Ides of March 2020 ... GOP lawmakers fear Trump and are likely to vote for impeachment

I would suggest that any Dem congressperson who votes to impeach the president and is from a red or purple state or district is likely to lose his/her job next year. Further, any Repub congressperson who supports impeachment and is from any state is likely destined to lose his/her job too. There's no smoking gun, no damning evidence, just a bunch of suppositions and unfounded accusations that cannot be proven. I think it is probable that the Dems are going to lose the House next year even if they don't vote to impeach, too many people are fed up with the bullshit that's going on. To be sure, some of it is Trump, but most of it is the Dems who are still fighting the results of the 2016 election. And hopefully they'll lose their jobs for that, at least many of them.
George Conway fails to discuss the influence of the Trump electorate. Congress is rife with windsocks. The GOP will be loath to support impeachment if it results in a backlash from the proTrump voters. Committing political suicide is the exception rather than the rule.
GOP Senators seem to find integrity only when it is forced on them. It may be forced on them now.

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