If Romney wins, what does that mean for working people?

Why is the right concerned with working people at all? On another thread I learned that hard work is neither noble nor virtuous.

Romney and those on the Right could care less about working people. The only inkling of consideration for working people from Romney or America's contemporary Conservative is contempt.
If Romney wins, what does that mean for working people?

Better put away some money, pay off your debt and learn how to live on less because chances are your days of being a working person are numbered.

Didn't you say the 0bama administration was gonna bring the unemployment rate way down during his first term? Where da jobs at?

So, after seeing how 0bama sucks at predictions like this, why should he be given 4 more years to fuck it up even worse?
Why is the right concerned with working people at all? On another thread I learned that hard work is neither noble nor virtuous.

Romney and those on the Right could care less about working people. The only inkling of consideration for working people from Romney or America's contemporary Conservative is contempt.

I like how you whined about hyperbole in another thread by posting your own hyperbole... That was funny....:lol:

Unles you were being serious, in which case it's LMAO funny...:lmao:
That is bullshit. Utter bullshit.

He wasn't in the business of 'job creation', he was in the business of investing in companies to make them more profitable. And he was remarkably good at it... jobs are a by-product of profitability. The more business you bring in, the more people you need. Not overly complicated.

Soon after, in October 1993, Bain Capital, co-founded by Mitt Romney, became majority shareholder in a steel mill that had been operating since 1888.

It was a gamble. The old mill, renamed GS Technologies, needed expensive updating, and demand for its products was susceptible to cycles in the mining industry and commodities markets.

Less than a decade later, the mill was padlocked and some 750 people lost their jobs. Workers were denied the severance pay and health insurance they'd been promised, and their pension benefits were cut by as much as $400 a month.

What's more, a federal government insurance agency had to pony up $44 million to bail out the company's underfunded pension plan. Nevertheless, Bain profited on the deal, receiving $12 million on its $8 million initial investment and at least $4.5 million in consulting fees.
Special report: Romney's steel skeleton in the Bain closet | Reuters

Does that SOUND like he created jobs or was good at HELPING U.S. workers?

These are the FACTS. Please don't come back with some UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION about what Romney did. He screwed over workers, underfunded their pensions, fired them, then took BAILOUT MONEY from the government and made a nice tidy little profit.

If Romney is our President, WHO will he screw over to achieve his results? Kinda hard for him to screw over the government since he'll be heading it up, I guess that only leaves WORKERS huh?

Now WHY would the 98% of people who don't have investment income to live off want to vote against their own best interests?

Oh, my bad. I was considering his career.... not cherry picking failures without balancing them against the thousands of jobs his firm helped create or save.

See, that's my problem... I use logic instead of partisan bullshit. I do apologize.

Well then, perhaps you can point to some instead of just saying they exist.

See, I can say that Obama has done a MILLION things to help the economy, but just saying it doesn't make it true, does it?

If Romney's record is so outstanding, why hasn't his campaign released all Bain's job growth? Why hasn't it demonstrated that it saved jobs?

When you say stuff, you don't know for a fact to be true, that makes you a liar.
Now, do you know FOR A FACT that Romney saved more jobs than he killed or shipped overseas right? RIGHT?

The jobs track record for private-equity firms in general appears to be a wash. In an analysis issued in September, five economists, using US Census Bureau data from 1980 to 2003, examined what effect private-equity firms had on job creation two years after they had acquired a company. They found that employment at an acquired firm was down 2 percent.

“The net effect on jobs of private equity was pretty small,” says Steven Davis, a co-author and a professor at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.
Is Mitt Romney really a job creator? What his Bain Capital record shows. - CSMonitor.com

Now all you have to do is show that I'm mistaken by posting something supporting YOUR CLAIMS that he was a net jobs grower, don't you?
But you could have done that BEFORE when you asserted it? Why didn't you?

It's up to you to PROVE you're not a liar at this point. I'll wait while you FAIL miserably.
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Soon after, in October 1993, Bain Capital, co-founded by Mitt Romney, became majority shareholder in a steel mill that had been operating since 1888.

