If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

The only reason Trump would fire Mueller is if he believes Mueller has real evidence against him. If Mueller has nothing, it's to Trump's advantage to let the investigation run it's course. Then Trump get's a clean bill health that he can use as a campaign issue. It would backup his claims of innocence, no collusion, a horrible waste of tax payer money, a democrat conspiracy, etc...
Mueller is a DNC hack. He'll fabricate "evidence" just like the whole hoax is a fabrication. Trump should dump Mueller and get the deep state dumped totally.
I would sort of like to see him do it. The House would subpoena all the records from the investigation and begin their own investigation which would most likely end with a bill of impeachment. Firing the Director of FBI to stop the investigation and then firing the special council to end it would be the end of Trump. He would be charged with obstruction of justice for starters.
Last edited:
A recent article in the Associated Press said this >> "Should Democrats win control of the House, as strategists in both parties suggest is likely, they could derail Trump's legislative agenda for the next two years." Well, that my be true, but an enormous amount of legislation has already been passed by the Republican Congress and Trump, which Democrats have no ability to do anything about.

Trumps tax cuts can't be altered, Muslim ban already enacted into law (upheld by the Supreme Court), almost 100 Conservative judges have been appointed, Iran deal decertified, deregulation already has occurred (and bolstered the economy), corporate tax already reduced significantly, unfair trade imbalances have been smashed, economy improved immensely due to Trump reforms, 2 conservative SCOTUS judges already appointed, $200 Million in aid to Palestinians already cut off, $300 Million to Pakistan already cut, America now world's largest oil producer, pipelines are flowing, US embassy moved to Jerusalem, first woman head of CIA, action taken to fight opioids, Obamacare individual mandate scrapped, prisoners from North Korea returned home, eliminated funding for Syrian rebels, "knocked the hell out of ISIS", 800 Obama regualtions cut (saving $200 Billion), Cut white House budget (saving $22 Million), $285 Million cut from bloated UN budget,...……..this paragraph could go on and on to 20 times the size it is.

So sure, if Democrats take back the House they can stop Republican progress, but so much has already been done it is mind-boggling. For the past 2 years, the Don has been a very busy boy, and has already MADE America great again, of which the Democrats can do little or nothing about.

The AP article also says >> "Perhaps more importantly, they would also win subpoena power to investigate the president's many personal and professional missteps." More importantly ? Really ? Like the Russian collusion hoax that sputtered out to nothing and made a fool out of Robert Mueller ? Investigate ? Like all the accusations against Justice Kavanaugh that went nowhere ? Like the DNC's Muslim gold star father, Khizir Khan, who is all but in hiding, after he was exposed as a shill fraud immigration lawyer with a vested interest, plus had Muslim Brotherhood and Clinton Foundation connections ? Like all these laughingstock investigations, and attacks against Trump, while his approval ratings keep rising with each and every attack.

I suppose the Democrats could stop some stuff in 2019 and 2020, but the reality is, this might be a political war that has already been won by Trump and conservatives.

You can color Trump GONE. For the last 2 years House Republicans have been playing rodeo clown on these Russian investigations. To-date Mueller has racked up 6 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury Indictments, and 100's of criminal charges. It's rumored Mueller is going to issue more tomorrow or sometime this week.

Democrats now have the power to obtain Trump's income tax returns. They are going to hold open public hearings and testimony over Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.

Trump is most certainly the dumbest President we've ever had. There's nothing like admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

In the above video they are referencing an article that was confirmed by James Clapper (National Intelligence Director) well over a year ago. Trump surrogates were being picked up in normal routine spying operations by several different foreign countries talking with Russian intelligence agents since 2015. Here is the article.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of Clapper's testimony scroll down this link until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference


If Trump were smart he would resign before they're sworn in as house majority leaders. He thinks the media & Robert Mueller is a pain in the ass--he hasn't seen nothing yet.

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies.

Please go forward....

Everyone agrees that is a recipie for disaster for the democrats.

So...go for it.

