Idea On Voting In Federal Elections, Do You Agree?

Correct. If you don't pay taxes then you have no right to have a say in how taxes are spent by the people who do actually pay taxes.



If you want to disenfranchise people based on not paying Federal Income tax, which would be utilizing a poll tax to determine voter eligibility.

You are going to have to amend the Constitution.

Good luck with that.

This should please leftists because they claim many of the rich don't pay federal income taxes or that the rich don't pay their fair share, leaving the voting mostly in the hands of the tax payers who are paying the taxes (the little guys), right?
Seems like you want to punish poor people for being poor.
No, of course not. The rules say citizenship and 18. No literacy test. No mandatory English requirement. No income requirement. No guessing how many gumballs are in the jar.......
But this is your chance to stop the rich people from voting. They don't pay any taxes, right?
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If you want to disenfranchise people based on not paying Federal Income tax, which would be utilizing a poll tax to determine voter eligibility.

You are going to have to amend the Constitution.

Good luck with that.

We weren't talking about the constitution. This was an idea. I thought it was your side who claimed the Constitution can be changed.
I would actually be OK with that if they were actually paying taxes as per a tax return. Simply having taxes taken out of your paycheck doesn't mean you are actually paying taxes.

So, would people need to bring their tax forms with them when they came to vote to prove they had paid taxes that year?
Seems like you want to punish poor people for being poor.
If they want to have skin in the game then they need to have skin in the game. I thought it was you guys who said all the poor were in Republican states. Now's your chance to silence the MAGA crowd.
If they want to have skin in the game then they need to have skin in the game. I thought it was you guys who said all the poor were in Republican states. Now's your chance to silence the MAGA crowd.
No one ever said all the poor were in Republican states, and even if they were, I still wouldn't support taking away their rights.

It's not poor people's fault they aren't paying taxes. That's what the tax code says.
You mean back in the days when we didn't spend 32 trillion dollars more than we had coming in?
So you want to blame and punish the voters since WWII for the debt our politician have rung up?

How about a balanced budget Amendment and a term limit amendment for Congress Critters?
This was an idea. I thought it was your side who claimed the Constitution can be changed.

See this is where you show you don't seem to have a clue:

#1 The Constitution bars basing the franchise to vote based on a poll or other tax. If you want to disenfranchise people who don't pay income tax, you will need to change the Constitution, so ya, we are talking about the Constitution.

I thought it was your side who claimed the Constitution can be changed.

#2 You appear to want to cast asperations on people without knowledge or forethought, I'm a right of center individual that voted straight GOP for about 40 years. Voting for Kasich in both the primary and general in 2016, but casting my vote against Trump in 2020.

Maybe next time you should ask about "your side" before making assumptions.

Wouldn't it be easier to just split the USA into 2 countries? Let Dems live in filth within their own borders, in their lawless shitholes. We don't need them we'll be quite happy living apart from those slime.

Twenty-Sixth Amendment​

Section 1 The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.​

Section 2 The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.​


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