If Democrats want to impeach Trump, here is what they will need...

Unfortunately, the Zionists have controlled all the administrations since 1949.

False - they did not control JFK (so the offed him), Nixon (so they impeached him), Reagan and HW (the last two to demand Israel vacate the occupied territories). Since 1993, yeah, nothing but YES MASTER to Israel from the Oval Office.... hoping Trump is different, and the Israeli owned "US" media signals he is different.
They won't be any closer after next November either. In fact, there'll be even less of them. The only chance they have is to convince a bunch of Republicans to flip, which is not gonna happen. People are growing weary and want to let Trump do what they elected him to do. Dems are gonna pay a price.

It is always possible that they overtake the House and Senate in 2018.

And if they can somehow drag Pence into impeachment procedings and they are able impeach both Trump and Pence...say hello to President Pelosi.

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