Democrats are going to impeach Trump. Trump doesn't have an agenda now. That's about the only lie Trump didn't tell you. He is often quoted as saying if Democrats win the house they will impeach me. That's exactly what they're going to do.
RNC spokesperson warns Dems will impeach Trump if they win House
Trump tells supporters it'll be 'your fault' if he gets impeached - CNNPolitics

Redirect to this post on this thread for an explanation of how & why he gets impeached.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

And Trump said that because he believed it or because he was trying to rile up his base to go out and vote?

You know Trump's gone, you've been on this board long enough to know that. The newbee's on this board, I expect stupid comments from, but not from you.

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not real hard to imagine what House Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies. Democrats are going to open up public hearings & testimony. They won't be held behind closed doors. They are in charge, so the Republican rodeo clowns that have protected him over the last 2 years are gone--they have no power. Sean Hannity is not going to be able to protect him--NO ONE will.


To watch a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. & to read one article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper, (National Intelligence director) over a year ago, click this link to redirect to another post on this thread.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

More prognostications from the woman (really surprised to find a woman behind this avatar...I figured it was a guy......no woman I know is this stupid) who has her head up her ass.

Call us when Trump quits.
The only reason Trump would fire Mueller is if he believes Mueller has real evidence against him. If Mueller has nothing, it's to Trump's advantage to let the investigation run it's course. Then Trump get's a clean bill health that he can use as a campaign issue. It would backup his claims of innocence, no collusion, a horrible waste of tax payer money, a democrat conspiracy, etc...
Mueller is a DNC hack. He'll fabricate "evidence" just like the whole hoax is a fabrication. Trump should dump Mueller and get the deep state dumped totally.
I would sort like to see him do it. The House would subpoena all the records from the investigation and begin their own investigation which would most likely end with a bill of impeachment.

Thanks for admitting you suffer from excessive wet dreams.
Wrong. If Democrats win control of the House, it’s the further damage that they can prevent.

Democratic control of the House would place a much needed check on the failed, reckless, and irresponsible Trump/GOP agenda.

There will be nothing Democrats can do to address the damage Trump has already done, of course.
You mean THIS "damage" ? :biggrin:

1. Brought GDP growth up > from 1.8% to 4.2%


2. Lowered unemployment from 4.8% to 3.7%


3. Lowest black unemployment EVER (5.7%)

4. Lowest Hispanic unemployment EVER (4.6%)

5. Highest Median income EVER ($61,372/year)

6. US homebuilding permits soar to highest level since 2007.

7. US manufacturing having best year since 2004

8. Welfare participation at 17 year low.

9. More Americans working than EVER before.

10. ISIS chased out of Raqqa and Mosul - much weakened

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL

Now say "Thank you Obama". You're welcome...

That Obama is an amazing guy. He never instituted one business or economic growth policy, yet he's still responsible for what's taking place under Trump almost two years later.
Obama did just a few little things that stimulated the economy. Of course it didn't compare to the Trump tax cut whose primary benefit went to the wealthiest tax payers in the country.

Obama just saved the auto industry, AIG, one of largest insurance companies in the country, the homes of 7 to 8 million Americans, the jobs of tens of millions of Americans, and passed a tax cut that put 831 billion dollars directly in the pockets of consumers and small businesses, ending the worst recession since the great depression.

AIG was saved by George W. Bush's TARP actually. HAMP reduced the mortgages of approximately 1.6 million Americans of which a full third fell behind on their mortgages again and were foreclosed on. The tax "cut" of 831 billion was basically an extension of the Bush tax cuts...something Barry didn't want but was forced to accept by moderate Democrats who grasped that ending the Bush tax cuts would cripple an already moribund economy. As for what Obama did with the auto industry? It could be argued he did more to "save" the UAW than he did the auto industry.

I'm getting the impression you didn't follow what was going on during the Obama Administration, Flopper...either that or you've been getting your news from an Obama "fluffer"?
Wrong. If Democrats win control of the House, it’s the further damage that they can prevent.

Democratic control of the House would place a much needed check on the failed, reckless, and irresponsible Trump/GOP agenda.