It was a gamble. The old mill, renamed GS Technologies, needed expensive updating, and demand for its products was susceptible to cycles in the mining industry and commodities markets.

Less than a decade later, the mill was padlocked and some 750 people lost their jobs. Workers were denied the severance pay and health insurance they'd been promised, and their pension benefits were cut by as much as $400 a month.

What's more, a federal government insurance agency had to pony up $44 million to bail out the company's underfunded pension plan. Nevertheless, Bain profited on the deal, receiving $12 million on its $8 million initial investment and at least $4.5 million in consulting fees.
Special report: Romney's steel skeleton in the Bain closet | Reuters

Does that SOUND like he created jobs or was good at HELPING U.S. workers?

These are the FACTS. Please don't come back with some UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION about what Romney did. He screwed over workers, underfunded their pensions, fired them, then took BAILOUT MONEY from the government and made a nice tidy little profit.

If Romney is our President, WHO will he screw over to achieve his results? Kinda hard for him to screw over the government since he'll be heading it up, I guess that only leaves WORKERS huh?

Now WHY would the 98% of people who don't have investment income to live off want to vote against their own best interests?

Oh, my bad. I was considering his career.... not cherry picking failures without balancing them against the thousands of jobs his firm helped create or save.

See, that's my problem... I use logic instead of partisan bullshit. I do apologize.

Well then, perhaps you can point to some instead of just saying they exist.

See, I can say that Obama has done a MILLION things to help the economy, but just saying it doesn't make it true, does it?

If Romney's record is so outstanding, why hasn't his campaign released all Bain's job growth? Why hasn't it demonstrated that it saved jobs?

When you say stuff, you don't know for a fact to be true, that makes you a liar.
Know, do you know FOR A FACT that Romney saved more jobs than he killed or shipped overseas and HOW do you know it?

The jobs track record for private-equity firms in general appears to be a wash. In an analysis issued in September, five economists, using US Census Bureau data from 1980 to 2003, examined what effect private-equity firms had on job creation two years after they had acquired a company. They found that employment at an acquired firm was down 2 percent.

“The net effect on jobs of private equity was pretty small,” says Steven Davis, a co-author and a professor at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.
Is Mitt Romney really a job creator? What his Bain Capital record shows. - CSMonitor.com

Now, don't you feel foolish repeating a lie that you bought into?
Oh perhaps you can show I'm WRONG by coming up with your OWN source as reputable and non-partisan as the CSmonitor to refute this?

I will wait while you flounder and bluster and NOT prove your assertions at all.

I'm not really in the habit of spoon feeding people. I kind of expect people to form opinions based on facts... and I expect them to research those facts for themselves. But you know that figure that Romney claimed... the 100,000 jobs.... pretty much accurate, according to the non partisan sources that I've looked at.... note that 'sources', not source... but a whole boatload of experts from a huge variety of backgrounds, all non partisan, say the figure stands up. Unlike some people, I consider a variety of information, from a variety of 'sources' before forming my opinion. It's harder than your way, admittedly... but it does tend to give one a broader perspective and makes one less prone to 'bullshit'.

Oh, but I will say this... data from the US Census Bureau cannot be accurate in relation to jobs... they don't require firms to report jobs so their data isn't accurate. PE and VC companies are not required by law to report jobs created or jobs lost.
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Oh, my bad. I was considering his career.... not cherry picking failures without balancing them against the thousands of jobs his firm helped create or save.

See, that's my problem... I use logic instead of partisan bullshit. I do apologize.

Well then, perhaps you can point to some instead of just saying they exist.

See, I can say that Obama has done a MILLION things to help the economy, but just saying it doesn't make it true, does it?

If Romney's record is so outstanding, why hasn't his campaign released all Bain's job growth? Why hasn't it demonstrated that it saved jobs?

When you say stuff, you don't know for a fact to be true, that makes you a liar.
Know, do you know FOR A FACT that Romney saved more jobs than he killed or shipped overseas and HOW do you know it?

The jobs track record for private-equity firms in general appears to be a wash. In an analysis issued in September, five economists, using US Census Bureau data from 1980 to 2003, examined what effect private-equity firms had on job creation two years after they had acquired a company. They found that employment at an acquired firm was down 2 percent.

