If God made Man, did he make Neanderthals too?

That is not science; it's bible bs.
It didn't come from the Bible, either. Nor Hebrew or Judaism. You can thank James Ussher, an Irish Bishop for that brainstorm. He got the bright idea that by counting generations of people and multiplying by the number of years in a generation, he could determine the age of mankind and the earth.

He forgot to consider (or didn't know) at least two things. First, a 'day' in Hebrew could mean an extended period of time. (There are places in the Bible that bears this out.) Second, 'son' in the Bible often indicated 'descendant of' not just a biological father-son relationship. A descendant often embodied numerous generations.

Good theory, Bishop Ushher, but it doesn't pan out.
God made it all but not six thousand years ago. Like the bible says. This shit can't happen with out direction the universe is intelligent design. Man is just not god's favorite like we are told. Infinite life and change is god's goal. Not holding our sniveling hands.
Time is not a factor in Heaven ( Universe of Light ). 6 days of God's days of God's time could easily be 6 million years of time here.
So....where do the Neanderthals and other "cave men" come into play vs Adam being the first man? And according to some science reports I have seen, the dinosaurs were not millions of years ago. Only about 6 thousand years, give or take.

As Urul (sample name of neanderthal) was chasing mammoths...from whence did he come and from whom? And how is Urul so different from Adam then?

We have all this archeology stuff going on finding Lucy in Africa and other "people" but they are not humanoid...quite yet. So they evolved. Evolved from what or whom?

Something just isn't right from what the bible says and what scientists say.
Look up Nephilim, the Giants that existed on earth and the "daughters of men" as opposed to the sons of God.
Every part of Genesis prior to Abraham is parable, I believe, a story to explain religious truths that are not necessarily rooted in literal truth.

With that said, there really was a woman who is the mother of all human beings, scientists call her Eve.

I believe the flood really happened, because every mythology has a deluge myth.
With that said, there really was a woman who is the mother of all human beings, scientists call her Eve
Yes, and this mitochondrial Eve lived at the same time as 10s of 1000s of other individuals of her own species.

Y-chromosome Adam lived at a completely different time.
The Bible vs. science argument is pointless. The people who wrote the Genesis stories intended to convey truths about God's relationship to mankind and mankind's relationship to God's creation. The Bible was never intended to be a science book.
Every part of Genesis prior to Abraham is parable, I believe, a story to explain religious truths that are not necessarily rooted in literal truth.

With that said, there really was a woman who is the mother of all human beings, scientists call her Eve.

I believe the flood really happened, because every mythology has a deluge myth.
If you were living in a low-lying area and a big shift in plate tectonics occurred which caused a tsunami or caused a great flood, you would think the world was coming to an end.
The Bible vs. science argument is pointless. The people who wrote the Genesis stories intended to convey truths about God's relationship to mankind and mankind's relationship to God's creation. The Bible was never intended to be a science book.
Absolutely correct. Science can be used to extrapolate some of the reasons why what was written in the Bible was written; the reverse cannot be true.

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