There will be nothing Democrats can do to address the damage Trump has already done, of course.
You mean THIS "damage" ? :biggrin:

1. Brought GDP growth up > from 1.8% to 4.2%


2. Lowered unemployment from 4.8% to 3.7%


3. Lowest black unemployment EVER (5.7%)

4. Lowest Hispanic unemployment EVER (4.6%)

5. Highest Median income EVER ($61,372/year)

6. US homebuilding permits soar to highest level since 2007.

7. US manufacturing having best year since 2004

8. Welfare participation at 17 year low.

9. More Americans working than EVER before.

10. ISIS chased out of Raqqa and Mosul - much weakened

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL

Now say "Thank you Obama". You're welcome...

That Obama is an amazing guy. He never instituted one business or economic growth policy, yet he's still responsible for what's taking place under Trump almost two years later.
Obama did just a few little things that stimulated the economy. Of course it didn't compare to the Trump tax cut whose primary benefit went to the wealthiest tax payers in the country.

Obama just saved the auto industry, AIG, one of largest insurance companies in the country, the homes of 7 to 8 million Americans, the jobs of tens of millions of Americans, and passed a tax cut that put 831 billion dollars directly in the pockets of consumers and small businesses, ending the worst recession since the great depression.

Obama used the auto industry to buy the votes of auto unions (and totallly screwed over the original stock holders).

Obama kept Wall Street healthy and all the high rollers who worked there got super richer.

I know many people who unnecessarily lost their homes due to the poor banking takover decisions up front and then watched super toxic banks stay in business because of the original damage.

His shovel ready jobs turned out to be total horsecrap.

Reagan had a more difficult recession. That tired meme about Obama is just that a meme. Obama had great interest rates to work with and presided over one of the slowest reoveries in history.

Your revisionist crap will only show up in the left wing fairy tales losers like you will tell your brainwashed grandkids.
Sun Devil 92, post: 21149585
We can't keep stacking debt on top of the huge debt accumulated under Obama.

Trumpo’s tax cuts are self-inflicted reduction of revenue during economic expansion. That is increasing debt. All to buy votes, nothing more.

Obama also cut taxes as part of the stimulus package - payroll tax cuts that put extra money in the hands of working class people according to established economic practice.

What Trumpo did was preposterous- stimulating an expanding economy when unemployment was low.

Total fairy tale.

The debt grew large under Bush. It grew huge under Obama. Nobody is electing legislators to slow it down.

Now with the democrats in office, well watch to see if it continues to grow.

Obama simply would not cut spending to the levels he should have.

The GOP did nothing to force the issue.

And we put these morons in charge of our health care.
Much, if not most, of the debt was due to Bush’s Great Recession. The expected deficit for FY2009, before Obama was even sworn in, was $1.2 trillion.

Of course it was not Obama's fault.

Nothing ever was.

Has your ego taken over like it has trumps?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21149732,
When the economy is down, there is only one way it can go--up.

Not true. The US could have lost its auto industry in 2009 if leaders listened to economic goofballs like Romney imploring the government not give them the bailout.

The economy could have kept going down, way down.

“IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.”

Opinion | Let Detroit Go Bankrupt

The only place to get capital in that crisis wax the US Federal Government.

Obama was right on many counts. The economy was not coming up on its own,
Sun Devil 92, post: 21149585
We can't keep stacking debt on top of the huge debt accumulated under Obama.

Trumpo’s tax cuts are self-inflicted reduction of revenue during economic expansion. That is increasing debt. All to buy votes, nothing more.

Obama also cut taxes as part of the stimulus package - payroll tax cuts that put extra money in the hands of working class people according to established economic practice.

What Trumpo did was preposterous- stimulating an expanding economy when unemployment was low.

Total fairy tale.

The debt grew large under Bush. It grew huge under Obama. Nobody is electing legislators to slow it down.

Now with the democrats in office, well watch to see if it continues to grow.

Obama simply would not cut spending to the levels he should have.

The GOP did nothing to force the issue.

And we put these morons in charge of our health care.
Much, if not most, of the debt was due to Bush’s Great Recession. The expected deficit for FY2009, before Obama was even sworn in, was $1.2 trillion.

Of course it was not Obama's fault.

Nothing ever was.

Has your ego taken over like it has trumps?

Did you fail to refill your ADD meds ?

You can't stay on topic at all.

Talk to your mother....maybe the middle school you attend will have some counseling to help you.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21149732,
When the economy is down, there is only one way it can go--up.

