If someone hacking the DNC is such a big deal

God bless Wiki for exposing the Democrats for what they are, which is corrupt, anti-American filth.

But they sure are projecting that revelation on Trump & the Russians aren't they? The majority of liberals are too far gone to notice.
Wonder why they didnt?


why didnt they turn in their servers? Why did they make our intelligence agencies use a third party?
This is one question i can never get a logical answer on. NEVER

Worse, why doesn't the FBI go in and take them?
Can they do that?

The DNC server is the site of an alleged crime. How can you prosecute a crime without a dead body? Further, if it turned out the server was clean after accusing Russia of hacking it, that would be a crime. The DNC has absolutely NO REASON for refusing to turn it over. That right there suggests funny business, and the FBI can absolutely demand that server, even break down their doors, holding that server is obstruction of the law and the FBI is the law.
they are not going to prosecute anyone from Russia, that part of the investigation is a Counter Intelligence investigation, not a criminal investigation unless Americans were involved, then it could turn to a Criminal one, from my understanding of it....? And the hacking of the DNC and Podesta is not even the tip of the iceberg on what the Russian government did to interfere!
why didnt they turn in their servers? Why did they make our intelligence agencies use a third party?
This is one question i can never get a logical answer on. NEVER

Worse, why doesn't the FBI go in and take them?
Can they do that?

The DNC server is the site of an alleged crime. How can you prosecute a crime without a dead body? Further, if it turned out the server was clean after accusing Russia of hacking it, that would be a crime. The DNC has absolutely NO REASON for refusing to turn it over. That right there suggests funny business, and the FBI can absolutely demand that server, even break down their doors, holding that server is obstruction of the law and the FBI is the law.
they are not going to prosecute anyone from Russia, that part of the investigation is a Counter Intelligence investigation, not a criminal investigation unless Americans were involved, then it could turn to a Criminal one, from my understanding of it....? And the hacking of the DNC and Podesta is not even the tip of the iceberg on what the Russian government did to interfere!

Why do you always lie? Prove your shit or get lost. Surely you have PROOF of this MASSIVE intrusion?
God bless Wiki for exposing the Democrats for what they are, which is corrupt, anti-American filth.

But they sure are projecting that revelation on Trump & the Russians aren't they? The majority of liberals are too far gone to notice.
how about a link or two or three etc to all those things that you so easily claim were corrupt by the DNC and exposed on wikileaks....? what were they?
Are you fucking joking?

No, jackass! The DNC says their servers were hacked and files were taken, BY RUSSIA. What, are we supposed to just TAKE THEM AT THEIR WORD? That is the basis for much of the claim that Trump was behind it or at least colluding to benefit from said action!

Still with me, bro?

Why don't you call the police and tell them that xyz neighbor stole your lawnmower, but then refuse to give YOUR address? Are the police just supposed to take your word and prosecute the neighbor for a crime sight unseen?

What, are we just supposed to believe them like when Hillary said that all government-related emails had been turned over, then she told us, do not worry, the 33,000 remaining on my computer that I destroyed were all personal without even seeing them? Can I call the IRS and tell them, it's OK, I don't owe you any money, trust me?

Why did she wait until the heat was on THEN destroy all those messages? 33,000 of them. Why did she use BleachByte? That is something you use when you absolutely don't want something found ever again. Did she want all those recipes and yoga classes never seen again? That's a lot of email.


I bet I don't have that many email going back to 1998. How the hell did she read them all, and did she have any time left to actually do any frickin' work?
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why didnt they turn in their servers? Why did they make our intelligence agencies use a third party?
This is one question i can never get a logical answer on. NEVER
the FBI got everything they needed to get from the well respected, Security firm, Crowdstrike.... not just their summary but copies of all files off the server that were affected by the hack and all files that showed how the hack was done and by whom....

there is no need for the FBI to have all of their files on donors and finances and all those other things that are private on their server.

and no, I don't blame them one itty bitty bit not handing over their whole server to the FBI after coming off a one year period of them leaking one thing after another on the Hillary Clinton server investigation and the way Comey had treated her when she was exonerated.... That's just my guess on why they didn't...no one has come out and said why the DNC didn't....

Prove it dumbass, oh wait, you're lying again.
God bless Wiki for exposing the Democrats for what they are, which is corrupt, anti-American filth.

