rather than in Warsaw or Budapest or the Balkans.

And if that means we and our allies need to throw a few-score billions at them to arm and fund their struggle, that's totally fine.

Ukraine is under a nationwide long-term state of martial law.

They are at war.

An existential war that they did not start.

Best to stop the goddamned Russian barbarians in Ukraine rather than in Warsaw or Budapest or the Balkans.

And if that means we and our allies need to throw a few-score billions at them to arm and fund their struggle, that's totally fine.
Wars NEVER stopped elections HERE!!!!
Where's your cries for dEmOcRaCy now??????

I will holler about Ukrainian democracy if-and-when they fail to hold elections once their existential crisis is over.

Until then... the enemy of my adversary is my friend.
Got your beak in the trough over there, carrion crow?
Who's YOUR adversary?????
Russia Russia Russia?
You're still stuck on the FAKE Russian collusion delusion of Hillary's GIANT LIE Steele Dossier BULLSHIT.
It's time to wake up to REALITY!
The SWAMP is bleeding our Treasuy under cover of this stupid WAR that's none of our business!!!!
You just have a TDS hangover, SNAP OUT OF IT ALREADY!
Got your beak in the trough over there, carrion crow?
Irrelevant and pointless noise.
Who's YOUR adversary????? Russia Russia Russia?
Correct. Russia is, indeed, the American adversary, with respect to European security; that of our friends and cousins.
You're still stuck on the FAKE Russian collusion delusion of Hillary's GIANT LIE Steele Dossier BULLSHIT.
Couldn't care less about any of that happy hor$e$hit. Russian aggressive tendencies and actions, however, ARE a concern.
It's time to wake up to REALITY! The SWAMP is bleeding our Treasuy under cover of this stupid WAR that's none of our business!!!!
What "swamp" would that be? You're a regular Rumpian Bumper-Sticker Echo-Chamber, aren't you?
You just have a TDS hangover, SNAP OUT OF IT ALREADY! :rolleyes:
Rump has nothing whatsoever to do with my decades-long disdain for authoritarian Russian aggression and ambitions.

We stop Russia now at cost $X, or we stop Russia later, in Warsaw or Berlin or Athens, at $X times 10 or more.

I'll serve-up SOME treasure now in order to avoid spending TEN times as much later (not to mention the Blood Price) because we were stupid enough to listen to you-and-yours now.

No thank you.

We stay the course with Ukraine.

Glory to Ukraine... may God bless them for their profound courage... may God grant them victory over the barbarians of Russia.

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The Ukraine war is all about money laundering and paybacks, 10% for the big guy. They'll keep the puppet Zelensky in there until he's of no more use to them, and use whatever excuse they need to make it happen.
Irrelevant and pointless noise.

Correct. Russia is, indeed, the American adversary, with respect to European security; that of our friends and cousins.

Couldn't care less about any of that happy hor$e$hit. Russian aggressive tendencies and actions, however, ARE a concern.

What "swamp" would that be? You're a regular Rumpian Bumper-Sticker Echo-Chamber, aren't you?

Rump has nothing whatsoever to do with my decades-long disdain for authoritarian Russian aggression and ambitions.

We stop Russia now at cost $X, or we stop Russia later, in Warsaw or Berlin or Athens, at $X times 10 or more.

I'll serve-up SOME treasure now in order to avoid spending TEN times as much later (not to mention the Blood Price) because we were stupid enough to listen to you-and-yours now.

No thank you.

We stay the course with Ukraine.

Glory to Ukraine... may God bless them for their profound courage... may God grant them victory over the barbarians of Russia.

You declaring it thus does not render it thus... wake us all up when you've got something more substantive to say on the subject.

Beyond the realm of Rumpian Bumper-Sticker Echo-Chamber material, that is...

Meanwhile... we stay the course with Ukraine... future EU and NATO member and good friend and ally of America.

God bless them.
Ukraine is a Russian sphere of influence. Money, military hardware, lives lost, people impoverished, people physically and psychologically affected, destruction to many areas....all for nothing. We lost the Twin Towers and three thousand lives and cried like children. We got mad spent more trillions, lost unalienable rights, had soldiers return home in caskets, disabilities, psyche issues for what? Ukraine has a comedian in charge laughing while his people suffer. There is more to that nation then we are officially told. We go to war for the sake of going to war at times.
Lets be clear, Ukrainians are not russian, they are Ukrainian...

In Russia they know they are not Russian..

Here is the simple reason why?

Look up the Holodomor, it killed 20% of the Ukrainian population while they were the bread basket of Europe.. Russia looked after itself, exported their food and let them die.

Ukraine has a comedian in charge who stopped telling jokes.

Meanwhile in the US:

The US gave assurances to Ukraine they would be protected if they gave up their Nuclear Weapons. That was US word (the Budapest Memorandum)... You want to throw US President's guarantee in the bin...
So you want everyone in the world to say fuck America, it doesn't matter what this guy says because the next guy can throw it in the bin... Then figure out why your links to your allies would be weak.

This is what Putin wants, why are you a Putin stooge?
You declaring it thus does not render it thus... wake us all up when you've got something more substantive to say on the subject.

Beyond the realm of Rumpian Bumper-Sticker Echo-Chamber material, that is...

Meanwhile... we stay the course with Ukraine... future EU and NATO member and good friend and ally of America.

God bless them.

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