Not true. The US could have lost its auto industry in 2009 if leaders listened to economic goofballs like Romney imploring the government not give them the bailout.

The economy could have kept going down, way down.

“IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.”

Opinion | Let Detroit Go Bankrupt

The only place to get capital in that crisis wax the US Federal Government.

Obama was right on many counts. The economy was not coming up on its own,

There is no way to know.

Of course you can't stop sucking off your Obama doll.

Your fairy tale is just that.
Oldstyle, post: 21131636
Why pray tell are the tax cuts not good economic policy, Ben? Did we lose revenue?

Think about this comparison to Obama’s record in 2015 when economic growth was comparable to current conditions.

By several measures, post-tax-cut revenues have not grown at all

By the Treasury’s numbers, total revenues grew 0.4 percent from the 2017 fiscal year to the 2018 fiscal year. That’s weak, historically speaking, for an economy growing as fast as it is; in the 2015 fiscal year, when growth was comparable to what it is today, revenues grew 7.5 percent from the previous year.

No, Trump’s Tax Cut Isn’t Paying for Itself (at Least Not Yet)

Obama outperformed Trumpo x20 when comparing revenues in a year of high growth to to the previous year, yet you drool over Trumpo.

Why is that? Why trash Obama when he did way better than Trumpo?
Real Federal tax revenue from FY2018, which was mostly under the period of trump’s tax cuts, dropped 1% from the previous year. And the previous year, FY2017, without the tax cuts, saw real revenue rise .3%.

I'm seeing Federal revenues increasing by 1% for that time period. Care to back up your claim they went down?
A recent article in the Associated Press said this >> "Should Democrats win control of the House, as strategists in both parties suggest is likely, they could derail Trump's legislative agenda for the next two years." Well, that my be true, but an enormous amount of legislation has already been passed by the Republican Congress and Trump, which Democrats have no ability to do anything about.

Trumps tax cuts can't be altered, Muslim ban already enacted into law (upheld by the Supreme Court), almost 100 Conservative judges have been appointed, Iran deal decertified, deregulation already has occurred (and bolstered the economy), corporate tax already reduced significantly, unfair trade imbalances have been smashed, economy improved immensely due to Trump reforms, 2 conservative SCOTUS judges already appointed, $200 Million in aid to Palestinians already cut off, $300 Million to Pakistan already cut, America now world's largest oil producer, pipelines are flowing, US embassy moved to Jerusalem, first woman head of CIA, action taken to fight opioids, Obamacare individual mandate scrapped, prisoners from North Korea returned home, eliminated funding for Syrian rebels, "knocked the hell out of ISIS", 800 Obama regualtions cut (saving $200 Billion), Cut white House budget (saving $22 Million), $285 Million cut from bloated UN budget,...……..this paragraph could go on and on to 20 times the size it is.

So sure, if Democrats take back the House they can stop Republican progress, but so much has already been done it is mind-boggling. For the past 2 years, the Don has been a very busy boy, and has already MADE America great again, of which the Democrats can do little or nothing about.

The AP article also says >> "Perhaps more importantly, they would also win subpoena power to investigate the president's many personal and professional missteps." More importantly ? Really ? Like the Russian collusion hoax that sputtered out to nothing and made a fool out of Robert Mueller ? Investigate ? Like all the accusations against Justice Kavanaugh that went nowhere ? Like the DNC's Muslim gold star father, Khizir Khan, who is all but in hiding, after he was exposed as a shill fraud immigration lawyer with a vested interest, plus had Muslim Brotherhood and Clinton Foundation connections ? Like all these laughingstock investigations, and attacks against Trump, while his approval ratings keep rising with each and every attack.

I suppose the Democrats could stop some stuff in 2019 and 2020, but the reality is, this might be a political war that has already been won by Trump and conservatives.

You can color Trump GONE. For the last 2 years House Republicans have been playing rodeo clown on these Russian investigations. To-date Mueller has racked up 6 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury Indictments, and 100's of criminal charges. It's rumored Mueller is going to issue more tomorrow or sometime this week.

Democrats now have the power to obtain Trump's income tax returns. They are going to hold open public hearings and testimony over Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.