“The net effect on jobs of private equity was pretty small,” says Steven Davis, a co-author and a professor at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.
Is Mitt Romney really a job creator? What his Bain Capital record shows. - CSMonitor.com

Now, don't you feel foolish repeating a lie that you bought into?
Oh perhaps you can show I'm WRONG by coming up with your OWN source as reputable and non-partisan as the CSmonitor to refute this?

I will wait while you flounder and bluster and NOT prove your assertions at all.

I'm not really in the habit of spoon feeding people. I kind of expect people to form opinions based on facts... and I expect them to research those facts for themselves. But you know that figure that Romney claimed... the 100,000 jobs.... pretty much accurate, according to the non partisan sources that I've looked at.... note that 'sources', not source... but a whole boatload of experts from a huge variety of backgrounds, all non partisan, say the figure stands up. Unlike some people, I consider a variety of information, from a variety of 'sources' before forming my opinion. It's harder than your way, admittedly... but it does tend to give one a broader perspective and makes one less prone to 'bullshit'.

Oh, but I will say this... data from the US Census Bureau cannot be accurate in relation to jobs... they don't require firms to report jobs so their data isn't accurate. PE and VC companies are not required by law to report jobs created or jobs lost.

So, after all that, all you come back with is UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION.

No sources. NOTHING.
Oh you SAY you looked at "sources" but then don't PROVIDE EVEN ONE.

If you think this is MY only source for my views on Romney, you're sadly mistaken.
Didn't you learn that from my PREVIOUS CITE about how Bain killed 750 jobs? TWO cites on this thread showing Romney was either a wash or a negative factor in job creation and NOTHING back from you other than what you SAY you've done.

Well, I could say that I'm a chinese jet pilot....but that doesn't make it true, does it?

Come back when you have some NUMBERS! SOME DATA! ANYTHING that isn't a hack partisan source. Until then, you are nothing more than a LIAR.

Know who says so?
Abraham Lincoln....

"I believe it is an established maxim in morals that he who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false, is guilty of falsehood; and the accidental truth of the assertion, does not justify or excuse him."
--August 11, 1846

Well...what are you?

It's up to YOU to show this board what you are made of now.
Either post your sources where you got your data from or be labeled a liar by Abraham Lincoln. The choice is yours.
Why is the right concerned with working people at all? On another thread I learned that hard work is neither noble nor virtuous.

Romney and those on the Right could care less about working people. The only inkling of consideration for working people from Romney or America's contemporary Conservative is contempt.

I like how you whined about hyperbole in another thread by posting your own hyperbole... That was funny....:lol:

Unles you were being serious, in which case it's LMAO funny...:lmao:
I'm sure you find it funny! Isn't it funny how some folks go to work every day and yet they can't make a living? Isn't it funny how some folks work for twenty, thirty, thirty five years for a company under the promise of a pension and then get screwed out of that pension! Hilarious, right!

Just like the out dated virtues of hard work, trust, fairness and respect. What quaint, funny and outdated notions. Nothing at all like the morality (or lack of morality) displayed by today's American Conservative.
Well Obama hasn't done shit for working people but he's done plenty for people who aren't working
Why is the right concerned with working people at all? On another thread I learned that hard work is neither noble nor virtuous.

Romney and those on the Right could care less about working people. The only inkling of consideration for working people from Romney or America's contemporary Conservative is contempt.

I like how you whined about hyperbole in another thread by posting your own hyperbole... That was funny....:lol:

Unles you were being serious, in which case it's LMAO funny...:lmao:
I'm sure you find it funny! Isn't it funny how some folks go to work every day and yet they can't make a living? Isn't it funny how some folks work for twenty, thirty, thirty five years for a company under the promise of a pension and then get screwed out of that pension! Hilarious, right!
Or expect Social Security to be around for them....:eek:

Bless the 0ssiah and his cast of democratics who will save us!

Can I get an "Amen"?

Just like the out dated virtues of hard work, trust, fairness and respect. What quaint, funny and outdated notions. Nothing at all like the morality (or lack of morality) displayed by today's American Conservative.