But they sure are projecting that revelation on Trump & the Russians aren't they? The majority of liberals are too far gone to notice.
how about a link or two or three etc to all those things that you so easily claim were corrupt by the DNC and exposed on wikileaks....? what were they?

Oh please bitch, you DEMAND links after you just make shit up? You're a liar and nobody owes you any damn link. Assange told you it wasn't Russia.
God bless Wiki for exposing the Democrats for what they are, which is corrupt, anti-American filth.

But they sure are projecting that revelation on Trump & the Russians aren't they? The majority of liberals are too far gone to notice.
how about a link or two or three etc to all those things that you so easily claim were corrupt by the DNC and exposed on wikileaks....? what were they?

Oh please bitch, you DEMAND links after you just make shit up? You're a liar and nobody owes you any damn link. Assange told you it wasn't Russia.
Well, that sure settles it. If Assange said that, it must be true and all our intelligence agencies are lying.
The CEO of Crowdstrike is the former head of cyber-security division at the FBI. In fact, he helped build the FBI's cyber-security division....

Top Cyber Official Shawn Henry Retiring From FBI - ABC News

In 2012, Shawn Henry, a former FBI executive who lead both the FBI’s criminal and cyber Divisions, was hired to lead sister company CrowdStrike Services, Inc., which is focused on proactive and incident response services..."


His credentials are as good as anyone working for the FBI in crime and cybersecurity...if not better.

Comey acknowledged they were pro's.

And it was more that just the DNC that was hacked.
God bless Wiki for exposing the Democrats for what they are, which is corrupt, anti-American filth.

But they sure are projecting that revelation on Trump & the Russians aren't they? The majority of liberals are too far gone to notice.
how about a link or two or three etc to all those things that you so easily claim were corrupt by the DNC and exposed on wikileaks....? what were they?

Oh please bitch, you DEMAND links after you just make shit up? You're a liar and nobody owes you any damn link. Assange told you it wasn't Russia.
Well, that sure settles it. If Assange said that, it must be true and all our intelligence agencies are lying.

The bitch made shit up, Assange is far more credible that the liar Care.
No, jackass! The DNC says their servers were hacked and files were taken, BY RUSSIA. What, are we supposed to just TAKE THEM AT THEIR WORD? That is the basis for much of the claim that Trump was behind it or at least colluding to benefit from said action!
You have it backwards, numbnuts. It was the FBI that informed the DNC they had been hacked.

If you're listened to the numerous hearings on this, you know that.
No, jackass! The DNC says their servers were hacked and files were taken, BY RUSSIA. What, are we supposed to just TAKE THEM AT THEIR WORD? That is the basis for much of the claim that Trump was behind it or at least colluding to benefit from said action!
You have it backwards, numbnuts. It was the FBI that informed the DNC they had been hacked.

If you're listened to the numerous hearings on this, you know that.

Then what possible reason would the DNC have to refuse letting the FBI check out the server then? Have something to hide like they accuse Trump of?

And if the FBI already knows this, then why do they want the server? Usually I would think if you were robbed of something, a crime committed against you, you would WANT to cooperate with the authorities.

And no, I actually have more things to do than sit watching a TV all day long.

But if the FBI needs that server to perform their investigation, that is still obstruction of the law. I'm tired of the DNC and Left always 180° opposed to everything that common sense, fairness and decency would apparently dictate! It has been DECADES since the last time I actually seen the Democratic party stand for something good.
Look, there is not even a shred of doubt the Russians did the hacking - to not just the DNC, but in a lot of places, including state voter rolls systems, the RNC - and older system there, but nonethless, they did hack them, and other hacks tied to the Russians -- directed by Putin.

So you can go on with that silly puddin you're pulling, but it just makes you look...silly.
why didnt they turn in their servers? Why did they make our intelligence agencies use a third party?
This is one question i can never get a logical answer on. NEVER

Worse, why doesn't the FBI go in and take them?
Can they do that?

The DNC server is the site of an alleged crime. How can you prosecute a crime without a dead body? Further, if it turned out the server was clean after accusing Russia of hacking it, that would be a crime. The DNC has absolutely NO REASON for refusing to turn it over. That right there suggests funny business, and the FBI can absolutely demand that server, even break down their doors, holding that server is obstruction of the law and the FBI is the law.
they are not going to prosecute anyone from Russia, that part of the investigation is a Counter Intelligence investigation, not a criminal investigation unless Americans were involved, then it could turn to a Criminal one, from my understanding of it....? And the hacking of the DNC and Podesta is not even the tip of the iceberg on what the Russian government did to interfere!