Trump is most certainly the dumbest President we've ever had. There's nothing like admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

In the above video they are referencing an article that was confirmed by James Clapper (National Intelligence Director) well over a year ago. Trump surrogates were being picked up in normal routine spying operations by several different foreign countries talking with Russian intelligence agents since 2015. Here is the article.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of Clapper's testimony scroll down this link until you see Feinstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference


If Trump were smart he would resign before they're sworn in as house majority leaders. He thinks the media & Robert Mueller is a pain in the ass--he hasn't seen nothing yet.

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies.

Please go forward....

Everyone agrees that is a recipie for disaster for the democrats.

So...go for it.

Democrats are going to impeach Trump. Trump doesn't have an agenda now. That's about the only lie Trump didn't tell you. He is often quoted as saying if Democrats win the house they will impeach me. That's exactly what they're going to do.
RNC spokesperson warns Dems will impeach Trump if they win House
Trump tells supporters it'll be 'your fault' if he gets impeached - CNNPolitics

Redirect to this post on this thread for an explanation of how & why he gets impeached.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

And Trump said that because he believed it or because he was trying to rile up his base to go out and vote?

You know Trump's gone, you've been on this board long enough to know that. The newbee's on this board, I expect stupid comments from, but not from you.

If House Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not real hard to imagine what House Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies. Democrats are going to open up public hearings & testimony. They won't be held behind closed doors. They are in charge, so the Republican rodeo clowns that have protected him over the last 2 years are gone--they have no power. Sean Hannity is not going to be able to protect him--NO ONE will.

After they're done Senate Republicans are not going to help him. Especially after last night they know for certain, what the American public think of Trump. They're not going to risk their seats to save Donald Trump. They never wanted Trump & don't like him. They're sick & tired of having to apologize for him. They're just waiting now. They're biggest mistake was not proceeding with impeachment themselves over a year ago.


To watch a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. & to read one article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper, (National Intelligence director) over a year ago, click this link to redirect to another post on this thread.
If Democrats Win House, What Damage Can They Really Do ?

Oh for crying out loud, will you quit promoting your stupid topic--it's pathetic already; seen you do that a half-dozen times.

Yeah, Trump is gone. Been hearing that since before his inauguration.

The Republicans are not going to go against Trump anymore than the Democrats did with Clinton when it was proven he was a liar and guilty of perjury.

You should not use terms you don't know the definition of such as treason. Treason is punishable by death. Do you want to see an innocent American put to death because the Commies hate him? Ridiculous.

You're living in a dream world. Even the dumbest Democrats understand payback for their actions. Opening up investigations with zero proof of crime is a crime within itself. And as Trump posted out during his press conference today, if Democrats want to play that game, there are plenty of reason for the Senate to open up investigations on Democrats with leaks to the press, real Russian collusion between them, the DNC, and the Clinton campaign, and his ability to declassify the phony dossier.

So do you feel lucky punk..........do you????
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21149732,
When the economy is down, there is only one way it can go--up.

Not true. The US could have lost its auto industry in 2009 if leaders listened to economic goofballs like Romney imploring the government not give them the bailout.

The economy could have kept going down, way down.

“IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.”

Opinion | Let Detroit Go Bankrupt

The only place to get capital in that crisis wax the US Federal Government.

Obama was right on many counts. The economy was not coming up on its own,

There is no way to know.

Of course you can't stop sucking off your Obama doll.

Your fairy tale is just that.
Trump is the one with a Trumpy doll So all repubs can kiss it's ass before going to sleep
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21149732,
When the economy is down, there is only one way it can go--up.

Not true. The US could have lost its auto industry in 2009 if leaders listened to economic goofballs like Romney imploring the government not give them the bailout.

The economy could have kept going down, way down.

“IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.”

Opinion | Let Detroit Go Bankrupt

The only place to get capital in that crisis wax the US Federal Government.

Obama was right on many counts. The economy was not coming up on its own,

There is no way to know.

Of course you can't stop sucking off your Obama doll.

Your fairy tale is just that.
Trump is the one with a Trumpy doll So all repubs can kiss it's ass before going to sleep

You can't even be original.

Take your meds...and go to bed. Have your mother read you a story.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 21149732,
When the economy is down, there is only one way it can go--up.