I forgot just how "moral and ethical" democratics were....:lol:

They get a pass, right?

You're a riot....:rofl:
Well then, perhaps you can point to some instead of just saying they exist.

See, I can say that Obama has done a MILLION things to help the economy, but just saying it doesn't make it true, does it?

If Romney's record is so outstanding, why hasn't his campaign released all Bain's job growth? Why hasn't it demonstrated that it saved jobs?

When you say stuff, you don't know for a fact to be true, that makes you a liar.
Know, do you know FOR A FACT that Romney saved more jobs than he killed or shipped overseas and HOW do you know it?

The jobs track record for private-equity firms in general appears to be a wash. In an analysis issued in September, five economists, using US Census Bureau data from 1980 to 2003, examined what effect private-equity firms had on job creation two years after they had acquired a company. They found that employment at an acquired firm was down 2 percent.

“The net effect on jobs of private equity was pretty small,” says Steven Davis, a co-author and a professor at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.
Is Mitt Romney really a job creator? What his Bain Capital record shows. - CSMonitor.com

Now, don't you feel foolish repeating a lie that you bought into?
Oh perhaps you can show I'm WRONG by coming up with your OWN source as reputable and non-partisan as the CSmonitor to refute this?

I will wait while you flounder and bluster and NOT prove your assertions at all.

I'm not really in the habit of spoon feeding people. I kind of expect people to form opinions based on facts... and I expect them to research those facts for themselves. But you know that figure that Romney claimed... the 100,000 jobs.... pretty much accurate, according to the non partisan sources that I've looked at.... note that 'sources', not source... but a whole boatload of experts from a huge variety of backgrounds, all non partisan, say the figure stands up. Unlike some people, I consider a variety of information, from a variety of 'sources' before forming my opinion. It's harder than your way, admittedly... but it does tend to give one a broader perspective and makes one less prone to 'bullshit'.

Oh, but I will say this... data from the US Census Bureau cannot be accurate in relation to jobs... they don't require firms to report jobs so their data isn't accurate. PE and VC companies are not required by law to report jobs created or jobs lost.

So, after all that, all you come back with is UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION.

No sources. NOTHING.
Oh you SAY you looked at "sources" but then don't PROVIDE EVEN ONE.

If you think this is MY only source for my views on Romney, you're sadly mistaken.
Didn't you learn that from my PREVIOUS CITE about how Bain killed 750 jobs? TWO cites on this thread showing Romney was either a wash or a negative factor in job creation and NOTHING back from you other than what you SAY you've done.

Well, I could say that I'm a chinese jet pilot....but that doesn't make it true, does it?

Come back when you have some NUMBERS! SOME DATA! ANYTHING that isn't a hack partisan source. Until then, you are nothing more than a LIAR.

Know who says so?
Abraham Lincoln....

"I believe it is an established maxim in morals that he who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false, is guilty of falsehood; and the accidental truth of the assertion, does not justify or excuse him."
--August 11, 1846

Well...what are you?

It's up to YOU to show this board what you are made of now.
Either post your sources where you got your data from or be labeled a liar by Abraham Lincoln. The choice is yours.

My, my.... we are getting all hysterical, aren't we? Take your meds and calm down, sweetie.

I'm not really in the habit of spoon feeding people. I kind of expect people to form opinions based on facts... and I expect them to research those facts for themselves. But you know that figure that Romney claimed... the 100,000 jobs.... pretty much accurate, according to the non partisan sources that I've looked at.... note that 'sources', not source... but a whole boatload of experts from a huge variety of backgrounds, all non partisan, say the figure stands up. Unlike some people, I consider a variety of information, from a variety of 'sources' before forming my opinion. It's harder than your way, admittedly... but it does tend to give one a broader perspective and makes one less prone to 'bullshit'.

Oh, but I will say this... data from the US Census Bureau cannot be accurate in relation to jobs... they don't require firms to report jobs so their data isn't accurate. PE and VC companies are not required by law to report jobs created or jobs lost.

So, after all that, all you come back with is UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION.

No sources. NOTHING.
Oh you SAY you looked at "sources" but then don't PROVIDE EVEN ONE.

