If blacks are equal why is africa by far the most backward continent on earth?

If all men are created equal in America, why do some Americans play in pig shit?





Fucked what up? WE built most of the infastructure and turned entire strips of land into first world nations. How is that fucking anything up????

For many, particularly outside of South Africa, the name Soweto evokes an image by Sam Nzima made during the 1976 Soweto Uprising. In that iconic photograph, 18-year-old Mbuyisa Mahkubo carries Hector Pieterson, a 13-year-old boy who was fatally wounded when police fired on students protesting the official lowering of academic standards in South Africa’s black schools. The image of the dying boy spread around the world, and today the uprising is widely seen as a turning point in the struggle against the nationalist government. “Soweto” became the symbol of the profound social, cultural, economic and physical divisions of apartheid.

But such a “black and white” reading belies the complex spatial history of townships in South Africa. Soweto itself is not a unitary place but an abbreviation for South Western Townships, a collection of over 25 townships bordering Johannesburg’s mining belt to the south, which range from middle-class enclaves to informal settlements (sometimes known as shantytowns).

Until the early 1990s, when South Africa became an inclusive democracy, nonwhite workers were forced to live outside cities in residential areas known as townships. The systematic segregation dates back to the colonial era: in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the British colonial government resettled racial groups under the pretense of responding to disease epidemics in overcrowded neighborhoods. The area now known as Soweto was settled by blacks and other nonwhites who were relocated after an outbreak of bubonic plague in central Johannesburg. Early separation was formalized and reinforced by colonial laws such as the Natives’ Land Act of 1913, which reserved nearly 90 percent of the land in South Africa for a tiny minority white population. In the following decades, during which South Africa became an independent republic, a series of pass and influx laws comprehensively restricted the rights of the nonwhite population. During the Apartheid Era, from 1948 to 1994, the ruling Nationalist Party, dominated by white Afrikaaners, passed miscegenation laws, institutionalized legal segregation, formalized racial categories and restrictions on movement, and embedded apartheid physically in the landscape. Cities were designated “for whites only,” and townships became, in effect, the mechanism for housing the nonwhite labor force. Such policies accelerated the growth of separate townships across the country at all scales — from cities like Cape Town and Johannesburg to the smallest villages.

South Africa after Apartheid: From Township to Town: Places: Design Observer
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Africa is also one of the harshest continents on earth to live in in terms of climate, famine, disease, and parasites for both human and livestock. Energy that could be spent on development is spent on survival.

Exactly. They have over 1 billion of the Earth's population. 40% of the place is desert. And the rest has half as much water as everywhere else.
Don't tell me it's due to racism. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades. Fact is blacks are mentally inferior and simply don't produce the scientists and businessmen that create wealth and a high standard of living. Blacks sing and dance and play sports. True in both america and africa.

Posting anonymously on the internet means never having to wear your white hood anymore.

Been over for 5 decades. Please stop. I believe trade of idea's and tech would do more good for africa, not slow it down.

5 decades is barely two generations, compared to centuries of exploitation.

Colonialism had far deeper impacts than simply "colonizing" - for example:
creation of artificial boundaries splitting or combining ethnic groups
conquoring through division - fomenting animosity amongst groups as a means of excerting control by surpressing some, favoring others to prevent them from grouping together
destroying native industries - for example, some of these areas had rich textile industries that were dismantled so the raw materials could be sent overseas for "value added" processing
When the colonial powers left - they left a political mess, few to no institutions needed for democracy, little trained civil service...the exception being the British in India, at least.

You don't overcome all that in 2 generations however nice might be to say they should just "be over it".

Been over for 5 decades. Please stop. I believe trade of idea's and tech would do more good for africa, not slow it down.

5 decades is barely two generations, compared to centuries of exploitation.

Colonialism had far deeper impacts than simply "colonizing" - for example:
creation of artificial boundaries splitting or combining ethnic groups
conquoring through division - fomenting animosity amongst groups as a means of excerting control by surpressing some, favoring others to prevent them from grouping together
destroying native industries - for example, some of these areas had rich textile industries that were dismantled so the raw materials could be sent overseas for "value added" processing
When the colonial powers left - they left a political mess, few to no institutions needed for democracy, little trained civil service...the exception being the British in India, at least.

You don't overcome all that in 2 generations however nice might be to say they should just "be over it".

all the foreign aid should have more than made up for it.

besides, trees grow back

just more excuses :eusa_boohoo:
If blacks are equal why is africa by far the most backward continent on earth?

Because it has been raped for more than six centuries by Europeans.
Don't tell me it's due to racism. All of black africa is now controlled by blacks and has been for decades. Fact is blacks are mentally inferior and simply don't produce the scientists and businessmen that create wealth and a high standard of living. Blacks sing and dance and play sports. True in both america and africa.

The Tribal curses and unforgiven conflicts between generations
have incited constant corruption, war and genocide.

If you look at places where there HAS been spiritual healing,
there can be restoration of healthy relationships, peace and prosperity.

As long as groups are kept in conflict, they are exploited by greed and corruption,
and the masses suffer.

Been over for 5 decades. Please stop. I believe trade of idea's and tech would do more good for africa, not slow it down.

It took a decade to rebuild the World Trade Center.

That was just a really small piece of real estate in the most advanced nation in the world.


That's an example of liberalism at work.

It would have taken a year in Texas.
If blacks are equal why is africa by far the most backward continent on earth?

Because it has been raped for more than six centuries by Europeans.

The technological, economic and social improvements whites brought with colonization raised the lifestyle from stone age society to "modern" times practically over night.

The resources extracted caused more proceeds to come back into the country to build and maintain infrastructure, improve health, education and raising the standard of living for all.

Now, these non-white nations eventually demanded their independence and the Whites relented.

Then the non-white nations, usually on their own, but sometimes with the "help" of Communist regimes such as China and Cuba, turned into totalitarian military regimes.
Really, it makes sense because the military dictatorship is the modern day equivalent of the tribal government these nations knew before they were colonized.

They still haven't figured out electricity, purification of water or crop rotation....in the 21st century.
Hell, they still practice slavery in africa..they still burn "witches".

Left on their own, they just aren't an advanced race.

LiveLeak.com - Five people suspected of witchcraft burnt alive in Kenya
Horrific, isn't it?

Billions..maybe trillions... of dollars have been donated to impoverished non-white countries. All a waste, when there is no white presence there to lead.

IQ differences in the races tend to tell the story.
Sorry ShootSpeeders
In some areas, African leaders are ahead of us in the US

1. another member posted links to Reconciliation Villages showing how the African people are able to reunite and work together for their collective sake, even after bloody massacres between tribes.
We can't even accomplish that level of unity in American between parties where there has been no such bloodshed, only civil conflicts, and these party members can't work together!

2. Now, African leaders are pushing a resolution acknowledging that racially based movements has been abused to keep "corrupt elite in power hiding their misconduct behind race" instead of investing resources into ending economic disparity for the truly underprivileged in need.

We can't even get this recognized in America, with the abuse of race to pimp poverty
for political advantage, but this is being pushed and protested in Africa!

Are we so sure we know it all, that we aren't watching out?

I think their biggest problem is not intelligence but culture. If they could eliminate or reduce the epidemic level of corruption that infects almost all of black Africa a huge impediment to progress would be removed.

No - it's intelligence or lack of it. As evidence i point out that even here in america very very few blacks that go to college study difficult fields like math and science. Blacks should earn 13%of the math and science PHDs every year in america but they only earn 1%.

Blacks simply don't have the brains to become the scientists and businessmen and engineers that create wealth. They sing and dance and play sports.
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