Not true. The US could have lost its auto industry in 2009 if leaders listened to economic goofballs like Romney imploring the government not give them the bailout.

The economy could have kept going down, way down.

“IF General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye. It won’t go overnight, but its demise will be virtually guaranteed.”

Opinion | Let Detroit Go Bankrupt

The only place to get capital in that crisis wax the US Federal Government.

Obama was right on many counts. The economy was not coming up on its own,

It wasn't going anywhere..

A recent article in the Associated Press said this >> "Should Democrats win control of the House, as strategists in both parties suggest is likely, they could derail Trump's legislative agenda for the next two years." Well, that my be true, but an enormous amount of legislation has already been passed by the Republican Congress and Trump, which Democrats have no ability to do anything about.

Trumps tax cuts can't be altered, Muslim ban already enacted into law (upheld by the Supreme Court), almost 100 Conservative judges have been appointed, Iran deal decertified, deregulation already has occurred (and bolstered the economy), corporate tax already reduced significantly, unfair trade imbalances have been smashed, economy improved immensely due to Trump reforms, 2 conservative SCOTUS judges already appointed, $200 Million in aid to Palestinians already cut off, $300 Million to Pakistan already cut, America now world's largest oil producer, pipelines are flowing, US embassy moved to Jerusalem, first woman head of CIA, action taken to fight opioids, Obamacare individual mandate scrapped, prisoners from North Korea returned home, eliminated funding for Syrian rebels, "knocked the hell out of ISIS", 800 Obama regualtions cut (saving $200 Billion), Cut white House budget (saving $22 Million), $285 Million cut from bloated UN budget,...……..this paragraph could go on and on to 20 times the size it is.

So sure, if Democrats take back the House they can stop Republican progress, but so much has already been done it is mind-boggling. For the past 2 years, the Don has been a very busy boy, and has already MADE America great again, of which the Democrats can do little or nothing about.

The AP article also says >> "Perhaps more importantly, they would also win subpoena power to investigate the president's many personal and professional missteps." More importantly ? Really ? Like the Russian collusion hoax that sputtered out to nothing and made a fool out of Robert Mueller ? Investigate ? Like all the accusations against Justice Kavanaugh that went nowhere ? Like the DNC's Muslim gold star father, Khizir Khan, who is all but in hiding, after he was exposed as a shill fraud immigration lawyer with a vested interest, plus had Muslim Brotherhood and Clinton Foundation connections ? Like all these laughingstock investigations, and attacks against Trump, while his approval ratings keep rising with each and every attack.

I suppose the Democrats could stop some stuff in 2019 and 2020, but the reality is, this might be a political war that has already been won by Trump and conservatives.
Sun Devil 92, post: 21149585
We can't keep stacking debt on top of the huge debt accumulated under Obama.

Trumpo’s tax cuts are self-inflicted reduction of revenue during economic expansion. That is increasing debt. All to buy votes, nothing more.

Obama also cut taxes as part of the stimulus package - payroll tax cuts that put extra money in the hands of working class people according to established economic practice during the worst recession since the Great Depression. That recession was delivered on Dubya’s watch.

What Trumpo did was preposterous- stimulating an expanding economy when unemployment was low.

Given the fact that DumBama had the slowest growth since WWII, Trump felt he had to do something extra.

Furthermore unlike DumBama who never so much as sold hotdogs from a hotdog stand, Trump knew what accelerates business and what slows it down.

You sit there and cry about Trump's debt with tax cuts, well WTF do you think DumBama's extra money came from from his tax cuts? That's right, it was part of his near trillion dollar pork bill that didn't do squat for the country.
Now you’re simply flat out lying. Sadly, so typical for you rightards.

GDP growth was slower under Bush than it was under Obama...

Q4-2000: 12,679.3
Q4-2008: 14,577.0 (1.898t) 15.0%
Q4-2016: 16,851.4 (2.274t) 15.6%

Total employment grew more under Obama than under Bush...

1/2001: 132,702,000
1/2009: 134,055,000 (1.4m ) 1.0%
1/2017: 145,696,000 (11.6m) 8.7%

Private employment grew more under Obama than under Bush...