If you think this is MY only source for my views on Romney, you're sadly mistaken.
Didn't you learn that from my PREVIOUS CITE about how Bain killed 750 jobs? TWO cites on this thread showing Romney was either a wash or a negative factor in job creation and NOTHING back from you other than what you SAY you've done.

Well, I could say that I'm a chinese jet pilot....but that doesn't make it true, does it?

Come back when you have some NUMBERS! SOME DATA! ANYTHING that isn't a hack partisan source. Until then, you are nothing more than a LIAR.

Know who says so?
Abraham Lincoln....

"I believe it is an established maxim in morals that he who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false, is guilty of falsehood; and the accidental truth of the assertion, does not justify or excuse him."
--August 11, 1846

Well...what are you?

It's up to YOU to show this board what you are made of now.
Either post your sources where you got your data from or be labeled a liar by Abraham Lincoln. The choice is yours.

My, my.... we are getting all hysterical, aren't we? Take your meds and calm down, sweetie.


What HONEST ABE thinks of you

In the Western world, until the seventeenth century, hysteria referred to a medical condition thought to be particular to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus.

Sorry honey, don't got a uterus. So I can't be hysterical. But you do, don't you?
Or are you LYING about that too? It's hard to tell what is and what isn't a lie when dealing with LIARS you know.
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Here is one Bain success.
And a counter for the failure offered.

Bain Capital and the Little Steel Mill That Could - Patrick Brennan - National Review Online

Bain Capital and the Little Steel Mill That Could

Since the 1960s, only one American corporation has independently begun to produce steel on a large scale, and Bain Capital deserves a good deal of the credit for its success. In the spirit of globalization and creative destruction, private-equity firms are supposedly drivers of off-shoring and outsourcing, accelerating the decline of key American industries. Though it’s impossible to say what effect Mitt Romney’s work at Bain Capital has had on American industry overall, he can point to at least one success story in an ailing American industry: Steel Dynamics.
The question should be, "What would it mean for those who presently are not working?" There is a better chance that jobs would be available if a republican was in the White House and a majority was in Congress than the way it is now. There would be less regulations standing in the way and a a fairer trade going on between countries . Giving our country the opportunities we need.
I like how you whined about hyperbole in another thread by posting your own hyperbole... That was funny....:lol:

Unles you were being serious, in which case it's LMAO funny...:lmao:
I'm sure you find it funny! Isn't it funny how some folks go to work every day and yet they can't make a living? Isn't it funny how some folks work for twenty, thirty, thirty five years for a company under the promise of a pension and then get screwed out of that pension! Hilarious, right!
Or expect Social Security to be around for them....:eek:

Bless the 0ssiah and his cast of democratics who will save us!

Can I get an "Amen"?

Just like the out dated virtues of hard work, trust, fairness and respect. What quaint, funny and outdated notions. Nothing at all like the morality (or lack of morality) displayed by today's American Conservative.

I forgot just how "moral and ethical" democratics were....:lol:

They get a pass, right?

You're a riot....:rofl:
You're right of course and I'm completely wrong. I labor under the misconception that people in power will always safeguard the social safety nets that protect the elderly from financial ruin and utter poverty. Of course once the Conservatives gain total power, all those safety nets will get cut. Folks, especially those who have retired, grown old and feeble, will have to face the reality that it's a cut throat world out there. If you don't screw someone else out of something, you won't get a God Damn thing. You're in poverty after a lifetime of earning a living, paying your bills, raising your kids and putting them through college? Now you want a little something to cover some of the mounting expenses? Tough shit old man! We're Republicans! We're Conservatives! We honor the rich and shit on the poor and you are on your own!

Yup! I'm unfit to be a Conservative! And I'm glad! I still have something to pump blood through my body. I'm so pitiful, I find myself wanting to help homeless people and the elderly! What a sap I am!
So, after all that, all you come back with is UNSUBSTANTIATED OPINION.

No sources. NOTHING.
Oh you SAY you looked at "sources" but then don't PROVIDE EVEN ONE.