Why do you always lie? Prove your shit or get lost. Surely you have PROOF of this MASSIVE intrusion?
I just happen to pay attention to the news and to the hearings they've had on it... And comey told us in one of the hearings that the Investigation was a Counter Intelligence investigation on the Russians, it was even reported in the news, and that all specialists on the news claim that counter intelligence investigations by the FBI take a very very long time...and are usually not cases that are prosecuted but cases that help them understand all of the espionage that took place and how... then in another meeting with Comey before congress, he stated that the counter intelligence investigation on the Russians had expanded to a criminal investigation on whether the Trump campaign team had coordinated with the Russian interference attack.

It was added as a criminal investigation when Americans were possibly involved and allegedly doing something criminal.
If someone hacking the DNC is such a big deal...

Why don't you hear about the Debbie Wasserman-Schultz terrorist-connected Pakistani Spy Scandal on every Fake News All-In Liberal Propaganda-Pushing News channel?

Why have liberals been content with the Keystone Capitol Cops leading the 'negotiations' (investigation) with the ring leader, DWS?
And now he's been arrested while trying to leave the country. This is what all of the Russia bullshit was supposed to run cover for. Now it gets real.
Look, there is not even a shred of doubt the Russians did the hacking - to not just the DNC, but in a lot of places, including state voter rolls systems, the RNC - and older system there, but nonethless, they did hack them, and other hacks tied to the Russians -- directed by Putin.

So you can go on with that silly puddin you're pulling, but it just makes you look...silly.
Have you seen the evidence? Didn't think so
You be loyal to the govt or you are.... Silly. Genius!
No, jackass! The DNC says their servers were hacked and files were taken, BY RUSSIA. What, are we supposed to just TAKE THEM AT THEIR WORD? That is the basis for much of the claim that Trump was behind it or at least colluding to benefit from said action!
You have it backwards, numbnuts. It was the FBI that informed the DNC they had been hacked.

If you're listened to the numerous hearings on this, you know that.

Then what possible reason would the DNC have to refuse letting the FBI check out the server then? Have something to hide like they accuse Trump of?

And if the FBI already knows this, then why do they want the server? Usually I would think if you were robbed of something, a crime committed against you, you would WANT to cooperate with the authorities.

And no, I actually have more things to do than sit watching a TV all day long.

But if the FBI needs that server to perform their investigation, that is still obstruction of the law. I'm tired of the DNC and Left always 180° opposed to everything that common sense, fairness and decency would apparently dictate! It has been DECADES since the last time I actually seen the Democratic party stand for something good.
Comey said they would have liked to have had it but THAT IT DID NOT REALLY MATTER, because they trusted what Crowdstrike had done and had copies of all of their work done.

but if the FBI truly did need the server for some reason, then they simply need to get a subpoena for it.

If the DNC refused to turn it over after they were subpoenaed for it,

ONLY THEN would it be Obstruction of Justice, and not a NANO SECOND BEFORE that.
Look, there is not even a shred of doubt the Russians did the hacking - to not just the DNC, but in a lot of places, including state voter rolls systems, the RNC - and older system there, but nonethless, they did hack them, and other hacks tied to the Russians -- directed by Putin.

So you can go on with that silly puddin you're pulling, but it just makes you look...silly.
Have you seen the evidence? Didn't think so
N o F U Z Z.

COMEY: Yes, sir. There should be no fuzz on this whatsoever. The Russians interfered in our election during the 2016 cycle. They did with purpose. They did it with sophistication. They did it with overwhelming technical efforts. It was an active measures campaign driven from the top of that government.

There is no fuzz on that.
It is a high confidence judgment of the entire intelligence community and the members of this committee have seen the intelligence.

It's not a close call. That happened. That's about as unfake as you can possibly get. It is very, very serious, which is why it's so refreshing to see a bipartisan focus on that. This is about America, not about a particular party.

HEINRICH: That is a hostile act by the Russian government against this country?

COMEY: Yes, sir.

N O - F U Z Z.

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