1/2001: 111,867,000
1/2009: 111,476,000 (-391K) -0.35%
1/2017: 123,383,000 (11.9m) 10.7%

George Bush is the only president on record other than Herbert Hoover, the Republican who was president when the Great Depression began, to leave office with fewer private sector jobs than when he started.

So no, Obama did not have the slowest growth since WWII — Bush did. And even worse for your bullshit, those numbers under Obama are weighed down due to the impact of Bush’s Great Recession on Obama’s numbers. Had he been handed a strong and growing economy like the one he handed off to trump, those numbers would have been even higher.

Like I always say, if rightards didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to say.
Oldstyle, post: 21131636
Why pray tell are the tax cuts not good economic policy, Ben? Did we lose revenue?

Think about this comparison to Obama’s record in 2015 when economic growth was comparable to current conditions.

By several measures, post-tax-cut revenues have not grown at all

By the Treasury’s numbers, total revenues grew 0.4 percent from the 2017 fiscal year to the 2018 fiscal year. That’s weak, historically speaking, for an economy growing as fast as it is; in the 2015 fiscal year, when growth was comparable to what it is today, revenues grew 7.5 percent from the previous year.

No, Trump’s Tax Cut Isn’t Paying for Itself (at Least Not Yet)

Obama outperformed Trumpo x20 when comparing revenues in a year of high growth to to the previous year, yet you drool over Trumpo.

Why is that? Why trash Obama when he did way better than Trumpo?

The New Your Times.

Who knows why you laugh at the truth? Real federal income dropped this fiscal year ... while job growth was expanding. What’s your explanation for that other than laughing at your betters?
Sun Devil 92, post: 21149585
We can't keep stacking debt on top of the huge debt accumulated under Obama.

Trumpo’s tax cuts are self-inflicted reduction of revenue during economic expansion. That is increasing debt. All to buy votes, nothing more.

Obama also cut taxes as part of the stimulus package - payroll tax cuts that put extra money in the hands of working class people according to established economic practice.

What Trumpo did was preposterous- stimulating an expanding economy when unemployment was low.

Total fairy tale.

The debt grew large under Bush. It grew huge under Obama. Nobody is electing legislators to slow it down.

Now with the democrats in office, well watch to see if it continues to grow.

Obama simply would not cut spending to the levels he should have.

The GOP did nothing to force the issue.

And we put these morons in charge of our health care.
Much, if not most, of the debt was due to Bush’s Great Recession. The expected deficit for FY2009, before Obama was even sworn in, was $1.2 trillion.

Of course it was not Obama's fault.

Nothing ever was.


I suppose you blame Obama for the shit economy he inherited? Do you also blame Heather Heyer for getting killed by James Fields?
protectionist, post: 21131744
2. Lowered unemployment from 4.8% to 3.7%

You fool. Trumpo will never lower unemployment as much as Obama did from the Great Bush Recession grand finale of Republican Presidential rule in January 2009
to January 2017. Why would you ever cite such a stat?

When the economy is down, there is only one way it can go--up. When the economy is up, there is only one way it can go--down. With Trump in office, the economy went up faster.
Utter bullshit. When the economy is down, it can still go down further, just like we had in the early 30’s. When the economy is growing, there is still room to grow, just as we see now, just as we saw in the late 90’s, just as we saw in the early 50’s.
Well that’s just another lie on top of your last lie. The truth is, the economy could have double dipped into another recession, but didn’t. Or worse, it could have slipped into a depression, but didn’t. Still, just like Trump took GDO from 1.8% to 3.5%; Obama took it from -8.4% to 1.8%.

Using your idiotic reasoning and cherry picking, Obama took GDP from -8.4% to +5.1%.
Obama did not take anything anywhere. He sat back and allowed the economy to SPRING back into normalcy, as economies typically do. Ho hum. If you had been one of my microeconomics students, I would have flunked you.

And there is not idiotic reasoning. Under Trump, GDP went from 1.8% to 4.2% > FACT, whether you like it or not.
Just like Obama took it from -8.4 to +5.1, a 13.5 point gain. Well, not exactly like trump... his gain was a paltry 2.4 points.

And how did he do that
Building a bridge with ARRA, tax cuts and saving the auto industry to keep the private sector from sinking into a depression; until it could get back on its feet.

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