If Dems take control of congress


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
does that imply a rejection of trumps policies?
I ask because obama lost the House in 2010, then he got re-elected
It implies a schizophrenic Voting public, same as we've always had. As long as Mueller doesn't implicate Trump and the economy stays strong, all this rahrah about guns and borders isn't going to stop his re-election.
does that imply a rejection of trumps policies?
I ask because obama lost the House in 2010, then he got re-elected

For Democrats, the answer is yes. It will mean that the people are tired of Trump and want Congress to reign him in.

For Republicans, it will mean that Trump needs to undo the EO from yesterday because too many illegals committed voter fraud. They'll also point out Obama's reelection, as you just did, and indicate that it really means the American people support the President and support his efforts for bipartisanship. No, they won't care that none of that makes a damn bit of sense.

For Libertarians, it will mean that the public remains as stupid as ever.
It means the power of the dinosaur media, and mega tech companies and social networks to brain wash the public is still crazy important.

Does that also explain why we currently have Trump as president and a GOP majority congress?

No, actually, it doesn't.

Did you think Trump was going to be president?

No I didn't. But if one believes the media has that brainwashing power then I must have underestimated the power of the media's treatment of Trump's campaign as a novelty act providing coverage of him giving kids helicopter rides at fairs and all his verbal antics.
Is fairly common that midterms switch the controlling parties . People like to have checks n balances in place .
See, thats what i thought. It was been a normal occurrence for the last few decades.
So why the rhetoric about it being a rejection of trump?
Is fairly common that midterms switch the controlling parties . People like to have checks n balances in place .
See, thats what i thought. It was been a normal occurrence for the last few decades.
So why the rhetoric about it being a rejection of trump?
The 2010 election was about Obamacare the teaparty saying "keep your govt hands off my medicare."
Is fairly common that midterms switch the controlling parties . People like to have checks n balances in place .

Let's just say it this way. If the democrats do NOT post significant gains, they don't deserve to win and should plan on being minority whiners for a long time.
Is fairly common that midterms switch the controlling parties . People like to have checks n balances in place .
See, thats what i thought. It was been a normal occurrence for the last few decades.
So why the rhetoric about it being a rejection of trump?

Because they desperately want the narrative too be about Trump being unpopular so they can weaken him.
does that imply a rejection of trumps policies?
I ask because obama lost the House in 2010, then he got re-elected
No, for example, Doug Jones did not win to implement Nancy Pelosi's agenda......Trump will do what he does, and there will be some really nasty twitter fights in that case.
does that imply a rejection of trumps policies?
I ask because obama lost the House in 2010, then he got re-elected

Look what the republicrats offered to replace him with...

Had Herman Cain managed to blow off all the whores that jumped out of obscurity briefly, and been the nominee, I believe he would have crushed the meat puppet faggot in 2012.

Instead the media picked off every candidate that rose to the top one by one, until Romney was the only one left because they knew he would be easy for their messiah to beat.

Is fairly common that midterms switch the controlling parties . People like to have checks n balances in place .

Let's just say it this way. If the democrats do NOT post significant gains, they don't deserve to win and should plan on being minority whiners for a long time.

They should make gains . But the Dems are known for shooting themselves in the foot .
The minority party typically makes gains in the first mid term of a new president.

The strength of any mandate will be determined by the size of the victory. If they just squeeze by to gain a slim majority, the Dems will have to be careful. If they chase impeachment and appear unhinged, 2020 could look like 2010 for the Dems. If they can remain level headed, the Dems could increase the margins in 2020.

I think it will be a very small margin either way. It is going to be an exciting election night.

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