If Facebook is any evidence, this country is screwed


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After last night, I weep for our long-term future...

I spent time last night scrolling through Facebook last night...and I wanted to weep for the futre of this country.

More than one youthful IDIOT posted that since Trump had won they were totally frightened for their safety from Trump / Republicans....despite liberals burning the flag, rioting and calling for the death of our new President-elect.

Some claimed to have been 'crying all day' worried about the safety and security of people of color and LGBTs...
...having no clue that the DNC's own emails exposed THEM as racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites
...having no clue Hillary was taking mllions from nations that murder homosexuals and declared she would not stop until she won the WH

Another ignorant kid added about the 'safety' of the LGBT community, 'Get ready for the Holocaust'. I asked them if they knew what the Holocaust was...yeah, not a damn clue. I explained then asked if they really thought Trump would seek to exterminate LGBTs in this country....like the nations from whom Hillary takes money from do. The response was that they were told getting rid of LGBTs was part of Trump's plan....so it's gotta be true...

These people/kids are the 'perfect', prefered constituents/voters Democrats are looking for - ignorant, stupid, under-educated, gullible, & easily manipulated.

God help this country!
Free speech....what you were for but if someone dissents you don't like it...correct?
I don't do fakebook so I hope it's just a sampling of snowflakes and not the youth in general. There's no question the left has done a great job of brainwashing and hopefully social media lets the youths also see another perspective.
Free speech....what you were for but if someone dissents you don't like it...correct?
I have nothing against free speech....it's stupid shit being spewed from ignorant people as if it were fact that bothers me.
Not a leftist. Voted Johnson. Neither candidate worthy of my vote. You right wing extremists gotta get the flag out of your eyes.
After last night, I weep for our long-term future...

I spent time last night scrolling through Facebook last night...and I wanted to weep for the futre of this country.

More than one youthful IDIOT posted that since Trump had won they were totally frightened for their safety from Trump / Republicans....despite liberals burning the flag, rioting and calling for the death of our new President-elect.

Some claimed to have been 'crying all day' worried about the safety and security of people of color and LGBTs...
...having no clue that the DNC's own emails exposed THEM as racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites
...having no clue Hillary was taking mllions from nations that murder homosexuals and declared she would not stop until she won the WH

Another ignorant kid added about the 'safety' of the LGBT community, 'Get ready for the Holocaust'. I asked them if they knew what the Holocaust was...yeah, not a damn clue. I explained then asked if they really thought Trump would seek to exterminate LGBTs in this country....like the nations from whom Hillary takes money from do. The response was that they were told getting rid of LGBTs was part of Trump's plan....so it's gotta be true...

These people/kids are the 'perfect', prefered constituents/voters Democrats are looking for - ignorant, stupid, under-educated, gullible, & easily manipulated.

God help this country!

People have been deeply brainwashed: they've been told "their enemies" conservatives elected a rapist, a women hater, a Nazi and a Putin's agent. If somebody comes and fixes the Media, it hopefully will un-brainwash a lot of them without problems.
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However, if after 4 years of Trump there are still queers openly seeking attention and acceptance, blacks are more prosperous than before, and they themselves actually have jobs of their own they just might realize liberalism is bullshit.

Hopefully Trump will prove it to them.

Young folkj will talk. Let em have their say. Its innocent.
Ignorance unchecked remains ignorance...and spreads.

It is not my place, however, to cure such ignorance. Hopeully they will educate themselves or 'grow out of it'.
However, if after 4 years of Trump there are still queers openly seeking attention and acceptance, blacks are more prosperous than before, and they themselves actually have jobs of their own they just might realize liberalism is bullshit.

Hopefully Trump will prove it to them.

Even if they have it that way, Pravda will not report his successes.

Let me put it this way. They report and hype 5 or 6 incidences of cops shooting blacks. Most justifiably. They do not report the race of the cop if they are not white, they hardly say a peep if it was justifiable. Just the word unarmed and black shot. That is what is essential.

Do they report that black on black murders up 50% in Chicago this year?

See what I mean. If you thought the left wing media were mean to boooosh, you have not seen anything.

Btw, you ever see them report what Booooosh did for the environment? Blue Water Legacy and antiquities act. Look that up and see that they refused to report or the 400 million in AIDS relief to Africa. And that cocksucker was a liberal himself.

See what I mean? Get ready for hatred unlike anything we have ever seen before from the children in the left wing media. Snot nosed spoiled ignorant intolerant lying pieces of shit.
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