If you think this is MY only source for my views on Romney, you're sadly mistaken.
Didn't you learn that from my PREVIOUS CITE about how Bain killed 750 jobs? TWO cites on this thread showing Romney was either a wash or a negative factor in job creation and NOTHING back from you other than what you SAY you've done.

Well, I could say that I'm a chinese jet pilot....but that doesn't make it true, does it?

Come back when you have some NUMBERS! SOME DATA! ANYTHING that isn't a hack partisan source. Until then, you are nothing more than a LIAR.

Know who says so?
Abraham Lincoln....

"I believe it is an established maxim in morals that he who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false, is guilty of falsehood; and the accidental truth of the assertion, does not justify or excuse him."
--August 11, 1846

Well...what are you?

It's up to YOU to show this board what you are made of now.
Either post your sources where you got your data from or be labeled a liar by Abraham Lincoln. The choice is yours.

My, my.... we are getting all hysterical, aren't we? Take your meds and calm down, sweetie.


What HONEST ABE thinks of you

In the Western world, until the seventeenth century, hysteria referred to a medical condition thought to be particular to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus.

Sorry honey, don't got a uterus. So I can't be hysterical. But you do, don't you?
Or are you LYING about that too? It's hard to tell what is and what isn't a lie when dealing with LIARS you know.

Truthfully, I dismiss sexism as a basic insecurity. Your issue, you live with it. I won't make it my problem. I have already had this discussion, and I have already provided plenty of independent evidence regarding Bains and Romney. I'm not in the habit of repeating myself for the slow kids.

Capitalizing words is the net version of shouting. Do you think it makes you look intelligent to resort to shouting? I don't. I post in a calm, rational way. Try it. You might not look like such a complete imbecile.

Oh and.... quoting famous individuals to appear more intelligent.... really... seriously... not working for ya.
The question should be, "What would it mean for those who presently are not working?" There is a better chance that jobs would be available if a republican was in the White House and a majority was in Congress than the way it is now. There would be less regulations standing in the way and a a fairer trade going on between countries . Giving our country the opportunities we need.

You mean like when George Bush was in office?
My, my.... we are getting all hysterical, aren't we? Take your meds and calm down, sweetie.


What HONEST ABE thinks of you

In the Western world, until the seventeenth century, hysteria referred to a medical condition thought to be particular to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus.

Sorry honey, don't got a uterus. So I can't be hysterical. But you do, don't you?
Or are you LYING about that too? It's hard to tell what is and what isn't a lie when dealing with LIARS you know.

Truthfully, I dismiss sexism as a basic insecurity. Your issue, you live with it. I won't make it my problem. I have already had this discussion, and I have already provided plenty of independent evidence regarding Bains and Romney. I'm not in the habit of repeating myself for the slow kids.

Capitalizing words is the net version of shouting. Do you think it makes you look intelligent to resort to shouting? I don't. I post in a calm, rational way. Try it. You might not look like such a complete imbecile.

Oh and.... quoting famous individuals to appear more intelligent.... really... seriously... not working for ya.

Do you think it makes you look intelligent to insult someone in at least half of your posts? Is that the mark of a truly intelligent person...that you've claimed to be.

What HONEST ABE thinks of you

In the Western world, until the seventeenth century, hysteria referred to a medical condition thought to be particular to women and caused by disturbances of the uterus.

Sorry honey, don't got a uterus. So I can't be hysterical. But you do, don't you?
Or are you LYING about that too? It's hard to tell what is and what isn't a lie when dealing with LIARS you know.

Truthfully, I dismiss sexism as a basic insecurity. Your issue, you live with it. I won't make it my problem. I have already had this discussion, and I have already provided plenty of independent evidence regarding Bains and Romney. I'm not in the habit of repeating myself for the slow kids.

Capitalizing words is the net version of shouting. Do you think it makes you look intelligent to resort to shouting? I don't. I post in a calm, rational way. Try it. You might not look like such a complete imbecile.

Oh and.... quoting famous individuals to appear more intelligent.... really... seriously... not working for ya.

Do you think it makes you look intelligent to insult someone in at least half of your posts? Is that the mark of a truly intelligent person...that you've claimed to be.

I don't concern myself with how I 'look' to butthurt morons.

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